the missing spindust???

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by warr1or2, Apr 29, 2011.

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  1. warr1or2

    warr1or2 I AM CLG Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Town Creek, AL
    0:34-0:35 the spindust is missing in my hack. i had it on there but must've messed something up when trying to make a basic peelout
    the code

    if _SPINDASH_
    		tst.b	$39(a0)		&#59; already Spin Dashing?
    		bne.s	SpinDash_Process&#59; if yes, branch
    		cmpi.b	#8,$1C(a0)	&#59; is animation Duck?
    		bne.s	Sonic_SpinDash_Rts&#59; if not, branch
    		tpress	A,(SonicControl)&#59; is A, B or C pressed?
    		beq.w	Sonic_SpinDash_Rts&#59; if not, branch
    				move.b	#$1F,$1C(a0)	&#59; use Spin Dash animation
    		move.w	#$FD1,d0
    		jsr	(PlaySound_Special).l
    		addq.l	#4,sp		&#59; avoid Sonic_Jump call
    		move.b	#1,$39(a0)	&#59; set Spin Dash flag
    		move.w	#0,$3A(a0)
    		bsr.w	Sonic_LevelBound
    		bsr.w	Sonic_AnglePos
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    				move.b	#$1F,$1C(a0)	&#59; use Spin Dash animation
    		move.b	(SonicControl|Held),d0&#59; load held buttons bitfield to d0
    		btst	#iDown,d0	&#59; is Down held?
    		bne.w	SpinDash_Charge	&#59; if yes, branch
    		move.b	#$E,$16(a0)	&#59; decrease Sonic's height
    		move.b	#7,$17(a0)
    		move.b	#2,$1C(a0)	&#59; use rolling animation
    		addq.w	#5,$C(a0)	&#59; add 5 to Y coordinate
    		move.b	#0,$39(a0)	&#59; clear Spin Dash flag
    		moveq	#0,d0
    		move.b	$3A(a0),d0
    		add.w	d0,d0
    		move.w	DashSpeeds(pc,d0.w),$14(a0)&#59; get Spin Dash speed
    		btst	#0,$22(a0)	&#59; is Sonic facing right?
    		beq.s	SpinDash_ReleaseSound&#59; if yes, branch
    		neg.w	$14(a0)		&#59; negate inertia
    		bset	#2,$22(a0)
    		move.w	#$BC,d0
    		jsr	(PlaySound_Special).l
    		bra.s	loc2_1AD78
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    DashSpeeds:	dc.w  $800	&#59; 0
    		dc.w  $880	&#59; 1
    		dc.w  $900	&#59; 2
    		dc.w  $980	&#59; 3
    		dc.w  $A00	&#59; 4
    		dc.w  $A80	&#59; 5
    		dc.w  $B00	&#59; 6
    		dc.w  $B80	&#59; 7
    		dc.w  $C00	&#59; 8
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    		tst.w	$3A(a0)	&#59; test charge counter
    		beq.s	loc2_1AD48&#59; if it's zero, branch
    		move.w	$3A(a0),d0&#59; move it to d0
    		lsr.w	#5,d0	&#59; divide by 32
    		sub.w	d0,$3A(a0)
    		bcc.s	loc2_1AD48
    		move.w	#0,$3A(a0)
    		tpress	A+B+C,(SonicControl)
    		beq.w	loc2_1AD78
    		move.w	#$1F00,$1C(a0)
    		move.w	#$D1,d0
    		jsr	(PlaySound_Special).l
    		addi.w	#$200,$3A(a0)
    		cmpi.w	#$800,$3A(a0)
    		bcs.s	loc2_1AD78
    		move.w	#$800,$3A(a0)
    		addq.l	#4,sp	&#59; avoid Sonic_Jump call
    		cmpi.w	#$60,($FFFFEED8).w
    		beq.s	loc2_1AD8C
    		bcc.s	loc2_1AD88
    		addq.w	#4,($FFFFEED8).w
    		subq.w	#2,($FFFFEED8).w
    		bsr.w	Sonic_LevelBound
    		bsr.w	Sonic_AnglePos
    		move.w	#$60,($FFFFF73E).w&#59; reset looking up/down
    ; End of subroutine Sonic_Spin_Dash
    i've tried everytning
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2011
  2. Crash

