Get nemesis compressed size

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by Sonic master, Sep 2, 2012.

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  1. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Hello everyone I am working on dissembling micheal jackson's moonwalker so far it appears to be alot easier than I thought it would be. I am doing this for practice and in hopes to add pcm music to the game and anyways I was just wonder how I would split the data in the rom to a separate file for example I have located the nemesis compressed sega art at offset ROM:00031E32 how do I figure out the compressed filesize to separate it to a different file without accidentally getting other data.

    Edit here is a genesis program that will display the filesize on the screen

    align macro
    	 cnop 0,\1
    DPORT    EQU $C00000    ; VDP Data port
    CPORT    EQU $C00004    ; VDP Command port
        rsset $FF0000
    ;all varibles go here
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; disable interrupts
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    disable_ints:    macro
            move    #$2700,sr
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; enable interrupts
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    enable_ints:    macro
            move    #$2300,sr
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; DMA copy data from 68K (ROM/RAM) to the VRAM
    ; input: source, length, destination
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    writeVRAM:    macro
            lea    (CPORT).l,a5
            move.l    #$94000000+(((\2>>1)&$FF00)<<8)+$9300+((\2>>1)&$FF),(a5)
            move.l    #$96000000+(((\1>>1)&$FF00)<<8)+$9500+((\1>>1)&$FF),(a5)
            move.w    #$9700+((((\1>>1)&$FF0000)>>16)&$7F),(a5)
            move.w    #$4000+(\3&$3FFF),(a5)
            move.w    #$80+((\3&$C000)>>14),(a5)
            ;move.w    (v_vdp_buffer2).w,(a5)
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; DMA copy data from 68K (ROM/RAM) to the CRAM
    ; input: source, length, destination
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    writeCRAM:    macro
            lea    (CPORT).l,a5
            move.l    #$94000000+(((\2>>1)&$FF00)<<8)+$9300+((\2>>1)&$FF),(a5)
            move.l    #$96000000+(((\1>>1)&$FF00)<<8)+$9500+((\1>>1)&$FF),(a5)
            move.w    #$9700+((((\1>>1)&$FF0000)>>16)&$7F),(a5)
            move.w    #$C000+(\3&$3FFF),(a5)
            move.w    #$80+((\3&$C000)>>14),(A5)
            ;move.w    (v_vdp_buffer2).w,(a5)
        dc.l $FFFE00, Entrypoint, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l HBlank, Error, VBlank, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.l Error, Error, Error, Error
        dc.b "SEGA MEGA DRIVE " ; Console name
        dc.b "(C) Sega 16 2012" ; Copyright/Date
        ;dc.b "Code template by drx -	 " ; Domestic Name
    	 dc.b "Genesis does								    "
        ;dc.b "Code template by drx -	 " ; International Name
    	 dc.b "Genesis does								    "
        dc.b "GM 00000000-42" ; Version
        dc.w $0042  ; Checksum
        dc.b "J			   " ; I/O Support
        dc.l 0 ; ROM Start
        dc.l RomEnd ; ROM End
        dc.l $FF0000 ; RAM Start
        dc.l $FFFFFF ; RAM End
        dc.b $20,$20,$20,$20 ; 'RA',$F8,$20 if SRAM = on
        dc.l $20202020 ; $200000 if SRAM = on
        dc.l $20202020 ; $20xxxx if SRAM = on
        dc.b  "    "
        dc.b  "			    "
        dc.b  "			    "
        dc.b  "			    "
        dc.b  "F			   "  ; enable any hardware configuration
    FMPORT1  EQU $A04000
    FMPORT2  EQU $A04001
    FMPORT3  EQU $A04002
    FMPORT4  EQU $A04003
    ; Code start
        tst.l ($A10008).l ;Test Port A control
        bne PortA_Ok
        tst.w ($A1000C).l ;Test Port C control
        bne SkipSetup
        move.b ($A10001).l,d0 ;version
        andi.b #$F,d0
        beq SkipSecurity ;if the smd/gen model is 1, skip the security
        move.l #'SEGA',($A14000).l
        move.w ($C00004).l,d0 ;hang if VDP locked due to security failure
        moveq #0,d0
        movea.l d0,a6
        move.l a6,usp ;set usp to $0
    ; Setup VDP registers
        lea (VDPSetupArray,pc),a0
        move.w #(VDPSetupArrayEnd-VDPSetupArray)/2,d1 ;$18 VDP registers
        move.w (a0)+,($C00004).l
        dbra d1,VDPSetupLoop
        move.l #$40000080,($C00004).l
        move.w #0,($C00000).l ;clean the screen
    ; Init the Z80
        move.w #$100,($A11100).l ;Stop the Z80
        move.w #$100,($A11200).l ;Deassert reset to the Z80
        btst #0,($A11100).l
