- how to access HPZ in sonic 2 final (therw save state)- by- striker (sk8er15965) this is a very simple prosedure you will need a sonic 2 save state hex editor emulator sonic 2 so lets begin- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- every save state has certain values that tell stuff like what, when,and where the save was(like what level or how many lives) we will be hacking where (the level value)this is good for first time hackers. if you want you can use SHWP. just open the save state change the level value to 8 (make sure its set to hex)then save. when you load it you will be on the same level just die and it will bring you there. So you want to do it the fun way by hand, good for you. now open the save state in the hex editor, goto 012288 and change it to 8. now save and load the save state, as i said earlier the level will be the same just die. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- now that wasnt so bad now was it ^_^. HPZ will be all mangled and stuff but its still fun now try harder hacks goto SSRG to find all kinds of other hacking guides