Sonic Sunventure

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Scrap Sorra, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Edit: The SHC'22 version (Rev02) is out and can be found here. Please play that version and ignore this post entirely.

    After almost a year of off and on again development, the final version of Sonic Sunventure is ready to be posted online. There were many features I would have liked to include but was forced to scrap due to general lack of coding knowledge but the final product will hopefully have enough interesting content to be a nice gameplay experience. I may update this hack in the future with more content but for now this is the final version. It only has 3 zones: Green Hill, Scrap Ruins, and the Final Zone (although if it really counts is debatable).

    A, B, C = Jump
    A, B, C (In air) = Air Curl

    Eggman monitor - Hurts the player

    Emerald monitor - Spawns a big ring at the end of the level that grants a chaos emerald (like metal sonic hyperdrive)

    Red Shield - Gives a red shield that grants immunity from fire hazards.

    Silver Ring - Gives 20 rings.

    Blue Shield - Gives a blue shield that protects against electrical hazards.


    Title Screen - Title Screen (Socket)
    Green Hill Act 1 - Grass Land Day (Burning Force)
    Green Hill Act 2 - Grass Land Night (Burning Force)
    Scrap Ruins Act 1 - Volcano Valley Act 1 (Sonic 3D Blast)
    Scrap Ruins Act 2 - Volcano Valley Act 2 (Sonic 3D Blast)
    Boss - Stage 1 Boss: Triple Eye (Dangerous Seed)
    Final Boss - Final Boss (Socket)
    Special Stage - Special Zone 1 - Lights (Socket)
    Act Clear - Level Clear (Socket)
    Boss Clear - Intermission (Round Clear) (Raiden Trad)
    Invincibility - Surging Power (Chaotix)
    Game Over - Game Over (Whip Rush)
    Continue - Continue (Arcus Odyssey)
    Credits - Deposit Coins (Battle Mania Daiinjou)

    DeltaWooloo - Coding, SFX porting
    ProjectFM - Coding
    InvisibleSun - Coding
    MrJoker27 Productions - Music
    NatThePorcupine - CD extended camera guide
    Konrad - Mozzietron enemy ported to sonic 1
    Inferno - air roll guide

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
    Angel X, EddyTF, DeltaW and 3 others like this.
  2. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    I was about to record a video of this hack, but since I didn't know how many zones there are this time, I tried to use the level select to see what was there and estimate the duration of a complete playthrough. However, trying to go to Scrap Brain 1 resulted into the attached error.

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  3. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Alright, I just got around to playing the ROM hack, and I must say that overall... I'm disappointed.

    Now, let me go in depth with my review.

    First off, I really like the graphics. There's a lot of detail in Sonic's art and animations, which I much appreciated and was pleasantly surprised with, and the level art is just exquisite to look at, so my greatest cheers for the artistic work.

    The music for Green Hill sounded pretty nice, if not a bit bland for my tastes. It just doesn't scream "Sonic" for me. The music for Scrap Ruins was listenable, although I much prefer the original instrumentation for both renditions of Volcano Valley.

    And now that I mentioned the good, let me mention the bad. (Or what I found bad.)

    First off, the level design. The level design itself was not terrible. However, it had its own fair share of issues.

    Green Hill has flow and badnik placement problems. I found myself knocking against badniks way too much for my liking.

    I appreciate the attempt at creating a new boss fight, but... it was incredibly boring. It really feels like something straight out of a tutorial in terms of difficulty. A tutorial for the Air Roll, featuring a graphically corrupted spring.

    Scrap Ruins, as a zone, did not quite give me a great feeling of speed, but considering the zone it was based on, I can kind of forgive it. Plus, I can appreciate the presence of objects from other zones, which I'll say was another pleasant surprise.
    However, it also has its own object placement issues. For example, the sawblades. I did not enjoy at all the sawblade placement in some areas. I feel I never had enough time to process them.

    In addition, there are some glaring issues with some individual chunks. I present you the three major examples I found.

