Knuckles' Clackers (Chaotix hack, v0.2c SHC23 demo)

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by GenesisDoes, Oct 30, 2021.

  1. GenesisDoes

    GenesisDoes What Nintendont Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Knuckles Clackers is a major Knuckles Chaotix game mod for the poor, ill-fated, underrated Sega Genesis 32x addon. It is meant to be an unofficial fan-made sequel (like a "Sonic 5") to Knuckles' Chaotix for the 25th anniversary of the US release of the game (in May 2020).

    Its main focus is to create harder levels, less empty zones, and to create new content for the powerful Knuckles Chaotix game engine, as well as to implement proper loop chunk and pathswapping sections. (The original game had very empty zones with respect to placement of ring, badnik, gimmick, and other objects types compared to its predecessors.) Its other focus is to research and to document how the Chaotix engine works with a more annotated disassembly, and to tinker around with its Sega 32x engine features.

    Sega 32x Chaotix engine features:
    • High-color Sega 32x sprite artwork
    • SMPS32x music with 4-channel PWM
    • Level data paging system for tiles, blocks, and chunks (inherited from S3K)
    • Large amount of Genesis VRAM available
    • Design levels with its 2 palettes lines each for both Plane A and Plane B FG/BG tilemap data

    The mod aims to be the first fully-fledged modification of the game, featuring:
    • New levels
      • Ports and edits of beta Techno Tower and Speed Slider Zones layouts and assets from Sonic Crackers
      • Other new zones
    • New audio
    • New artwork
      • Genesis tilemaps, sprites
      • 32x sprite artwork
      • Genesis/32x palettes and palette cycling
      • Genesis animated level art
    • Assembly code edits where possible/necessary
    • Game engine bugfixes
    • Some restored/recreated Chaotix beta content

    • New Zones
      • Sonic Factory Zone (SFZ)
        • Based on Sonic Advance 3's transporter area
        • Replaces Tutorial Zone
    • Techno Tower Classic Zone (TTZC), Speed Slider Classic Zone (SSZC)
      • Ports of the beta Techno Tower and Speed Slider Zones and assets from Sonic Crackers to the Knuckles Chaotix game engine
    • 1st act is a port of the only level from each zone from Crackers (act 1), with finished object layouts and other minor edits.
    • Other acts (2-5) are original acts using the zone's chunks/and new assets
    • Egg Gauntlet Zone (Part 1, from Sonic 2 2013 mobile) for Techno Tower Zone Classic Act 4
    • Egg Gauntlet Zone (Part 2) for Techno Tower Zone Classic Act 5
    • Proto Palace Zone (replaces Botanic Base Zone BBZ)
      • Replaces Botanic Base Zone (BBZ)
      • 1st act is port of Hidden Palace Zone (Sonic 2 Beta)
      • 2nd act is port of Proto Palace Zone (Sonic 2 2013 mobile)
      • 3rd act is port of Hidden Palace Zone (from Segapede prototype)
      • 4th act is original HPZ layout
      • 5th act is port of Hidden Palace Zone (Sonic & Knuckles)
    • [TBD] Zones, replacements for
      • Amazing Arena Zone (AAZ)
      • Marina Madness Zone (MMZ)
      • Isolated Island Zone (IIZ)
      • World Entrance/Newtrogic High Zone (WE)
    • The other new zones contain original artwork and assets
    • New SMPS32x audio edits
      • Various conversions of music
        • Full sound hardware utilization (6 FM+3 PSG+4 PWM channels)
        • Video game music (from MIDI and module files)
        • Hyperdimension Neptunia music
        • Other music
    • New PWM sample slots
    • Restored Crackers DAC samples
      • Backwards compatiblity for Crackers music ports
    • Restored Sega Screen Jingle
    • Sound edits
      • PSG Jump SFX
      • Other SFX ports/edits
    • New art
      • Genesis tilemaps, sprites
      • 32x sprite artwork
      • Genesis/32x palettes and palette cycling
      • Genesis animated level art
    • ASM edits
      • Basic ASM edits to get the new levels/mod to work
        • Modified Dynamic Level Events
        • Level Animated Art
        • Palette cycling
        • Etc.
    • Unrestricted Training mode time-of-day cheat
      • Undocumented cheat code, extended to all 4 Times of Day
      • Hold combinations of X,Y,Z buttons on a 6-button joypad to select a specific Time-of-Day in Training Menu, while in the Play Style submenu
      • Extended to allow forcing of morning (with Amazing Arena lit flag) and other lit variant times-of-day (via Z-button)
    • XYZ button bitfield
    • Edited Level Select/Debug code
      • $19950421 (Knuckles Chaotix Jap release date)
      • RGB 32x Vector3 values
        • $06 $0C $15
        • $01 $01 $01
    • Edited Amy Soundtest code
      • Amy now replaced with Neptune (from HyperDimension Neptunia)
      • $19940421 (Sega 32x US release date)
      • RGB 32x Vector3 values
        • $06 $0C $14
        • $01 $01 $01
    • New game features and game objects
      • Combi Breaker Monitor subtype
        • Temporarily removes the Combi tether system (until partner is called)
      • Properly working Sonic 2-styled loops and path swapper segments!
        • With proper Sega 32x sprite priority (players)
      • Modified Intro cutscene with sound effects
      • Edits to engine to allow for Boss Rush mode (multiple bosses within a single level)
        • (Techno Tower Zone Classic acts 4/5, recreations of Egg Gauntlet Zone from Sonic 2 2013 mobile)
    • Engine bugfixes
      • Ring Cap/Bonus stage bugs
        • Removal of Ring Cap (now > 255 rings)
        • Bugfix for 1 second timing for Bonus Stage ring drain countdown
        • Save/Restore the level timer when entering/exiting the Bonus Stage (prevents issues with time up gameover)

