Improved Enigma compression

Discussion in 'Utilities' started by RealMalachi, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. RealMalachi

    RealMalachi You look like an atheist seeing an angel... Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    NOTE: I recommend using the latest version. The previous versions are mainly there for archival purposes.

    I started this a while ago due to a conversation on discord, regarding improving Enigma and taking notes for a potential "Enigma+". It's gone through some needed revisions over time (my original attempt was embarrassing in hindsight), but I'm confident enough in its current state to release it.

    It comes with four flags, two for balancing between size and speed, one for enabling error free odd-addressing, and one for compatibility with segas original implementation: they didn't trash d0/a0-a1, and I planned to trash them because they usually aren't that useful when decompression is over. However, an incompatibility is an incompatibility, so I made a flag to switch between either. By default, it favours size and compatibility.
    This was made for AS. I'm not gonna bother porting it asm68k, but it should be simple enough to port over.

    You can either read the code here or get an .asm file from the .zip file
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Enigma Decompression Algorithm
    ; For format explanation see
    ; this one is optimised from the original, with the more rom-intensive
    ; speedups enabled by some flags down below
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; INPUTS:
    ; d0 = starting art tile (added to each 8x8 before writing to destination)
    ; a0 = source address
    ; a1 = destination address
    ; TRASHES:
    ; d0,a0,a1
    ; STACK:
    ; - saved registers d1-d7/a2-a6 (13x4 bytes)
    ; - 4 bytes for one bsr (GetInlineCopyVal and ChkGetNextByte)
    ; - 2 bytes for word conversion
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    _Eni_CompatibilityMode    = 1
    ; if 1, stay compatible with the original Enigma
    ; (they saved d0 and a1, and made a0 point to the end of the file)
    _Eni_EvenAligned    = 0
    ; if 1, allows Enigma compressed files to be at an odd numbered address
    _Eni_RemoveJmpTable    = 0
    ; if 1, saves 22 cycles per loop (12 for SubE) at the cost of some rom space
    _Eni_InlineBitStream    = 0
    ; if 1, inlines ChkGetNextByte in EniDec_Loop, for a speedup of 34 cycles per loop
    ; funny how this simple speedup greatly overshadows _Eni_RemoveJmpTable
    ; that one required infinitely more effort then this. oh well.
    ; for removejmpto, routines needs to be 16 ($10) bytes from the next routine
    ; the only exception is SubE; the last one
    ; this macro should be easy enough to port to more primative macro formats
    enidecpad16 macro routine
        if *-routine>16        ; if it exceeds 16, throw an error
        fatal "ADDR ERROR - EXCEED: routine exceeds 16 bytes! ($\{*-routine} bytes)"
        elseif *-routine<16    ; if it's below 16, pad it to 16
    ;    message "routine got padded by $\{16-(*-routine)} bytes"    ; debug
        dc.b [16-(*-routine)]$69
    ; this was just repetitive
    enidec_checktileflags macro bit,setmode
        add.b    d1,d1
        bcc.s    .skip        ; if that bit wasn't set, branch
        subq.w    #1,d6        ; get next bit number
        btst    d6,d5        ; is this tile flag bit set?
        beq.s    .skip        ; if not, branch
        if setmode=0
        ori.w    #1<<bit,d3
        addi.w    #1<<bit,d3
    ; ===========================================================================
        if _Eni_CompatibilityMode=0
        movem.l    d1-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
        movem.l    d0-d7/a1-a6,-(sp)
    ; for compatibility with old assemblers I can't use a proper equation, so lemme explain
    ; the exact value will depend on codebases amount of stack use after the saved registers
    ; basically just count how many bsrs, jsrs or peas can lead into another one...