    Number 1)

    Sonic Sunventure001.png

    Number 2)

    Sonic Sunventure000.png

    And, number 3)

    Sonic Sunventure002.png

    Scrap Ruins also sports some evident issues with VRAM allocation. Look at this burning platform, and you'll see what I mean:

    Sonic Sunventure004.png

    Finally, the Special Stages. Or lack thereof.
    Instead, they've been replaced with... emerald monitors.

    First off, the fact that they were not mentioned anywhere (at the time of first posting this message), be it the release thread or in game, is a major downside. The player is expected to find out this mechanic, which deviates from the original mechanic, on their own.

    Secondly, I just don't like having to look for the emeralds myself. The approach of Sonic 3 & Knuckles/Sonic Mania is not quite of my liking, but I can live with that. However, I assume there are only 6 emerald monitors in the game (as those were all I could find in the levels.), so I'd say this is more akin to the 8-bit versions of Sonic 1/2's approach, where you must get all the emeralds in one go, and missing one means you don't get second chances. An approach I honestly don't like.

    EDIT 1: Turns out that there are more than 6 emerald monitors, and that I was under the wrong impression regarding how the Chaos Emeralds worked in this ROM hack. I, for one, am not a fan of this system, but it's certainly better than Sonic 1/2 8-bit. My following points still stand.

    Thirdly, why do I have to enter the big ring after getting the emerald monitors? I see no point in doing that, really, just give me the emeralds if you're not even going to make me go through a Special Stage. Speaking of, don't place big rings in capsule levels, the player can easily softlock the game if they enter the ring without destroying the capsule. Which there is no restriction for here. Oh, and, VRAM issues.

    Finally, the emerald monitors... don't seem to work properly. No matter how many emeralds I get, I always finish the game with only one emerald. The game won't award you the other emeralds no matter what you do. And, considering there are multiple emerald monitors, I'd say this is a major error.

    With that explained, I think you can see where my disappointment comes from.
    The overall lack of polish in terms of gameplay, as well as the issues included within, brings down this hack by a whole lot, despite the impressive graphical quality. Therefore, I can say this was not an enjoyable experience.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2022
  4. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    I understand your disappointment because I'm fairly disappointes with this release as well. I had rushed this out because I wanted to have it out before the 19th (when I first released the demo) and in hindsight I really should have waited until I had dome more testing to release the hack. I had wanted to include proper special stages but I wanted to change their designs and with the deadline I had set for myself like an idiot I woulnd't have been able to finish them in time. Scrap Ruins 2 was almost quite literally thrown together at the last minute and it definitely shows, and I had wanted to do something better for the boss but couldn't due to lack of technical knowledge. I had forgotten to put a big ring in Scrap Ruins 3, making getting the good ending impossible, as well as forgetting to change the health of the final boss to 6. I apologize for the very botched release of this hack and will have an updated version to fix those issues out in a few weeks. tl;dr I really should have learned to not rush my hacks by now.
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  5. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    Well, I played your hack. What can I say? Despite some mistakes in the hack, the new demo turned out to be just amazing! Well done:)
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  6. saan1ty

    saan1ty Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 1, 2021
    North Carolina
    I agree with Giovanni of the thing about emerald monitors, I've always preferred special stages myself as well. As for the look of levels and all it looks very good so far
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  7. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    About Volcano Valley musics, Sorra wanted like Socket version, but okay, if Giovanni is disagree with that, I will make something different, overall, thanks for the suggestions and for test the hack, we will fix all later.
    EddyTF likes this.
  8. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    And I also wanted to say that the mosquitoes from Sonic CD look cool! Respect to the person who ported them)
  9. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022

    Attached Files:

