PLC how they work?

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by Dark Lips, Dec 8, 2011.

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  1. Dark Lips

    Dark Lips Well-Known Member Member

    Nov 14, 2008
    Wolverhampton UK
    Hi there, I am having trouble figuring out PLC stuff.... I want to add the knuckles Signpost to sonic 2 plc index, like so

    ; Pattern load queue
    ; End of level signpost
    PLC_3D: plrlistheader
    plreq $8680, ArtNem_Knuckles_Signpost

    how would I call it? I have tried this....

    moveq #$27,d0 ; <== PLC_1F  load sonic/tails sign post
    	    cmpi.w  #$3,($FFFFFF72).w; Check if Player is Knuckles
    bne.s   CheckLoadSignpostArt_cont ; if not knuckles jump to LOADPLC2
    moveq    #$3D,d0; Knuckles Signpost (3D is the PLC ID)
    	    bra.w LoadPLC2  ; load signpost art

    but It dosnt work and I have a feeling its becasue even though its PLC_3D the 3D dosnt relate to its Id?

    Plese help I am confused !!!

  2. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    You'll need to show us the table at the "very beginning" of the PLC lists, the one that points to all PLC lists, i.e. in Sonic 1 Hivebrain 2005 I have:

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Pattern load cues - index

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    dc.w PLC_Main-ArtLoadCues, PLC_Main2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_Explode-ArtLoadCues, PLC_GameOver-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_GHZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_GHZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_LZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_LZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_MZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_MZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SLZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_SLZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SYZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_SYZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SBZ-ArtLoadCues, PLC_SBZ2-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_TitleCard-ArtLoadCues, PLC_Boss-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_Signpost-ArtLoadCues, PLC_Warp-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SpeStage-ArtLoadCues, PLC_GHZAnimals-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_LZAnimals-ArtLoadCues, PLC_MZAnimals-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SLZAnimals-ArtLoadCues, PLC_SYZAnimals-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_SBZAnimals-ArtLoadCues, PLC_SpeStResult-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_Ending-ArtLoadCues, PLC_TryAgain-ArtLoadCues

    dc.w PLC_EggmanSBZ2-ArtLoadCues, PLC_FZBoss-ArtLoadCues

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    By being able to see the main table, we can count down and work out exactly what ID your knuckles signpost PLC is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2011
  3. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    From what I see in S2's disassembly, there are 66 PLCs in the original PLC index of S2, that's 42 in hex, so that 3D is most likely wrong.

    By the way, it looks like you could replace bne.s CheckLoadSignpostArt_cont with bne.w LoadPLC2. Not like it matters much though, it could even make it more annoying if you later have to change the bra.w with a jmp.
  4. Dark Lips

    Dark Lips Well-Known Member Member

    Nov 14, 2008
    Wolverhampton UK
    ok guys I figured it out now :) but hae another PLC related question...

    ; Pattern load queue
    ; End of level signpost
    PLC_3D: plrlistheader
    plreq $8680, ArtNem_Knuckles_Signpost
    PLC_3D_End ; ID =45 :)

    but how does a PLC with multiple entries work? for example....

    PLC_3A: plrlistheader
    plreq $B000, ArtNem_TitleCard
    plreq $B600, ArtNem_ResultsText
    plreq $BE80, ArtNem_MiniTails
    plreq $A800, ArtNem_Perfect
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2011
  5. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Each PLC list usually contains several entries, for example, the list you shared above:

    plreq $B000, ArtNem_TitleCard
    plreq $B600, ArtNem_ResultsText
    plreq $BE80, ArtNem_MiniTails
    plreq $A800, ArtNem_Perfect

    As you can see there are 4 entries, each entry (starting from the top) gets decompressed in sections, during the VDP's display phase, the 68k will decompress a small section of it, and then during the vertical blanking interval when the VDP is no longer busy, the decompressed data gets flushed off to the V-Ram address (the $???? value) specified, and continues in that loop of decompressing, then flushing, once it has finished processing the entry, it moves onto the next one and repeats this process.

    The reason for doing it this way rather than loading all of the data directly to begin with is due to the "loading time", decompressing nearly a whole V-Ram space worth of art is going to take quite a while, nothing major but it will be something the player may notice on start up of a game, or even during the game when new graphics need to be loaded (like during a boss loading area), so the data is decompressed in smaller sections each frame, it will take "longer" to decompress the art in total, but the game will not be required to hult and wait for the art to load, it may continue while going through the decompression process.

  6. Dark Lips

    Dark Lips Well-Known Member Member

    Nov 14, 2008
    Wolverhampton UK
    ahhh most enlightening as alway MarkeyJ... I am having a lot of fun with this stuff at the moment :) Thank you for the help.
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