    ; ...make it a negative number and multiply that by 4
    ; for this version of the code, that's 1
    ; then add -2, because we need a word-sized buffer
    ; -(1*4)-2 = -6
        lea    -6(sp),a6    ; load byte-to-word ram buffer in a6
    ; set subroutine loop address
    ; compared to a bra, jmp (aN) saves 2 cycles per loop
        lea    EniDec_Loop(pc),a5
        movea.w    d0,a3        ; store starting art tile
        move.b    (a0)+,d0
        ext.w    d0
        movea.w    d0,a2        ; set initial bit amount for inline copy
        move.b    (a0)+,d0    ; 000PCCHV ; set vram flag permits
        lsl.b    #3,d0        ; PCCHV000 ; shift by 3
        move.w    d0,d2        ; store in the high word of d2
        swap    d2
    ; set increment word
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d4
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d4
        add.w    a3,d4        ; add starting art tile
    ; set static word
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d0
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d0
        add.w    a3,d0        ; add starting art tile
        movea.w    d0,a4        ; store in a4 (moves and adds are faster on dN.w, saves 4 cycles)
    ; set initial subroutine flag
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d5
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d5
    ; set bit counter
        moveq    #16,d6        ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        moveq    #7,d0            ; process 7 bits at a time
        move.w    d6,d7            ; move d6 to d7
        sub.w    d0,d7            ; subtract by 7 (convenient)
        move.w    d5,d1            ; copy d5 into d1
        lsr.w    d7,d1            ; right shift by value in d7
        move.w    d1,d2            ; move d1 to d2
        andi.w    #%01110000,d1        ; keep only 3 bits. Lower 4 are for d2, sign bit unused
        cmpi.w    #1<<6,d1        ; is bit 6 set?
        bhs.s    .7bitcommand        ; if it is, branch
        moveq    #6,d0            ; if not, process 6 bits instead of 7
        lsr.w    #1,d2            ; bitfield now becomes TTSSSS instead of TTTSSSS
        if _Eni_InlineBitStream=0
        bsr.w    EniDec_ChkGetNextByte    ; uses d0, doesn't touch d1 or d2
        sub.w    d0,d6        ; subtract d0 from d6
        cmpi.w    #8,d6        ; has it hit 8 or lower?
        bhi.s    .nonewbyte    ; if not, branch
        addq.w    #8,d6        ; 8 bits = 1 byte
        asl.w    #8,d5        ; shift up by a byte
        move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; store next byte in lower register byte
        moveq    #$F,d3            ; d3 is also used for SubE
        and.w    d3,d2            ; keep only lower nybble
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable=0
    ; JmpTable addresses are word-sized.
    ; Due to its placement in rom, SubE just falls into itself
        lsr.w    #4-1,d1            ; store upper nybble multiplied by 2 (max value = 7)
        jmp    EniDec_JmpTable(pc,d1.w)
    ; all subroutines are offset by 16 bytes. Some of them barely fit, I'm quite proud of that
    ; SubE exceeds this, but it's the last one so it doesn't matter
        jmp    EniDec_Sub0(pc,d1.w)
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        move.w    d4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        addq.w    #1,d4            ; increment
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub0
        move.w    d4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        addq.w    #1,d4            ; increment
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub2
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        move.w    a4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub4
        move.w    a4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub6
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub8
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        addq.w    #1,d1
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_SubA
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        subq.w    #1,d1
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_SubC
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub0
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub0    ; Sub2
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub4
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub4    ; Sub6
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub8
        bra.s    EniDec_SubA
        bra.s    EniDec_SubC
        ;bra.s    EniDec_SubE    ; fall into SubE
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; EniDec_SubE is truly a special case
        cmp.w    d3,d2            ; d3 = $F ; is the loop set to 16?
        beq.s    EniDec_End        ; if so, branch (signifies to end
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_CompatibilityMode=0
        movem.l    (sp)+,d1-d7/a2-a6
    ; this code figures out where a0 should end
        subq.w    #1,a0
        cmpi.w    #16,d6            ; were we going to start on a completely new byte?
        bne.s    .got_byte        ; if not, branch
        subq.w    #1,a0
        move.w    a0,d0
        lsr.w    #1,d0            ; are we on an odd byte?