        bne Waitforz80 ;Wait for z80 to halt
        lea (Z80Init,pc),a0
        lea ($A00000).l,a1
        move.w #Z80InitEnd-Z80Init,d1
        move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
        dbra d1,InitZ80
        move.w #0,($A11200).l ;Assert reset to the Z80
        move.w #0,($A11100).l ;Start the Z80
        move.w #$100,($A11200).l ;Deassert reset to the Z80
    ; Reset the RAM
        lea ($FFFF0000).l,a0
        move.w #$3fff,d1
        move.l #0,(a0)+
        dbra d1,ClearRAM
    ; VDP again
        move.w    #$8174,($C00004).l
        move.w    #$8F02,($C00004).l
    ; Clear the CRAM
        move.l #$C0000000,($C00004).l ;Set VDP ctrl to CRAM write
        move.w #$3f,d1
        move.w #0,($C00000).l
        dbra d1,ClearCRAM
    ; Clear the VDP stuff
        move.l #$40000010,($C00004).l
        move.w #$13,d1
        move.l #0,($C00000).l
        dbra d1,ClearStuff
    ; Init the PSG
        move.b #$9F,($C00011).l
        move.b #$BF,($C00011).l
        move.b #$DF,($C00011).l
        move.b #$FF,($C00011).l
    ; Load the z80 driver
        move.w #$100,($A11100).l ;Stop the Z80
        move.w #$100,($A11200).l ;Deassert reset to the Z80
        btst #0,($A11100).l
        bne Waitforz80a ;Wait for z80 to halt
        lea (Z80Driver,pc),a0
        lea ($A00000).l,a1
        move.w #Z80DriverEnd-Z80Driver,d1
        move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
        dbra d1,LoadZ80Driver
        move.w #0,($A11200).l ;Assert reset to the Z80
        move.w #0,($A11100).l ;Start the Z80
        move.w #$100,($A11200).l ;Deassert reset to the Z80
    ; Clear the registers
    ; and set the SR
        movem.l ($FF0000).l,d0-a6
        lea ($FFFE00).l,a7
        move #$2700,sr
    ; Here starts your code
    ; input: source, length, destination
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        writeVRAM    font,512,32
        writeCRAM    palette,4,0
        lea    (nemdat).l,a0
        move.l  #$45440000,($C00004).l ; Starts at tile 17
        bsr.s    nemdec
        lea    (nemdat).l,a1
        move.l    a0,d0
        subi.l    #nemdat,d0
        subq    #1,d0
        bsr.w    showhexulong
    ; nothing else for the 68000 to do
        bra.s    loop
    ; Error exceptions
    ; Horizontal Blank
    ; Vertical Blank
    NemDec:                    ; CODE XREF: ROM:00000C60p
                        ; ROM:00000D52p ...
            ;movem.l    d0-a1/a3-a5,-(sp)
            lea    (loc_15332).l,a3
            lea    ($C00000).l,a4
            bra.s    loc_152C2
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_152B8:                ; CODE XREF: ROM:000007A4p
                        ; ROM:000007ECp ...
            movem.l    d0-a1/a3-a5,-(sp)
            lea    (loc_15348).l,a3
    loc_152C2:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+10j
            lea    ($FFFFCA00).w,a1
            move.w    (a0)+,d2
            lsl.w    #1,d2
            bcc.s    loc_152D0
            adda.w    #$A,a3
    loc_152D0:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+24j
            lsl.w    #2,d2
            movea.w    d2,a5
            moveq    #8,d3
            moveq    #0,d2
            moveq    #0,d4
            bsr.w    sub_15362
            move.b    (a0)+,d5
            asl.w    #8,d5
            move.b    (a0)+,d5
            move.w    #$10,d6
    loc_152E8:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+7Cj
            moveq    #8,d0
            bsr.w    sub_153C4
            cmpi.w    #$FC,d1    ; 'ü'
            bcc.s    loc_15324
            add.w    d1,d1
            move.b    (a1,d1.w),d0
            ext.w    d0
            bsr.w    sub_153D8
            move.b    1(a1,d1.w),d1
    loc_15304:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+8Aj
            move.w    d1,d0
            andi.w    #$F,d1
            andi.w    #$F0,d0    ; 'ð'
            lsr.w    #4,d0
    loc_15310:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec:loc_1531Ej
            lsl.l    #4,d4
            or.b    d1,d4
            subq.w    #1,d3
            bne.s    loc_1531E
            jmp    (a3)
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_1531A:                ; CODE XREF: ROM:00015338j
                        ; ROM:00015344j ...
            moveq    #0,d4
            moveq    #8,d3
    loc_1531E:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+70j
            dbf    d0,loc_15310
            bra.s    loc_152E8
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_15324:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+4Cj
            moveq    #6,d0