    Knuckles Clackers (v0.2c SHC23 Demo, 09/25/23)

    Demo v0.2c is an early demo, with just Techno Tower Zones Acts 1-4 available, and gameplay progress limited to just those zones through the World Entrance/Newtrogic high zone. Sonic Factory Zone (for the Tutorial Zone in Isolated Island Zone) is also available. Techno Tower Zone Act 4 is a recreation of the first half of Egg Gauntlet Zone (Sonic 2 2013 mobile) with a boss rush of 3 bosses available. Most new music is available too.

    • Emulator Compatibility with modified Chaotix game (Kega Fusion)
      • To quote Stealth from the SonED2/ROMulan Chaotix project notes:
    • Gameplay
      • Gameplay progression restricted to only Techno Tower Classic Zone (Acts 1-4, Morning to Night)
      • Autodemos disabled
    • Graphics issues
      • Sega/Gameover space BG temporarily disabled
      • TTZ Classic parallax incomplete
        • Uses AAZ parallax
        • Research needed into how Chaotix parallax works
      • Palette issues with 8x8 ASCII text font in Tutorial Zone
      • Speed Slider Zone / Techno Tower Zone Classic disabled 32x sprite level icons have wrong colors
        • HUB level status screen
        • 32x palette and sprite art need edited
      • The default SRAM save file slot #3 is bugged with a high time/negative score when using (?). Do not use this default save slot!
    • Audio issues
      • Some music slots NOPd out (Z80 bank mgmt)
      • Some music needs mastered before finalization
        • Volume control mixing
        • FM patches/channels and PSG channels for volume control

