background redrawing problem

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by SpirituInsanum, May 24, 2011.

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  1. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    I'm have problems with my redesigned version of Labyrinth background.

    I have some fake multiple parallax patterns designed to make the background look like it has 3 layers, the front layer is made of big blocks, there are holes in it to make the second layer visible, the second layer also has holes and a background layer is visible behind it.

    The effect requires a "classic" deformation. Stripes going from A0 to 3FF and 4A0 to 7FF have to move twice as fast as the ones in 0-9F and 400-49F for the effect to work properly.

    So far, it's ok, although the way I find to achieve this is kind of intricate and probably not optimal, and...

    I'm facing two problems:

    1- there are slowdowns, although I optimized the rev1 wave effect, and I can't really see a reason since what's actually being processed on each frame isn't much longer than it was originally.

    2- the fast moving stripe won't redraw properly. At one point, the background chunks look like they're being redrawn, one background chunk on the left, another background chunk on the right. Oddly enough, it looks like only one row of chunks is affected :/

    Here's my current background deformation:


    move.w ($FFFFF73A).w,d4

    ext.l d4

    asl.l #6,d4

    move.w ($FFFFF73C).w,d5

    ext.l d5

    asl.l #6,d5

    bsr.w ScrollBlock1

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,($FFFFF618).w

    lea (LZ_FG_Wave_Data).l,a3

    lea (LZ_BG_Wave_Data).l,a2

    moveq #0,d2

    moveq #0,d3

    move.b ($FFFFF7D8).w,d2

    move.b d2,d3

    addi.w #$80,($FFFFF7D8).w

    add.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2

    andi.w #$FF,d2

    add.w ($FFFFF704).w,d3

    andi.w #$FF,d3

    lea ($FFFFCC00).w,a1

    move.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0

    neg.w d0

    move.w d0,d6

    swap d0

    move.w ($FFFFF708).w,d0

    neg.w d0

    move.w ($FFFFF646).w,d4

    move.w ($FFFFF704).w,d5

    add.w d2,d2

    adda.l d2,a2

    add.w d3,d3

    adda.l d3,a3

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2 ; mask it within pattern limits

    subi.w #$A0,d2 ; subtract height of the first stripe

    andi.w #$83FF,d2 ; mask within limits and allow negative values

    bpl.s @belowfirststripe ; if positive, branch to simple version

    ; within first stripe code:

    moveq #0,d1

    move.w #$9F,d1 ; load height of the first stripe

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    sub.w d2,d1 ; subtract position

    move.w d1,d3 ; save d1

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    moveq #0,d1

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; total number of lines on screen

    sub.w d3,d1 ; count remaining lines to deform

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    moveq #0,d1

    move.w #$35F,d1 ; load beginning of 2nd slow stripe

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    sub.w d2,d1 ; count lines to 2nd slow stripe

    bmi.s @within2ndslow ; if it's negative, it's in the 2nd slow stripe

    cmpi.w #$DF,d1 ; is it more than the total number of lines?

    bmi.s @reachingbottom ; if there are less lines than the total number of lines, skip

    moveq #0,d1

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; if it is, set to only 224 lines

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w d1,d3 ; save line count

    move.l d0,d2 ; save displacement speed

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    move.l d2,d0 ; restore slow displacement

    moveq #0,d1

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; total number of lines on screen

    sub.w d3,d1 ; remaining lines to deform

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    moveq #0,d1

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    cmpi.w #$3C0,d2

    bmi.s @nofastlines

    move.w #$49F,d1

    sub.w d2,d1 ; number of lines until fast stripe

    move.w d1,d3 ; save d1

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    move.w #$DF,d1

    sub.w d3,d1 ; remaining lines (fast)

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w #$DF,d1 ; only slow lines



    cmp.w d4,d5

    bge.s Deform_LZ_2

    move.l d0,(a1)+

    addq.w #1,d5

    adda.l #2,a2

    adda.l #2,a3

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_1



    move.w (a3)+,d4

    add.w d6,d4

    swap d4

    move.w (a2)+,d4

    add.w d0,d4

    move.l d4,(a1)+

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_2


    So the idea is as follow: it first checks where the background is, then counts how many lines have to be updated as moving at the speed of the first one, moves them with "deform_lz_global", then it counts the remaining lines and moves them with the same subroutine but another value in d0.

    So the main question is: how can I make it so the background redraws correctly (loops horizontally)?

