Sonic's Halloween Adventure

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Kilo, Oct 9, 2017.

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  1. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    Hello! This is my page to show the various builds and updates for my ROM hack; Sonic's Halloween Adventure!
    At the time of posting, I am developing build 2. It is currently unreleased, but I'm waiting until I complete it before I do let others play it. Here's a video of build 1;
  2. Devon


    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    Wasn't there already a version of Sonic 1 with updated graphics and music to be more "halloween" like?

    As for the hack itself here, it's just a palette swapped Sonic 1 with Sonic missing the top of his head. Not really a fan of the new GHZ palette.

    The shading of the clouds and the grass and tree leaves don't look very "natural" (for a lack of a better term). The greys don't look to go from darkest to lightest in the palette data, but like, it's goes from dark, then to a lighter grey, then to a darker grey, then to the lightest. I dislike how the clouds start from red, and then all of a sudden there's just white. I think it should go from the darkest red to white gradually and naturally (like, gradually increase the white as it gets lighter, not just increase the red and then just end it with white).

    Also, "blood" water is just cliche, and I'm honestly kinda sick of seeing it being used in "spooky" type products.

    EDIT: Okay, I found out that the head being cut off WASN'T intentional. I honestly thought it was to fit the "spooky" theme.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
  3. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    WOAH, Ok... Take it easy on the criticism... This is only the first build of the hack and it's also one of my first projects, I'm new to the ROM hacking scene, I understand this is very underwhelming, I have seen far more impressive hacks that add unique abilities and gimmicks. And I know there are plenty of Halloween hacks out there, but this is my take on it. I just saw the holiday as an opportunity to try some level and sprite modding. And yeah, I do have to agree with the blood water cliche, now that I think about it. I'll fix it to be like green goo, or acid, or whatever. And finally, my intentions weren't to be 'spooky' they were just meant to be themed around Halloween.

    Also, I'm keeping the new Green Hill palette.
  4. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    Well, the criticism he provided was quite apt, so don't take it personally. This being the first build of your hack doesn't mean any and all flaws can't be pointed out. Do note how he never implied that everything *should* be better than it actually is. Key difference there. Also...

    ...might wanna brush up on what Halloween's major theme is.
  5. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    To echo what Xeal has said, criticism around here isn't made to make someone feel bad or to belittle anyone. It's very common around these forums, and around the scene in general, as a way of helping people to improve by pointing them in the right direction and helping them develop. Don't take it personally, use it as a gauge for what you're doing right and what isn't so good.
  6. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    Alright then. I just felt a bit 'exposed' with many flaws being pointed out. To me, it's hard to understand hate criticism and constructive criticism. But I now understand, rather than whining about the fact that there is flaws, I'll agree with those who point out said flaws and fix them, later on. Now that I think about it, ROM hacks are made because of flaws; Sega's flaws in all main series Sonic games after SA2! I mean, sure, ROM hacking began before then, but that's because people wanted to pour their creativity into these games.

    Also, Halloween is supposed to put fun into fear, not making fear or 'spookiness' a prime factor of the holiday.
  7. BurningFlame

    BurningFlame Bang! Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    Come on, stop using SonikSprite, it's SO ducking outdated! Use disassemblies, they have MUCH more functionality than editing ROM with ESE 2 and SonikSprite. You can find everything you need on Sonic Retro.
  8. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    As I've mentioned before: I'm new to the hacking scene. Therefore, I am using simple programs. I want to use disassemblies, but I don't understand it, maybe if someone guided me I could do it, but else, it's impossible. Also, I would use better programs, but my laptop I'm using is 32 bit, so I'm kind of stuck with these programs.

