General Screenshot/Movie Thread

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by redhotsonic, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. TheBlurCafe

    TheBlurCafe Welcome to TheBlurCafe! Member

    Sep 6, 2016
    It's blue, dabadeebadabaii...
    I'd suggest to darken it a bit, and not make it too blue, make it a blue-ish purple, because it looks too saturated.
    B. Comet likes this.
  2. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    It looks like the EggRobo's Machine would shit wood...
    Anyways, good idea. I kinda wish those things would be wood-disguised bombs which explode on impact.
  3. Crash

    Crash Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    lava wouldn't be any darker at night, considering it is a red hot and therefore a light source.
    B. Comet, Niko, pixelcat and 2 others like this.
  4. Royameadow

    Royameadow Welcome to the modern existence. Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Lynn MA, North America
    Disclaimer: The following that you are about to view is all a Mockup, created between the times of Saint Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day and All Fools Day of 2017.
    Any material presented is, in no way, official, it is an early depiction of what the official product may look like and art presented is subject to change and/or be expanded upon; all level layout art and backgrounds, with the exclusion of assets from Toxic Tower, are original, made from old stock footage from my personal computers; other sprites used in these were made originally by Zana, Artman74864, Dolphman,1luigifan54321s, and development teams for the Christian Whitehead/Simon Thomley line of Sonic ports and original titles.

    Infernal Injest Zone Act III:

    There will be three different versions of Infernal Injest Zone Act III in Hellish Sarcasm, each depending on the route you take and the character being used: Sonic's level would be accessed by completing Act II on the center route, Miles' version would require him to take the top route to reach it, and Knuckles would begin his variant of Act III regardless of taking the center or bottom route of Act II, the only difference will be the starting point he is on.
    Below is a glimpse of what would be anticipated from each level, with a description of what's going on in it, as well as its gameplay concepts, below each screenshot in a Spoiler Box; with that said, let's begin, we've got a lot to cover here.

    Infernal Injest Zone Act III (Sonic); Mockup Screenshot (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png

    Sonic's version of Act III is a Lava~based homage to Toxic Tower, being a test of virtually every single one of his abilities in the four portions that it will have.
    The lava would rise in a similar fashion to Toxic Tower, with each portion of the level requiring Sonic to use a specific one (or two) of his major abilities per segment to make it to the next checkpoint; the central portion of the background will change four separate times as the player goes North, so that they know when they've reached the next sector, faded Red lighting and shading may also be used on the platforms and background to inform them if the lava is getting close, which is not depicted here.

    Miles and Knux's versions of Sonic's Act III, if accessed in Trial Mode or New Game Plus, would have slower lava and changed layouts to accommodate for their ability sets and any plot changes, as their parts of the story take place after Sonic's campaign, and also to assure that the development team thought of every possible scenario in a general gameplay session.

    Infernal Injest Zone Act III (Miles); Mockup Screenshot (a) (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png Infernal Injest Zone Act III (Miles); Mockup Screenshot (b) (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png

    Miles' portion is a mixture of standard sidescrolling platforming through the clouds, as well as what you are viewing in the second clip: A Super Speed segment that would be a Hybrid Fusion of Space Harrier and the Special Stage from G Sonic/Sonic Blast, he would be avoiding Meteors and Lava Beds as he runs up the wall of the volcano to make it to his unique version of Act IV.
    Given that his portion of Act III would be broken up into four or five segments (based on checkpoints, so two or three platforming segments and two of the latter), only the Third and (first half of the) Final Quarter of the level would mostly be composed of the Super Speed segment, it would deliver something new to the player while still being fast paced and challenging; Sonic and Knux, if they reach this level, would have completely different segments beyond the Halfway Point than what Miles has for the same reasons mentioned in the description about Sonic's portion, each with their own endurance challenges.

    Infernal Injest Zone Act III (Knux); Mockup Screenshot (a) (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png
    Infernal Injest Zone Act III (Knux); Mockup Screenshot (b) (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png

    Knuckles' portion of Act III is influenced massively from the look of select portions of Lost World (Adventure), it is actually a very early version of another zone that I was working on back in 2013 around the same time as this, known as Temple Garden; the above version, made for Hellish Sarcasm, would use six background layers for the floor, ceiling, cave walls, and Greek palace columns in the first clip, and four for the underwater city, grassland, lighting/shading, and lava in the second.
    This Water Temple of a level, plot~wise, teaches Knux that the volcano is still active, even though Sonic and Miles had shut down the main portion of it at the end of their campaigns; the Midboss at the end of this level will give more insight as to why that is, but that is another story for another time, I will discuss that more in detail when the time comes to show Midboss and Boss fights.

