The Official SSRG Hack Recruitment Thread

Discussion in 'Discussion & Q&A' started by StephenUK, Jan 17, 2017.

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  1. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    So the best thing is to remove the comment and pretend that didn't happen.
    Trickster likes this.
  2. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    Or put some actual work into the hack to start with and update the post with some actual substance and direction, and less of a ridiculous deadline. Hacks and completion deadlines just don't work, ever.
    ProjectFM, NyaNyaLily, Kilo and 3 others like this.
  3. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    You know what? Yes. You motivated me to be independent. I'll give it a go and come back to this thread in a couple of months time.
    Trickster likes this.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 22, 2018
    Brazil Bad Future
    Could you guys be more resilient when situations like this happens? I believe that buddy has been trying his best to be well behaved here, despite failing sometimes.
    Why it's always like this? One newbie post shit that shouldn't post, and then someone appears to say like "hey you should not post this you annoying bummer! can you read? There's a rule right here that says DON'T BE VAGUE!" (this example is purposely exaggerated)
    and then, the person or moderator who called out the newbie gets likes from other members while the newbie gets... ignored? why?

    I know it's extremely necessary things like these, or else the entire forum would be full of people without common sense, but why all this intense harshness???
    have you guys thought about the fact that the project might be important to him, only to fail, and be collectively punished for that?

    While I approve members being called out for bad behavor, I disapprove this culture of bashing out new members, and I say that cuz I already saw some folks attacking and mocking at them in the SSRG discord.
    Why? Cuz It's scientifically proven that humans in general are extremely social creatures. And if something hurts us in a social way, like insults, humiliation, embarrassment, contempt, cancel culture and etc. an certain region of our brain, called "Anterior cingulate cortex" is activated.

    And, guess what? the same region is activated when you feel physical pain.
    If you get punched in your face, or get beaten by someone, that is hurtful for your psychological health,
    and if you only have negative experiences each time you try be part of an group that you respect and love, that is also hurtful for your psychological health.
    I don't know if this is the case of MGHACKS, but it might be for someone here, and for any other community.

    You might think I'm nitpicking, but remember that we're currently living in the most anxious and depressed generation in human history.

    If you want to go deeper about the subject I said above, watch this.

    In short, I don't want to disrespect and everyone knows that what Stephen did here, has to be done for a greater good.
    If you don't agree with me, feel free to say so, cuz I'm always inclined to listen to opinions and discordances to my beliefs in order to learn something and become a better person.

    Did something, or agrees with something I don't agree with? It fine, everyone is different, and it would be insane if I only have contact with people that is 100% according with my opinions and beliefs. I would be living inside a social media bubble!

    Also, when I have a thought inside myself that, for a long time I have been asking if it's moral or immoral, I just drop it somewhere in order to have more information about it.

    And last but not least, don't take this as an attack to someone, I posted this for lighthearted reasons. I had been thinking about this for a long time, and as everyone else, I might change my opinions.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    SuperSayian Zrise, DeltaW and Inferno like this.
  5. Trickster

    Trickster Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 22, 2018
    Brazil Bad Future
    That's the way to succeed, good boye!
    I have lots of people which recommended this to me, and right now It's my time to pass it for ya. ;u;

    It's Michael Jackson's 68k tutorial. It's popularly known as one of the best guides of it.
    I hope you'll have a great time studying about it! it's heavily accessible for everyone that wants to become good hackers.
    If you keep persevering at Sonic Hacking, I believe you'll make great things in the future!!! ^u^
    DeltaW likes this.
  6. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    I'm actually proud to see someone like you backing me up for issues regarding this. When I started in the community, I just wanted to improve my coding skills and Sonic hacks were easy to understand. 4 months later, I'm improving so much. And I'm happy to work on my mini project for then all of you to help.

    Next time Stephen, please don't make fun of people who are here to be kind since that can affect their feelings and self esteem.
    Trickster likes this.
  7. Trickster

    Trickster Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 22, 2018
    Brazil Bad Future
    Erm... making fun?!?!?! he's a fucking administrator! do you want to be banned or what?
    If I had to call you for doing something wrong (as seen here) will you think I'm making fun of you? I want your best dude!

    Even after my point, I can definitely say that there's some folks who doesn't deserve my attention and care, please don't be one of them.

    that said, I'm glad of you being proud, or something like that. I'm also glad you said you're constantly wanting to improve your skills.