        bhs.s    .even_loc        ; if not, branch
        addq.w    #1,a0            ; ensure we're on an even byte
        movem.l    (sp)+,d0-d7/a1-a6
    ; ===========================================================================
        move.w    a3,d3            ; starting art tile
    ; original didn't need to use a high word
    ; this is a 4 cycle loss, though it's usually made up for everywhere else
        move.l    d2,d1            ; get vram tile flags
        swap    d1            ; (it's in the high word of d2)
        enidec_checktileflags 15,0
        enidec_checktileflags 14,1
        enidec_checktileflags 13,1
        enidec_checktileflags 12,0
        enidec_checktileflags 11,0
        move.w    d5,d1
        move.w    d6,d7            ; get remaining bits
        sub.w    a2,d7            ; subtract minimum bit number
        bhs.s    .got_enough        ; if we're beyond that, branch
        move.w    d7,d6
        addi.w    #16,d6            ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        neg.w    d7            ; calculate bit deficit
        lsl.w    d7,d1            ; make space for this many bits
        move.b    (a0),d5            ; get next byte
        rol.b    d7,d5            ; make the upper X bits the lower X bits
        add.w    d7,d7
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d7.w),d5; only keep X lower bits
        add.w    d5,d1            ; compensate for the bit deficit
        move.w    a2,d0
        add.w    d0,d0
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d0.w),d1; only keep as many bits as required
        add.w    d3,d1            ; add starting art tile
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; get current byte, move onto next byte
    ;    lsl.w    #8,d5        ; 22 ; shift up by a byte
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; store next byte in lower register byte
                    ; 38
    ; saves 4 cycles per branch, at the cost of saving and restoring a6, and setting up the register
    ; those caveats add around 24 cycles, but from my tests, it usually results in a speedup
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12 ; temporarily write into the destination
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12
        move.w    -(a6),d5    ; 10 ; move result to d5, set destination back to correct spot
                    ; 34
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        dc.w     1,    3,    7,   $F
        dc.w   $1F,  $3F,  $7F,  $FF
        dc.w  $1FF, $3FF, $7FF, $FFF
        dc.w $1FFF,$3FFF,$7FFF,$FFFF
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        moveq    #16,d6        ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        bra.s    .got_field
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        beq.s    .got_exact    ; if the exact number of bits are leftover, branch
        lsr.w    d7,d1        ; remove unneeded bits
        move.w    a2,d0
        add.w    d0,d0
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d0.w),d1    ; only keep as many bits as required
        add.w    d3,d1        ; add starting art tile
        move.w    a2,d0        ; store number of bits used up by inline copy
    ;    bra.s    EniDec_ChkGetNextByte    ; move onto next byte
        sub.w    d0,d6        ; subtract d0 from d6
        cmpi.w    #8,d6        ; has it hit 8 or lower?
        bhi.s    .nonewbyte    ; if not, branch
        addq.w    #8,d6        ; 8 bits = 1 byte
    ; shift lowest byte to highest byte, and load a new value into low byte
        asl.w    #8,d5        ; 22 ; shift up by a byte
        move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; store next byte in lower register byte
                    ; 30
    ;    move.b    d5,(a6)+    ; 08
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12
    ;    move.w    -(a6),d5    ; 10
                    ; 30, sad.
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
  2. RealMalachi

    RealMalachi You look like an atheist seeing an angel... Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    I'm doing another release, for two reasons:

    Firstly, Orion ported it to ASM68K. I knew it was possible, but didn't bother; mainly due to my lack of knowledge on ASM68K macros. Now there's native support... with another flag. _Eni_Assembler changes what assembler it targets: 0 for ASM68K, 1 for AS. Big thanks Orion, I'll definitely be taking notes from this for the future.

    Secondly, my original implementation had a race condition with some stack data, potentially causing issues with decompression when interrupts are enabled.
    Register a6 is used to retrieve potentially odd-addressed word-sized data (doing so without a process like this would cause an address error), and to do that quickly without requiring extra ram, is positioned at the end of where stack would reach in the decompressors code. However, that end is unprotected from say, vertical interrupts, meaning there is a short window where the data can be corrupted. This can wildly vary in severity, but most recorded cases are dire.
    For example, Sonic 1 uses Enigma compression for its block data, and those can sometimes break, resulting in this:
    Now it properly allocates a safe area of stack, instead of being just outside of it. Thanks to DSK for finding this before I did, that really helped to narrow it down.

