Improve the Fade to White Routines in Sonic 1

Discussion in 'Tutorials Archive' started by ProjectFM, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    Ever since I found Markey Jester's tutorial on improving fade in and fade out progression, it always bothered me the that there wasn't a tutorial for improving the fade to and from white used for Sonic 1's special stage so today, I fixed that. Originally, the fade to white would look like this:[​IMG]

    To fix it, replace the beginning of Pal_MakeWhite to the end of Pal_AddColor2 with this: (Made to work with Hivebrain's 2005 Sonic 1 disassembly)

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Subroutine to fill the pallet with white (special stage)
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_MakeWhite: ; XREF: SpecialStage
    move.w #$3F,($FFFFF626).w
    moveq #0,d0
    lea ($FFFFFB00).w,a0
    move.b ($FFFFF626).w,d0
    adda.w d0,a0
    move.w #$EEE,d1
    move.b ($FFFFF627).w,d0

    move.w d1,(a0)+
    dbf d0,PalWhite_Loop ; fill pallet with $000 (black)
    moveq #$0E,d4 ; MJ: prepare maximum colour check
    moveq #$00,d6 ; MJ: clear d6

    bsr.w RunPLC_RAM
    move.b #$12,($FFFFF62A).w
    bsr.w DelayProgram
    bchg #$00,d6 ; MJ: change delay counter
    beq loc_1EF4 ; MJ: if null, delay a frame
    bsr.s Pal_WhiteToBlack
    subq.b #$02,d4 ; MJ: decrease colour check
    bne loc_1EF4 ; MJ: if it has not reached null, branch
    move.b #$12,($FFFFF62A).w ; MJ: wait for V-blank again (so colours transfer)
    bra DelayProgram ; MJ: ''
    ; End of function Pal_MakeWhite

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_WhiteToBlack: ; XREF: Pal_MakeWhite
    moveq #0,d0
    lea ($FFFFFB00).w,a0
    lea ($FFFFFB80).w,a1
    move.b ($FFFFF626).w,d0
    adda.w d0,a0
    adda.w d0,a1
    move.b ($FFFFF627).w,d0

    bsr.s Pal_DecColor2
    dbf d0,loc_1F20
    cmpi.b #1,($FFFFFE10).w
    bne.s locret_1F4A
    moveq #0,d0
    lea ($FFFFFA80).w,a0
    lea ($FFFFFA00).w,a1
    move.b ($FFFFF626).w,d0
    adda.w d0,a0
    adda.w d0,a1
    move.b ($FFFFF627).w,d0

    bsr.s Pal_DecColor2
    dbf d0,loc_1F44

    ; End of function Pal_WhiteToBlack

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_DecColor2: ; XREF: Pal_WhiteToBlack
    move.b (a1),d5 ; MJ: load blue
    move.w (a1)+,d1 ; MJ: load green and red
    move.b d1,d2 ; MJ: load red
    lsr.b #$04,d1 ; MJ: get only green
    andi.b #$0E,d2 ; MJ: get only red
    move.w (a0),d3 ; MJ: load current colour in buffer
    cmp.b d5,d4 ; MJ: is it time for blue to fade?
    bcs FCI2_NoBlue ; MJ: if not, branch
    subi.w #$0200,d3 ; MJ: dencrease blue

    cmp.b d1,d4 ; MJ: is it time for green to fade?
    bcs FCI2_NoGreen ; MJ: if not, branch
    subi.b #$20,d3 ; MJ: dencrease green

    cmp.b d2,d4 ; MJ: is it time for red to fade?
    bcs FCI2_NoRed ; MJ: if not, branch
    subq.b #$02,d3 ; MJ: dencrease red

    move.w d3,(a0)+ ; MJ: save colour
    rts ; MJ: return
    ; End of function Pal_DecColor2

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Subroutine to make a white flash when you enter a special stage
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_MakeFlash: ; XREF: SpecialStage
    move.w #$3F,($FFFFF626).w
    moveq #$07,d4 ; MJ: set repeat times
    moveq #$00,d6 ; MJ: clear d6

    bsr.w RunPLC_RAM
    move.b #$12,($FFFFF62A).w
    bsr.w DelayProgram
    bchg #$00,d6 ; MJ: change delay counter
    beq loc_1F86 ; MJ: if null, delay a frame
    bsr.s Pal_ToWhite
    dbf d4,loc_1F86
    ; End of function Pal_MakeFlash

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_ToWhite: ; XREF: Pal_MakeFlash
    moveq #0,d0
    lea ($FFFFFB00).w,a0
    move.b ($FFFFF626).w,d0
    adda.w d0,a0
    move.b ($FFFFF627).w,d0

    bsr.s Pal_AddColor2
    dbf d0,loc_1FAC

    moveq #0,d0
    lea ($FFFFFA80).w,a0
    move.b ($FFFFF626).w,d0
    adda.w d0,a0
    move.b ($FFFFF627).w,d0

    bsr.s Pal_AddColor2
    dbf d0,loc_1FC2
    ; End of function Pal_ToWhite

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Pal_AddColor2: ; XREF: Pal_ToWhite
    move.w (a0),d5 ; MJ: load colour
    cmpi.w #$EEE,d5
    beq.s FCO2_NoRed
    move.w d5,d1 ; MJ: copy to d1
    move.b d1,d2 ; MJ: load green and red
    move.b d1,d3 ; MJ: load red
    andi.w #$0E00,d1 ; MJ: get only blue
    cmpi.w #$0E00,d1
    beq FCO2_NoBlue ; MJ: if blue is finished, branch
    addi.w #$0200,d5 ; MJ: increase blue

    andi.w #$00E0,d2 ; MJ: get only green (needs to be word)
    cmpi.w #$00E0,d2
    beq FCO2_NoGreen ; MJ: if green is finished, branch
    addi.b #$20,d5 ; MJ: increase green

    andi.b #$0E,d3 ; MJ: get only red
    cmpi.b #$0E,d3
    beq FCO2_NoRed ; MJ: if red is finished, branch
    addq.b #$02,d5 ; MJ: increase red

    move.w d5,(a0)+ ; MJ: save new colour
    rts ; MJ: return
    ; End of function Pal_AddColor2
    Now it should look like this:


    Credit goes to Markey Jester for the original code this is based off of.
    MarkeyJester likes this.
  2. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Though, for whatever reason, I prefer the yellower flash, this looks very nice as well. Good work!
  3. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Yeah, same here. The yellow flash kinda adds that particular feel to it when entering a special stage. Still nice work!
  4. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Not bad tutorial. I already use it!
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