            bsr.w    sub_153D8
            moveq    #7,d0
            bsr.w    sub_153D4
            bra.s    loc_15304
    ; End of function NemDec
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_15332:                ; DATA XREF: NemDec+4o
            move.l    d4,(a4)
            subq.w    #1,a5
            move.w    a5,d4
            bne.s    loc_1531A
            bra.s    loc_1535C
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            eor.l    d4,d2
            move.l    d2,(a4)
            subq.w    #1,a5
            move.w    a5,d4
            bne.s    loc_1531A
            bra.s    loc_1535C
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_15348:                ; DATA XREF: NemDec+16o
            move.l    d4,(a4)+
            subq.w    #1,a5
            move.w    a5,d4
            bne.s    loc_1531A
            bra.s    loc_1535C
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            eor.l    d4,d2
            move.l    d2,(a4)+
            subq.w    #1,a5
            move.w    a5,d4
            bne.s    loc_1531A
    loc_1535C:                ; CODE XREF: ROM:0001533Aj
                        ; ROM:00015346j ...
            ;movem.l    (sp)+,d0-a1/a3-a5
    ; =============== S U B    R O U T    I N E =======================================
    sub_15362:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+34p
            move.b    (a0)+,d0
    loc_15364:                ; CODE XREF: sub_15362+12j
            cmpi.b    #$FF,d0
            bne.s    loc_1536C
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_1536C:                ; CODE XREF: sub_15362+6j
            move.w    d0,d7
    loc_1536E:                ; CODE XREF: sub_15362+38j
                        ; sub_15362:loc_153B2j
            move.b    (a0)+,d0
            cmpi.b    #$80,d0
            bcc.s    loc_15364
            move.b    d0,d1
            andi.w    #$F,d7
            andi.w    #$70,d1    ; 'p'
            or.w    d1,d7
            andi.w    #$F,d0
            move.b    d0,d1
            lsl.w    #8,d1
            or.w    d1,d7
            moveq    #8,d1
            sub.w    d0,d1
            bne.s    loc_1539C
            move.b    (a0)+,d0
            add.w    d0,d0
            move.w    d7,(a1,d0.w)
            bra.s    loc_1536E
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    loc_1539C:                ; CODE XREF: sub_15362+2Ej
            move.b    (a0)+,d0
            lsl.w    d1,d0
            add.w    d0,d0
            moveq    #1,d5
            lsl.w    d1,d5
            subq.w    #1,d5
    loc_153A8:                ; CODE XREF: sub_15362+4Cj
            move.w    d7,(a1,d0.w)
            addq.w    #2,d0
            dbf    d5,loc_153A8
    loc_153B2:                ; DATA XREF: sub_153C4+Ar
            bra.s    loc_1536E
    ; End of function sub_15362
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            dc.b   0
            dc.b   1
            dc.b   0
            dc.b   3
            dc.b   0
            dc.b   7
            dc.b   0
            dc.b  $F
            dc.b   0
            dc.b $1F
            dc.b   0
            dc.b $3F ; ?
            dc.b   0
            dc.b $7F ; 
            dc.b   0
            dc.b $FF
    ; =============== S U B    R O U T    I N E =======================================
    sub_153C4:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+44p sub_153D4p
            move.w    d6,d7
            sub.w    d0,d7
            move.w    d5,d1
            lsr.w    d7,d1
            add.w    d0,d0
            and.w    loc_153B2(pc,d0.w),d1
    ; End of function sub_153C4
    ; =============== S U B    R O U T    I N E =======================================
    sub_153D4:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+86p
            bsr.s    sub_153C4
            lsr.w    #1,d0
    ; End of function sub_153D4
    ; =============== S U B    R O U T    I N E =======================================
    sub_153D8:                ; CODE XREF: NemDec+56p NemDec+80p
            sub.w    d0,d6
            cmpi.w    #9,d6
            bcc.s    locret_153E6
            addq.w    #8,d6
            asl.w    #8,d5
            move.b    (a0)+,d5
    locret_153E6:                ; CODE XREF: sub_153D8+6j
    ; End of function sub_153D8
        ;input d0 the long unsigned hex value that you need to be displaed
        ;return value garbage
        move.l    #$46000003,d2
        lea    ($C00004).l,a1
        lea    ($C00000).l,a0
        move.l  d2,(a1)    ;send command to the command port
        move.l    d0,d1
        ;first display bits 32-24
