A very early Sonic 1 hack.

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by Okami, Dec 2, 2014.

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  1. Okami

    Okami Newcomer Trialist

    Nov 29, 2014
    Illinois, USA
    Just so you know, I am quite new to hacking :p Kind of noobish, you might say.

    This hack of mine (no name yet) is in such an early stage that the only level I have fully completed was GHZ act 1. I've also completed GHZ act 2 but I'm not sure what to think of it. Act 3 has been edited about 1/4 of the way.

    I haven't made custom/imported music yet.

    I have been able to change the palette. Check it out.

    Green Hill zone will be called SILENT HILL ZONE.





    Act 2 isn't very complete, even though the stage is playable. I guess now is a good time to mention I made this whole thing so far by using only ESEII. I have no idea how to do advance stuff.

    For example... the beginning of act 2 is terrible in my opinion. Why didn't I change it? I wanted someone elses opinion. You start on top of the Super Sneakers monitor.


    And the levels are full of walls you can go through... Like this one...


    Act Two has some weird enemy placements. Not unfair ones, just they appear in areas where they can't even hit you. Like these Chompers.


    And, for no reason, a random floating one up monitor.


    I just want to hear opinions. I will continue this hack up until Springyard, and if I start liking it a bit more, then I will try and finish it. But if I don't like it by the time I finish editing Marble zone, then I probably will just give up on it. I barely know anything about hacking.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2014
  2. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009

    • You're trolling everyone, or...
    • You're very modest.
    I don't mean to sound rude, I'm just very curious as it seems to me you know exactly what you're doing. That is to say, you aren't oblivious to the potential negative factors, that everyone around here will no doubt express to you very rudely (You know what they're like). Yet you continue as if there's some sort of hidden meaning behind it all, like something very surprising and WOW-formed ready to pop up while everyone's guard is pretty much down.
    Or maybe you really are modest, in which case... I'd recommend sorting out the misplaced objects, and perhaps a better green for that grass. Even if you're using ESEII, you can still pump out one hell of an enjoyable ROM. There are many layout possibilities that no-one's reached into yet (and generally don't).

    Good luck.
  3. Misinko

    Misinko Oh SHIT it's the Biolizard! Member

    Apr 30, 2013

    I hope this isn't the case, but it seems like it is. 

    No offence, but why show off something that you are not satisfied with yourself? Make it the best you can, and show it off. Please, don't try to rush this out. I wanna see what you can do. 

    Now, onto the acts themselves: Your grass palette isn't very good. It looks... how do I put this... unnatural for the sake of being different. It clashes with itself, which isn't a good sign, It's inconstant with itself, again, appearing to be changed because it can be changed.

    Act 2, you've said it yourself, it's riddled with questionable design choices. I'll be frank, what you've shown us is bad. Don't your monitors like that. 2 in one area is enough (multiple ring monitors are a special case though). You shouldn't have more than one power-up monitor in one place at a time (of course, this could just be my design philosophy, don't know if SEGA or others feel the same way) and if you do, at least align them correctly. Don't place them willy-nilly like you did. Please, make it look like you put some thought into the level. I'm not touching on the stuff you've addressed yourself.   

    Finally, the background. If you're gonna change it like you did, at least make the foreground palette darker. I'm greeted with this nice, calm, somber background, and then WHAM! BRIGHT COLORS IN THE FOREGROUND! That contrast is far too high. Mute the foreground, or liven up the background.  

    Overall, what you've shown is is very "I'm changing it because I can", and I think that's exactly what you did based on what you're saying. Take your time, don't change stuff for the sake of being different, and make sure you are satisfied with the end result before showing it off to the world.  
  4. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil resident psycho Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    the united states. where else?
    The more I see these sort of things, the more I wonder if I should bug someone to make a section of the rules containing the

    general DOs and DON'Ts of hacking (which could probably be supported by some of my more recent works and my first ever release of my hack, respectively).

    Just throwing that out there.

    Now then, I've looked at these, and while I can say you definitely put a bit of effort into it, like Speedy said, it seems you've just changed these things because they can be changed. Now, if you're doing a technical hack, then yay you, go nuts, but if you're changing palettes and things, there has to be a bit more effort put into it. Try to make the foreground colors blend better, and do the same with the background, though the foreground is the larger focus (again, restating a point Speedy made).

    As for gaining more knowledge, I'll link you to this post by yours truly, which contains some information about just a few of the many wonderful tools out there that are waiting to help you make your hack awesome~

    Have an awesome day, and happy hacking~
  5. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Most of these things should be common sense. We have a trial system in place. It gives them the chance to gain common sense (gives members the chance to learn) and if they don't, then they won't survive. Everyone gets filtered.
  6. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    Okami, here's some friendly advice, seeing as your commentary on your own OP implies that you aren't a complete and total dimwit:

    -If you see a problem, fix it

    this is one of the most confusing parts of your post. If you find something worth questioning, either fix it or remove it! It isn't that hard, especially when it comes to level layouts.

    -If your going to change something, then make sure its something you'd actually want to play

    This is what I did when I first started hacking. I wasn't making it for a release at the time, I was just trying to make something me and my friends wanted to play. So I made it good. I fixed every issue I came across, and made sure the palletes I made didn't make me want to stop looking at the screen. If you don't like it, no one else will, either.

    -Actually try to finish it!

    This is a trend that has been starting to annoy me as of recent. We are all tired of GHZ, and It would be much more interesting to see a hack with two or three WIP zones, instead of an act or two of raw layout and pallete hack. Make your hack something long enough to be worth playing through, it will make people more eager to test out your things.
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