Sonic: Virtual Adventure

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by FохConED, Nov 4, 2016.

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  1. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Welcome to the Sonic Virtual Adventure Demo page!

    Once again, Eggman plans to conquer the Mobius and rule the entire planet.
    To fulfill his evil scheme, the villain has created his most dangerous invention yet, the Egg-Virtualizer.
    With the help of his evil machine, Eggman attempts to virtualize the Mobius and become its only powerful ruler.
    He uses the Chaos Emeralds to power the machine, but things went not as he planned.
    Shortly after its activation, the machine broke, dispersing the emeralds' shreds all over the virtualized Mobius.
    Help Sonic to collect all the emeralds once again to destroy the machine and restore the planet!


    Hack Idea:
    Ladego Team

    - TheBlad768
    - SHooTeR
    - VladislavSavvateev
    - Vladikcomper

    Music Compositing:
    - Ivan YO (SoundCloud page)

    SMPS Porting:

    Level Creating:

    - Mr.Cat
    - EgorTF


    Beta Testing:
    - Vladikcomper
    - Abyssal Leopard

    Special Thanks:
    Abyssal Leopard
    - Solareyn







    The new version with some changes:

    - New flashing function
    - Multiple corrections of bugs
    - To switch off Extended Camera press on TitleScreen C+Start
    - Extended Camera is corrected

    - Small corrections.
    And as I have noticed many haven't understood that it is NECESSARY TO COLLECT EMERALDS!
    Visit our SHC page and vote!
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    Download this Fixed Demo!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    MarkeyJester, Kurk, Ivan YO and 17 others like this.
  2. TheBlurCafe

    TheBlurCafe Welcome to TheBlurCafe! Member

    Sep 6, 2016
    So I played this (and getting the emerald, so I don't know what happens if you don't, but I guess the demo ends anyway) and I've gotta say...
    I was surprised, a lot, BUT as with every hack that exists there are bad and good things, let's start with the good ones first:
    -Cutscenes, I have nothing else to say
    -The music is pretty amazing, the instrument choice really fits with the whole virtual feeling
    -The art looks really good, it's really colorful and it looks pleasing to the eyes
    -The boss is really challenging, but that's to be expected from Blad.
    -I like the emerald hunting gameplay,but shouldn't the emeralds be of different colors?
    Now for the bad things:
    -As soon as I began playing I hated the camera, it pans around too much and follows Sonic in an unnecessary fast speed, there should be an option to play without it
    -This might be a nitpick, but I suggest you to change the breakable walls's look...
    -The level design, for the entire demo, the level design has always been recycled,I saw the same loop, the same "swirly tunnel" thingy, the same enemy / object / platform placement, I suggest you to avoid "looping" the level, tho I guess you did that because of demo.
    -The emeralds are all in the same "last part" of the level, make them more distant.
    Overall, this is a pretty solid hack that needs some adjustments, but it looks very promising, keep up the work!
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  3. FireRat

    FireRat Do Not Interact With This User, Anywhere!!! Exiled

    Oct 31, 2009
    Very well!, GF ThePlayer ninja'd already most of my points, however I don't find the level layouts to be bad, in fact I found them to be more "relaxed" than these from Sonic 2 Retro Remix or Sonic CD. Not too small, not too big, giving a proper sensation while still being easy to explore. It's true though it is hard to tell whether things are walls or part of the foreground's decoration. For getting the third emerald from UIZ, you have to break a wall; the foreground is not solid, but 1 block upwards it is, with no block to display the division. It's like if the wall doesn't know what it wants to be.