    • Varion Icaria
      • Chaotix Disasm research
      • Technical information
      • Other assistance
      • Notes on how to expand to another 1MB ROM Data bank for 32x sprite data
    • JCFields
    • Heran Bago
      • Lots of Chaotix research
      • Notes on GBA<->32x color conversion
    • Natsumi/Aurora Fields
      • MDMusicPlayer 1.1
        • Chaotix music to SMPS ASM
        • Sonic 1 to SMPS ASM
        • Z80 Type 2 basic driver information for Sonic Crackers
      • ChaotixCompressor
        • For handling Chaotix 32x sprite art compression
    • Flamewing (et. al.)
      • S3K SMPS2ASM, used as a base for Sonic 1 to KC SMPS2ASM conversion base script
      • Flamewing Sonic 3K driver, used for easier SMPS conversion
    • Oerg & Puto
      • XM3SMPS Oerg
      • XM4SMPS 4.1
    • ValleyBell
      • Utilities
        • MID2SMPS
        • SMPSPlay (Sonic 1 and Chaotix data)
        • MIDSplit
        • SMPSOpt
        • DPCM2PCM (PWM sample creation)
    • Technical information
      • Info on PWM features and coordination flags
        • Runtime PWM volume control
        • Runtime PWM channel panning control
      • Info on VGI->TFI instrument conversion
    • Erik JS
      • Music Pointer Fixer utility
    • Esrael
      • Esrael Sonic Editor II - Sound Importer
    • Shiru
      • VGM Music Maker and command line utils
      • FM instrument creation/sampling
      • Various VGI, TFI, OPM command line utilities
    • Neologix
      • VGM2PRE instrument ripping utility for SMPS music creation
    • Yarm
      • VGM2MID utility (YM2151 edition)
      • Used to convert Sharp X68000 VGMs to MID/rip instruments
      • Used for SMPS32x conversion (MID2SMPS)
      • Used for replacement of song $0D Overture (Intro song from Geograph Seal, Sharp X68000)
    • MarkeyJester
      • Sonic Crackers disassembly
        • Game
        • Z80 Sound Driver
    • AkumaYin
      • More Sonic Crackers disassembly, annotation and information
      • New Sonic Crackers technical findings
    • Stealth
      • SonED2 & ROMulan utilities
      • Initial Chaotix SonED2 and ROMulan project files/scripts
      • KCPosFix.exe
      • objyadj.exe
      • fixheadr.exe
    • Various/misc people
      • Irfanview
      • JRepl.bat
        • Regex find & replace text batch scripts
      • bytepatch.exe
        • Binary file patcher tool for ASM opcode patching
      • fart.exe
        • Simpler find & replace text tool
      • filesize.bat
      • Riffstrip.exe
        • Remove RIFF header from wave files
        • For PWM sample data creation
      • Sox.exe
        • Command-line wave audio resampler/editor
        • For PWM sample data creation
      • EvalBat_vbs.vbs
        • Batch file helper for computing more complex mathematical expressions

    • Various people for video game asset rips and edits
      • Sonic the Hedgehog series
      • Other series
      • See hack's readme for full details
    • Music
      • Various people; see hack's readme for full details
    • Varion Icaria
    • LoneShark/Terry S
    • ProjectFM
    • DeltaWooloo
    • Razor & Zenon
    • The public/Indie gamedev friends at the Halloween BitBridge Showcase 2021 & 2023

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    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    AsuharaMoon, Mr_ESN, silvs64 and 12 others like this.
  2. Angel X

    Angel X Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    It seems absurd to me that no one has commented.
    We are talking about a complex Chaotix rom hack, the first ever.
    Anyway, I think the 32x was so underestimated, as a child I would have liked to see a Sonic 4 in that console, with that music and those colors ...
    It would have been a dream!
    I especially wish I could have seen more complete Chaotix hacks, and here it is!
    I know it's a demo, but I have high expectations for this project, great job guys:D
  3. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden Sonic CD's Sound Test Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    This looks really cool. I like the fact that you've taken such an obscure title and modified it in this way. Having working loop-de-loops in Chaotix is just crazy, but it looks like it's always been there.
    I will say though, that some of the music ports have questionable instrument choices that make the song a little difficult to listen to. Also, while your loop-de-loops work, they don't consider the change in perspective you would expect, where one of the paths is in front of the other, and so you loop from a path in front to a path behind. I understand that might not be possible, but it's a little weird seeing an enclosed 360 degree circle like that.

    I'll also note that I haven't downloaded the hack yet (as I refuse to click random mediafire links) and I'm just going by the screenshots and previous material posted, but from what I've seen so far, it looks promising.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
    ProjectFM and TheInvisibleSun like this.
  4. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    I was going to mention the Mediafire thing before, but I forgot; do you mind mirroring the file here or something? I'm not a huge fan of Mediafire myself either.
  5. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    To those who want the hack, I downloaded the ROM myself and uploaded it here. Just a tip to anyone who considers sending links to ROM hacks, I recommend uploading it here, Google Drive or OneDrive.

    As for the hack, from a technical standpoint, it's very impressive to see someone making a Chaotix hack. And it's charming to see a lost zone from a prototype of the game showing its light. The art is ported well alongside some custom art in the sound test.

    My only gripe is the music. It sounds fine with a few songs however I feel like some instruments don't sound as clear, the songs don't sound clear or the DACs are in the way. Some songs sound alright but if you understand which songs I'm referring to, then you should hopefully find a way to tweak them to the best you can.

    So far, a promising hack and something that I should check out when a new update comes by. I do hope more people get a chance to hack Chaotix, it's an annoying game but it's technically interesting once we get the chance to dig deep into the code.