  10. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    Please don't double post. There's an edit button if you forgot something.
    EddyTF likes this.
  11. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    Oki. Sorry, I'll be smarter from now on:)
  12. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Scrap Sorra and EddyTF like this.
  13. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    Okay so Hello there, So as Giovanni said in his reply/post. I have to agree to some extinct [if that's the right word I am using]. The emeralds one though, well I kinda like it but at the same time, it doesn't make sense. Although I like the idea in general [well At least to me, I like it]. I found a thing in scrap ruins act 1 that at this section of the lava, it doesn't hurt you. You might need to check on that.
    Sonic Sunventure_000.png
    Now, this may come as a surprise or you may have known this before but Labyrinth is quite unplayable, if Sonic touches the water, it freezes the game and you have to mash the A B or C button to get the illegal instruction go away after it has gone away I believe Sonic is at the top left pixel of the level, basically his position goes to that point. The left one is the X position and right one is the Y position of the camera.
    Sonic Sunventure_001.png
    After All of that, I can give it a 7.5/10, due to some of the enemy placement that I encountered and the music which is nice to be honest. The level design was okay because there were some parts that were kinda off but I am okay with that. And the Art was impressive. Scrap Ruins Zone had some not so great moments with Saw Blades.
    Edit; also yes I do understand that it's a demo of the game so not everything is going to be near perfect as it going to be.
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  14. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Thank you buddy, I don't know how many time I will stay online with the music, but I guess that until finishing my hack, thanks for playing and yes, there are some bugs, and Sorra needs to fix then, so until SHC2022, maybe the hack will be more polished and complete.
    We are open to suggest and critics guys.
    Dark Shamil Khan likes this.
  15. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Time for the quick fix revision of Sonic Sunventure. I wanted to get this fix out as soon as I could to patch out the more glaring issues the hack has and I'll put out a more substantial update in a few weeks. I would have focused on fixing the level design but I wanted to get this out as soon as I could so I only made some more minor changes to the level design.

    Patch Notes:
    -Giant Rings now take you to the special stages instead of automatically giving you the emerald (special stages don't have new layouts but they will in the next release).
    -Scrap Ruins 3 now has a giant ring and emerald monitor to make getting the good ending possible (giant rings in act 3 is a temporary addition because getting the good ending would be impossible otherwise). Additionally, both GHZ3 and SRZ3 have invisible barriers on their animal capsules to prevent players from entering the giant ring before breaking the capsules (this is also a temporary fix).
    -Special Stages now have a new palette (art edits will be finished for the next release).
    -Scrap Ruins' dawn palette has been fixed.
    -GHZ 3's boss has been reverted to the normal GHZ 3 boss.
    -The lava tag in SRZ 1 at 0BA0, 0249 has been set to the proper subtype.
    -The final boss now has the proper amount of hit points.
    -Level design tweaks to GHZ 1.
    -SRZ 1 now has one way barriers.
    -Entering water no longer crashes the game (although no levels containing water were even meant to be playable so uh).
    -The SRZ background now animates properly

    Known issues I have zero ideas how to fix:
    -Mappings for the fire on top of combusting platforms haven't been updated to the new fire pointers because I can't find where the game sets that.
    -Special stage art doesn't clear from VRAM after ending a special stage and causes the invincibility sparkles to become corrupted.
    -1up jingle doesn't resume music after finishing (and for that reason the default sonic 1 jingle is used instead).
    -I was unable to get the MZ boss to work properly at the new boss location in SRZ 3 so it's disabled.


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  16. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    I admit that this version is better than REV00 :D
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  17. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    I don't meant to feel like double posting if it is. But I just video'd (aka I did a TAS) on the very top REV of the Game. Hope you like it, =P.
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  18. NewCoconuts

    NewCoconuts Newcomer Prospect

    Apr 17, 2022
    Hello, Here's my suggestion of Sonic Sunventure:
    -Spin Dash for all Characters
    -Super Peel-Out for Sonic
    -4 Additional Characters: Tails, Knuckles, Mighty and Ray
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  19. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Normally I wouldn't feel the need to reply to a random post like this but I've been getting a lot of requests for the spindash + extra characters so I feel I should address it. I added the spindash and the peelout a while ago, they're still in the code I just have them commented out because they're not needed for the level design and I want to keep Sonic's controls simplistic like the original game. I've been seriously considering adding Knuckles for a while now and I would if I could find a tutorial for S1 github but I won't add any other characters for the same reasons as why the spindash and peelout aren't used. Tl;dr please stop asking me to add more moves for Sonic I'm not going too.
  20. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    I have a question, why you want to add more characters if with Sonic is enough?. Apart put more movements, makes the game more faster and bored, spindash is good, but the excesive movements and characters haven't sense, because the hack haven't present an extensive plot, at the moment for me is good how the hack it is, and is not necessary make a copy from Sonic 1 Megamix 1:1.