[Demo?] Sonic 1 - Comet Edition

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by B. Comet, Dec 23, 2016.

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  1. B. Comet

    B. Comet Is fun still infinite? Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    South America Zone

    Despite the cool banner I made, is nothing too special, to be honest.

    This is my "true" first attempt at hacking something, and there is the result. A very simple work in SonLVL which I liked to pass my time working on it.
    Also, every feedback is appreciated.:cool:


    Green Hill
    Layout was completely changed, with some little secrets included.
    Slight edits on the background and in the colors.
    Custom chunks.

    Marble Zone
    Layout completely changed with secrets too.
    Edited background and colors.
    Minor chunk edits.

    Spring Yard
    Background edit.

    Other zones remains the same.


    Green Hill


    Marble Zone

    Spring Yard

    Other Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/s0JCVhjeba/cometedition.html

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
    KCEXE and HackGame like this.
  2. FATA-

    FATA- cmpi.w #$FA1A,d0 Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
    Please, upload your hack on forum.
    I and some other guys can't download it from 4shared
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  3. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    I do like the work so far. However, there are some things you should fix.
    First of all, as FATA- said, NEVER use 4shared for download links. Use the forum, or if necessary, Mediafire.
    Also, there is a part in GHZ 3 where there is a swinging platform. Here, you've placed something that looked like a bottomless pit, until I jumped down there. It slightly scared me. I don't really like them, but at least it wasn't a bottomless pit.
    Also, fix the headless caterkillers in MZ 3 and most of all, THIS chopper in GHZ 3.

    Creepy fish.PNG
  4. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    I have not played this yet but something caught my attention from Giova's screenshot something he forgot to mention.
    See what I circled? That looks ugly since that is not an end chunk, which is clearly noticeable.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  5. B. Comet

    B. Comet Is fun still infinite? Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    South America Zone
    Attached file(ROM) included. Sorry.

    Why I cannot use 4shared here? .-.
    When I played my hack, I didn't noticed any headless Catterkillers anywhere, you can show me where they appear?

    You're right. It doesn't look good. I am going to change that.
    JoenickROS likes this.
  6. Devon

    Devon A̸ ̴S̴ ̵C̵ ̷E̶ ̸N̸ ̴D̶ ̵E̶ ̸D̶ Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    4shared is garbage. It requires us to have an account on there to download stuff and on top of that, they make us wait some time to get the download link to the file. You can upload it here or on something like Dropbox, MediaFire, Google Drive, or whatever. Just something that doesn't require us to make an account for or have us wait a minute just to receive the link to the file.
  7. Unlimited Trees

    Unlimited Trees Banned for being a fucking cockwomble Exiled

    Apr 2, 2016
    A tree field in the middle of nowhere
    Alright, so I was originally going to save my last trialist post for a trailer for UTS1, but I figured it wasn't worth it so I'm just gonna go review your hack.

    Ok so let's start with level layouts: They're alright. I like the custom chunks you made for GHZ. They're actually not just flat ground that every hack does for some reason (I'm guilty of this as well). One thing I don't like though is some object placement. There's barely any use of Obj44 (which is a great object for making walls and stuffs) and the wrecking ball placement in Act 2 is annoying. There's also a few moments where you're going fast but then all of a sudden there's a rock in the way. Also, the area where you fight Eggman in GHZ3? Get rid of it. Not only have I seen it before in another hack, but I don't like having to rely on slopes when you barely have enough speed to reach Eggman. Not only that, but you also have to avoid the wrecking ball while trying to gain enough speed to reach him, which is annoying. Now let's get to Marble Zone. It's Marble Zone, that's pretty much it. The level layouts are ok-ish, there was one lava pit which didn't have the invisible hurtful object thing, so Sonic became Lava Jesus. I would have liked it more if this level contained more custom chunks like in GHZ and a more fast paced level design. Spring Yard Zone is just stock SYZ except with a tiny spike ball at the beginning which I would have hit. It's tiny and hard to see (considering a black object on top of a dark background isn't being very helpful).

    Now palettes. Green Hill Zone is just the old one but with a brighter sky and grass which use really ugly shades of green. Make the grass a bit brighter. As for Marble Zone, it's MZ but blue. When will people realize that blue does not equal nighttime? This palette is just your generic "oh it's nighttime" palette which tons of people have done. Spring Yard Zone's palette is my favorite, though the greens still suffer the same problem as GHZ's grass does.

