Sonic 1 title cards bug when Time Over

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by Psycho RFG, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011

    I noticed a "little" bug here that I can't see what is causing it. When you die by Time Over (and lives still left, of course) when the fade out ends and the level is restarted, you can see the word ZONE in the middle of the screen for a little while, then it dissapear and the title cards appears as allways. Why the word ZONE appear there? any idea of how to fix it?

  2. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    You really find the weirdest bugs in the most unexpected places, I'll probably ask you to help me debug my hack when it will near completion haha.

    Anyway, is that bug supposed to be visible in the original game? I tried in green hill and couldn't see it.

    That's when the first palette line fades in at the beginning of the level, right? Not when it fades out before the level restarts?

    From a theoretical standpoint, it's kind of easy: the coordinates of the objects aren't set properly when it's created. Now, the question is why. Since before the object's creation the object ram is cleared, it shouldn't be related to objects previously in ram, so you'll have to look at the title card's code for the "zone" object.

    Just in case though, you should try to find the address of the zone object's ram and check how its coordinates are changing at every step and at which primary/secondary routine counter.

    By the way, did you modify the object?
  3. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    It will be a pleasure, haha.

    I tried again and it's weird. I can see this bug in original Sonic 1 in Fusion and in Regen but only in the REV01 version so... can be related with the bg deformation? :S

    It's when the fade out of the TIME OVER screen ends, just when the screen is completely black and just before the title cards start to appear from the sides of the screen. The word ZONE appears for a little while near the middle of the screen and dissapear.

    I think not, at least for long time :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  4. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Hey, you're right:


    But it only happens in the Japan version. Can't seem to get it to appear in the Europe version. But you said it's there for a while, but with me, it was only there for a frame. It was bloody hard getting a screenshot of it, even with slo-motion =P

    One thing I did notice though, with both versions, is that if you're running out of time, the TIME will only flash red if you have no rings. If you have rings, it won't flash. But maybe people know that already; I don't hack Sonic 1 that I didn't notice 'til now.
  5. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    @RHS: That's an old bug, there was a guide to fix it long ago, but I can't find it right now. You have to add a check for the 9 minutes in "Obj21_Flash2" (that's in the old disassembly not sure it's the same name in the last ones) and modify d0 (which stores the number of the frame to display) accordingly.

    Now about that "zone" bug, in that revision there's a difference here (see the two parts with "Revision=0"):


    bsr.w PauseGame

    move.b #8,(v_vbla_routine).w

    bsr.w WaitForVBla

    addq.w #1,(v_framecount).w ; add 1 to level timer

    bsr.w MoveSonicInDemo

    bsr.w LZWaterFeatures

    jsr ExecuteObjects

    if Revision=0


    tst.w (f_restart).w

    bne GM_Level


    tst.w (v_debuguse).w ; is debug mode being used?

    bne.s Level_DoScroll ; if yes, branch

    cmpi.b #6,(v_player+obRoutine).w ; has Sonic just died?

    bhs.s Level_SkipScroll ; if yes, branch


    bsr.w DeformLayers


    jsr BuildSprites

    jsr ObjPosLoad

    bsr.w PaletteCycle

    bsr.w RunPLC

    bsr.w OscillateNumDo

    bsr.w SynchroAnimate

    bsr.w SignpostArtLoad

    cmpi.b #id_Demo,(v_gamemode).w

    beq.s Level_ChkDemo ; if mode is 8 (demo), branch

    if Revision=0

    tst.w (f_restart).w ; is the level set to restart?

    bne.w GM_Level ; if yes, branch



    cmpi.b #id_Level,(v_gamemode).w

    beq.w Level_MainLoop ; if mode is $C (level), branch


    So maybe you can try that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  6. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007

    Thought it would be well-known. I only just noticed it. Works fine in Sonic 2 so meh, I'm cool =P
  7. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Thank you guys. I already noticed the Time/Rings in red bug and it was fixed too long ago :p But thanks anyway. And yes, I said a little while... it can be only a frame. Thanks for checking and thanks for the screenshot.

    About the possible fix... well, SpirituInsanum, I'm using the REV00 dissassembly where that bug shouldn't be happening and it's happening to me and the only thing I added of REV01 is the deformation BG data (from the Sonic Retro guide)....
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  8. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Well, I tested what you said and you are right. Thanks SpirituInsanum.

    I remember I changed that lines to make better the change between levels. Without this change the level loads the next level deformation when the actual level is fading, and that was ugly. Why can this be affecting to the word ZONE from the title cards only when TIME OVER? any idea of how avoid this?
  9. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Keep the first one but not the second, it should be enough to fix both the background and that bug.

    I think it's because buildsprites is being used when it shouldn't, even though it's only one frame.
  10. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    That's how already is in my hack. I have the first check only and the second removed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
  11. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    Yup, I first noticed in 2008 :p
    This is how I fixed it: :)
  12. Kensou

    Kensou Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    That bug is in my hack too. Any of you fixed it?
  13. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Sorry, no, I still can't fix this bug... it's too weird. As I said it happens in original Sonic 1 REV01 or if you fixed level transitions in REV00... Any help to try to fix this issue would be much appreciated.
  14. KingofHarts

    KingofHarts Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    I wanted to point this out that I haven't been able to fix it either. I ask though, what is the difference with fixing the level transitions? I tried reverting it back to the original method... of using the second check... I found NO issue myself, but perhaps I'm not noticing something.

    I DID notice another bug though, that is unrelated to this one but I found it while investigating this one. TIME OVER blinks when the words join together. This lasts for one frame, and also occurs with GAME OVER.

    EDIT: Tested and it also happens in the original. I have a fix if anyone cares to fix this SMALL unrelated bug. Go to _incObj/Game Over.asm and find this code.

    Over_Move: ; Routine 2

    moveq #$10,d1 ; set horizontal speed

    cmpi.w #$120,x_pos(a0) ; has item reached its target position?

    beq.s Over_SetWait ; if yes, branch

    bcs.s Over_UpdatePos

    neg.w d1


    add.w d1,x_pos(a0) ; change item position

    bra.w DisplaySprite

    ; ===========================================================================


    move.w #720,anim_frame_duration(a0) ; set time delay to 12 seconds

    addq.b #2,routine(a0)

    bra.w DisplaySprite ; KoH additional line to prevent blinking.<==========

    ; ===========================================================================

    Over_Wait: ; Routine 4

    move.b (v_jpadpress1).w,d0

    andi.b #btnABC,d0 ; is button A, B or C pressed?

    bne.s Over_ChgMode ; if yes, branch

    btst #0,mapping_frame(a0)

    bne.s Over_Display

    tst.w anim_frame_duration(a0) ; has time delay reached zero?

    beq.s Over_ChgMode ; if yes, branch

    subq.w #1,anim_frame_duration(a0) ; subtract 1 from time delay

    bra.w DisplaySprite

    You can easily see where I added the line to branch to DisplaySprite in the Over_SetWait: routine. It is the only one of the three without the branch, and without it, this causes the sprite to NOT appear for that frame, hence the flicker. It's that simple, but most might not even notice anyway.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2012
  15. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Well in any case, it's still worth knowing, thanks for bringing that up =)
  16. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Nice, it also happens in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Never noticed it. Nice find.

    Being picky, but...

    As you may of guessed, that rts is now useless as it's never going to be read. So you might as well delete that "rts" and save space.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2012
  17. KingofHarts

    KingofHarts Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Didn't even notice that I put that rts in there. It's out now.
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