Sonic ERaZor 7 (coming September 2024)

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by Selbi, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor (Fourth Public Release) - Revision 01


    • Being able to use hard part skippers in special stages is now mentioned in the tutorial.
    • Added small 'A's as reminders for the second section in Scar Night Place.
    • Fixed pause function not working in special stages.
    • Fixed an exploit that made finding the Scar Night Place easter egg easier (see here).
    • Fixed the Monitor in the intro cutscene awarding points.
    • Fixed speed up music not resetting upon level restart.
    • Fixed the GHZ waterfall sound overwriting the explosion sounds.
    • Fixed a strange bug in Ruined Place, loading the sign post art at the beginning of the level.


    Thanks to everyone who reported bugs or issues! Don't be afraid to post whatever you may find odd, the more stable I can make this game, the better for everyone.
  2. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden Sonic CD's Sound Test Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    "Scar Night Place can 'fook right off'..."

    I enjoyed playing this. I really did. The levels are fresh and innovative, taking into account some of the strangest new moves and edits. The level specific gimmicks are also very clever and throw all of your "sonic knowledge" out of the window, replacing it with a morbid curiosity of the unknown... and explosions. I had fun. And if you haven't played it yet, do so, because you will to.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
  3. DanielHall

    DanielHall Well-Known Member Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    North Wales
    Whenever I die on the spike chamber in Ruined Place, when I respawn, there's a line of bricks going across the screen.
  4. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    That is a bug I've tried to fix many times (with the help of Markey). Sadly, I was never able to fully get rid of it.
  5. SpirituInsanum

    SpirituInsanum Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    That's usually because the lamppost's base is lower than the top of the ground's collision. Sonic respawns in the ground, but is forced to move a few pixels up and the first plane isn't updated in the process.
  6. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    Wow this game is very difficult the only easy thing about this game is listening to the music. The music in this game is very good. Great work I really liked this hack.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
  7. JP Doctor

    JP Doctor Active Member Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    This hack is awesome. That 2nd special stage almost finished me off I think. I may even have invented a few new swear words as a result. I've got as far as the gravity part of chapter 6 but unfortunately that's as far as my skills and patience will allow for now. So far I've not used any of the skips. I refuse to out of principle as this almost feels like a rite of passage as a Sonic fan =P Great work Selbi!
  8. OrdosAlpha

    OrdosAlpha RIGHT! Naebody move! Root Admin

    Aug 5, 2007
    Glasgow, Scotland
    OK, enough's enough. Pull the shit involving Seanie ASAP. Having a laugh at the expense of an admin will not be tolerated. Plus, the nature of the content in question ain't the sort of thing I want to see on, or be associated with the SSRG. He personally requested that it be removed, and expected to be treated with respect, and not like a piece of shit.
  9. SeanieB

    SeanieB Dude! Root Admin

    Jul 19, 2008
    San Diego, CA
    Things've been taken care of privately- let's not derail this thread anymore
  10. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I think, even though I explained it a few times before, I'll gladly do it again:

    Back in 2009, when I just started with hacking, I was just in the "screw hacking phase", where my hack was canceled. Me and Peter were in a Skype call when he suddenly came up with this story and we suddenly started talking about Tweaker and Megamix and what not. After some talking I suddenly got some motivation back and continued my hack. To make the long story short, without that story, I would've never been able to create this hack. As a little dedication, I decided to add it as cleverly hidden easter egg. I didn't mean to harm anyone.

    It's just unfortunate that Seanie's name is mentioned in there. I'll think of something and further discuss this with him.

    Once again, apologies.
  11. vladikcomper

    vladikcomper Well-Known Member Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    I'm not quite good in wide descriptions in English, so I'll just spread: I love your hack and I loved how it has been improving over last years.

    To say though, few moments were way hard for me, basically, beyond my abilities and reaction. I've beat the game using hard part skippers almost everywhere, they are really nice addition btw, at least they saved me all the time. Special Stage 2 is really frustrating, I can't imagine beating it without use of savestates. As for the last SLZ section, I couldn't even beat it using savestates, I had to use the skipper. Maybe I'm just lacking skills, but hell, it seems impossibly hard!

