My New Hack Sonic.exe

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by TheDarkSonic683, Jun 9, 2016.

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  1. TheDarkSonic683

    TheDarkSonic683 Newcomer Trialist

    Aug 9, 2015
  2. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    Well here are my thoughts on the hack in no particular order. Try to keep them in mind as you try to improve it.

    • The Sega sound is very load. It's not quite to my liking, but that might just be me :I
    • The title screen Palettes are awful. Replacing all the white with black ruins the sonic images shading, you'd be better off editing the actual artwork.
    • The flashing palettes for the water in Hill Zone are super distracting. Try to make it a little more subtle, it's reminiscent of Star Light Zones palette cycles (which makes no sense with water/blood/etc.)
    • The sprites for "dead sonic" or whatever are actually really fluid and well implemented.
    • It's really odd having visible springs in the ground. If you want to do that, do what Emerald Hill Zone did and make the chunks cover up the spring; that way, you only see it when it springs you, and you can't see that's it's actually hovering in the chunk with no real anchor.
    • The red is rather bright, but otherwise, the palette for Hill Zone is okay. It sticks to a theme, and does it well, but it's rather bland looking, as it only uses two colors.
    • In the beginning of Act 3, I ran into an automated spring segment that killed me at the end. Around there forums we usually refer to that as a dick move, aka a situation where a player has no way to tell whether they will be punished until said punishment has been given.
    That's all I played for now, I'll give more feedback when I can.
  3. Chaotix

    Chaotix Bad at Team Fortress 2 Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Judging by the video, it looks... basic. The title screen looks messed up (the black spot on sonic's chest annoys me, but it's probably because it shares the same palette as the eyes), springs clip through the ground, I can hear a bit of odd sounds here and there on the music, and, occasionally, the palette itself looks a bit off, but isn't really too bad.

    Sonic.exe himself is actually a well made sprite, and the moves, while not unique, fit well with the level design.

    This is all coming from watching the video; I don't have Regen nor Kega Fusion set up on my PC yet.
  4. Sith

    Sith Active Member Member

    May 11, 2016
    I guess this is your very first hack? I tend to give starting hackers a lot of leniency in my judgment of their hacks as they still have a long way to go learning about hacking.
    You already implemented some tile changes, palette edit, level layout edit, music changes... so you do have the basics under your belt already. If you really want to play with the big boys you will have to learn ASM eventually.
    I've seen some better and some worse beginner hacks than yours so you might become a respected hacker eventually if you persevere. It takes a lot of free time and dedication to make a great hack. Good luck to you.
  5. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    This ain't his first rodeo, I can tell y'all that right now.

    As for the hack, the only thing that really caught my eye is that the layout is alright. Not much else is there to talk about, given that I hate Sonic.exe in it's entirety, so seeing yet another hack star the overrated demon doesn't do much for me.

    AURORA☆FIELDS so uh yes Exiled

    Oct 7, 2011
    I like how you imply there is some "big boys club" in Sonic hacking. But just to let you on something: there is not. I know a bunch of people, some know ASM, some don't. I talk with people from pretty much the both extreme ends of the spectrum, and usually completely publicly, too. The IRC link in the forum section is not there for shits and giggles, because thats usually where people talk to each other and such. Learning ASM has nothing to do with you being respected, and this concept of the big boys club is hilarious at best.
  7. Sith

    Sith Active Member Member

    May 11, 2016
    What I meant is that without ASM you are limited in modifying the rom. If you want to create custom bosses, badniks and other stuff, there is no way around ASM. As for the 'big boys' I do not mean an 'elite'; it's just that when you know ASM you can set the bar much higher than with basic hacking. There are plenty of wonderful hacks out there that would be impossible without ASM (The Next Level for example).

    That does not drag down hacks without it though; you can just do 'more'. I consider rika_chou a top hacker because his level design and art was just brilliant. I don't think he used any ASM in his hack. And that's just one example; there are others. I did not want to say hackers without ASM are inferior if that's what you're getting at.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
    LordXernom likes this.
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