    I'll be keeping the original file up, but highly recommend using v1.1, or whatever the highest revision is at the time. The zip file updates will be uploaded onto the first post, so you don't have to dig for it.
    v1.1 code
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Enigma Decompression Algorithm
    ; For format explanation see
    ; this one is optimised from the original, but with the more rom-intensive
    ; speedups locked behind some flags down below
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; proper ASM68K support added by OrionNavattan
    _Eni_Assembler:        equ 1    ; ASM68K = 0, AS = 1
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; INPUTS:
    ; d0 = starting art tile (added to each 8x8 before writing to destination)
    ; a0 = source address
    ; a1 = destination address
    ; TRASHES:
    ; d0,a0,a1
    ; STACK:
    ; - saved registers d1-d7/a2-a6 (13x4 bytes)
    ; - 4 bytes for one bsr (EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal and EniDec_ChkGetNextByte)
    ; - 2 bytes for word conversion
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; equ instead of = for ASM68K compatibility
    _Eni_CompatibilityMode:    equ 1
    ; if 1, stay compatible with the original Enigma
    ; (they saved d0 and a1, and made a0 point to the end of the file)
    _Eni_EvenAligned:    equ 0
    ; if 1, allows Enigma compressed files to be at an odd numbered address
    _Eni_RemoveJmpTable:    equ 0
    ; if 1, saves 22 cycles per loop (12 for SubE) at the cost of some rom space
    _Eni_InlineBitStream:    equ 0
    ; if 1, inlines ChkGetNextByte in EniDec_Loop, for a speedup of 34 cycles per loop
    ; funny how this simple speedup greatly overshadows _Eni_RemoveJmpTable
    ; that one required infinitely more effort then this. oh well.
    ; macro explanations
    ; enidecpad16:
    ; - for RemoveJmpTable, routines needs to be aligned in 16($10) byte chunks
    ;   none of the routines can exceed that boundary, or the code won't work
    ;   the only exception to this is SubE; the last one
    ; enidec_checktileflags:
    ; - this was just repetitive
        if _Eni_Assembler=0
        pusho            ; save current options
        opt l.            ; use "." as local label symbol
    enidecpad16: macro routine
        if (*-routine)>16    ; if it exceeds 16, throw an error
        inform 3,"ADDR ERROR - EXCEED: routine exceeds 16 bytes! ($%h bytes)",*-routine
        elseif (*-routine)<16    ; if it's below 16, pad it to 16
    ;    inform 0,"routine got padded by $%h bytes",*-routine   ; debug
        dcb.b 16-(*-routine),0
    enidec_checktileflags: macro bit,setmode
        add.b    d1,d1
        bcc.s    .skip\@        ; if that bit wasn't set, branch
        subq.w    #1,d6        ; get next bit number
        btst    d6,d5        ; is this tile flag bit set?
        beq.s    .skip\@        ; if not, branch
        if setmode=0
        ori.w    #1<<bit,d3
        addi.w    #1<<bit,d3
    enidecpad16 macro routine
        if *-routine>16        ; if it exceeds 16, throw an error
        fatal "ADDR ERROR - EXCEED: routine exceeds 16 bytes! ($\{*-routine} bytes)"
        elseif *-routine<16    ; if it's below 16, pad it to 16
    ;    message "routine got padded by $\{16-(*-routine)} bytes"    ; debug
        dc.b [16-(*-routine)]$69
    enidec_checktileflags macro bit,setmode
        add.b    d1,d1
        bcc.s    .skip        ; if that bit wasn't set, branch
        subq.w    #1,d6        ; get next bit number
        btst    d6,d5        ; is this tile flag bit set?