    Anyway, trailer 2 is here, go ahead and tell me what I've done wrong;

    And yes, I know blood water is still there, I forgot to patch it...
  9. BurningFlame

    BurningFlame Bang! Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    Well, PM me if ya want to use disassemblies. Also, I'm using 32 bit laptop too and all tools work there, 'cuz there is no 64 bit excusive tools. About trailer, level desing sucks, there is a guide about good level design, read it, it's in tutorials section. (And why Orange Sonic? Is it supposed to be, like, Pumpkin Sonic?)
  10. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    Oh, thanks for the free lessons, really! I appreciate it much. Yeah, I know my levels aren't too great, but I was working with some pre-determined tiles ESE2 picked for me. And yes, it is Sonic The Pumpkinhog, best O.C ever, don't steal, jk, there has to be like 20 different orange Sonic's.
  11. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    Helpful criticism you got there. An actual explanation as to why his level design isn't up to par would be much appreciated. Just tossing out the level design being bad and then expecting him to figure out what's wrong with it by just tossing him a tutorial doesn't help him.
    (And in my opinion the only thing that I'm not fond of are the random springs that are just sitting in the middle of nowhere that break the pace of the level).
  12. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    If those springs weren't there, the level would become Sonic Force's Green Hill.
  13. BurningFlame

    BurningFlame Bang! Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    I didn't wrote entire book about why level design is bad because guide already explains everything, and my criticism would be a little useless.
  14. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    To be honest, I haven't found any of your criticism worthwhile anyway. Actually, I just find it plain rude. If you're going to criticise someone's work, at least give some details to give the person some guidance on what's good and what isn't. Saying it sucks achieves nothing except putting the person down.
  15. BurningFlame

    BurningFlame Bang! Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    Yea, my criticism was useless. I already explained that Unlimited Trees` guide can be more helpful than my words. But yes, saying one word will not help him to build levels better, I admit.
  16. Pineapple Arse

    Pineapple Arse I ironically hate cold temperatures. Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    A cold place.
    So, my turn to bite. After I seen your recordings above, I am disappointed. First off, why keep the GHZ music? I mean, all this really does is make you look lazy to not replace it, and that it removes some of the "spookieness" the hack claims to have. Speaking of horror, the true horror is your palette selection. Sonic is, bluntly, an orange recolor. The grass is very weirdly textured, from the fact you went from dark to light to dark again. The checker board pattern however is unchanged, and kinda dulls the level. Oh, and the level design is shit.
    All I can suggest is that you 1), make a split dissasembly (if you haven't already), 2), learn how colors work on the genesis, and how colors work in sprites, and finally, attempt to make custom art. Even if you suck at first, over time you will improve. So good luck! Also not to sound like I am backseat moderating, but I am pretty sure you need screenshots and a download to the hack in order for it to stay up here.
  17. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
    This is true. @Void Hacks please provide screenshots and a download link in the original post so this thread can stay open, otherwise it will be locked.

    AURORA☆FIELDS so uh yes Exiled

    Oct 7, 2011
    There is a video there, no?
  19. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    That's not exactly accurate. Just look at all the horror films that come out around this time of year. They're not exactly "fun", so to speak.

    As for your most recent video, it's nothing spectacular, really. Honestly, I'd say it's less than thrilling. Your level design is sloopy and bland. Big thing I'm noticing is a bunch of objects being tossed into the middle of sections clearly built to allow the player to garner speed. Protip: Don't do this. A key element of classic Sonic design is flow. And in placing rocks or springs or what have you directly in the player's path, it breaks flow. You also seem to have speed and platforming broken up into entirely separate sections, which is another no-no. The ideal design is to have speed and platforming seamlessly blend together. That's what made Sonic unique in the first place. On top of all of this, your level appears to be fairly linear, and boring to traverse. Another big draw for Sonic was the ability for players to play how they wished, and part of that was done through alternate routes. This also added replayability to the level by allowing players to take the alternate paths in subsequent playthroughs to fully enjoy what the level had to offer.

    Also, please upgrade your recording software. The video's too jarring to really enjoy with how choppy it is.
    Unused Account likes this.
  20. Soldaten

    Soldaten The Coilgun Root Admin

    Mar 10, 2016
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