    I have to praise all the work involved here. It is clear that you're aiming for a fine work, and it shows. It is virtually bug-free from the gameplay side. Moreso, I really love the animation fluidity here. Few to no mistakes*, and you've made a good job keeping everything soft!!!. Same goes for all the new art and music here. Keep it up, can't wait to see more! And you killed it with the crash ;)

    I found a bug with the HUD

    *The freeze during the title card sequence is fully avoidable
  4. Royameadow

    Royameadow Welcome to the modern existence. Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Lynn MA, North America
    Caught in Gens Rerecording after beating the game and attempting to replay it, please note that I completed it with all six Emerald Shards:

    SVA SHC 2016 DEMO_000.png

    Apparently, "But is it?!" is still somehow in the game, this was expected at some point but I didn't think that it would show up in a game crashing scenario, of all places.
    Nice way to sneak in the phrase there, that put a smile on my face, just as much as the demo itself had, I hope to view more of this work in Future~Time, once a more complete build is available for us to play.
  5. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Lol, it's a easter egg)
    FireRat and Royameadow like this.
  6. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    I just wanted to point out that you have to have all the emerald shards to beat the level. Otherwise the level loops.
  7. TheBlurCafe

    TheBlurCafe Welcome to TheBlurCafe! Member

    Sep 6, 2016
    Ohhhhhhh, now I get it, took me a while, but thanks for telling me!
  8. M.N.K.

    M.N.K. In the River of Darkness... Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Just finished playing this and I love it. the level design, the music, the cutscenes. everything overall feels like something I could play repeatedly and im usually not the type to do that, especially when it comes to most hacks out there so much good work on this. One thing that did make me have to stop though was that when I got both emeralds and beat eggman, the cutscence where you put the emeralds in the capsule did'nt play correctly.


    did this happen to anyone else? Played it on Kega BTW.

    Edit: Luckily I saved a state before the boss, but after beating it again, it played. not sure what happened but still something you should probably check out.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
    Jdpense likes this.
  9. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    Please explain what this Future~Time is you refer to. Did you just mean "in the future", and if you did, why did you feel the need to dramatise and express it in such a way?
  10. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    Usually I hate forced exploration in a 2D Sonic game but I feel that this hack did it in the most enjoyable way possible. It plays like a normal level until the radar starts going off. Then, once you take about a minute to find the emerald to continue the level.

    The extended camera feels too sensitive which might give people who are less tolerant to the extended camera some trouble. I can see that how far the camera moves depends on Sonic's speed so I think the window between normal and fully panned should either be larger or require Sonic to be a bit faster.

    The big problem I'm having with this hack is that the number of emerald shards collected is cleared after dying which means that you're pretty much restarting the level. This is super frustrating and kept me from completing the game because of how long it takes to complete each act. I can see how this is caused by a programming limitation so I recommend making the shards use a separate ram address for determining if they are collect or not to prevent them from coming back when you die.

    Overall, this hack's presentation is fantastic and I look forward to the next release. This is definitely a step up from Back in Time.
  11. Royameadow

    Royameadow Welcome to the modern existence. Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Lynn MA, North America
    That's a force of habit, on my part: Future~Time does mean "In the Future", similar as to how Past~Time and Present~Time define those respective time types, in that same manner.
    I often say and type Past~Time, Present~Time/Present Day, and Future~Time, as it's been how I have been talking with my friends since 2009, it started up one day over a discussion of Astrology and it stuck with me; plus it sounds more simple and fast as well, saves me a syllable when talking.
  12. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    I played through it. I love it. The boss was challenging and i really like the Title Screen Music.
  13. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Played the hack. The hack itself and the concept are good. I love how the portal takes you to a level, and levels are HUGE.
    Just a few things: You should set an option to toggle the extended camera. That's one of the only things I hated.
    This part of the credits made me chuckle a bit.
  14. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    In fact, this is a legit nickname of a level designer. :p
    FireRat and FохConED like this.
  15. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Small news: today there will be a hotfix of many problems noticed by players so it is worth waiting for a release of the version with fixes)
    FireRat, TheBlurCafe and pixelcat like this.
  16. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Updated version available in first post!
    *sorry for double post*
    FireRat likes this.
  17. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    I played this for a while last night, and honestly, I was taken by surprise!

