Sonic 1: DSK Edition

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Dark Shamil Khan, May 9, 2023.

  1. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    Now, hello there. I wasn't meant to post this hack soon. But due to some in real life stuff happening.. I decided to put a demo out to the public. Or here to be precise. I am not sure if it's too early to post it. But I have exams coming up. So I have to concentrate on that. So with that..
    This is "Sonic 1: DSK Edition". It consists of Assembly code changes, Entirely new level designs for the zones, Each act with different palette. And... Custom smps'. Yay....
    The hack was done on Sonic 1 Hivebrain Disassembly 2005.
    It was first inspired by Megamix, then later on inspired by other hacks like Sonic Isle of Magentic Artifacts, Sonic 1 DLCM-R (Currently in WIP and closed beta). The coding took me a while as I was still learning but I got good with it overtime and ended up with my own coding this time.
    Now, it's pretty much a simple hack with stuff changed and added or modified to say the least.
    I hope you enjoy this demo as in it's state. Any criticism is accepted here. If you found any bugs, let me know as soon as possible.
    The hack consists of the following things:

    • Each act has its own level design, palette and music.
    • Sonic has his moveset from Sonic 2: The Spindash. And Fron Sonic CD: The Peelout.
    • Sonic has its art changed (not all of them. E.g The turning sprites).
    • Super Sonic or should I say Super Sonic but Pink or Magenta is here. (You only need 3 emeralds in this demo. It will be changed later on).
    • Custom Smps' by me mostly and 2 other smps I got from my friend, Cyr1x and one other song I found in a discord server.
    • The Emeralds Art has been changed, into... "Chaos Rings". Currently it's temporary, and the art would be changed to actual Chaotix Chaos Rings.
    • A few level intros I made for the hack.
    • GHZ -> LZ1 (excluding MZ) has been changed at this stage of the hack.
    • Added GHZ4 but has a reference from Unfinished Example (Remade).
    • And much more that I currently can't get it at the top of my head.
    This hack's development took a rollercoaster ride. It once got almost all of its art deleted. But then re added due to me being stupid and converting it's art to another format. Me losing motivation and wanted to give up on the hack. And me just getting frustrated because of something not working.
    All I want is you to enjoy. And please, let me know what you think.
    DSK_Edition_Demo_1-230509-105209.png DSK_Edition_Demo_1-230509-105516.png DSK_Edition_Demo_1-230509-105645.png
    Credit to the people who have helped me reach to this point of the hack:
    • Me: ... it's pretty obvious why.
    • Joshwoakes: Code helping and some stuff from him as well as help and advice and support.
    • Cyr1x: For his SMPS': Game Over, and the Title Screen. Plus some suggestions on level objects.
    • Giovanni: Beta Testing one of the builds, as well as giving suggestions and feedback regarding on it.
    • Sonic The Dutch Hedgehog: Beta Testing one of the builds, advice and feedback.
    • DeltaWooloo: Subsprites code help.
    • VGMusic: MIDs for Sunset Hill Act 2. Hang On.
    • EddyTF: Beta Testing one of the builds, giving feedback.
    • ValleyBell: Mid2smps and Smps2mid and SMPS Research Pack.
    • Flamewing (and Cinossu): Smps2asm... Yeah.
    • The SSRG Discord Server and SHC Discord Server and one *super secret* discord server: Advice and Help on level design and music.
    • The SCHG and the tutorials in SSRG (you are here) to help me make this possible.
    • The Disassemblies I have and most which are open source like the sonic 2 Disassembly and the S3K Disassembly (which was hard to just back port it in the first place!)
    And a few others that I may have forgotten when typing this.
    The level select is open and is the same as sonic 1.
    Now if I missed anything let me know. I'll try to post a reply as soon as I can. But don't expect an immediate response. I won't be on Discord or on the internet all the time tho. So yeah. See you later.

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    Last edited: May 9, 2023
    JGamer2151 and Nik Pi like this.
  2. Arandomguy

    Arandomguy Newcomer Trialist

    Apr 7, 2023
    ive tried this rom hack, it is cool, the level design is nice and the tracks are EPIC!

    (i love that green hill 8bit sonic 1 remix)
    Dark Shamil Khan likes this.
  3. rSheffield

    rSheffield ignore everything I said before 2024 Member

    Nov 21, 2021
    never expected to get my own music in a hack, much less a hack like this one. though idk, title screen sounds kinda.... off. I'd like to make a remake of the title screen if this were ever to get updated. shifting the focus from me though, amazing hack! I enjoyed playing this and seeing how it came along.
    Dark Shamil Khan likes this.
  4. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    Okay so uhh hello people, I have come here to make an announcement.
    So you might be wondering, if this ROM hack is getting an update? Which, to that my friend, the answer is yes. However, I feel like I should explain where I was and how much I have done on this hack. Basically ever since last year, my life has been down ever since and I wasn't able to pull out as much stuff as I would normally in a span of months. So I had to take time offs, hang out with people. I couldn't be online because of my internet getting cut off due to reasons. Plus, I had to start a job that I didn't like however I did it anyway because money problems started to occur. I was still updating this ROM hack on the weekends, but I ran out of ideas shortly, and I was losing motivation in ROM hacking. But later last year, on 20th of December, I got my internet back and I decided to start being online more. And showcase and improve my knowledge on stuff that I was lacking.