    Crash Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    You need to set the spindash dust object's animation to #2 to make it appear.
  3. warr1or2

    warr1or2 I AM CLG Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Town Creek, AL
    	if _SPINDASH_=0
    		moveq	#0,d0
    		move.b	$24(a0),d0
    		move.w	Obj05_Index(pc,d0.w),d1
    		jmp	Obj05_Index(pc,d1.w)
    ; ===========================================================================
    Obj05_Index:	dc.w Obj05_Main-Obj05_Index&#59; 0
    		dc.w Obj05_Dust-Obj05_Index&#59; 2
    ; ===========================================================================
    		addq.b	#2,$24(a0)
    		move.l	#Map_Obj05,4(a0)
    		move.b	#4,1(a0)
    		move.b	#1,$18(a0)
    		move.b	#$10,$19(a0)
    		move.w	#$7A0,2(a0)
    		move.w	#$F400,$3C(a0)&#59; VRAM destination for DMA
    ; ===========================================================================
    		lea	($FFFFD000).w,a2; load Sonic object
    		cmpi.b	#6,$24(a2)&#59; is Sonic dying?
    		bcc.s   Obj05_Rts&#59; if yes, branch
    		tst.b	$39(a2)	&#59; is Sonic Spin Dashing?
    		beq.s	Obj05_Rts&#59; if not, branch
    		move.b	1(a2),1(a0)
    		move.w	8(a2),8(a0)
    		move.w	$C(a2),$C(a0)
    		move.b	$22(a2),$22(a0)
    		andi.b	#1,$22(a0)
    		lea	(Ani_Obj05).l,a1
    		jsr	AnimateSprite
    		bsr.s	Load_SpinDust_DPLC
    		bra.w	DisplaySprite
    ; ===========================================================================
    		moveq	#0,d0
    		move.b	$1A(a0),d0
    		cmp.b	$30(a0),d0
    		beq.w	locret_1DF36
    		move.b	d0,$30(a0)
    		lea	(off_1E074).l,a2
    		add	d0,d0
    		add	(a2,d0.w),a2
    		move	(a2)+,d5
    		subq	#1,d5
    		bmi.w	locret_1DF36
    		move.w	$3C(a0),d4&#59; load VRAM destination
    		moveq	#0,d1
    		move.w	(a2)+,d1
    		move.w	d1,d3
    		lsr.w	#8,d3
    		andi.w	#$F0,d3
    		addi.w	#$10,d3
    		andi.w	#$FFF,d1
    		lsl.l	#5,d1
    		add.l	#Art_Dust,d1
    		move	d4,d2
    		add	d3,d4
    		add	d3,d4
    		jsr	(QueueDMATransfer).l
    		dbf	d5,loc_1DF0A
    ; ===========================================================================
    Ani_Obj05:	dc.w byte_1DF4F-Ani_Obj05
    byte_1DF4F:	dc.b 1, $A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $F, $10, $FF
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Sprite Mappings - Spin Dust
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	dc.w word_1DF8A-Map_Obj05; 0
    	dc.w word_1DF8C-Map_Obj05; 1
    	dc.w word_1DF96-Map_Obj05; 2
    	dc.w word_1DFA0-Map_Obj05; 3
    	dc.w word_1DFAA-Map_Obj05; 4
    	dc.w word_1DFB4-Map_Obj05; 5
    	dc.w word_1DFBE-Map_Obj05; 6
    	dc.w word_1DFC8-Map_Obj05; 7
    	dc.w word_1DFD2-Map_Obj05; 8
    	dc.w word_1DFDC-Map_Obj05; 9
    	dc.w word_1DFE6-Map_Obj05; 10
    	dc.w word_1DFF0-Map_Obj05; 11
    	dc.w word_1DFFA-Map_Obj05; 12
    	dc.w word_1E004-Map_Obj05; 13
    	dc.w word_1E016-Map_Obj05; 14
    	dc.w word_1E028-Map_Obj05; 15
    	dc.w word_1E03A-Map_Obj05; 16
    	dc.w word_1E04C-Map_Obj05; 17
    	dc.w word_1E056-Map_Obj05; 18
    	dc.w word_1E060-Map_Obj05; 19
    	dc.w word_1E06A-Map_Obj05; 20
    	dc.w word_1DF8A-Map_Obj05; 21
    word_1DF8A:	dc.b 0
    word_1DF8C:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F2, $0D, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DF96:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $E2, $0F, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFA0:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $E2, $0F, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFAA:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $E2, $0F, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFB4:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $E2, $0F, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFBE:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $E2, $0F, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFC8:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F2, $0D, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFD2:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F2, $0D, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFDC:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F2, $0D, $0, 0,$F0; 0
