C2 Sonic the Hedgehog development thread

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Scrap Sorra, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    hey all scrap here with an epic development thread. Idk if this is the best place for this but I guess it probably is so here's the first post. Feedback is extremely appreciated. Images are gonna be big so spoilers I guess

    EDIT: The images broke for some reason so LOOKS LIKE I'M POSTING THEM AGAIN

    Second edit: Posted them again.

    yeah most of what I got now except for new snoc sprites (but they're just from CD so yeah)
    since I edited GHZ's tiles the title screen is broken but it says C2 sonic I swear.
    My current list of things to do:
    finish editing Golden Garden's tiles (aka marble)
    Disable the Marble Zone BG Scroll
    Disable Marble Zone's Camera boundaries
    Start Golden Garden's level layout
    Import catterkiller mk.2 sprites from sonic CD now that I have extended art limit.
    add the signpost base from sonic CD
    I'll post again when I get these things done but I'll probably post something before that idk
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
  2. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    The images are all links to error pages
  3. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell








    custom monitors (not big enough for a spoiler)
  4. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    While some of the stuff in this hack looks broken, which I have no doubt you'll fix, this has some huge potential! I look forward to this.
    I hope you organized the VRAM well enough to fit all those monitors, though. And I do have to criticize the LZ foreground, as it's a bit difficult to distinguish from the background with the current palette.
  5. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Yeah I agree with you on that one. I just didn't know what other colors I should make it, as I generally like to make the background use different colors so it's easier to distinguish. I'll probably mess around with colors in SonED2 and see what I like the most. Surprised you didn't mention the MZ background for doing the same thing, although that might just be me who thinks that.
  6. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    funny the difference some green can make
    oh yeah I also made the rings more blue and I think I like them more this way, although I should actually make the new monitors have a function since there isn't a function for them.
    oh yeah and I might add like three more powerup icons
    VRAM is gonna hate me
    Angel X and Dewar like this.
  7. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    I was gonna have new sprites for 2 power ups but VRAM said no so I had to scrap a idea I had.
    These are the 4 monitors I'm adding (besides these 2)
    The first one gives you a continue, the second one is called a rainbow shield and it's a shield but better, it'll make you immune from spikes, comes with 25 rings, and can take another hit. These are harder to find than normal shields though. The third one is called the magnet ring and it's interesting because it's like the blue shield but when you get hit and loose your rings it attracts rings to you for a short time, and the last one is called labyrinth boots makes sonic slow for a period of time. I haven't programmed in the top four and I need to re-add the icons for 2 of them because they're transparent for some reason (pictured here)
    The other 2 are the chaos emerald monitor and the high jump monitor. Chaos emerald monitor gives you a chaos emerald, but you have to beat the stage to actually get it (I wanted the got through text to change but idk how to do that). High jump is self explanatory, although I wanted it to run on a timer, but idk how that works so it'll just give it to you until you die or beat the stage.

    In other news I've pretty much completed the C2 Sonic planned soundtrack (link to the spreadsheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VcapVrxvwOLxPY8Wk3mzgxzxFodo_mFgO8O78YgpOvs/edit?usp=sharing)
    Now the hack doesn't have any new music in it at the moment because I'm no good at that, but my plan is to switdfch out the main sound driver with the one used in Socket/Battle Mania Daiginjou and have various other instruments so the other songs still sound good but the whole soundtrack uses the sound font so it sounds like one game. I tried to expand the musics in the game and couldn't get it to work so idk what I'm gonna do about that. I'm also planning to add Metal Sonic as a boss and playable character. I'm in the process of adding his sprites, but I haven't implemented him at all yet. My plan is to make him accessible in the options menu (of which I also haven't added yet), and he'll probably play like sonic but goes faster and has worse handling (idk how to do that either). Almost forgot about the time travel gimmick. I'm on the fence about committing to it, but I'm keeping it as an option in case I'm able to do it. I do have a theory on how it could be done, but I also failed to add a zone to the game so idk how I can get that done. My main goals right now are to get the Golden Gardens tiles done and to get the continue monitor to work (and maybe get the labyrinth boots to work too), and I'll probably make an update when one of those are done.
  8. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    C2 Sonic update:
    change log:
    -Golden Gardens' background has been given better colors to make it stand out more
    -Golden Gardens' main tile set has been finished
    -Continue and Magnet Ring monitors now have black backgrounds instead of transparent
    -GHZ's title card has been updated to say Sleeping Slopes instead of Mecha Green Hill
    -Added an alternate version of Monitors.bin that replaces the High Jump monitor with a custom made spring icon to be used in Sleeping Slopes Zone
    -Gave the continue monitor functionality, it now works as intended and gives the player 1 continue (and plays the sound effect)
    -Removed the screen scroll lock and Dynamic Level Events in MZ
    -Changed around the enemy Pattern Load Cues for various zones
    Known bugs:
    For some odd reason, Sonic starts the zone curled in a ball. I have no clue why this happened or how this started but it's strange nonetheless. Upon restarting the stage he isn't curled in a ball, though. Something worth noting is that it plays the spin sound effect when he does this. Also worth noting this glitch does not occur when you restart the stage via a continue.