    Also, if someone sees a way to optimize it (make it less resource hungry), ideas and suggestions are welcome. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2011
  2. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Here's a quick optimisation of the code (not much to be honest, it was quite well constructed):

    move.w ($FFFFF73A).w,d4

    ext.l d4

    asl.l #6,d4

    move.w ($FFFFF73C).w,d5

    ext.l d5

    asl.l #6,d5

    bsr.w ScrollBlock1

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,($FFFFF618).w

    lea (LZ_FG_Wave_Data).l,a3

    lea (LZ_BG_Wave_Data).l,a2

    moveq #0,d2

    move.b ($FFFFF7D8).w,d2

    move.l d2,d3

    addi.w #$80,($FFFFF7D8).w

    add.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2

    andi.w #$FF,d2

    add.w ($FFFFF704).w,d3

    andi.w #$FF,d3

    lea ($FFFFCC00).w,a1

    move.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0

    neg.w d0

    move.w d0,d6

    swap d0

    move.w ($FFFFF708).w,d0

    neg.w d0

    move.w ($FFFFF646).w,d4

    move.w ($FFFFF704).w,d5

    add.w d2,d2

    adda.l d2,a2

    add.w d3,d3

    adda.l d3,a3

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2 ; mask it within pattern limits

    subi.w #$A0,d2 ; subtract height of the first stripe

    andi.w #$83FF,d2 ; mask within limits and allow negative values

    bpl.s @belowfirststripe ; if positive, branch to simple version

    ; within first stripe code:

    move.w #$9F,d1 ; load height of the first stripe

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    sub.w d2,d1 ; subtract position

    move.w d1,d3 ; save d1

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; total number of lines on screen

    sub.w d3,d1 ; count remaining lines to deform

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w #$33F,d1 ; load beginning of 2nd slow stripe

    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    sub.w d2,d1 ; count lines to 2nd slow stripe

    bmi.s @within2ndslow ; if it's negative, it's in the 2nd slow stripe

    cmpi.w #$DF,d1 ; is it more than the total number of lines?

    bmi.s @reachingbottom ; if there are less lines than the total number of lines, skip

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; if it is, set to only 224 lines

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w d1,d3 ; save line count

    move.l d0,d2 ; save displacement speed

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    move.l d2,d0 ; restore slow displacement

    move.w #$DF,d1 ; total number of lines on screen

    sub.w d3,d1 ; remaining lines to deform

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w ($FFFFF70C).w,d2 ; load background's y position

    andi.w #$3FF,d2

    cmpi.w #$3BF,d2

    bmi.s @nofastlines

    move.w #$49F,d1

    sub.w d2,d1 ; number of lines until fast stripe

    move.w d1,d3 ; save d1

    bsr.s Deform_LZ_global

    move.w #$DF,d1

    sub.w d3,d1 ; remaining lines (fast)

    add.w d0,d0 ; double displacement speed

    bra.s Deform_LZ_global


    move.w #$DF,d1 ; only slow lines



    cmp.w d4,d5

    bge.s Deform_LZ_2

    move.l d0,(a1)+

    addq.w #1,d5

    addq.l #2,a2

    addq.l #2,a3

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_1



    move.w (a3)+,d4

    add.w d6,d4

    swap d4

    move.w (a2)+,d4

    add.w d0,d4

    move.l d4,(a1)+

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_2


    The only concern I have is the compare and branch check you have right in the middle of the "Deform_LZ_1" loop, the number of cycles for each instruction are:

    cmp.w d4,d5 ; 04

    bge.s Deform_LZ_2 ; 08

    move.l d0,(a1)+ ; 12

    addq.w #1,d5 ; 04

    addq.l #2,a2 ; 08

    addq.l #2,a3 ; 08

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_1 ; 10

    So that's 04+08+12+04+08+08+10=42xE0(possible scanlines)=39C0, of course without the compare and branch there the number of cycles would be 12+04+08+08+10=36xE0(possible scanlines)=2F40, so might I recommend something on the lines of:

    sub.w d4,d1

    add.w d4,d5

    move.w d4,-(sp)

    add.w d4,d4

    add.l d4,a2

    add.l d4,a3

    move.w (sp)+,d4


    move.l d0,(a1)+

    dbf d4,Deform_LZ_1


    move.w (a3)+,d4

    add.w d6,d4

    swap d4

    move.w (a2)+,d4

    add.w d0,d4

    move.l d4,(a1)+

    dbf d1,Deform_LZ_2


    Obviously it will need a bit of revising but the principle is there, of course, this won't eliminate lag but it's a start, the animated tiles are likely to be the reason for this heavy lag, although, I can't see how you've constructed that or even how your level is setup (number of objects in a space at a time, shit like that, etc), so I won't assume here.

    The graphical glitch is a hard one to fix without something like a screenshot or video showing this graphical problem in action, sorry, I hope the above is helpful in any case...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
  3. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    I feel like that one will be even more complicated than the main part, it will probably take some time to get it working. I have to make it check the number of normal and underwater lines within the limit of the amount of lines being processed for the current deformation speed xD

    The background art is not finished, so screenshots would only look confusing, and I think the deformation would make it hard to analyze on a video. So if someone has an idea on this issue and wants to see what it really looks like, pm me and I'll send the file.
  4. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Oh well, lock, or trash, or just don't bother please.

    I'll do something else and try to explode the awesome-meter another, better, way xD

    At least now I know why the backgrounds were that simple in looping levels ^^'
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