    Just keep it up, don't post shit, and you'll get the future you want, and what you're currently passing trough, will be just memories of an cringy past. <3
    also, if you never knew this song, then it's the perfect time for you to listen it.
    ProjectFM likes this.
  8. Devon


    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    I honestly fail to see what's so harsh about Stephen's post or how it was "making fun of people". Sure it was blunt, but I still think it was warranted and made its point well.

    As someone who is part of this generation that is actually diagnosed with mental issues, I'd still personally rather have someone be blunt about what they think of me or my work than have them try to mask that with far too careful wording. From personal experience, it's been the best way for others to help keep my feet down to Earth. Sure, it hurts, but it's a part of life and growing as a person.
  9. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City

    Did you read through Stephen's post entirely? He posted because both Nat and MGHACKS did not follow the original outlined guidelines. The difference in level of criticism is that Nat was more realistic in what he laid out (though I still very much agree with Stephen that progress has not been outlined, which is a legitimate concern), while MGHACKS provided not even that, and effectively was just huge ambitions with no groundwork and a completely unrealistic timeframe. We have these guidelines for the thread for a reason, and part of it is to hopefully avoid people getting frustrated with an overly-ambitious project that is doomed to fail, as well as keep hack developers from not jumping the gun and making fools of themselves and setting themselves up to fail. The recruitment thread is for projects where work has been done, but more assistance is needed to get to that goalpost. It's not meant for "Oh, I want to make this hack, and want help without having anything actually done."

    And Stephen, while gruff, wasn't making fun of MGHACKS. Let's look at the key point of his post regarding MGHACKS's post again:
    His point is dead-on. It is a hack with no groundwork, and has crazy ambition, with a deadline that is damn near impossible to meet feasibly. It's not a discouragement, it's pointing out that it's not meeting any of the guidelines of the thread, and establishing something that is all but guaranteed to fail given parameters, and has no impression of confidence.

    The recommendation is that MGHACKS retract, work on learning and making something, and re-assess the goals, because it's not something that looks good for them, and is just about guaranteed to blow up in their face. What would you rather us do? Sit on the sidelines and watch this trainwreck, or step in and put on the brakes before things become *much* worse. Additionally, would you have us just not enforce guidelines and rules? Would you prefer we operate off of anarchy? That's guaranteed to drive most everyone off and ensure this place just sinks into oblivion. Step back, stop thinking about this purely emotionally, and apply reason to the situation. We aren't stepping in to make peoples' lives miserable. We do it to enforce the order we have established on the board, and we don't do it to target (or at least I don't; not going to speak for all staff, though when any targeting does come up, it is criticized and dealt with internally).

    Please understand we're trying to look out for everyone, and keep problems that we see incoming from happening when we can.

    AURORA☆FIELDS so uh yes Exiled

    Oct 7, 2011
    I am going to be quite harsh here, but I hope to bring some light into this situation. I don't know Stephen 100%, but given how long I've been on the community, I think I have more of a perspective regarding this stuff.

    Oh wait so, instead of telling how the forums works, and instructing these newbies, we should pat them in their heads and tell its alright, they tried their best? Stephen calmly explained why that kind of post was not desired. In fact, he was quite calm and nice about it, which I can only assume means Stephen as being anything but rude and harsh about it. I've seen him ripping on newfriends many times, and he can be quite harsh. Now, we also tend to agree with what Stephen says, because well, everything he said was true and measured. You can say whatever you want about how people ignored him and we all focused our attention on Stephen, but what the fuck do you expect exactly? If his project is not interesting as is, and we don't have much show for his skills, so are we supposed to like his post and ask to join a team (much less ask that in the post publicly like wat)? What could have we possibly said or done?

    Nobody was harsh and nobody was punishing him. Where did you pull this out from?

    Nobody was bashing him, including in SSRG Discord. I checked. It didn't happen. Why lie?

    This I agree with, but I don't agree with the idea of never hurting anyone. That is not what kind people do. Kind people don't delude others they are awesome when they aren't. They try to put it out nicely where they are failing to do the right thing, and point them in the right direction. Which is exactly what happened here. If someone is hurt by that, its on them.

    If you came up with this shit 5 years ago, I'd actually be agreeing with you here. But as it stands, the culture here has changed for the better since then. People are way less nasty about it and are more supportive of new people of joining. Can we do better? Yeah I am sure we can. Did anything so severe happen this time? You'd have to be a very sensitive snowflake to be incredibly hurt by someone lightly criticizing your failure to comply with the purpose of the thread and realizing when its the real time to ask people to help. If you try to twist this into this kind of hurtful attack towards MGHACKS, then you're out of your damn mind.

