Sonic 1 Codes

Level Select
this is a classic code for level select, at the title screen push up,down,left,right.then press A and start at the same time

press C,C and up,down,left,right at the title screen and pres A and START and you got it

"Drunk" Sonic
During the demo hold A+B+C and sonic will start running into things

Control Mode
at the title screen press Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right, then in game you can use A as restart B for slow motion, and C for frame advance while in pause

Debug (alternate)
first get into control mode then in game press start and hold A until you see hex at the top of the screen , and your in debug
NOTE:will only work on first release of sonic 1

All Emeralds
Sse level select to get to specail stage. Every time you obtain an emerald, reset the game and go back to the level select. When you re-enter special stage, you will still have that previuos emerald..