        beq.s    .skip        ; if not, branch
        if setmode=0
        ori.w    #1<<bit,d3
        addi.w    #1<<bit,d3
    ; ===========================================================================
        if _Eni_CompatibilityMode=0
        movem.l    d1-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
        movem.l    d0-d7/a1-a6,-(sp)
    ; compared to my original implementation, this prevents a race condition
    ; big thanks to DSK for finding this first
        subq.l    #2,sp        ; allocate 2 bytes from stack
        lea    (sp),a6        ; use those bytes (via a6) for conversions
    ; set subroutine loop address
    ; compared to a bra, jmp (aN) saves 2 cycles per-loop
        lea    EniDec_Loop(pc),a5
        movea.w    d0,a3        ; store starting art tile
        move.b    (a0)+,d0
        ext.w    d0
        movea.w    d0,a2        ; set initial bit amount for inline copy
        move.b    (a0)+,d0    ; 000PCCHV ; set vram flag permits
        lsl.b    #3,d0        ; PCCHV000 ; shift by 3
        move.w    d0,d2        ; store in the high word of d2
        swap    d2
    ; set increment word
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d4
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d4
        add.w    a3,d4        ; add starting art tile
    ; set static word
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d0
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d0
        add.w    a3,d0        ; add starting art tile
        movea.w    d0,a4        ; store in a4 (moves and adds are faster on dN.w, saves 4 cycles)
    ; set initial subroutine flag
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0
        move.w    (a0)+,d5
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+
        move.w    -(a6),d5
    ; set bit counter
        moveq    #16,d6        ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        moveq    #7,d0            ; process 7 bits at a time
        move.w    d6,d7            ; move d6 to d7
        sub.w    d0,d7            ; subtract by 7 (convenient)
        move.w    d5,d1            ; copy d5 into d1
        lsr.w    d7,d1            ; right shift by value in d7
        move.w    d1,d2            ; move d1 to d2
        andi.w    #%01110000,d1        ; keep only 3 bits. Lower 4 are for d2, sign bit unused
        cmpi.w    #1<<6,d1        ; is bit 6 set?
        bhs.s    .prcocess7bits        ; if it is, branch
        moveq    #6,d0            ; if not, process 6 bits instead of 7
        lsr.w    #1,d2            ; bitfield now becomes TTSSSS instead of TTTSSSS
        if _Eni_InlineBitStream=0
        bsr.w    EniDec_ChkGetNextByte    ; uses d0, doesn't touch d1 or d2
        sub.w    d0,d6        ; subtract d0 from d6
        cmpi.w    #8,d6        ; has it hit 8 or lower?
        bhi.s    .nonewbyte    ; if not, branch
        addq.w    #8,d6        ; 8 bits = 1 byte
        asl.w    #8,d5        ; shift up by a byte
        move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; store next byte in lower register byte
        moveq    #$F,d3            ; d3 is also used for SubE
        and.w    d3,d2            ; keep only lower nybble
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable=0
    ; JmpTable addresses are word-sized.
    ; Due to its placement in rom, SubE just falls into itself
        lsr.w    #4-1,d1            ; store upper nybble multiplied by 2 (max value = 7)
        jmp    EniDec_JmpTable(pc,d1.w)
    ; all subroutines are offset by 16 bytes. Some of them barely fit, I'm quite proud of that
    ; SubE exceeds this, but it's the last one so it doesn't matter
        jmp    EniDec_Sub0(pc,d1.w)
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        move.w    d4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        addq.w    #1,d4            ; increment
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub0
        move.w    d4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        addq.w    #1,d4            ; increment
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub2
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        move.w    a4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub4
        move.w    a4,(a1)+        ; write to destination
        dbra    d2,.loop        ; repeat
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub6
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_Sub8
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        addq.w    #1,d1
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_SubA
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        subq.w    #1,d1
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        if _Eni_RemoveJmpTable<>0
        enidecpad16 EniDec_SubC
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub0
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub0    ; Sub2
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub4
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub4    ; Sub6
        bra.s    EniDec_Sub8
        bra.s    EniDec_SubA
        bra.s    EniDec_SubC
        ;bra.s    EniDec_SubE    ; fall into SubE
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; EniDec_SubE is truly a special case
        cmp.w    d3,d2            ; d3 = $F ; is the loop set to 16?
