Untitled Sonic 1 Hack

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by Stardust Gear, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Giving this a well thought out post that isn't a rudely blatant attack on the OP (and one that's actually been researched to debunk some claims).

    First of all, the music! It mostly sounds like what would happen if you tried porting music from Sonic 3 to Sonic 1.. without fixing the DAC definitions, and the tracks that were taken from a Megamix build are the ones that unsurprisingly aren't too broken but are still pretty broken (those Ristar ports.. listen to the noise! It's all over the place with broken DAC definitions, and the second one? It's hilarious!). It took me a while to release what $84 was, then I realized it's supposed to be Launch Base. To be honest, it sounds like a Sonic Chronicles version of it, which by any means is not a good thing. :p $85 appears to be a broken Chaotix port; the FM is working fine, but the DAC is pretty broken! It also sounds like the PSG hasn't been brought over properly. And $86? While it has indeed been ripped from Megamix, it wasn't exactly written for it. I think it'd be preferred if you got the music from its original source, but Dangerous Seed is a pain in the ass to port from. I still don't advocate it myself, however. Finishing off with a few more broken S3K ports brings the sound-test to a close. Overall.. it's pretty mediocre, to be honest, but there's promise.

    I then started to try to play the game, and while I really liked the first few seconds of what you had going on in GHZ1, it turned back into regular GHZ1.. Which wasn't giving me hope. Then, after the triple (may I ask why) S tube the game glitched out, Sonic went up to the top of the level and then back to the bottom again and button input just stopped working.

    If this is a sign of things to come, I thought it better to close Fusion and try it again some other day. You have a fair bit of work to go on, but there's promise at least. 
  2. Stardust Gear

    Stardust Gear A Programmer Member

    Apr 27, 2014
  3. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Right off the bat...


    This should not be happening when trying to enter a loop. It's clearly a collision problem, so this can easily be fixed, but it makes the level unpassable.

    Now, because I haven't gotten to play any of the other levels, I really don't have a strong impression, but I noticed in the first level that your layout's don't have much flow. To quote SuperEgg/SuperGoose on the meaning of flow:

    In general, your layouts have many areas where you are stopped by rocks and objects, or there is no clear direction.

    Keep that in mind whenever you make your next update.

    Overall, from what I played, it needs alot of work and some new, fresh ideas that make it a worthwhile hack to play. Otherwise, it just feels like an annoying, generic, recolored Sonic 1 with new layouts.

    EDIT: And also, GET SOME DANG SCREENSHOTS. I noticed that in this whole thread, not one release had any screenshots or any material to let us see what it looks like ahead of time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2014
  4. Stardust Gear

    Stardust Gear A Programmer Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    LOL Forgot some flag loops
  5. Painto

    Painto Arthurus Paintus Erinaceus Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Lublin, Poland
    Well, this looks a bit better, but still there are some flaws:

    • The title emblem is misplaced again. The same with BG on it.
    • Star Light Zone and SBZ2 music dont work. Final boss theme, Marble Zone Act 1 (LRZ1) and Labyrinth Zone Act 3 (HCZ2) also sound weird (like music in some shitty S3&K hacks)
    • You changed SBZ1 layout, but there are glitched blocks (one I noticed is with a spring before of tube)
    • In GHZ1, after the S-tubes, there are 2 loops that don't work
    • Some parts in GHZ layouts don't have sense. It's most about the wall ending without a shading or S-tube chunk whic ends in middle.
    • There are probably more, but I don't want to search more. You should also work longer and harder on your hack before releasing it.
    EDIT: I noticed that in SLZ1, at 13B0-13D0 screen position it sometimes gives an illegal instruction. Maybe because of music?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2014
  6. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
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