"Destroy all enemies and monitors on screen" code

Discussion in 'Tutorials Archive' started by MarkeyJester, Jun 5, 2011.

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  1. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    So, I was talking with "PsychoRFG" about his "destroy all enemies" code which didn't work out well for him/her, I decided to write one myself because... well why the hell not, and share it bacause.... well why the hell not.

    ; ===========================================================================
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; Subroutine to destroy all enemies/monitors/etc on screen

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


    lea ($FFFFD800).w,a1 ; load start of level object ram

    moveq #$5F,d6 ; set repeat times


    tst.b (a1) ; is the object valid?

    beq DE_NextObject ; if not, branch

    lea DE_BossList(pc),a2 ; load start of boss ID list

    bra DE_CheckBoss ; continue


    cmp.b (a1),d0 ; is it a boss?

    beq DE_NextObject ; if so, branch


    move.b (a2)+,d0 ; load boss ID

    bne DE_NoEndList ; if it's not the end of the list, branch

    cmpi.b #$5F,(a1) ; is it a bomb fuse?

    bne DE_NoBombFuse ; if not, branch

    cmpi.b #$04,$28(a1) ; is it a fuse and not the bomb?

    beq DE_DestroyNoAnimal ; if so, branch


    tst.b $01(a1) ; is the object displayed on screen?

    bpl DE_NextObject ; if not, branch

    cmpi.b #$20,(a1) ; is it the ball of a ball hog?

    beq DE_DestroyNoAnimal ; if so, branch

    cmpi.b #$5F,(a1) ; is it a bomb?

    bne DE_NoBomb ; if not, branch


    move.b #$3F,(a1) ; change bomb into an explosion object

    sf.b $24(a1) ; clear routine counter

    bra DE_NextObject ; skip for next object


    cmpi.b #$26,(a1) ; is it a monitor?

    bne DE_NoMonitor ; if not, branch

    cmpi.b #$04,$24(a1) ; is the monitor destroyed?

    bge DE_NextObject ; if so, branch

    move.b #$04,$24(a1) ; set to correct destory routine

    bra DE_NextObject ; skip for next object


    cmpi.b #$50,(a1) ; is it a yadrin?

    beq DE_Destory ; if so, branch

    move.b $20(a1),d0 ; load touch type

    beq DE_NextObject ; if it's not valid, branch

    andi.b #$C0,d0 ; get only types

    bne DE_NextObject ; if it's not an enemie, branch


    movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) ; store register data

    move.w $12(a0),-(sp) ; store Y speed

    clr.w $12(a0) ; set no Y speed

    jsr touch_killenemy ; run destroy code

    move.w (sp)+,$12(a0) ; reload Y speed

    movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 ; reload register data


    lea $40(a1),a1 ; advance to next object slot

    dbf d6,DE_CheckNext ; repeat til all object slots are done

    rts ; return

    ; ===========================================================================

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; Boss ID's to check (00 means end of list)

    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    DE_BossList: dc.b $3D,$73,$75,$77,$7A,$82,$85,$00


    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; ===========================================================================

    Call this routine wherever you want, I'll leave that down to you, but this will destory all enemies that obtain animals, monitors, and the bombs object in SLZ that have no animals, that are currently on screen.

    I've put one aditional thing in by request of PsychoRFG which is:

    cmpi.b #$20,(a1) ; is it the ball of a ball hog?
    beq DE_DestroyNoAnimal ; if so, branch

    Which destroys the projectile of the ball hog, you can remove it, or do the same for the Crabmeat and buzzbomber's projectiles in the same mannor.

    EDIT: Fixing stuff as we go along.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2011
  2. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Thanks for the final code, fixes and all the help. I have to thank Vladikcomper for the help at the begining of the creation of this feature.
  3. Crash

    Crash Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    If anyone wants to use this with the SVN disassembly, find this line in "\_incObj\sub ReactToItem.asm":


    and change it to:

  4. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Or why not just changing:

    jsr Touch_KillEnemy ; run destroy code


    		jsr	breakenemy				; run destroy code
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2011
  5. vladikcomper

    vladikcomper Well-Known Member Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    @breakenemy is a local label, so this won't work (it will generate a compilation error that the label wasn't defined)

    This can work if only you rename it into "breakenemy" (without @), the idea with adding "Touch_KillEnemy:" is easier though.
  6. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    I was talking to you about this just the other day. Thank you so very much for posting this, as I eventually give up (I cannot tell you how many different ways I tried to pull this off and failed).

    Edit: And damn, this looks similar to that S3K routine I was talking about on #SSRG. Well, guess I know what that code did NOW.

    Edit2: Upon testing this, I can say it works with a few tweaks for S2, however it seems that objects loaded by the explosion can also be killed, I tried to make a check for the specific object (flowers from enemies), but the code just doesn't work then. it also seems to create multiples of the flowers from enemies, meaning it runs the code to load explosions multiple times, or even that it also "kills" explosions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2011
  7. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Ah, well good to know.

    Also, what lable/name is that S3K routine? I'm interested in seeing how they did it now =O
  8. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    sub_104EA , This is strikingly similar to the code you have posted.

    Also, this is my edit of the code, moddified for 2007 S2 DisASM.

    ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Subroutine to destroy all enemies on screen

    ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    tst.b (Current_Boss_ID).w ; is this a boss fight?

    bne IK_RETURN ; Don't instakill bosses.

    lea (Object_RAM+$400).w,a1 ; load start of level object ram

    moveq #$6F,d6 ; search to the end of table


    tst.b (a1) ; is there an object in this slot?

    beq IK_NextObject ; if not, branch

    tst.b $01(a1) ; is the object displayed on screen?

    bpl IK_NextObject ; if not, branch

    move.b collision_flags(a1),d0 ; is the object collidable?

    beq IK_NextObject ; if not, branch

    and.b #$C0,d0 ; is the object an enemy?

    beq IK_LoadExplosion ; if it is, kill the enemies! =D

    bra IK_NextObject ; if not, keep looking


    move.b #$27,(a1) ; change enemy into an explosion object

    move.b #0,routine(a1) ; Clear the routine counter

    bset #6,render_flags(a1) ; Set render flags to 6

    bra IK_NextObject ; skip for next object


    lea next_object(a1),a1 ; advance to next object slot

    dbf d6,IK_CheckNext ; repeat til all object slots are done


    rts ; return

    ; ================================================================================

    EDIT: I cleaned up the code a bit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2011
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