    The presentation is great, it looks like it was put together by a professional team with no expense taken for granted, particularly the hub world. It has a slick design and everything appears to have consistency and order, this, is a great thing, it is not one of those sort of hacks that does not know what it wants to be.

    Probably the most important aspect of the hack, is the layout and object placement, it is absolutely brilliant! Nothing is out of place, all objects fit in nicely, and playing through, no flow is broken. It's nice, fluid, with plenty of branching paths, and very little dick moves (I say little, as I jumped on a spring and was shot up into a flying badnik... OUCH!!), the chunks all come together perfectly, they are used in obscure ways, making the play through unique. High props to Dr.Robotnik.

    Regarding artwork, it is beautifully done, the pixel construction is definitely one of the best, that factory based level in particular is awesome, and extra points here, it has fitting scrolling and palette cycling! The badniks too I noticed were beefed up brilliantly (nice and shiny), they look almost like an S3K rendition of the Green Hill Zone badniks, and that is really cool~ Utopia Island Zone however, I was unnerved at first as I couldn't help but notice the similarity between it and Sunny Shores Zone from Megamix, not to say that's a bad thing, it looks like you guys were heavily inspired and you've produced something that's beautiful in the process, and it's the fine details that are constructed, like the small flowers up-top of the grass. In particular, I'm also pleased that every object and every art tile got a complete revamp, it isn't a half-assed piece of work, it has been done fully to the end. SHooTeR, Mr.Cat and EgorTF, you have all done very well, no stone is left unturned, as I said before, it all looks extremely professional and consistent.

    My only concern is the aspect of the game, where you're required to get all pieces of the emerald, I actually didn't bother with act 2, after finishing act 1, I really honestly could not spend the extra time to finish it, it's just not my type of game, it almost broke the flow for me, this is just a personal dislike on my end, and I do NOT insist that the game must be changed, I'm just saying that it's not my type of game.

    One concern that others have mentioned is that the extended camera caused them some irritation, which is probably why you gave me a version with the option to disable it. I decided to play it with the extended camera ON, and play it as intended. To be frankly honest, the extended camera didn't do me any harm, of course, it didn't really do much benefit either, I have a neutral opinion of it. I think the layout was designed well enough for it not to be a problem (again, extra credit to Dr.Robotnik dX).

    I've also noticed you've posted regular bug-fixes and updates, this shows you really care for your project, and are looking to clean out all of the bugs mentioned by members here, it also shows that you and your team take criticism positively and respond to further please the audience, absolutely fantastic guys!
  18. FохConED

    FохConED Join to Digital Resistance! Member

    Dec 13, 2014
    Thanks a lot for your opinion! I with LadegoTeam will try to consider it.
    About emeralds - we will try to enter several modes of a game, including the mode without emeralds.
  19. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    So... Now that i played it completely, here are my Pro and Contras.

    Pro: The music. I really love the music from the Title Screen. I have to know from which game it is. :)
    Pro: The Zone. Really awesome. It's really an great thing.
    Pro: Virtual Adventure seems to be Back in Time - Final Chapter, cause the Utopia Island 2 music should be used there. :p
    Pro: The boss fight. Really nice job, and i see, that Blad has made it. xD
    Pro: The story and the virutal hub. Both are incredible. REALLY awesome!
    Pro: The search after the emeralds. It's easy. I want to have an classic mode without emeralds, cause i love it to go through the zones without any effort. I'm lazy, you know? xD But seriously, the emerald searching system is very good!
    Pro: Hyper Sonic is a thing in this game. Wow.
    Contra: The boss music is a little bit too loud.

    OTHER than that, It's an very awesome hack! I can't wait to see more updates and the FINAL RELEASE. :)
    Will the game have an Hyper Sonic Finale in SPACE? xD
  20. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    The music from title screen is original, composed by Ivan YO.
    Ivan YO, LordXernom and FохConED like this.
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