    Sonic is able to release the Super Peelout before it's done charging

    To do:
    -Give the Catterkiller Mk.2 its spikes
    -Finish putting Bomb from chaotix's sprites over the bomb enemy
    -Edit the Crabmeat's animations so it doesn't flip
    -Work on Golden Gardens Act 1 level layout + edit its chunks
    -Try to implement the Labyrinth Boots' functionality
    -Put in an air dash?
    -Cry about the fact that I don't know how to import sound effects
    -theorize about how I could get time travel to work

    EDIT: forgot the Golden Garden Screenshot sorry
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2020
    DeltaW and ProjectFM like this.
  9. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City
    You don't need to post daily changelogs. Also, there's an edit button for posts, so don't go multi-posting if you forgot to add things to a post.
  10. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    -Update 11/06/20
    I can't/don't know how to add images when I edit a post sooo uh i guess I'm making a new post and will edit this one until it gets lost in the thread or something like that.
    it's been a while, and what have I been doing?
    sleeping slopes tiles

    that's pretty much everything I did
    I should try to restore the title screen because it's BROKE rn + everything else I haven't done
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2020
    DeltaW and TheInvisibleSun like this.
  11. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    -Update 11/15/20
    Was having issues with the monitors so I scrapped the magnet ring and the labyrinth boots (althought I might bring back the latter) and then I figured out how to fix the issue and I didn't have to scrap them at all but oh well

    I've been working pretty much only on the Sleeping Slopes tiles/level layout although I edited the end of act text (it didn't go as well as I wanted it to)
    oh yeah and I guess I changed Sonic's palette too
    man I wish I could remove the GHZ water effect on the background so I could see the second layer
    Angel X and DeltaW like this.
  12. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Update 12/30/20
    I know it's been a hot minute since I've last posted, been doin a bunch irl and been generally busy but I'm getting back into workin on the hack.
    Just finished adding a butt ton of new Sonic sprites (75 in total) with plans to do a few more. Also, worked on adding some of my custom made/stolen from mania/edited Metal Sonic sprites.






    Metal's disabled for the time being since I have to manually change the code every time I want to test him (if anyone could please help me on adding him properly message me please)
    He has a different palette than sonic, along with new mappings, DynPLCs and animation scripts. I designed his palette to be on the second palette row, hence why he has the hud/ring palette, so I might have to end up scrapping the different colored ring idea (for now)
    up on my to do list is finish importing the new Sonic sprites, finish editing the Golden Gardens chunks, give Spike Stadium it's old palette back (I hate the current one), try to disable crabmeat flipping in it's walking animation, beg someone to port music/change the sound font for me since my brain would be fried if I tried to do it.
    In conclusion Crusader of Centy has a really damn good ost I know this is unrelated but it had to be said
    Angel X and ProjectFM like this.
  13. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    I can't believe haven't posted here since last year!
    so I guess weekly updates are what I'm gonna be doin and I've done a bunch in the last week so I'll go ahead
    -I've finally changed that Spring Yard palette and yeah it looks so much better now
    -I added some more edited Sonic sprites (I'll add the metal ones later I want to get Sonic done first)
    -Started work on editing myself and I gotta say it's looking good so far
    -Went to design Golden Gardens Act 1's level design and now I want to scrap it I just don't think it looks/plays too great
    -Fixed a really annoying bug with some help
    -Gave SBZ 3 a new palette and new BG but I don't know how to get the game to load the SBZ3 tiles in SBZ3 help

    Small edit: I fixed this bug here
    It was leftover code in sonicanimate from that time I tried to give him an underwater walking animation. Still want to do that but I have no clue how







    my current plans:
    -Convert level art to koninski so I can hopefully have more tiles in zones
    -Finish Botanic Brain
    -Finish editing Sonic's sprites
    -Delete Golden Gardens and replace it with something else
    -Add Cosmic Carnage Zone
    -Complain about the fact I tried to add a zone once and failed horribly because the tutorial was for hivebrain and even when I was using hivebrain it still didn't work I really need to know how to do it on github please help
    -admit to myself the fact I kinda need someone else to handle more technical aspects
    -probably go advertise that I need someone to handle music porting for me

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  14. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell

    I've come to make an announcement. I'm canceling/rebooting C2 Sonic. I've felt that due to a mixture of Sonic 1 as a hacking platform and my own ambition that I can't deliver C2 Sonic the way I wanted to and have decided to focus on the 2 things I enjoy doing: Art and level design. This isn't to say I won't be pulling things from C2 Sonic, you can bet your sweet hedgehog tail Botanic Brain will be there, but I'll be leaving most of it in the past so I can focus on filling levels with detail and fun. At the end of the day, I just want to make a fun game without having to rope in too many people, but I will need a music person/someone good at programing (I won't be making too many drastic changes, but I might need some help with porting things from other sonic games and possibly making new bosses). I'm planning to replace Tails with Mighty and include Metal Sonic of course but I'll want someone to set that up for me I don't trust myself to try it. To anyone who wanted C2 Sonic to come out, I'm sorry that I couldn't fulfill the dream, but this I know I can actually finish, with or without some of my more ambitious features.

