Your thoughts on Steam Workshop reuploads

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by giovanni.gen, Feb 28, 2023.


Are you okay with your ROM hacks being on the Steam Workshop?

  1. Yes, even if someone else uploads it.

  2. No, I generally upload my hacks myself.

  3. No, I don't want my hacks on the Steam Workshop.

    0 vote(s)
  1. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    A common issue with Sonic ROM hacks is the fact that they often get reuploaded by unauthorized 3rd parties on the SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Steam Workshop page. Personally, I don't see the appeal of actively playing on an audibly less accurate, resource intensive emulator with restricted SRAM capabilities, and I don't have much respect for the practice of reuploading others' hacks on the Workshop. Sadly, with the practice occuring more often than I'd like, I find myself uploading my own ROM hacks on the Steam Workshop pretty much out of necessity, so that people do not find the need to upload my ROM hacks (and even then I can not guarantee this deterrent may function). What are your thoughts on the practice?

    Additionally, I ask you for a favor. If anyone of you find a ROM hack of mine uploaded to the Steam Workshop, check the username under which it was published. If it was not published by "VeryCoolGiova", please report the listing.

    If you are reading this, and have reuploaded any of my hacks to the Steam Workshop without my permission, please take down the listing.

    EDIT: The second option in the poll probably would've worked better without the "No" at the beginning. Sucks I can't edit it.
    DeltaW likes this.
  2. RobiWanKenobi

    RobiWanKenobi Python Developer and ASM enthusiast Member

    Sep 10, 2022
    United States
    I can see why you don't like that, having people releasing your work without your permission.

    Though my stance is that to me, as long as there is,
    1. Credit to the original creator
    2. They don't modify the Rom from the released state
    3. The things that are released aren't crappy hacks
    Then i feel it lets hacks have a wider audiance to play them, and lets them get more recognition.