UROM - An inFORMATive format

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by TopHatt, Apr 8, 2016.

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  1. TopHatt

    TopHatt Newcomer Trialist

    Dec 28, 2015
    Do you get sick of ROMs always shipping with a dumb readme?
    Are you tired of not knowing what console that pesky .BIN file is for?
    Do you wish you could stick your game credit someplace besides a splash screen?

    The UROM format is for you!

    So read this!

    And after you're done reading that, here's an example Python script that can add, read, and delete UROM footers from ROM files:

    Yes! Right here!

    Thanks a bunch!
  2. goalring185

    goalring185 Newcomer In Limbo

    Feb 5, 2016
    do you know how to dump roms?
  3. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    No? Should I?
    ...I have never experienced that problem in my life. Well, unless you count that one time I tried opening a .torrent file with a PS1 emulator.
    What? Less-capable hacking communities would be lucky to figure out how to add their names to the actual game's credits, let alone put a spotlight on them with a splash screen in their honour at the start of the game. Would you rather go the Green Snake route and have your name written in the clouds?
    I was kidding when I said the clouds thing!

    You can't stop idiots from being idiots. If the ROM maker/distributer had the foresight to add the ROM's console to the readme, they would. Nothing's stopping them. Likewise, if someone wants to be lazy, and doesn't want to properly fill in the UROM info, nothing's stopping them.

    So, your solution to the readme is... to tack the readme onto the end of the ROM itself. The Mega Drive usually doesn't care, but this sounds like something that will break a slew of other emulators, and for what, a nerfed, embedded readme with a limited size, and whose presence isn't immediately apparent to the user? For the user to be able to see the readme, they'll have to open the ROM in a compatible emulator, but how will they know which console the ROM's for, let alone which emulator's compatible?

    Do you expect the user to get the information with those Python scripts? So lugging those around, lest you be unable to view the information in the first place, is better than having a simple double-click-to-view text file? I'm sorry, this sounds absolutely terrible.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    Ayla and FireRat like this.
  4. FireRat

    FireRat Do Not Interact With This User, Anywhere!!! Exiled

    Oct 31, 2009
    I do not find the PROPOSITION to be terrible, but the CURRENT execution of it, so far.
    I mean, I see where are you aiming to. With what you propose here, I might imagine that with the time UROM format being on a couple ROMs out there, luckily becoming so standard that there are 2 or more viewers/editors to chose, and perhaps even with some emulators including some UROM-related functions (showing info, checking proper machine). Isn't it your goal with this?

    ...howeever, the actual status and application is not the best so far. The format itself needs improvement, and python... is not even packed with the most used OS in the world. Just like with Java or .NET's case, downloading a big language processor just to run a little viewer... is not even worth the matter. Work out your project's presentation.

    By the way, Microsoft has always forced a lot of good AND bad shit on our face... and we have learnt to deal with either of it. Leaving presentation behind, If UROM were their property (ignoring the copyright laws), this would be yet another similar case.

    EDIT: Bug report:

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
  5. vladikcomper

    vladikcomper Well-Known Member Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    > Are you tired of not knowing what console that pesky .BIN file is for?
    I've never had such a problem myself, neither most of the people who download or share ROMs have. People usually know what they download, what platform is it for and which programs are used to open it.
    If you assume most of them are actually dump, constantly confusing ROMs and appropriate emulators for them, I'm afraid your format is unlikely to help them, so this is probably a bad point to start your presentation with.
    If you are just pushing it as a catch-phrase to get some hype, this may sound a little disrespectful to you format's potential users, so again, it's a bad point to start with.

    Now, onto the format itself.
    Come up with a potentially good idea? That's nice. Think it will make it to a proper implementation that people will be pleased to use? That's double nice!
    However, before rushing with developing the idea into a more formal concept or implementation, sit down and think for a while. You should ask yourself the following questions first: What's the purpose of it? Who will use it? Where is it applicable? Why people would use it?
    If you leave these questions without proper and detailed answers, you won't get anywhere with your idea. Your idea must have a definite basis in order to make an applicable implementation; it should accomplish urgent tasks, it should meet certain criteria. Otherwise, it will be pointless by definition.

    I've read your post and your document carefully and I still don't see why is it a good a idea, why people should be bothered to use it.
    You have little to no reasoning. People confusing BIN-files? Annoying readme's? Another place for credits? Oh, come on...
    Moreover, it seems you're not even trying to get people interested in your solution. Because, it's not how a good presentation is done, not even close. Come on, give us some stuff to try, give us some working examples! Even a tiny little base of standard Sonic games to use your format would be better than nothing.

    All you have is a little paper and a tiny Python script. No real applications for it, not even attempts to implement it anywhere. You just designed a new format and it seems you don't even bother to use your own format. If you don't, why would other people?
    So in fact, it looks more like a proof-of-concept that you're able to write small Python scripts, no more.

    If you want people to actually use your format, try to do more than what you've got now. Unless then, it looks like a lazy effort without a definite purpose to me, sorry.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    FохConED, Pacca and AURORA☆FIELDS like this.
  6. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    In fact, I can just add my readme to the end of my ROM and scream: "ITS A BRAND NEW FORMAT!!!!"
    FохConED and AURORA☆FIELDS like this.
  7. Ayla

    Ayla Sonic Hacking Contest Founder & Commentator Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Portland, OR
    I like your idea of writing an application to help people. That being said, that is where my positive criticism ends and I don't need to rehash what everyone else has told you. Why the hell would anyone have unlabeled ROMs? I guess you (TopHatt) are the only one that knows that answer. I'm ADD and I have a high functioning autism disorder, but even I don't have problems (nor have I ever) with keeping my collection organised.
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