
Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by โบวี่, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. โบวี่

    โบวี่ Tsingtao Enjoyer Member

    Dec 27, 2011
    Well... How should I begin this post...?

    First of all I should probably say what this entry is.
    BakaSonic is a ROM hack of the original Sonic The Hedgehog game for the Sega Mega Drive. I've been working on and off of it for about 2 years. Taking month breaks from it whenever life gets in the way, which happened quite a bit the last couple years. But recently I got tired of working with the hack. Tired of being unskilled, not being able to do anything hacking-wise besides stuff dealing with music and art. The only coding I did in this build of the game had to do with stuff that followed tutorials and some rather minor things.

    I just cannot bring myself to learn how to deal with code. I think it may be due to my short attention span. Believe me, I tried to get into leaning ASM68k many times between 2013 and present day. I just get frustrated and fail at whatever I try to do. I'm really ashamed of this and makes me feel useless in a community such as this. The hacking community's "if you make anything other than perfect, then it's a bad romhack" attitude is also kinda putting a lot of pressure on me too.

    There are many bugs in this hack. I am well aware of this, and due to my lack of skill with ASM code, I am unable to fix these issues. So if you report any glitches or anything else, the issues may not be fixed. I'm releasing this hack "as is". And it may or may not be continued to be worked on. I apologize for any inconveniences.

    All the music in the game was composed by or recreated by ear by me, Bakayote. I'll leave a track listing at the bottom of the post. And yes. There are only 2 Zones in this version of the game, there was to be 4 planned in the final product, but I'm not sure if I have the patience to do that anymore.

    I just wanted to release the current build in case I stop working on it altogether, which is highly likely. As I keep taking long breaks from even touching the hack.


    Download Link

    Track listing:
    Title Screen: Theme Of BakaSonic - original composition
    Moonlight Terrace Act 1: ($81) 20 Seiki No Owari Ni - Hikashu
    Moonlight Terrace Act 2: ($85) Art Mania - P-Model
    Moonlight Terrace Act 3: ($84) Divide By Zero - original composition
    Mystical Citadel Act 1: ($82) Oriental Smoke - original composition
    Mystical Citadel Act 2: ($83) Hell's Pass - original composition
    Mystical Citadel Act 3: ($95) Catacomb Rock - original composition
    Joenick Boss: ($8C) Hell Welcomes You - Korruptstaat/original composition

    All other music tracks in the game and sound test are original compositions by me, except $97 which is a remix of the S&KC version of Ice Cap.

    Some people who helped me a lot with this hack were Varion, LuigiXHero, and Natsumi. Natsumi especially for programming the Joenick boss at the end of MTZ3. And special thanks go out to Joenick, ThomasSpeedrunner, SuperEgg, SonicVaan and DiscoTheBat. I believe MarkeyJester helped with moving the HUDs around, but I'm not exactly sure it was him as it was someone under a strange alias on the #SSRG IRC channel.

    Thank you if you took the time to read everything in the post. I really appreciate it. I appologize for any grammar mistakes as good grammar isn't a strong skill of mine.
  2. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    Nice work! By the way, i readed somewhere that you will use majin Sonic as final boss. Is this true?
  3. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Oh man, this is sich a sad display. I do accept your decision (after all, nobody can tell you what to do except yourself), but I'd lie if I said I do appreciate it too.

    The line that got me thinking the most was when you said the high expectations of this community gave you too much pressure. At first I thought that was complete nonsense, but the more I think about it the more I see where're you're coming from. It does gnaw on someone's motivation quite a lot.

    Whatever your call is gonna be, just please keep in mind that nobody forces to stay where you are. You can always retrieve this hack and continue, or just take what you learned so far and put it into a new hack altogether!
    โบวี่ likes this.
  4. โบวี่

    โบวี่ Tsingtao Enjoyer Member

    Dec 27, 2011
    Thanks man. Maybe I'll start a project with someone or continue on BakaSonic someday. Not sure if or when. But I still plan to stay in the community.

    Yeah, he was planned to be the final boss. I even got the art done for the first part of the boss, as there were 3 forms planned. Never did get it coded in though.
  5. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    Oh ok, its really sad that you cancelled. But it's your choice.

    Oh, and Fun is Infinite :)
    โบวี่ likes this.
  6. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    To the hack:
    It was good! I really liked the levels.

    1. Moonlight Terrace
    It was a good level. I really liked the new layouts, the adding of the spindash and the new hub.
    The Joenick boss was also a good idea, and he throws with explosive cherryjuice!

    2. Mystical Citadel
    Even if it's not completed, it looks really cool and good for a water level. I liked that the water turned brown in the third act xD
    No boss, but still nice.

    Oh, and to complete this post:
    (Warning, some load states)

    EMK-20218 and โบวี่ like this.
  7. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007


    Translated text:
    Here is my try out of this hack. Hope you enjoy it.

    Painto and โบวี่ like this.
  8. Ravenfreak

    Ravenfreak Still hacking the 8-bit titles Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    O'Fallon, MO
    I really love the music you've composed dude. Sorry I haven't gotten around to replying to this thread. ^_^; But even if it's just a art and music hack, you still did a great job. It's a shame to see it ending now, but maybe you'll work on it again in the future? Still it's cool that you've released it so other people can play it. :)
    Jdpense likes this.
  9. Razor

    Razor Well-Known Member Member

    Oct 8, 2014
  10. darkspire

    darkspire Newcomer In Limbo

    Nov 8, 2014
    from what i have seen, it looks very nice.
    graphically id say its a 7/10. also just wondering about your sonic sprite. inspired by oshima's sketches?
  11. its boomer

    its boomer Newcomer Member

    Jan 4, 2016
    Today downloadedand playedthis hack. Liked. Especially liked the bossin the first zone.
  12. darkspire

    darkspire Newcomer In Limbo

    Nov 8, 2014
    i don't know why but the first stage brings me memories of the ROBOT MUSEUM from Mega Man 7 (the aesthetics match it pretty closely)
  13. โบวี่

    โบวี่ Tsingtao Enjoyer Member

    Dec 27, 2011
  14. darkspire

    darkspire Newcomer In Limbo

    Nov 8, 2014
    i always loved that mr.needlemouse design. it needed to be reused. you did a great job on his sprite and the hack in general :p
    would it be ok if you sent his sprites? i kind of want to add him as an easter egg to my s1 prototype hack :p
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