        swap    d1
        lsr.l    #8,d1
        bsr.s    showhexuchar
        move.l    d0,d1
        lsr.l    #8,d1
        lsr.l    #8,d1
        bsr.s    showhexuchar;24-16
        move.l    d0,d1
        lsr.l    #8,d1
        bsr.s    showhexuchar;16-8
        move.l    d0,d1
        bsr.s    showhexuchar;8-0
        ;this function assumes that A0 points to correct vram location and auto increment is all set up
        ;input d1
        ;returns nothing relay just the same data in d1 and garbage in d2
        moveq    #0,d2
        moveq    #0,d3
        move.b    d1,d2    ;make sure we have only 1 byte
        move.b    d1,d3
        lsr.b    #4,d3
        addq    #1,d3
        move.w  d3,(a0)
        and.b    #15,d2
        addq    #1,d2
        move.w    d2,(a0)
        ;to calulate the filesize do (whatever a0 is minus nemdat offset)-1
        incbin    nemsega.bin
        dc.w    0
        dc.w    $EEE
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000110
        dc.l    $01001010
        dc.l    $01001010
        dc.l    $01010010
        dc.l    $01100010
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01100000
        dc.l    $10100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $11111000
        dc.l    $01111000
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $10000000
        dc.l    $11111100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $01110000
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $01111000
        dc.l    $10000100
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $00111100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $01111000
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01111110
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010100
        dc.l    $00100100
        dc.l    $00111100
        dc.l    $00100100
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01110000
        dc.l    $01001000
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01001000
        dc.l    $01110000
        dc.l    $00000100
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $00100000
        dc.l    $00010000
        dc.l    $00001000
        dc.l    $01100000
        dc.l    $01010000
        dc.l    $01001000
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01000010
        dc.l    $01000100
        dc.l    $01001000
        dc.l    $01110000
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01111100
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
        dc.l    $01000000
    ; VDP registers array
        dc.w $8004 ;9-bit palette = 1 (otherwise would be 3-bit), HBlank = 0
        dc.w $8134 ;Genesis display = 1, DMA = 1, VBlank = 1, display = 0
        dc.w $8230 ;Scroll A - $C000
        dc.w $8338 ;Window - $E000
        dc.w $8407 ;Scroll B - $E000
        dc.w $857c ;Sprites - $F800
        dc.w $8600 ;Unused
        dc.w $8700 ;Backdrop color - $00
        dc.w $8800 ;Unused
        dc.w $8900 ;Unused
        dc.w $8A00 ;H Interrupt register
        dc.w $8B00 ;Full screen scroll, no external interrupts
        dc.w $8C81 ;40 cells display
        dc.w $8D3F ;H Scroll - $FC00
        dc.w $8E00 ;Unused
        dc.w $8F02 ;VDP auto increment
        dc.w $9001 ;64 cells scroll
        dc.w $9100 ;Window H position
        dc.w $9200 ;Window V position
        dc.w $93FF ;DMA stuff (off)
        dc.w $94FF ;DMA stuff (off)
        dc.w $9500 ;DMA stuff (off)
        dc.w $9600 ;DMA stuff (off)
        dc.w $9780 ;DMA stuff (off)
    ; Z80 init code
        dc.w $af01, $d91f, $1127, $0021, $2600, $f977
        dc.w $edb0, $dde1, $fde1, $ed47, $ed4f, $d1e1
        dc.w $f108, $d9c1, $d1e1, $f1f9, $f3ed, $5636
        dc.w $e9e9
    ; Music driver (z80)
            dc.b    $c3,$46,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
            dc.b    $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$f3,$ed,$56,$31,$00,$20,$3a,$39,$00,$b7,$ca,$4c,$00,$21,$3a,$00,$11,$40,$00,$01,$06,$00,$ed,$b0,$3e,$00,$32,$39,$00,$3e,$b4,$32,$02,$40,$3e,$c0,$32,$03,$40,$3e,$2b,$32,$00,$40,$3e,$80,$32,$01,$40,$3a,$43,$00,$4f,$3a,$44,$00,$47,$3e,$06,$3d
            dc.b    $c2,$81,$00,$21,$00,$60,$3a,$41,$00,$07,$77,$3a,$42,$00,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$0f,$77,$3a,$40,$00,$6f,$3a,$41,$00,$f6,$80,$67,$3e,$2a,$32,$00,$40,$7e,$32,$01,$40,$21,$40,$00,$7e,$c6,$01,$77,$23,$7e,$ce,$00,$77,$23,$7e,$ce,$00,$77
            dc.b    $3a,$39,$00,$b7,$c2,$4c,$00,$0b,$78,$b1,$c2,$7f,$00,$3a,$45,$00,$b7,$ca,$4c,$00,$3d,$3a,$45,$00,$06,$ff,$0e,$ff,$c3,$7f,$00
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2012
  2. rika_chou