    In the official work, Sonic and Miles would not be able to naturally access Knux's version of Act III until the player completes it from both starting points as him (plot reasons), meaning that at least one New Game Plus run of the Knux campaign would have to be done first to unlock it for them.
    The level would have less water for Sonic and Miles, with necessary layout changes to meet their respective ability sets, as well as to speed up things; I would even go as far to call theirs the Easy Mode of Knux's Act III, even though it will still be brutal in nature, regardless of who's being used in~game.

    Concept ~ Cooperative Sky Chase:

    Alongside the above, I had decided to look back at a concept that was brought up in select Sonic Hoaxes from this set, created by Simon Wai: The thought of a Co~op version of Sky Chase Zone as a Bonus Stage sounded extremely interesting when I first saw these back in 2006 and I decided to make a depiction of exactly how that would look.

    Sonic in Boston; Cooperative Sky Chase (Concept) (Definitive Edition) (0480p).png

    The way that this would play would be partially reminiscent of how it was in the Minecart segment of Mario & Luigi RPG: Two players, either two human or one human and an extremely smart CPU player, go high above the clouds and collect rings for a minute and change, probably no longer than two, at most.
    Colour palettes and dimensions for the rings and mines would differ for each character to prevent confusion on who's touching which objects: This example shows Sonic collecting Gold Rings while Miles collects rings of a lovely Purple Mountain's Majesty/Battleship Gray mixture; the mines are desaturated forms of Sapphire for Sonic and Orange for Miles, respectively, Knuckles would probably have Ruby mines in such a concept.

    Trivia: The background used in this mockup is actually part of a photo taken by Tomoya Ohtani during a plane ride from the Tuesday or Wednesday after Saint Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day, which can be found on his official Facebook profile; the original photo has a jet on the far left hand side of the sky and is much more Cyan in its colour palette, as opposed to the Blue that you see here.

    Also to add, back in Early December, I made a video mockup of what the Main Menu would possibly look like in an HD version of Hellish Sarcasm, if I were to expand the project as a PC title, must the console version do well.
    This thirty second clip was created entirely using basic to intermediate editing skills in MAGIX Vegas XIV, nothing too fancy but gets the job done nonetheless, setting the mood for the Urban Volcanic Temple adventure that awaits the player; music presented in this clip is a track that will be used for Hidden Rooms that'll give the characters vital goods all throughout IIZ, a simple eight voice, two note YM2151/YM21280 Brass ambiance that loops in a timely manner.

    ~ Hellish Sarcasm: Main Menu Concept (Mockup):

    After constant hours of personal analysis of select titles on the Genesis/Megadrive and its add~ons that have similar gameplay templates resembling what I am aiming to make (but given those titles had their own issues both on hardware and in emulation), in order to prevent worries about quality preservation and performance issues (primarily lag), I am strongly considering to have this become a Sega Saturn or Dreamcast title in its official form, worked possibly as an amalgamation of Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega GS), Sonic the Hedgehog CD (1993), Chaotix, and any relevant (available or soon to become) Open Source material, which would then be ported to the console(s) to take advantage of their capabilities and optimize where necessary.
    The Saturn and Dreamcast's software rendering and higher colour palette would make for more realistic art and activity on~screen (plus fluid sprites), with less worry about framerate issues or art clashing; the high count of usable PCM channels on the Saturn and Sound RAM in the Dreamcast would do the OST and sound effects some justice as well, lessening worry of audio interruption, as well as keeping the sound crisp and the music properly looped without minor cuts of silence, this is extremely vital for me to keep in mind due to the fact that most of the OST and sounds that I am making will be primarily using YM2151 and YM21280 instruments and their quality can take a plunge if the audio bitrate is anything even slightly below the CD Quality/Old Standard format.

    I'm not sure exactly when I'll get around to ever doing any of this, given that I can work on all of the art and music but can't code in any of it; at least though it shows that Infernal Injest Zone is still a thing, I've had it in the works since 2013 and I'm at least glad to show off these concepts, even though they're only mockups at the moment, it's better than leaving them on the backburner and doing nothing.
    Either way, I hope you at least enjoy these, each took about an hour to make and they were fun to conjure up; I'll be making more of these for my other zone concepts from years prior, stay tuned for those along the way.
    ProjectFM, LordXernom and NiphFM like this.
  5. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    I can't seem to view your attachments, as they say "View attachment XXXX" and when I click on them, I get an error page.

