Sonic 1 Limbo Updated Version 1

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by LordXernom, Jul 21, 2017.

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  1. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    This hack features 2 fully edited zones (GHZ, MZ), custom music composed and converted by me and palettes edit (main feature lol). This hack has very simple level layout (no alternate routes, because I ran out of ideas with concepts for alternative paths), but this time I've tried avoid dick/cheap/hard level design choices. Special Thanks goes to TheInvisibleSun/LuigiXHero for original concept and all hackers who did tutorials and programs to help us. This hack is WIP and stuff could change.




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  2. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Okay, I played this hack, and it was quite... eh...
    Let's talk about art first.
    Seems like the main color of this hack is black.
    Well, I do not like the large amount of black in this hack. Also, it even gets used inappropriately in some points. Especially MZ. I was always scared to walk on a block just to find out that it was a collapsing block!
    I also despise the choice of removing the background. That's lame!
    Now let me talk about layout.
    Layout here is bland. It lacks of content, and looks very unfinished. There are too many flat points and bad layout choices, like the usage of the GHZ collapsing platforms to make a falling bridge. Speaking about falling bridges, THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM! It gets boring after some point. The worst usage of the falling bridge is right here:

    Bad layout choices.PNG

    You have to cross this falling bridge, but then you find this badnik, and if you get hit, you're most likely going to get knocked in a bottomless pit. This is a cheap choice, and this is not what a player expects in a game that "Tries to avoid dick/cheap/hard level design choices".
    Also, a tip that should be applied if you make a layout in any game.
    This is the first (and it better be the last) time that I see this in a Sonic hack. You've made this mistake in MZ1 and MZ3's boss arena.
    I also don't like that the third act of a zone is just the boss arena with a large wall behind you. You've been given a third act to create, so use it well! Don't take me directly to the boss arena! Or, if you really can't or don't want to use it, don't place huge walls behind me!

    But let's look at the positive side: music looks good. My favorite one is MZ's music.

    Summing it all up, this hack needs a MASSIVE amount of improvement in its actual state. I hope it does improve in the future.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  3. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    I recognize 3 themes here. That came from Sonic 1 Nightmare Edition. And I am not happy with that. I know it's your music but I still have 1 of your tracks in and you use it as a act clear theme while I use it for a life monitor... What are you trying to achive? You never listen to feedback and you always do stuff like this. I am asking you to stop doing WIP hacks. It's gotten to a point where I don't think anyone here is interested in the product you release and for good reason. I would qualify this post as shitposting material even at this point. IT'S THAT BAD.

    The actual hack is quite poor and is quite push right to win in a sence with minimal platforming that is just in your way. It's not good. It's terrible. And by that I mean it. It feels like you are doing this just to spite me with the pace breaking platforming areas.

    While I am rather fucking pissed off about this hack and want you to either cancel it or just rethink it. LISTEN TO YOUR OWN FUCKING FEEDBACK THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME AND OTHERS. I should probably just not care. Where you don't strictly follow your own feedback.

    The music is garbage. I know you won't do a better job with it so why should I bother?
  4. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Update 1 - added BG to most levels, 2 new edited levels and boss, level palette change in second zone, changed level order, minor level layout changes in first two zones since first demo and new SMPS I've composed. Here's screenshot of new content:


    And new built.

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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    Jefftastic likes this.
  5. Jefftastic

    Jefftastic n00blet Member

    Jul 23, 2017
    In Antartica
    I really like where you are taking this dude, It feels like some sort of dream.

    The only issues I have is that,
    • The background in Marble feels too simple (WE PUT SATAN IN OUR GAMES!)
    • Some layouts are a bit odd and are sometimes hard to see.
    That's about it, honestly its a interesting hack, it has a simplistic charm some older hacks had.
    LordXernom likes this.
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