    rika_chou Adopt Member

    Aug 11, 2007
  3. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Good idea but it appears to be decompressing the art Although it did find some offsets that I did not find yet so this did help me.
  4. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    This is why I always install a hexadecimal editor onto my operating system, as a programmer, I find it to be a very useful tool:


    Another method you might be more interested in, is using the "split.exe" tool that came with most early Sonic disassemblies, which reads from a list of offsets and sizes.

    I am a little shocked that you lack knowledge of ripping binary data from ROMs, considering the general programming knowledge you have =$
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2012
  5. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Yes that does work but I was interested in finding the compressed filesize (if that is possible) of a nemesis compressed archive I do have hex workshop. Also I am new to hacking I have been programming for much longer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2012
  6. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Oh right, I didn't read the end of your sentence thoroughly, sorry, I read "how do I rip data from a ROM" and thought, what the hell man? Haha...

    When it comes to compressed data, there are a few methods, some more beneficial than others:

    1. Knowing the data after the compressed data will often give you a clear idea on the size, i.e. one Nemesis data after another, knowing the start of the second data will give you the end of the first. This does not however confirm 100% that it is the end though, as there could be unknown data directly after the first data and right before the second data that isn't obvious.

    2. Using a decompressor and recompressor tool, you can decompress the data and recompress it into a seperate file, this will give you a clear understanding of the size of the data, HOWEVER, it will require the compressor to compress the data back the exact same way using the same method, as far as I'm aware, there are no compressors that do that which are available to us, not unless you write one to be more accurate to SEGA's.

    3. Copy the Nemesis decompression algorithm routine from one of the Mega Drive games, onto a brand new ROM of your own, copy the data from the MJ ROM at offset 00031E32 up to 00041E31 (there's an extremely unlikely chance of the data being 10000 bytes, as VRAM and even 68k is only that size, so you'll know for definate that the data ends somewhere from 0031E32 - 0041E31), include the file to the ROM, write a routine to load that data's address, and pass it to the Nemesis decompression routine, and edit the end of the routine to somehow "store" the end offset of the compressed data when it's finished decompressing, and by store I mean either displaying on screen or saving to RAM so you can make a savestate and read it from there. Better yet, take that end offset and subtract the starting offset to get you the exact size.

    4. Copy the data from the MJ ROM at offset 00031E32 up to 00041E31 (like in number 3), and decompress using a decompressor tool, and check the uncompressed data, if the data is fine, remove a byte from the end of the compressed data file, then decompress and check again, and keep checking until the uncompressed data becomes incorrect near the end of the file, when it becomes incorrect, then you'll know the exact end address.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2012
  7. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    That is what I was trying to avoid thus I created this thread and I will go with #3 it seems to be the best way I assume all I have to do is remove the code that saves the registers. Also I can see how my first post can be confusing so I fixed it.

    Edit It appears to be working so far once I add an on screen display and verify that it is indeed the end of the file I will post the source

    Edit on a slightly unrealted note after the sega data there is this odd string of text

     aIncomingMessageDonT:dc.b 'INCOMING	  MESSAGE`					 DON^T MOVE I HAVE'
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b ' A	  SURPRISE	  FOR YOU				 INCOMING	  '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b 'MESSAGE`								    I GOT YOU]		 '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '								   INCOMING	  MESSAGE`	  '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '			    MICHAEL    YOUR TIME	 IS UP]			 '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '					 INCOMING	  MESSAGE`				    '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '  GOODBYE	   MICHAEL[HEH[  HEH[HEH					   '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '	   INCOMING	  MESSAGE`								  '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '   NO]												  INCOMIN'
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b 'G	  MESSAGE`									 NOOOO   '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '															   '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '															   '
    ROM:00032166				 dc.b '						    '
    I don't ever remember seeing this in game it has been awhile though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2012
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