        beq.s    EniDec_End        ; if so, branch (signifies to end
        bsr.s    EniDec_GetInlineCopyVal
        move.w    d1,(a1)+
        dbra    d2,.loop
        jmp    (a5)        ; EniDec_Loop
        addq.l    #2,sp        ; deallocate those 2 bytes
        if _Eni_CompatibilityMode=0
        movem.l    (sp)+,d1-d7/a2-a6
    ; this code figures out where a0 should end
        subq.w    #1,a0
        cmpi.w    #16,d6            ; were we going to start on a completely new byte?
        bne.s    .got_byte        ; if not, branch
        subq.w    #1,a0
        if _Eni_EvenAligned=0    ; TODO: thorough testing
    ; Orion: small optimization, saves 8-10 cycles
        move.w    a0,d0
        andi.w    #1,d0
        adda.w    d0,a0            ; ensure we're on an even byte
        movem.l    (sp)+,d0-d7/a1-a6
    ; ===========================================================================
        move.w    a3,d3            ; starting art tile
    ; original didn't need to use a high word
    ; this is a 4 cycle loss, though it's usually made up for everywhere else
        move.l    d2,d1            ; get vram tile flags
        swap    d1            ; (it's in the high word of d2)
        enidec_checktileflags 15,0
        enidec_checktileflags 14,1
        enidec_checktileflags 13,1
        enidec_checktileflags 12,0
        enidec_checktileflags 11,0
        move.w    d5,d1
        move.w    d6,d7            ; get remaining bits
        sub.w    a2,d7            ; subtract minimum bit number
        bhs.s    .got_enough        ; if we're beyond that, branch
        move.w    d7,d6
        addi.w    #16,d6            ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        neg.w    d7            ; calculate bit deficit
        lsl.w    d7,d1            ; make space for this many bits
        move.b    (a0),d5            ; get next byte
        rol.b    d7,d5            ; make the upper X bits the lower X bits
        add.w    d7,d7
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d7.w),d5; only keep X lower bits
        add.w    d5,d1            ; compensate for the bit deficit
        move.w    a2,d0
        add.w    d0,d0
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d0.w),d1; only keep as many bits as required
        add.w    d3,d1            ; add starting art tile
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; get current byte, move onto next byte
    ;    lsl.w    #8,d5        ; 22 ; shift up by a byte
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; store next byte in lower register byte
                    ; 38
    ; saves 4 cycles per branch, at the cost of saving and restoring a6, and setting up the register
    ; those caveats add around 24 cycles, but from my tests, it usually results in a speedup
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12 ; temporarily write into the destination
        move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12
        move.w    -(a6),d5    ; 10 ; move result to d5, set destination back to correct spot
                    ; 34
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        dc.w     1,    3,    7,   $F
        dc.w   $1F,  $3F,  $7F,  $FF
        dc.w  $1FF, $3FF, $7FF, $FFF
        dc.w $1FFF,$3FFF,$7FFF,$FFFF
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        moveq    #16,d6        ; 16 bits = 2 bytes
        bra.s    .got_field
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        beq.s    .got_exact    ; if the exact number of bits are leftover, branch
        lsr.w    d7,d1        ; remove unneeded bits
        move.w    a2,d0
        add.w    d0,d0
        and.w    .andvalues-2(pc,d0.w),d1    ; only keep as many bits as required
        add.w    d3,d1        ; add starting art tile
        move.w    a2,d0        ; store number of bits used up by inline copy
    ;    bra.s    EniDec_ChkGetNextByte    ; move onto next byte
        sub.w    d0,d6        ; subtract d0 from d6
        cmpi.w    #8,d6        ; has it hit 8 or lower?
        bhi.s    .nonewbyte    ; if not, branch
        addq.w    #8,d6        ; 8 bits = 1 byte
    ; shift lowest byte to highest byte, and load a new value into low byte
        asl.w    #8,d5        ; 22 ; shift up by a byte
        move.b    (a0)+,d5    ; 08 ; store next byte in lower register byte
                    ; 30
    ;    move.b    d5,(a6)+    ; 08
    ;    move.b    (a0)+,(a6)+    ; 12
    ;    move.w    -(a6),d5    ; 10
                    ; 30, sad.
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if _Eni_Assembler=0
        popo            ; restore previous options