    As for art, there isn't really art changes besides the stars in Marble Zone and SYZ's background. It's alright I guess.

    Anyways, this hack is a start. I guess. It's alright but it could use a lot of changes. It would have been better to see new custom levels (as the custom chunks in GHZ are already great) but oh well I guess. I give it a Sonic 4 Episode 6/10

    Edit: Huh, my post counter says 20, yet I'm still a trial member. Weird.
    B. Comet, pixelcat and FATA- like this.
  8. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    Finally someone who listens to me "cough" Hypersonic, Ashuro "cough"
    โบวี่ and B. Comet like this.
  9. AbyssalLeopard

    AbyssalLeopard Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2015
    For a very first ROM hack, I'm impressed. Level design is brilliant. I also noticed very small artwork changes, but they are as simple as good looking. Hopefully we get to see this complete with more artwork changes in the future!
    B. Comet likes this.
  10. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    Personally, I though that aspect provided an interesting little challenge for a second, until I quickly adjusted to the rhythm and won. I would honestly keep it in as a placeholder until you eventually program in a new boss.

    This is one of them here:

    Marble Act 2.PNG

    Sure 'blue doesn't always equal nighttime', but in this case it still got the point across that its dark inside! You seem to have a problem with the palette because its commonly done, not because it does, or doesn't work. One thing you could do though, is experiment with some other colors for the interior areas to complement the main colors more, so it doesn't become excessively orange and blue everywhere (if "cave-like interior lit by lava" isn't what you're going for). Maybe some greenery/plants or something on the inside? I personally like the starry background, as it adequately adds to the nighttime feel of the level, but it might be nice to add shooting stars/comets, or something of the like, to make it more interesting (and add to the "comet" moniker).

    Also, you might want to double check your Lampposts in GHZ; there was one (right before an 'S' Tunnel) I crossed that was already red.

    Though I had a bit of fun with it, it could be nice for there to be some sort of gimmick attached to the whole "Comet Edition" name. A special ability, stage gimmick or art change would definitely make this shine a bit more as a unique work.
    B. Comet likes this.
  11. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    The Eggman Area is also used in my hack but I am gonna make Eggman the Act 2 boss instead. But I agree with Unlimited Trees. It's tidious.
  12. Bluestreak

    Bluestreak Lady in red, living in dread. Member

    Apr 1, 2016
    Eastwatch Island
    B. Casais, your level work and palettes are phenomenal for a first time hack!! As someone who has yet to delve into Genesis hacking, I don't think I could have done this great by far. I will say, Marble Zone was a real treat. Though the first Act was a tad short, it had some well thought out traps, and you also had some cool fake secret passages in said Zone, going on long enough to make you think you found a shortcut, but you end up finding a dead end and having to go back. Also, that shortcut in Act 3 in which you practically walk through lava and skip a good portion of the level was cool, but be warned, that Lamppost before Marble Zone's boss is oddly lit, despite not touching it. Also, having your name hidden in Marble Zone was a nice touch.

    Another thing, as someone who HATES Special Stages and finds them annoying, seeing they didn't pop up in GHZ Act 1 was lovely, until I saw they popped up in Act 2. Perhaps, since you have all these secret passages and hard to reach areas, have Sonic search for say... The Cosmic Comets, 5 Space Gems that are hidden throughout the first 5 Zones (in either Act 1 or 2), a la Sonic 1 and 2 for SMS, and when you get them all, maybe a new form can be unlocked.

    I will say, you do need to remove the speed cap, for GHZ really would be better without it, and to reach some areas, it feels like he will need a Spin Dash. If you do add moves, the worst idea would be to add a Megamix-style homing attack/air-dash imo.
  13. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Headless Caterkiller.PNG

    This is one of the two examples found in the higher route.
    B. Comet and FATA- like this.
  14. Burst

    Burst You call this a connection? Oh, give me a break. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    Cater Killer Head Enemy announced.

    Other than that, i give it an try later, and will tell you if i had fun. :)
    Bluestreak likes this.
  15. Bluestreak

    Bluestreak Lady in red, living in dread. Member

    Apr 1, 2016
    Eastwatch Island
    Honestly, for humourous effect, keeping at least one of the Caterkiller heads would be kinda cool XD.
  16. DanielHall

    DanielHall Well-Known Member Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    North Wales
    IIRC, headless caterkillers is a bug in the original game too. Bumped into it at least one in SBZ myself.
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