    However, I still have problems that I need to fix because we're getting evicted and plus stress and anxiety is getting to me again. Which is making it a lot harder on me to do anything these days.
    Anyway... With that out of the way, I am here to tell you on how big the ROM hack is at this stage.
    • Firstly, The level design is getting a re-design. As well as other stages are getting a new level design as well, it may be short or it may be long. But I assure you, that you may find it enjoyable.
    • Secondly, The songs/ost is getting a new... Taste? I suppose I can say that? They're slightly being tweaked with better instruments. And aren't ear piercing type songs.
    • Thirdly, This ROM hack has a lot engine changes, optimization in coding, and a tweaked S1 sound driver that also acts like a Sonic 2 sound driver. But with modifications.
    • Fourthly, a new level will be added to DSK Edition either as an unlockable or as a special stage. I haven't decided that part yet. But it will be in the game which you can play and beat the level.

    There are way too many things that I have to list. However, I'm going to show some screenshots of what I think was showcase worthy. DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-062328.png DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-062456.png DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-062607.png DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-062733.png DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-063800.png DSK_Edition_beta4.9d-1-240223-063913.png

    Note: Please note that the stuff shown here, may or may not be in the next demo or the final release.

    Anyway, That's all for now. Have a great day, evening or night. And I hope to see you again soon!
    Edit: fixed some grammatical mistakes. Whoops.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
    Hame and Nik Pi like this.
  5. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    Good Afternoon, people. The man, the myth, the legend is here! And I've come to showcase the 2nd Demo of DSK Edition after almost a year later.
    Now, before I proceed with the ROM. I have to address some stuff if you're going to say the hack is short or doesn't have much content. Firstly, the ROM hack was being worked on very slowly last year and same with this year as well. Due to me having issues with college and then me getting into a job which delayed most of the time I used to work on this ROM hack/project of mine. And secondly, I was lost in ideas. So yeah, but anyhow. Enough of that yapping of mine. You want to play the ROM hack!

    This is Sonic 1: DSK Edition. A ROM hack made by DarkShamilKhan. It consists of assembly changes, art modifications, new and custom music and a lot more. It thrives to be a simple and beginner level ROM hack that's meant to be enjoyed and played by people alike.
    In this build the following changes are there, please see the modified changes
    • The Level Design has been entirely changed, albeit some levels do have their previous layouts but different and better object placements.
    • Art has been modified. And changed for some objects.
    • Some new objects have been added to make the game feel a bit fresh. As well as modified existing badniks.
    • Music revisions have been made as well as having some custom music too.
    • Palettes have been slightly tweaked, although it can't be noticed but it is slightly noticeable.
    • In-game palette switching! It's only available in SYZ act 2 at the end. However it will be utilized in the future for some levels.
    • Super Sonic Has some new sprites. And has a slight palette modification, and has the after image object on it.
    • Super Sonic Transformation has been Modified. Press any jump button and then Press C mid air to transform. And you can detransform as well to save on rings.
    • Right now, you can use 4 chaos rings to turn into chaos sonic, but once the game is finished or has more levels, all 6 chaos rings will be added.
    • There's a cheat code in the sound test. But I ain't going tell you~
    • In-game and Sound Driver Modifications to make the game take less cycles, however on the cost of ROM space.
    • A few new and improved pcm samples. Pretty neat, ey?
    • The levels now go From GHZ to SLZ2. (MZ isn't modified yet. Maybe in the future you'll see an edited MZ =P)
    • And a lot more that would take too much of your time!
    I have recently added this project on GitHub. As this is as precious as my first child. My first child being Sonic 1 Unfinished Example. Anyhow, let me know what do you think. Any criticism, ideas, general advice or just simply support is completely fine and recommended (not sure if that's the right word.). But yeah, let me know what you think!
    DSK_Edtion_2nd_Demo-240428-144044.png DSK_Edtion_2nd_Demo-240428-144346.png
    • Same old people who have contributed or supported are mentioned in my first initial release.
    • Malachi: Improved Enigma Decompression code!
    • Giovanni.gen: Dynamic Palette Transition Code. I always wanted it!! ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)
    • Djohe: Helped me understand how to level design and put objects in a level.
    • Gabbie: She helped me on choosing a good palette for the title screen. I believe she's a beta tester.
    • Hame: Kinda helped me with optimise stuff and was generally supportive. Also a beta tester.
    • Carlos: I can't the entire user name right, but he's a beta tester too. And gave some advice.
    • StickytheFox: gave me general advice on some object placements. A beta tester.
    • HenryD3bby: Beta Tester.
    • KosMoF: She's a good friend. And plus a beta tester. Plus, she's a veteran! =P
    • thatretrocattt: An Amazing musical friend. And a best bud. Made that LZ2 Remix for me.
    • And a few others that I might have missed when writing this.
    The level select is the same, btw. You can access every other level through level select. As always, I want to ask if you enjoyed this or not. And tell me if you found any errors, bugs, glitches, d-moves or anything that's odd. I'll give it a look, alright. Thank you for playing and I hope to see you guys later!

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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  6. Jordan-Kim

    Jordan-Kim Newcomer Trialist

    May 6, 2024
    Hey Brother, Here's my Idea for Future Demo of Sonic 1: DSK Edition
    -Victory Poses
    -Additional Playable Characters: Amy Rose, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, Ray, Trip, Shadow, Silver, etc
    -Sonic Moveset from Sonic Mania: Drop Dash
    -Boss Pinch
    Last edited: May 10, 2024