Sonic 1 World

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by SuperSayian Zrise, May 24, 2021.


Is this good as it is?

Poll closed Aug 24, 2021.
  1. YES! (its fine/pefect

  2. NO! (needs more work)

  3. Maybe.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Your Choice.

  1. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Most of the hackers have followed the original concept before, DeltaWooloo, equal, what you propose is fine, just as I want him to learn and change his mind, we are being very kind to him so that he can improve.
    Do not be offended or angry with us, we are helping you for your good, SuperSayian Zrise.
  2. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I think I went too far I'm gonna try and not be like THAT again :). I'm just gonna say I'm working on more than 2 hacks (no its true!):
    a by rom hack
    and other hacks
    Sonic x2.0
    Sonic x10 Twisted
    Sonic 2 Neo
    Sonic 2 (doesn't have a name yet.)
    Sonic LL
    Sonic 1 World (not my focus at the moment.)
    I don't really feel like doing anything besides making a youtube video. :)
    to hold you up play this :)
    its a old hack of mine. I think this is the second hack I ever made and released. :)

    Attached Files:

    Deactivated Account likes this.
  3. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    We are back better than the last 2 versions and here is another awesome release of sonic 1 world
    There are finally 2 levels to play and DRZ was changed to GHZ.
    Now for a comment I did not look at.
    Wait how is that a bad idea to import from Sonlvl? I'm being real when I say this but sonED2 importing with sonic 1 is the WORST. I say that because it never works and crashes my game. (I don't care too much about my grammer at the moment)
    EDIT: fixed broken image and added the edit thing right here.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2021
  4. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    okay since I tend to be a bit harsh I'll keep this one simple. This hack isn't worth releasing. The only art edit I noticed was to the rings which removed the darkest shade which is a baffling change considering that you didn't use the other shade for anything and it's overall a puzzling decision. I especially don't like Sonic's palette, his blues are too saturated, his shoes are way too pink, and the change to the HUD's palette just looks wrong. As for the level design itself it needs improvement and I have no idea why these unused totems are not only on high plane but why the top one has collision.
    Also, I have no idea how you managed to mess up the spindash, but congratulations for making the most finicky, annoying to use spindash I've ever seen and had the displeasure of using. At this point try restarting this hack from scratch and following the spindash tutorial until you've done it properly which might teach you a thing or two about some aspects of sonic hacking, but whatever you decide to do good luck to you.

    Attached Files:

    Trance and Deactivated Account like this.
  5. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Wait, so that sounds like you don't want to learn how to improve your writing. It's supposed that if you are going to publish your hack, post in general here, you must be aware about your words and what you are specifying.
    Try to get better about your grammar, and stick to speak English.
    There are rules that you should read first, and second, please be nice to others, not everyone is going to be on your side, and we all think differently. No one is hurting to you, just try to do something better and listen to the others, your attitude here may lead you out of this place if you don't want to change, sir.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
  6. Trance

    Trance Newcomer Trialist

    Dec 21, 2020
    SSZR, slow your roll buddy. The hack needs alot of work. I suggest either, 1. You restart the hack from scratch, or 2. Take your time before you post your hack again. Remember, hard work is the key to success.
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  7. Matt

    Matt Active Member Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    Ok @SuperSayian Zrise , while you are figuring out how to do rom hacking there something i need to say about Sonic The Hedgehog X10 hack:

    - First Green Hill Zone grass palette is obviously bad, you simply inverted the palette gradient.
    - Level layout is simply retouched and not fully edited.
    - Act 2 objects are misplaced in the level
    - Act 3 is not changed at all
    - The other zones except Star Light have not been changed (i.e. layout, colors and the object placement)

    What me and other users have written are advice and not criticism, so follow what they tell you And you will see that over time you will improve your knowledge and skills, as I am doing it too.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  8. Speems

    Speems Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 14, 2017
    Rochester Hills, MI
    Was it seriously that hard to find a Sonic 1 proto disassembly and import its Sparkling tiles and whatnot in place of Spring Yard's? Did SSZ seriously not take that piece of feedback?
    The rest of the hack is still at a bad state, and the spindash is real broken. The usual usage requires C and Down to be pressed at the same time, otherwise it'll shoot you forward. The fact it doesn't even function with A or B is ridiculous.
  9. Trance

    Trance Newcomer Trialist

    Dec 21, 2020
    @SuperSayian Zrise Yeah, you might need some help pointing out some bugs buddy.

