Poor Attitudes

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback Archive' started by MarkeyJester, Mar 26, 2016.

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  1. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    I was reading through the hacking contest thread, and came across Mike B Berry's post. I quote:
    It was posted directly after a mild joke I made, though as I understand it, it was a simple misunderstanding as he thought I was being cocky in response to his post, which isn't true since I never saw his post before I actually posted.

    But you know what?

    I don't blame him for getting the wrong impression, everyone on this board has been outright rude, cocky, and taking jokes a little too far as of late. Let's take for example:


    Now, some people may consider this post rather stupid, but I don't really see much wrong with it in reality, it isn't breaking any rules or anything, but I guess that's a matter that's down to opinion. The responses however, are not. They are damn right rude, ridiculous, and honestly?... They're just fucking mean. It's like, being nasty for a reason you just made up. "I just decided I don't like your question, so I'm going to post a nasty sarcastic response to make myself look big."

    This has gotten worse since.... well since the contest interestingly.

    I know I'm not the only one who's seen it, Mike B Berry has pointed it out, and I've spoken to Selbi about it recently, and he seems to feel the same way.

    As a community member who would rather this board stay being a cool place to hang out, I feel that something needs to be done, either the staff need to be a little more strict to those acting like dicks, and less strict on newcomers. Or you guys need to just drop the act, it isn't funny any more.
  2. Varion Icaria

    Varion Icaria Well-Known Member Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    I've noticed it too honestly, Though I don't like to get involved in any sort of drama and the like I do hope that things like this could get resolved in a manner that works out for everybody. I've kept myself away from the community in the past years because of how on and off everything has been. Something I think a lot of people need to understand [especially in relation to the contest] It's just a fucking contest, I learned this back in 2014 when I missed the deadline.I learned that it's not about being the best, It's about showcasing your work and overall having fun, This entire hobby of romhacking is a about having fun and sharing your own creativity. I know people can get lost in themselves [I've done it plenty of times I'm not gonna lie here] but all in all we should support each other as a community and encourage others who feel discouraged that it's not a giant battle for top dog or seeing whose creative penis is bigger. This is my 0.02.
  3. DwhitetheGamer

    DwhitetheGamer You got a serious fight in your hands. Member

    Jun 15, 2014
    I've had my share of this as well. Straight up bullying ain't cool. It'll just make the bullies look like the faggots more than the newbies. Cut the newbies some slack people. They're learning, and there's no need to incite behavior like this.

    Rant aside, I agree with both members above me. If we're to be a mature community, this needs to end. No one deserves this, not even the ones who do deserve it. Just let the staff do their thing and we're all cool.
  4. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    Russian Sonic Hacking Scene have generally the same problem. That's why I prefer SSRG more.
    I agree that we have something to do about it, we all don't wanna dicks all over the place.
    <Deleted User> likes this.
  5. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    I'm getting pretty sick of some members attitudes as well. It's members who "believe" they've gotten enough respect to get away with it.

    There are members here who started off with little knowledge, who took their time to learn and create something great, and they got recognised for it and then they earn members' respect. It's then when they think they can post random crap and think it's fine because of "it's me, <insertmembersnamehere>".

    And that is what annoys me. There are a lot of members here that I get along with really well, and even chat to. But when I see them make stupid posts, I just say to myself, "Why, mate, why?"

    Everyone has to follow the rules; Trialists, members, Pro-Users, Staff and funnily enough, Admins. To me, I don't care if you are brand new and clueless to the forums, or a high-almighty king who can do anything; if you break the rules or do something stupid, I will friendly warn you at first, warn you properly second, and take action on the 3rd case. That goes to everyone.

    LazoPsylus has been a great guy and has helped a lot with the forums, and since being admin, he has been more than patient with a lot of members here. It's only recently he's not been so much Mr. Nice Guy because it doesn't seem to get through people's heads. And the way it's going, I may follow suit; even if that means people start to lose respect for me (if I have any in the first place [shhh, StephenUK!] =P).

    I've been here since late 2003, and SSRG has gotten really cocky down the years. Slight cockiness is expected as that's what happens to people who have been around for a long time, but not so much that it becomes unbearable and unwelcoming Let's cut it out now, and show a bit more respect to one another.

    Also, remember the staff and admins can't be here 24/7, so remember if you see mischief, then use the report button. That doesn't mean you can be stupid with it. If you see something like this (using MJ as an example here):

    Then unless it escalates, then you do not need to report this; UNLESS, this member constantly keeps making these types of posts, then you can, but only the one post.

    If you see something like this (using SuperEgg's post as an example):

    Then this is what I like to see reported, so us staff can deal with it.