    This part is directly relevant here. You act like this person is weakminded and easily hurt. You are actually putting them down as someone worth less than I could assume based on my knowledge of them. It seems quite the insult to be honest.

    That's stupid and wrong.
  11. penPhobic

    penPhobic Everything's all topsy-turvy now. Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    Yeah, we don't expect us to sugarcoat this unfinished and buggy mess hack. That's not how this works. Laziness is not an achievement. Your skill is.
    Kilo and Trickster like this.
  12. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    OK, as I said. I'll independently work myself until I show all of you how good my hack is.
    The problem ends here. The more we speak about it, the worst it'll get.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  13. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    Well that was a bit of a mess. Anyways, here's my pitch:
    I'm working on a new original IP, called Iso, Met, and Rick. It is a 3 player, isometric viewed fighting game, it's gameplay is similar to Sonic Battle, but with the view of Sonic 3D blast.
    Each of the characters has their own element, fighting type, and speed. It makes it a strategy to pick the right character to go against your opponent.
    Here are the 3 main characters, in order, Iso, Met, and Rick:
    Iso Leclaw - Iso is a parakeet mage of fire. He works with long range, magical attacks. He's not the fastest, but getting around isn't to hard for him. He's quite a serious character, who's focused on his work and magic.
    Met Neely - Met's a peppy seal that's water based. She's more defensive, with mid ranged attacks, she's also the slowest.
    Rick Zippy - Rick's an energetic and electric rabbit, and he's cocky, but it's justified. Rick's the fastest of all 3, but relies on close attacks. Random fact: Rick's light green areas naturally glow. Met uses him as a flashlight
    I'm primarily looking for engine programmers, musicians, and assistant artists. Currently there's these pieces of character art done, and I'm working on a proof of concept demo in Scratch of all things. Feel free to PM me if you're interested in the project. If you're interested in applying, I'd like some references to previous work to the position you're interested in.
    Apologies if there was some necessary details I left out. I can fix the post if needed.
    Edit: Feel free to trash since this is an original game and not a hack, sorry.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    Trickster and DeltaW like this.
  14. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    After all the shit, I'm tempted to just close this thread completely. There was nothing malicious in what I said at all. He described his own hack as shit, not me. I just repeated what he said. I didnt even know what his original hack was like to pass a comment, so any accusations of me being harsh are completely unfounded. If people cant follow simple guidelines set out in plain English and want to lazily recruit people to make their hacks for them because they lack the ability or willingness to do so themselves, then I'll pull the plug on the thread. It makes fuck all difference to me either way.
    Inferno, ProjectFM, DeltaW and 2 others like this.
  15. PokeTogeKiss

    PokeTogeKiss That one plonker who draws green hedgehogs. Member

    Jun 29, 2019
    Whatever he(ck) that spawned Blaster.
    Help wanted!

    PokeTogeKiss here! I'm currently looking for a team for a project I'm working on called "Blaster the Hedgehog". If you've seen it, then you'll know it's terrible. That's why I'm looking for a team to help me make it good! All the concepts are there, but I don't have the skill to implement them. I've been working on it since April 2018, but due to stuff IRL, I haven't gotten far.

    As you may or may not know, I posted a request for help in late June 2019, but Misinko moved it to General Garbage (With good reason, too. It was terrible, innit.). But now, I think that I've done all that I can do alone. I'm hitting snag after snag after snag. I think I need help now.

    So, what do I need, you may be asking yourself? Well, here's the roles that are filled or need filling:

    Project Director: PokeTogeKiss

    Programmer: (2 slots open)

    Artist: PokeTogeKiss (Base art.), (2 more slots open)

    Musician: (3 slots open)

    Level Designer: (2 slots open)

    Writer: PokeTogeKiss, (2 slots open)

    Beta Tester: (4 slots open)

    So, what can I do for you? Well, I can do very simple art, some pretty good concepts for your hacks, and I'll credit you no matter what. Simple enough, really!

    Contact me on SSRG or on the SSRG Discord via DM (Username is the same on both platforms.). If you want to see what I've done so far, I'd be more than happy to oblige! Just tell me what you want to see! I'll be waiting for you, if you choose to join at all!
  16. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    And with that, this thread is now closed. Nobody can say they weren't warned about vague posts and "I need a team to make my hack for me" advertisements. That is not what this thread was for, and I think it has now run its course. If anyone has any issue with this, feel free to take it up with me but I can't promise it'll change anything.
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