    Attached Files:

    Crimson Neo, JGamer2151 and ProjectFM like this.
  6. JGamer2151

    JGamer2151 Well-Known Member/Lurker Member

    Dec 1, 2020
    Apologies for bumping this thread, I just wanted to get my overall thoughts of this hack out there since it was just sitting in the back of my head for months now. As one of the first extensive ROM hacks of Knuckles Chaotix, I have to say that I am really impressed with the new additions to the game (especially with the reintroduction of the loop system, which surprised me) as well as several other extras that I have notice throughout this hack. On a side note, I had the chance to test this out for myself on real hardware and it worked like a charm!

    However, there is one thing within this hack that needs to be improved, and that is the music. As a close listener when it comes to hearing Genesis/Mega Drive compositions, I feel like some of these music tracks in the demo are just a bit off or just did not sound right to me at least when listening to some of these compositions (especially when it comes to the SA3 Sonic Factory music port).

    Other than that, this hack looks pretty promising to me, and I look forward into this project in the future!

    Oh, and one last thing before I go, this is my last post that I will make as a Trialist. I will be put into Prospect for an undetermined amount of time since making this post. I hope to return here soon when the time comes! Bye!
    GenesisDoes likes this.
  7. GenesisDoes

    GenesisDoes What Nintendont Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA
    The hack demo was recently showcased by Razor & Zenon in a quick playthrough :).

    I made a particular effort to make sure it does work on real hardware via regular tests on my setup (EDMD v3, NTSC Sega Model 2 Sega Genesis+VA0 32x), considering 32x emulation is flaky and hardware quirks. Apparently Chaotix has a memory limit to the size of 32x sprites that can be pre-loaded into DRAM work memory. On Gens, the emulator application itself would crash if the limit was broken; on real hardware the 32x machine would crash and couldn't be soft reset.

    Some of the music is demo/WIP, considering the ROM hack was a little rushed in terms of getting it ready for the Halloween Expo I showcased it at, and I need to tweak some instruments and note data. Same with creating new artwork for the perspective changes of loops so it's not a 360 degree circle. Things to improve and work on in the next builds.
    JGamer2151 and D.A. Garden like this.
  8. GenesisDoes

    GenesisDoes What Nintendont Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA
    A new v0.11b demo of Knuckles' Clackers has been released! See the OP for updated information and download link.

    It contains new menu/other artwork, audio assets, code edits, and engine bugfixes.
    It still is only the 3 acts of Techno Tower Classic Zone and Training Zone, but with more polish.

    v0.11b Demo changes:
    • Artwork edits
      • Menus
        • New Menu Background artwork
          • Purple background oval
          • Sega Neptune console logo
          • Neptune logo (HyperDimension Neptunia)
      • Sprites
        • New Genesis/32x level icon sprites
          • SSZC (Speed Slider Zone Classic)
          • TTZC (Techno Tower Zone Classic)
          • Level icons for Data Load menu (Genesis sprites)
          • Level icons for HUB level status screen (32x sprites)
      • Level edits
        • Final boss edits
          • Blue Metal Sonic Kai Genesis/32x palettes
          • Green boss arena (32x palette for polygons)
        • Techno Tower Zone Classic
          • New tiles, blocks, and chunks for 360 degree loop sections
          • Better chunk artwork for player 32x sprite prioirty to go "behind" loop sections
    • Audio edits
      • Music
        • New song for $01 Door Into Summer
          • Isolated Island/Training zone song
          • South Island (Sonic OVA anime)
      • Updated song $03 PSG/PWM test
        • Support for new PWM samples
      • New song for $0D Overture
        • Intro cutscene song
        • Intro song (Geograph Seal, Sharp X68000)
      • New song for $11 Take A Nap
        • New game intro level song
        • Helper's Rest (Kirby Superstar Ultra)
      • Replaced song for $12 Surging Power
        • Invincibility jingle
        • SRB2 Invincibility song
      • Updated song $1A Tachy Touchy
        • Bonus Stage song
        • Elegy (HyperDimension Neptunia V)
        • Rearranged song with new Orch Hit PWM samples
      • New song for $28 Just Another Day
        • Good Ending song
        • Dimension Tripper (HyperDimension Neptunia: The Animation OP)
      • SFX
        • Combine Ring powerup SFX (SFX $3E, Sonic CD/Mania port)
        • Shrink powerup SFX edit (SFX $59, Sonic CD port)
        • Grow powerup SFX edit (SFX $5A, Sonic CD port)
        • Dash SFX edit (SFX $5B, Sonic CD port)
        • Jump SFX edit (SFX $5F, port of PSG Jump from S3K)
      • PWM
        • Bugfixes to removal looping electrical buzz noise from PWM samples
        • New Orch Hit PWM Samples in songs
          • Sample IDs $9F-$A2
    • Code edits
      • Disabled autoDemos
      • Modified Intro cutscene with sound effects
      • Unrestricted Character Select menu (can select duplicate players in 2P menu for Training)
      • Engine bugfixes
        • Removed ring cap from both levels and Bonus Stage (now > 255 rings)
        • Bugfix for 1 second timing for Bonus Stage ring drain countdown
        • Bugfix to save/restore the level timer when entering/exiting the Bonus Stage, to fix level time up gameover issues