    As of what to expect from this new project, I'll leave just a little taste of what I've got planned in the sprite department~



    anyways, my obscure genesis song this week is Full Metal Fighter from M.U.S.H.A. !
    I am not good at closing lines but I'll like post next week or something yeah
  15. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    Just wanted to make a quick update thread on my progress so far I've been posting in the discord but not here so uh

    I've gotten most of Sonic's sprites in game and added my custom monitors along with a new HUD.


    oh yeah I've been working on the first level too I guess. This time I'm gonna finish it before getting sidetracked so I can have something to pitch when I go advertise that I need someone to help me with coding/ do most of the coding for me.
    Ristar has a pretty good soundtrack but everyone knows that already
  16. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell

    Palmtree Paradise/ Emerald Hill act 1 is done. I've begun work on Zone 3/Tranquil Tides and restored Hidden Palace thanks again angelkor64
    I got all of sonic's sprites in and even added a few more because I can, but I guess I'll let the screenshots talk for themselves











    I also added 3 extra super sonic frames so here's a video
    I'll make a gameplay clipshow thing and upload it to my youtube channel so I can go beg for people to do some coding and the music porting for me.
    Tranquil Tides 1 and Palmtree Paradise 2 are my biggest priorities at the moment, and if you want to play it for yourself here's the rom (Make sure you don't pick sonic and tails the game doesn't like that)
    Unlike my last hack I'm actually getting things done so make sure to stick around and I'll hopefully have it ready for this year's hacking contest.
    I'll make sure to have weekly updates here on my progress and if you happen to be interested in helping me out with coding/music porting just shoot me a DM.
    I'm not good at conclusions so play go play Vectorman and Palmtree Paradise act 1 I need feedback
  17. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell
    I know it's been a bit too long since the last update but I've been a bit busy but this is my shameless asking for help post I've been putting off for so long/another dev update post.
    So I know asking for someone do to things for you isn't the most respected here and if this part of my post needs to be removed then let me know and I'll edit it out.
    I'd like someone to do coding, object porting mostly from sonic 1 and CD I'd try sonic 1 myself but I'll fuck it up badly I know I will, and music porting. Now of course I'm not looking for 1 person to do all of those things, if you can do one or more that is still appreciated. My planned soundrack is in this google sheet. If you're interested in helping me out or have any questions, message me here or on discord (my discord is Sorra on Discord#9853).

    okay advertisement over

    so uh list of things I've done
    -2 whole acts completed (EHZ 1 and ARZ 1)
    -Elemental shields + insta ported from sonic 3 thanks again angelkor64
    -Super Sonic with hyper dash (no screen clear tho), faster ring loss, and super cancel
    -New random shield monitor as well as a normal random monitor
    -Some art changes
    -Wood Zone restored (now with water)
    and a few more that I'm probably forgetting at the moment but that's what screenshots are for!











    will have more in the future
    also for playable characters it's just gonna be sonic and metal
    I still have 2 more zones to add art for and wood zone to finish but once wood 1 is done I'll release a demo for you all to play. Since I'm juggling a few projects this might not be for a while however.
    since I still don't know how to end things, play dynamite headdy if you haven't already it's really good
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
  18. Trickster

    Trickster Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 22, 2018
    Brazil Bad Future
    I don't know you but I see quite a lot of potential on the last one. both background and foreground blends so well together, it's quite harmonic.
    You should do more with it, from what I already see it looks like an underground base that is doing something really evil to get power and resources :v
    that one, along with Tranquil Tides are really really atmospheric, almost close to the original games. please keep up with these amazing level art mash-ups.
  19. Scrap Sorra

    Scrap Sorra Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 18, 2020
    Development Hell

    I don't have all of wood's new tiles in because I'm lazy but I do have the water in

    oh and some new zones


    I was going to have this level in the original C2 sonic but never added it


    Screenshot is a mock because I haven't gotten the game to load act 2's separate tiles and palette yet. If someone could show me how or just do it for me lol that'd be really appreciated.


    gonna rename it to be aqua armory 3 tho, will probably use WWZ BF tiles.


    it doesn't have lava atm


    not much to show for it atm though

    well that's really all I have at the moment, I've been seriously thinking of replacing sonic's sprites with his CD sprites because I feel like they'd fit the aesthetic better.
    again if you'd like to help me with the 3 things I outlined in my previous post message me. Been working on a mario maker super world recently for what it's worth.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
  20. RouRouRou

    RouRouRou Ain't no fun if the aliens can't have none. Member

    Nov 20, 2016
    I've been observing this thread for a while and I'm gonna be honest, despite the prominence of reused level assets, I'm really pleased with how this hack looks.
    I have to point out the Scrap Brain edit and Magma Mines, as they look pretty clean.
    If there's any gripes I could say I have they'd probably be that a lot of these assets come from Sonic CD, and that some levels don't blend together as well as the others. (Particularly the background grass in Tranquil Tides, I personally think it could do with a bit of work.)
    Apart from that I don't have much to say, this looks pretty good and I'm enthusiastic for its release in whatever form it comes.