    1. The Sega Screen: It is still glitched. Weak emulators won't go past the Sega screen, so you must've done something to the Sega to not do that. This will help people's ears be saved:

    2. The Spindash: Ya' messed up on this. Alot of people aren't too happy. You forgot a few parts to the SD. To note, you can't hold down on it. It goes by it's self, that's a pain in the egg. Secondly, it uses a CD animation (maybe intentional idk). Start from here, and end at part 4:

    3. The poles in GHZ: They have collision, which it isn't suppost to. Please remove the collision. It doesn't fit, and could cause anger.

    Thanks for reading! <)
    TheInvisibleSun likes this.
  10. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Okay, I tried the newest build, and I was dissatisfied.
    First off, did I really need to download an almost 4 MB archive just to get a (likely padded) 1 MB ROM?
    It's a good practice to separate the main ROM from the source code.

    But anyways, I should start talking about the game itself.

    The levels, which were not resized, were extremely bland and featured many mistakes, such as a large amount of cutoff chunks that end up making no sense graphically. Plus, the totems have the weird oddities previously described by Scrap Brain.

    To further elaborate my point, here are two screenshots taken straight from Act 1:

    Sonic 1 World P03000.png Sonic 1 World P03001.png

    The image to the left features a tube and a spring. The player is asked to enter the tube midair, while the player is influenced by the spring's effects on vertical velocity. This "challenge" is incredibly frustrating, and can require most players too many attempts.

    The image to the right sees a pit. But don't worry, it's not a bottomless pit, it's a spiked pit. How could I tell? Why from the few, incredibly hard to see top pixels of the spikes. I hope you see the problem. If it was not for the fact that the Spike bug is still intact, and the player can still fall by going through the piece of level geometry to the left (which just so happens to be one of the many cutoff chunks I mentioned prior), then a player would have reasonable chances to be saved. However, a player can not see these few pixels from the top of the leftwards hill, and will be lead into thinking that what's at the bottom is a bottomless pit. There is simply no indication of the opposite, and the two platforms that are just above this section (which I could not fit in this screenshot) only encourage this fear.

    I will say the introduction of a fourth act to the game was completely unexpected to me, I feel the newly introduced level's quality is far inferior, with an increased blandness and presence of cutoff chunks compared to act 1. You may also want to fix the act's spawning point.

    I need to mention other things beside the levels.

    The Spin Dash is obviously incomplete, badly implemented and inaccurate to the original Spindash present in Sonic 2.
    This is clear indication you did not finish properly porting the Spin Dash to Sonic 1.
    What also makes this worse is the fact that the controls are vastly different: the Spin Dash is initiated by releasing the face buttons (contrarily to the down button).
    This gives it two disadvantages:
    1. It is way clunkier than the original Spin Dash
    2. You can not charge the Spin Dash
    I've noticed you've also changed the controls for Debug Mode, making A the button to enable it and mantaining B as the button to disable it. While I personally believe such a control scheme is inferior to what's offered by the original game, if you like it, then you do you, it's you who'll have to use it for testing.