    • Techno Tower Zone Acts 4-5 and Boss levels
    • Implement custom TTZ BG Parallax
    • New Title Screen logo
    • Further menu artwork edits
    • Polish up music (volume balancing, FM instrument choices)
    • Title Screen, Special Stage, and TTZ Boss Music
    • Bugfixes

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
    DeltaW likes this.
  9. penPhobic

    penPhobic Everything's all topsy-turvy now. Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    This romhack doesn't work on Fusion.
  10. GenesisDoes

    GenesisDoes What Nintendont Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA
    It indeed does work on Fusion (double checked). Make sure your Sega 32x BIOS files are set and that you check the "Fast 32x Timing" box.


    JGamer2151 likes this.
  11. GenesisDoes

    GenesisDoes What Nintendont Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA
    A new demo of Knuckles' Clackers (v0.2c demo) has been released, and as an entry into the Sonic Hacking Contest 2023! Vote for Knuckles' Clackers in the contest.
    See the OP and contest entry for updated information and download link.

    The new build contains additional music, code edits (new objects and boss rush logic), levels, and additional engine bugfixes. Techno Tower Zone Classic Act 4 is a recreation of part 1 of Egg Gauntlet Zone (Sonic 2 2013 mobile), consisting of a 3-boss rush zone.

    • v0.2c Demo
      • Sonic Hacking Contest 2023 demo update HOTFIX (09/25/2023)
      • Fixed a game breaking bug with TTZ4/Egg Gauntlet zone boss triggers and partner death in 2P mode
        • If in 2P mode, player 1 dies, and the 2nd player reaches a boss trigger in TTZ4/Egg Gauntlet Zone, he will be called towards the dead player 1 (out-of-bounds) from the boss arena.
        • This bug leads to a soft lock
        • This bug also causes a ghostly, transparent second Espio to appear in Isolated Island (Intro) act 0 on a new save game
        • Both bugs fixed!
    • v0.2b
      • Sonic Hacking Contest 2023 build (update week, 09/25/2023)
      • Implemented new Death Egg Zone (Sonic 2 port) song for TTZ Act 4 level
      • Implemented lava palette cycling for TTZ Act 4 level
      • Changed graphics for TTZ4 projector screen blocks/tiles (AAZ mini/boss)
      • Fixed crashes near lava section and from backtracking in TTZ Act 4 (simpler 32x sprite object placement)
      • Added more right one-way doors in TTZ Act 4, modified level layout for doors
      • Improved object positioning for TTZ Act 4 level
      • Improved collision for quarter pipe launch off chunks
      • Replaced a quarter pipe chunk with an alternate chunk to hide Sega 32x sprite loop spritemasker in floor (TTZ Act 3)
      • Fixed bug with Shrink powerup effect instantaneously becoming undone
    • v0.2a
      • Summary
        • Sonic Hacking Contest 2023 demo (09/16/2023)
        • New Egg Gauntlet Zone part 1 level (Techno Tower Zone Classic Act 4, from Sonic 2 2013 mobile)
        • Implemented engine changes to allow for multiple bosses within an act (boss rush mode)
      • New Music
        • Hidden Palace Zone (Sonic 2)
          • For Proto Palace Zone
        • Sonic 2 Club Mix (Sonic 2 beta)
          • For Speed Slider Zone Classic
          • Credits to LordXernon/DJ Error for permission to port these to Chaotix
        • Imported Splash (HyperDimension Neptunia Re;birth 1) song
          • For TTZC/other bosses

    TTZ4 Gameplay video (a bit outdated)



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    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    AsuharaMoon, ProjectFM and DeltaW like this.