    Come one guys, let's make this community better for everyone.
  6. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    Maybe some people could do with getting a retrial...
    ArcaniaCQ, nineko and redhotsonic like this.
  7. SaunicBoom

    SaunicBoom Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Do what you need to. I've seen time and time again some staff warning people about certain kinds of behavior and continue to give multiple chances to people who, in many cases as of late, don't ever learn. I can only speak for myself here, but if some of us want things to start taking place rather than be dragged out over a long period of time, we'll do what we have to so that leash will be tightened. I'm not afraid to put my membership on the line if it means things will finally be addressed. Again, to the staff and administrators, do what you need to do. Make examples out of us who continue to push and stretch the rules beyond your comfort levels.
    AURORA☆FIELDS and NiphFM like this.
  8. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    I agree here. Do what you need to do for the forums to be a better place. I am really tired of the bullshit that has been going on as of late. I dare to do a retrial if needed for that. And so does many people here aswell. I think staff should be more strict to the rules imo. Tho we really don't need that too hard. Also I think that it is clear as day that some people like the Admins and Staff should also be more on watch. I dunno if it's a possibility however. My opinions are quite like Sonic Boom but I would also love if the staff was more strict. So people can learn.
  9. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    No, I don't think retrialing all members is a smart move. It's just going to punish everyone when, in reality, there's only a couple of members who are actively displaying bad behavior.
  10. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    TheStoneBanana got a point. Rather tho retrial should be it's own rank of the server imo. And should be shortened down since we know the rules already. Tho I know that people NEEDS to fix their attitude. For an example the fight about the Opinion I had on Cybernetic Outbreak and as of late the hacking contest thread. I think personally there should be annother solution then to Retrial everyone.
  11. DwhitetheGamer

    DwhitetheGamer You got a serious fight in your hands. Member

    Jun 15, 2014
    It'll be funny seeing a more friendly community than the one we have now. Mostly because the ones that call out the newbies would have trouble adjusting to a new friendlier site.
  12. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City
    This is not a new problem. This is a very, very long-running problem. The behavior of a lot of trialists and members has been questionable as fuck, and there seems to be a real need to remind everyone that no one gets to run around being a twatstick and expect to last. If getting the point across that all this shit is getting old requires most all members being retrialed, I am not afraid to do it. I'm tired of being nice and getting nowhere, and the lot of you have long used up every last drop of it that I have. Nice isn't cutting it, so I'm at the proverbial "Fuck It" point. You get the point, or your ass gets to taste the cuisine of an administrative boot up your ass.

    I hope that's clear enough. I hate being this frustrated and angry every time I look at the site, and being this stressed all the time has probably cost me a few years. The behavior is so far out of hand, though, that something's got to be done. If that means knocking every last one of you down to the bottom and forcing you to climb back to the top, so be it.
  13. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    TheStoneBanana is right, a mass retrial is not the way to go, especially when we can clearly see in all of the threads around us, those who are acting inappropriately, and furthermore, making this place less of an enjoyable place to stay.
  14. Donnie Paradox

    Donnie Paradox SSF1991 Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    Honestly, I feel like the behavior in question hasn't been just a controversy with this site but with many others. I'm just glad this site has been doing something that the others haven't, and that's addressing the matter. It hasn't helped that the current situation with the franchise has put everyone on edge either, although that seems to apply to some sites more than others. But at least something is being done about it.

    I just want people to remain cool-headed when making their points, regardless of whatever that point may be. Hopefully drastic measures won't have to be taken, but if they have to, so be it.
  15. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    I've noticed this happen quite a bit myself, honestly. And not just with well-known members either. In fact, I see it more with people who haven't earned their stripes more than any other. There's a few key individuals that I have seen consistently talk down to newbies and new members purely because the newbie doesn't do something they feel should be common knowledge. Luckily, they've cooled down as of late, but they were insufferable starting off.

    Although there are a few official rules that are enforced that are not explicitly mentioned in the Rules section of the forum. Like the "Don't Quote the Person Above you" rule wasn't actually stated in the rules before today. It was kind of touched upon by the "Quote-Tree" thing, but it wasn't exactly clear.

    In fact, the entire rules section needs a bit of an overhaul, especially with the removal of the Reputation system, but that's a subject for another date.

    There's a fine line between not knowing how to behave in a community, and just acting like an utter twat. We get it, not everyone is going to walk into a new community and immediately blend in. Actually, scratch that, no one is going to walk into a new community and immediately blend in. But for shit's sake, read the fucking rules before you post. A few of the newbies seem to have forgotten that the rules even exist. And a few of them, have seemingly also taken it upon themselves to act like the biggest twats they possibly can. If you'll notice, none of the newbies that actually try to be decent members of the community get shat on. I fucking wonder why that is. I didn't get shat on during my trialist period, nor did most of the people in this thread. I fucking wonder why that is.