    Overall, this ROM hack is clearly in its early stages, and requires vastly more work. Figure out what makes Sonic levels, or any game's good level in general, feel right, and try (re)reading the Spin Dash guide to figure out where you went wrong.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
    DeltaW, Matt and Scrap Sorra like this.
  11. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Its not hard at all to find the disassembly. The problem is that I tried to port it and i ported the chunks, blocks, tiles, bg, palette, collision, and that's it if I'm correct. But one problem is how if I select any act it hangs. (I did not port foreground layouts.)
  12. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    We are back once again with Sonic 1 World!
    Now, there are some edits:
    P03 (OLD):
    DRZ replaced with GHZ
    Sonic's normal top speed and accel
    x 2 Levels FINALLY GHZ1 And GHZ4
    P04 (NEW):
    . Modified palette for Sonic
    . Fixed sega screen
    . Different GHZ palette
    . Fixed spike bug
    . Fixed some layout and stuff
    . Back to 1 level which is GHZ1
    no edits:
    No new cheat codes or easter eggs
    The same easter egg is still here
    Unedited SYZ
    Same old Super Spindash
    Hack not started from scratch
    Header unchanged from P03
    Wide version
    Switching act 4's and act 3's around
    Have P05 in the SHC 2021
    Some other zones having act 4's
    A modified special ring
    What I wanna do:
    Code and make a whole new zone
    Didn't take Screenshots this time.
    Fun fact: My first Sonic hack is not Sonic 1 World its actually another hack but that's for another time.

    Attached Files:

  13. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    To the people reading this that wish to try out this hack, do not bother with this update. It features less than what was introduced in the first update.

    To SuperSayian Zrise, I clearly did not appreciate the update. All it features is a new palette for Green Hill and literally two noteworthy changes in level design (which just so happen to be what I mentioned in my own post that was made back when version P03 was first released) that still preserve many other flaws of the level (it being relatively bland and having way too many occasions in which you can clip through the breakable walls)

    The Spin Dash is still broken, act 4 was cut and the palette edits are... alright? It's just slightly darker Green Hill, which just looks pretty boring in my subjective opinion, and a different palette for Sonic, which looks alright, but does not quite give me the same effect that Sonic's original palette has.

    Still, the hack is bad. All this update tells us is that you really didn't listen to our suggestion about improving your hacking skills. And if you do not, I'm not sure you're going to achieve whatever you wrote on that grandstanding checklist.

    And for the love of god, stop including your hack's source code in the same zip folder as the release ROM, attach it in a separate one!
    ProjectFM and SuperSayian Zrise like this.
  14. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Still better than P03)
    And there wasn't much to update. Plus, the spindash can get fixed in P05 which may remove features.
    Edit: Can you define what you mean by bland?
  15. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    A bland level, in videogame standards, is a level that feels repetitive, boring and has nothing noteworthy to show. Your level has nothing going for it, and lacks the feeling that Sonic levels generally give. There are guides on how to make good Sonic level design out there, and I'd suggest you follow those. Following those guides and searching inspiration by playing ROM hacks often praised for their good level design are good ways to improve the quality of your levels. For a great example of level design, you may want to check out D. A. Garden's ROM hacks, such as Sonic 3 D. A. Garden Edition. I think his ROM Hacks nail the feeling of a good Sonic level, and you should try to achieve that level of quality.

    Such a job, however, will require extensive testing on your part. If you have friends or know people that can test your ROM hacks for you, get them to do that! Only with extensive testing and care you can achieve great levels of quality.
  16. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I don't really have friends. And they also aren't that testing type. unless I go to the Game The Banana website (Gamebanana)
    Its a website that really likes good quality so maybe.
  17. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    I suggested having external people test your works because they can provide greater feedback you could provide to yourself, but you'll have to do the majority of the testing yourself regardless of how many people you have to test your projects. And in any case, nothing will stop you from being your lone tester. Just know that it's a bit harder, since you may be easily biased towards your own project.
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  18. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Big OOF. Anyways, I do plan to share my other hacks. (Before Sonic 1 World.) The reason I'm planning to do this is to share some other hacks. (It would not be all.)
    Plan to Also share 2 hacks that are Sonic 2. Not now I think.
  19. ExtremeBehavior

    ExtremeBehavior Indefinitely inactive Member

    Jul 8, 2021
    So... I have a question.

    What disorder did you have?

    And also, I'm a lone Sonic ROM hacker and gamer too, but I'll always listen to anyone's critisicm.

    (Sorry for my English grammar)
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  20. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Well, if they don't post everything from big to small how do I fix it. Lots of things are gonna slip by and I'm sure I don't have a disorder.
    I try to listen to the advice. (clearly proven in p04) I try to fix as many things as possible.