    EDIT: Nevermind, they show up now. GG XenForo
  6. Pineapple Arse

    Pineapple Arse I ironically hate cold temperatures. Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    A cold place.
    So, uh @Royameadow, what will the mockups be for? A rom hack? Fan game? (If its for a hack, too many pallets bro)
  7. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    The environments you've placed Sonic and friends in look extremely out of place, and quite frankly, they seem randomly slapped together.
    There's no consistency between any of them besides their JPEGish, photorealistic look.
    Pineapple Arse likes this.
  8. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    @HyperFrost There ya go. I suppose it's gonna be a fan game.

    Here are my two cents: These mockups do not look very good. The "realistic" backgrounds clash horribly with the cartoonish sprites. As you've stated, you have taken these sprites from a number of sources, but in my opinion, they don't all look good together, like the unused Tails sprite from Chaotix and that Sonic sprite that was taken from The Next Level. You can't just mash up a bunch of art styles and expect them to work. I do hope that in the final product, you take this into consideration, because right now, with what you have, it doesn't look too good.

    Although, I will say that the menu you showed off in the video looks pretty decent. Yin-yang seems out of place in my opinion, though, and the lighting on the text could be better.

    I will say that I've heard the Dreamcast is much easier to work with than the Saturn. I've heard some bad things about developing for the Saturn.
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
    HackGame and EMK-20218 like this.
  9. Unlimited Trees

    Unlimited Trees Banned for being a fucking cockwomble Exiled

    Apr 2, 2016
    A tree field in the middle of nowhere
    Edit: tresh
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  10. Royameadow

    Royameadow Welcome to the modern existence. Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Lynn MA, North America
    I appreciate the compliment on that, it's a very early concept of what it might end up looking like but I'll be truthful, given the nature of how many panning edits had to be done to get this even half right, I'm surprised it even came out in the way it did.
    The Yin~Yang symbol was originally thought of due to my constant playing of Maui Mallard at the time, which uses a similarly designed symbol with that palette, it's a placeholder until I could think of the definitive art to use there; looking back at the menu text in that, I felt that I wanted to go with a more Temple/Rock~like design for it, as the originally intended Neon text would have been a disaster when put with the Dark environment; I'll definitely deal with the lighting/shading accordingly though, the sides are indeed way too dim for comfort.

    I'll definitely take your word for it, given past threads I've seen that reference about the Saturn's complications, it would be nice though to finally view that console get some justice after many years of rigorous amounts of difficulties in development and emulation nonetheless.
    Speaking of ease of development, Pier Solar and Tanglewood use the Dreamcast for their enhanced Sega console ports; I know none about how those ports were/are being made (are being, in the case of Tanglewood), but I'll make the presumption that it's simply easier to implement the redrawn artwork, optimize audio cues and music looping, and probably make engine and bugfix optimizations on the console by comparison, I'll have to look into it more, for sure.

    @Unlimited Trees It's about time that I finally deal with this: You have been harassing me online for the past fourteen months, I have gotten sick of the hurt that you have shamelessly given, it's virtually near criminal; treating me in the way that you have has made my life very destructive (alongside other personal drama going on that's causing it), I do not even know why you had continued to attack me for every single thing I do (even work not at all related to here), you are obsessed with me and I am not in any mood to be your personal punching bag, nor anybody else's, for that matter.
    I haven't a clue if I could ever trust you to your word about staying away from your old habits of making provoking insults and false assumptions/accusations about my actions and judgment, but if anything from that first paragraph of yours says something about who you truly are, then I have little to no respect for you as a person, constantly bullying an innocent person who freely presents themselves in ways that are different to yours and the lot of the general populace, no matter how questionable it may be, is not ever the proper way to rise in the ranks nor gain respect; I might or will forgive you though if you truly do refrain from committing any more acts of harassment and uncalled for personal attacks against me, I already have enough troubles in my life as is and the damage you have given me from March of 2016 to now has been completely unnecessary and unhealthy for any involved parties, this forum included.