    And quite honestly, those who are calling out the bullshit of the newbies are being a lot nicer than they need to be. With the exception of maybe 2-3 people, whenever a newbie does something incredibly fucking stupid repeatedly, they just tell the newbie straight-up that they're being an idiot. They don't taunt the newbie, they don't shit on the newbie, they just tell them flat-out what they're doing wrong. If you go back, and you look at the first thread the newbies created where they did something moronic, you'll notice that nearly ever member in the thread tried to put their full thoughts as nicely as they possibly could. Some were more blunt than others, but none really yanked the guy around.

    Okay, let's be frank here: what exactly would putting everyone through a re-trail do? Honestly now, what would it do? Make you unable to see the forum games section of the forums? Make you unable to change your username? How on Earth is that any kind of punishment? You're still going to have most of the permissions you had when you were a member. It'll really be no different, outside of you having a post limit to keep in mind.

    Most of you in here had no issues in becoming a member. I know I sure as hell didn't. I stuck to the rules, waited for a chance to make meaningful replies to threads, and kept my mouth shut when my input wasn't needed. Basically, I was smart during my trial period.

    I'm not saying that to toot my own horn or anything, nor am I trying to sound arrogant. Quite frankly, I could care less about how much time it took for me to get in. I was just as awkward as everyone else during that time. Hell, I haven't always been the best member since then. But the fact of the matter is I made my time meaningful. Literally, the first thing I did when I signed up was read the rules. I made sure to review them weekly to make sure I had them down. I made sure I always had something meaningful to say in a topic before I posted, and I made sure what I said was as meaningful as I could make it.

    If you're a good contributor to the community, then you should have no issue going through a re-trial. It might be a bit demeaning, seeing as you're being punished for something you don't deserve punishment for. But at the same time, if it could make for a stronger community, then what's the harm in trying it? Besides, no matter how small the re-trial list is, they're going to bitch about how they're going on a re-trial, and they're going to feel resentment towards the community for punting them back down to a trialist. Might as well bring the whole ship along so that everyone feels equal in that regard.

    I'm not just blowing smoke out of my ass either. If need be, I will personally go through a re-trial along with the people who actually need to in order to prove my point. I've said it across multiple platforms, many people have seen it, and now it's in public for you all to see. And I've meant every word of it each time I've said it. If it happens to me, hell if it happens to me alone, I will not complain. If I don't pass the test, then I will let the issue lie without complaint. But I want to show you lot that a re-trial is by no means a bad thing.
    redhotsonic likes this.
  16. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Yeah, I don't think a re-trial will actually happen. It's not fair to the members who have been good as gold, and the ones who have been a little mischievous will only buck their ideas up for the trialist period only, and then go back to their normal selves.

    I think the trialist option was a suggestion from the "heat of the moment" kind of thing. Even at last resort, I don't see how it would help because of exactly what I just said, so I wouldn't worry about it. I am just hoping that this topic enough will make people realise that we're being serious. If it doesn't...
    Devon and Pacca like this.
  17. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    I think I have a bad attitude, because sometimes I post useless shit, because sometimes when I write something - I don't think twice, what I'm doing. (even now I don't know, I'm breaking rules or not...)
    HackGame likes this.
  18. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    You know, you could remedy that issue if you actually read the rules. However, as it stands now, no, you haven't broken any rules. You're somewhat adding to the discussion, so there's no real issues.

    As for having a "bad attitude", you don't really fall under that either. When Markey, Stone, myself, ext. are talking about members having a "bad attitude", we're talking about members shitting on newbies for little reason, either by posting intentionally misleading information, or by posting insulting images. I personally haven't seen you do much of the former, and any of the latter.
    Crimson Neo likes this.
  19. Chaotix

    Chaotix Bad at Team Fortress 2 Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Another... um... good, example would be the Sonic Boom Engine thread. Seriously, the amount of shit that was posted there was unbelievable.
    Animemaster and MarkeyJester like this.
  20. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    That's not really an apt comparison in the slightest.

    While yes, there were many stupid posts in the thread (some of which came from Saxman himself) most of the thread was dedicated to discussing legitimate complaints about the engine itself. The name discussion could be argued either way, but the fact of the mater was it was a complaint many people had about the engine, and therefore it should've been open for discussion.

    People should been free to complain about the things they feel need to be addressed in an engine that they find lackluster. And they were, in that particular instance. There was very little in thread that ventured too far into "inappropriate" territory. And I put "inappropriate" in quotes because I can't think of a better word for it at the moment.

    EDIT: Quote'd due to new page.
    Chaotix and MarkeyJester like this.
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