    Despite of it, the hack overall gave me amazing impressions, it has some unique ideas, unique gameplay and its won style. In a nutshell: it's fresh and explosive. Awesome work!
  12. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I think that hack is good for those who like a challenge, to me, I found this hack hard, but maybe not as hard as others. SLZ and Special stage 2 took about 6 attempts but other than that, everything else was just the right difficulty for me. "I WANT MORE DIFFICULTY!", nah I think its fine the way it is heh heh. I wasn't too pleased with the easter egg message but hey, I guess you thought it would add to the theme of the hack. SLZ was kinda funny, a bit fustrating, but fun as a whole.

    The game as a whole is just mad, but I like it because it fits my personally. Its different, which I think makes it stand out from other hacks. The special stages impressed me ever since I first saw it, it definately makes sonic 1 special stages more enjoyable. The hack seemed a little short, but thats ok, the difficulty kinda covered that. As a whole I thought this was a fun hack, and its nice to have those skipper for those who find the game too difficult. I totally forgot to review this hack, now I have, you've done a good job here Selbi, if I get some free time I'll do a speech review as well.
  13. TheJeli

    TheJeli Umm... Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    West London
    I fucking love this.

    I remember release 3 didn't work on hardware which was really disappointing so I'm very happy you fixed it. I only found that hack particularly challenging on the second special stage and on scar night place. Didn't run into any bugs on the newest revision either.

    Only thing I could suggest is making it a little more obvious that you cannot hit the bomb mini-boss in scar light zone. Maybe bouncing Sonic away or giving it a small shield? Also in scar light, if you press the switch at the second section it makes it impossible to use the hard part skipper meaning you have to beat it legit or quit the level.

    Hack of the year so far!
  14. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I intentionally didn't add any hints to the bomb boss, for a good reason: I wanted to make the player feel helpless, like really "OMG WAT DO I DO???".

    The Hard Part Skipper thing was also intentional, because I wanted to make players try it more if they feel like they can't do it, instead of just saying "No fuck this!". So, if they really want to use the skipper, they need to lose all their rings, die, and don't press the button upon restarting.
  15. TheJeli

    TheJeli Umm... Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    West London
    If that was what you were going for then you did it very well.

    Also that easter egg is pretty weird, I won't spoil it though.
  16. Mike B Berry

    Mike B Berry A grandiose return Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    New places, newer motivation
    I think everybody knows about the special mode.

    Also, Selbi; Have you fixed any of the present drowning bugs in Labyrinth place? I haven't been able to get hurt right before drowning and test it. But I thought I could pick your brain about that. I understand that debug mode was disabled, so I couldn't test my theory, but I would still appreciate the answer if you have the time.
  17. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I haven't fixed any of the recent bugs, purely because I was never running into one of them over the past three years. If it ain't actually broke, only theoretically, don't fix it. That's my opinion.
  18. Mike B Berry

    Mike B Berry A grandiose return Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    New places, newer motivation
    And what an opinion it is indeed. Thank you for your time.
  19. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Alright so, almost three weeks have passed since the fourth release now, and I'm starting to wonder:

    What should I do next?

    I'm fighting with myself really, because I don't know if working on a fifth release is really worth it, or if I should try something else. When I released the third version, I actually wanted to stop working on updates, but after I received a lot of requests to continue, I decided to work on a fourth version.

    The question is, are people still interested in updates? As of right now, I consider my game as complete, because every zone of the original game is being used (except for Spring Yard Zone, which only serves as an Overworld). I didn't have that problem when I worked on the fourth version, because it was obvious that I would be creating a Star Light Zone level. But now I simply don't have any ideas anymore, in regards of what could possibly be added, so I would need suggestions on that, if I were to continue it.

    In general, I want to lay the future of this project in your hands, by deciding whether it's worth continuing or not. The more opinions I get, regardless of content (it may be a simple one liner with Yes or No), the more likely am I going to continue it or stop working on it.

    Please refrain from posting "Do what you want" posts, because if I were to follow that logic, I wouldn't have written this post.
  20. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Fine! Do what you don't want then...