    I will give you credit where it is due: You at least cared to give some constructive insight on some of the material I have shown here, which I will properly respond to:
    A Co~op version of Sky Chase as a Bonus Stage, at least in this form, has yet to be properly done, we have seen from Scorched Quest that similar concepts can be done in Single Player stages, it might take a bit to optimize console performance in a Co~op version (two gameplay layers, high sprite count, constantly vertically moving clouds) and I hope it'll be something we see to a significant degree.
    The underwater portion of Knux's Act III may be a challenge, as while the floor of the top half will be seen from the top of the background, getting the city and grassland just right as separate animated layers will be a chore, hence why I stated that this would probably be a ROM hack on the Saturn or Dreamcast, software rendering would have to take care of that where sprite art just couldn't, especially where those building lights (meant to shine on the grass) are concerned; as for the track used in the Main Menu mockup, that is strictly a placeholder, it'll only be heard in small hidden rooms in IIZ that are meant for the player to be in for five to ten seconds, so it won't be used often; a more extensive track will be used for the official Main Menu, regardless of version, so no need to worry.

    Note: I wholly apologize in advance to any of the staff and administration that had to read the above complaint, if it could even be put as that; I obviously know more than well that this thread is nowhere for such words to be shared and I hope we can have this issue can be put to rest as early as possible.
    I'm not one to usually stand up for myself when I am getting attacked personally (especially if I know I can brush off any cases myself), but given how long this had gone on for by the same person, across many sites, I needed to say something about it; do as you feel you must in regards to this, but please know that this wasn't easy for me to bring up, nor did I know how to properly do it without worry of unfair treatment; I don't expect sympathy but I do hope that I can at least be heard (be it public or privately) and that similar cases will not happen again with other people on here, you folks have done extremely well with the recent changes to this forum already and I don't want anybody nor anything to butcher the good progress that you have done.
    KCEXE, Devon, TheStoneBanana and 2 others like this.
  11. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City
    You know, that I have to pop in in the goddamn middle of work to comment on this shit is sad. The lot of you should be ashamed of the bandwagoning bullshit you're pulling.

    Look, Roya, you want legitimate criticism of all of the above, I'll put it simple and straight: Mismatch. Sprites, textures, art, music, it's a mass stylistic clash with one another, and I'd seriously consider stepping back and looking into trying to make the assets consistent.

    Now, for the rest of you: Consider this a warning before I start doing damage: LAY THE FUCK OFF OF ROYA. Seriously, the bandwagoning so many of you love to do regarding him is beyond old, and some of you have gone to ridiculous lengths to outright harass him. It's one thing to legitimately criticize, and it's very, very much another to hound and harass. Give this the fuck up, or there will be some hammers in skulls.
  12. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    It's true. Saturn is kind of a very hard language to deal with. I heard that Saturn have too much of hardcoded stuff which turns the things real hard with this hardware. I heard there were some brazilian people programming a Saturn game using the Lua language, though.

    @Royameadow: I like the level ideas and concepts, but I suggest you to change the sprites to something realistic as the backgrounds. Actually, the clash between the realism and the cartoony sprites really seems to be giving a weird impression. I like these ideas a lot, though... If it's for a fangame, of course. To be honest, I'd like to see them in action some day in the future. There's some promising stuff in these pictures, I admit. :)
  13. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    No, I am not aware of the fact that this is running on Wii hardware, and that this is just Smash Brothers.
    This, on the other hand, is just one of the many reasons I felt the need to port a Sonic model onto Fox.
    The Side-B Special move.
    LordXernom likes this.
  14. Stardust Gear

    Stardust Gear A Programmer Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Recent screenshot from Sonic Star Adventure (SHC2017):
    Niko, pixelcat, EMK-20218 and 3 others like this.
  15. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    The art seems too simplistic and repetitive for my tastes. What's with the vine squares?
    EMK-20218 likes this.
  16. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    I like it, but you should add more details to mountains and sky, because people would complain about lack of variety in your artwork. And that brown thing after grass is out of place for me.
  17. SaunicBoom

    SaunicBoom Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    I actually like the simplicity of this. It's an interesting choice of aesthetic and breaks the monotony of traditional Sonic fan games and hacks all looking alike. This style, if pulled off right and brushed up, can stand out on its own and look good while doing it. If you're taking suggestions, Stardust Gear, I recommend adding some small planks of wood to give those vines something to wrap themselves around; this will retain their grid-like pattern there while looking more natural.
    NiphFM, EMK-20218 and HackGame like this.
  18. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City
    Building on Sonic Boom's suggestion, I'd also recommend modifying the Sonic sprite and other sprites to match the aesthetic. This is one of those cases where the aesthetic is consistent in style for the most part, but very different from the base style. Get the rest of the sprites to match the aesthetic, and you may have something going there.
  19. MainMemory

    MainMemory Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017

    AURORA☆FIELDS so uh yes Exiled

    Oct 7, 2011