    word_1DFE6:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 0,$E0; 0
    word_1DFF0:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 0,$E0; 0
    word_1DFFA:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 0,$E0; 0
    word_1E004:	dc.b 2
    		dc.b $F4, $01, $0, 0,$E8; 0
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 2,$E0; 4
    word_1E016:	dc.b 2
    		dc.b $F4, $05, $0, 0,$E8; 0
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 4,$E0; 4
    word_1E028:	dc.b 2
    		dc.b $F4, $09, $0, 0,$E0; 0
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 6,$E0; 4
    word_1E03A:	dc.b 2
    		dc.b $F4, $09, $0, 0,$E0; 0
    		dc.b $4, $0D, $0, 6,$E0; 4
    word_1E04C:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F8, $05, $0, 0,$F8; 0
    word_1E056:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F8, $05, $0, 4,$F8; 0
    word_1E060:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F8, $05, $0, 8,$F8; 0
    word_1E06A:	dc.b 1
    		dc.b $F8, $05, $0, $C,$F8; 0
    		dc.b 0
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Dynamic Pattern Load Cues - Spin Dust
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    off_1E074:	dc word_1E0A0-off_1E074; 0
    	dc word_1E0A2-off_1E074; 1
    	dc word_1E0A6-off_1E074; 2
    	dc word_1E0AA-off_1E074; 3
    	dc word_1E0AE-off_1E074; 4
    	dc word_1E0B2-off_1E074; 5
    	dc word_1E0B6-off_1E074; 6
    	dc word_1E0BA-off_1E074; 7
    	dc word_1E0BE-off_1E074; 8
    	dc word_1E0C2-off_1E074; 9
    	dc word_1E0C6-off_1E074; 10
    	dc word_1E0CA-off_1E074; 11
    	dc word_1E0CE-off_1E074; 12
    	dc word_1E0D2-off_1E074; 13
    	dc word_1E0D8-off_1E074; 14
    	dc word_1E0DE-off_1E074; 15
    	dc word_1E0E4-off_1E074; 16
    	dc word_1E0EA-off_1E074; 17
    	dc word_1E0EA-off_1E074; 18
    	dc word_1E0EA-off_1E074; 19
    	dc word_1E0EA-off_1E074; 20
    	dc word_1E0EC-off_1E074; 21
    word_1E0A0:	dc 0
    word_1E0A2:	dc 1
    	dc $7000
    word_1E0A6:	dc 1
    	dc $F008
    word_1E0AA:	dc 1
    	dc $F018
    word_1E0AE:	dc 1
    	dc $F028
    word_1E0B2:	dc 1
    	dc $F038
    word_1E0B6:	dc 1
    	dc $F048
    word_1E0BA:	dc 1
    	dc $7058
    word_1E0BE:	dc 1
    	dc $7060
    word_1E0C2:	dc 1
    	dc $7068
    word_1E0C6:	dc 1
    	dc $7070
    word_1E0CA:	dc 1
    	dc $7078
    word_1E0CE:	dc 1
    	dc $7080
    word_1E0D2:	dc 2
    	dc $1088
    	dc $708A
    word_1E0D8:	dc 2
    	dc $3092
    	dc $7096
    word_1E0DE:	dc 2
    	dc $509E
    	dc $70A4
    word_1E0E4:	dc 2
    	dc $50AC
    	dc $70B2
    word_1E0EA:	dc 0
    word_1E0EC:	dc 1
    	dc $F0BA
    here is the animation for spindust

    this was untouched, but i know for a fact that the spindash"s was changed when i tried to make a basic peelout out of it. Bad idea and now i screwed it up
  4. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    A few things I could note are:

    • Removing the "if _SPINDASH_=0" and "else", or at least making sure that "_SPINDASH_" (whatever it is, assuming it's an assembler instruction) is set to 1 (or rather a non 0 value)
    • Making sure the object is infact loaded and that nothing overwrites it (check the level starting routine for details).
    • I'm not sure about the animation script "byte_1DF4F:" using only mappings from A to 10 (not sure if it was like that in the original version though, please disregard if so).

    As for your hack, it doesn't look very pleasing to be honest, it looks quite dull and very hackish, I recommend looking into making something more unique.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2011
  5. warr1or2

    warr1or2 I AM CLG Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Town Creek, AL
    no can do on that, due to using sonic 1 hacking studio 2 (not in english but i easily found my way) the "if" tags go straicht to the config.asm to turn it on or off.

    i'm still working out all the bugs at the moment. the springjump is complete and i will make a perfect use for it. on another note i took off the "IF" tag on one and it killed it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2011
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