Suggestions about a Sonic 2 hack idea?

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by ShadowOne, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. ShadowOne

    ShadowOne Newcomer Member

    Jul 28, 2014
    Good day, community.

    I've been working lately on a Shadow The Hedgehog in Sonic 2 hack, I already have some of the sprites and Jump Dash in game too, but I don't want to start adding the sprites until I am done with the complete disassembly and compiled it so I can continue on with Sonik Sprite. (I am still trying to decide if I should go for Sonik Sprite or Sonic ED2)

    Problem is that I don't know exactly how to add the custom title card at the top of the Title Screen.

    I want the title card to be similar to that of Knuckles in Sonic 2


    Let's say something close to the FeliciaVal hack of Shadow in Sonic 1:


    The part I want to add to the title screen is the "Shadow The Hedgehog IN" to the Sonic 2 Title Screen.

    I wanted to do so in a ROM of Knuckles in Sonic 2, so that way I would only have one character playable and just edit the already existing title screen and ASM functions for the jump actions to add Jump Dash and Homing Attack, but I couldn't find a complete Knuckles in Sonic 2 disassembly 

    So with all that said, I ask for some suggestions about the hack:

    1. For the sprite changes, should I go for Sonik Sprite or SonicED2? Have in mind that the running animations might need some extra sprites to be added for a complete and smooth Shadow running animation.
    2. Should I go on with the Sonic 2 disassembly? Or should I try to get a Knuckles in Sonic 2 disassembly?
      This way I can only edit Knuckles and switch the palettes and sprites to Shadow's, then adjust the jump height and speed, along with the jump functions to remove gliding and add Jump Dash/Homing Attack.
    3. How exactly can I start adding the title card to the main screen?
    That's all.

    Thanks in advance for anyone that replies!
  2. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    1. Sonik Sprite was originally designed for direct modification of ROM images, that is not to say it cannot be used with a disassembly, though the difficulty there might be unmanageable.  SonicED2 I've never heard of, though I assume you mean SonED2, in which case the tool is used[SIZE=14.4444446563721px] specifically [/SIZE]for level editing, not sprite editing.  Most people would recommend SonMapEd for this type of work, of course, there might be other tools out there that are lesser known.  Alternatively, manual editing is an option (though an option where you have to understand what you're doing to the nail and hammer).

    2. That is a matter of opinion, to which I'm defaulting to "no comment".

    3. That's quite a bold explanation as there are multiple ways of getting in what you desire; sprites, planes, window, raster, etc.  Most people would recommend a series of sprites controlled by a single object.  I won't go into details, but it's quite the learning curve.
  3. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    1. Most people use SonMapEd. Sonik sprite is for editing raw rom files, and I think SonEd2 is just a level editor (I might be wrong there)

    2. The only existing sonic 2 and knuckles disassembly (that I know of), doesn't build properly, but I'm sure there's a way to port the title screen system over. Besides, sonic from S2 is a much better base character, with more general atributes and a virtually non-existent move pool.

    3. See number 2.

    Edit: Markey ninja'd me :/
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2014
  4. warr1or2

    warr1or2 I AM CLG Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Town Creek, AL
    for sprites there are two in mind. SonMapEd & SpritePlotter (at the moment)

    Level editing - Soned & sonlvl. I should also bring up RetroGraphics to use
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2014
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