Dr.Robotnik's Creature Capture

Discussion in 'Staff Projects' started by MarkeyJester, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    So we were talking in the #ssrg channel, Log:

    [16:03] * JesterPinged is now known as MarkeyJester

    [16:03] <+Jorge> I have that feeling yes

    [16:04] <MarkeyJester> !op

    [16:04] <MarkeyJester> well fuck you too botserv

    [16:04] <MarkeyJester> !op

    [16:04] * BotServ sets mode: +o MarkeyJester

    [16:04] <~Selbi> OverPowered!

    [16:04] <%DalekSam> there's one way to fix it, MJ

    [16:04] <%DalekSam> and that's by submitting things :V

    [16:05] <%DalekSam> the problem with this year's contest it the horrible turnout

    [16:05] * MarkeyJester sets mode: +vh MarkeyJester MarkeyJester

    [16:05] <%DalekSam> no one submitted anything good

    [16:05] <%DalekSam> bar a few

    [16:05] <%DalekSam> but last year there was the likes of Yoshi in Sonic 2, S3K the Challenges and other things

    [16:05] <@MarkeyJester> give me an idea

    [16:06] <%DalekSam> a demo of MtJ :v

    [16:06] <@MarkeyJester> I'll base a hack on it

    [16:06] <@MarkeyJester> and....

    [16:06] <~Selbi> the problem is the competition aspect of this contest

    [16:06] <+Jorge> demo of MTJ on a hacking cotest? lol

    [16:06] <@MarkeyJester> OH MO YOU DIDNT

    [16:06] * Colson (osx@bdnk-7431c37b.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined #SSRG

    [16:06] <~Selbi> most people submit mediocre hacks

    [16:06] <+Jorge> hack of what

    [16:06] <@MarkeyJester> tis not a hack younf man

    [16:06] <@MarkeyJester> *g

    [16:06] <Colson> younf

    [16:06] <~Selbi> no competition to hackers like MJ

    [16:06] <Colson> YOUNF MAN

    [16:06] <~Selbi> he just needs to say a spell to make something awesome

    [16:06] <%DalekSam> I remember a few things that weren't hacks submitted to the SHC

    [16:07] <@MarkeyJester> today, Colson has expressed his dislike for +v

    [16:07] <%DalekSam> just can't remember the names, s'all

    [16:07] * Selbi sets mode: +v Colson

    [16:07] <@MarkeyJester> to keep him happy, we will not give it to him

    [16:07] <+Colson> what

    [16:07] <~Selbi> pwn3d MJ

    [16:07] * Selbi sets mode: -v Colson

    [16:07] <@MarkeyJester> really

    [16:07] <@MarkeyJester> give me an idea

    [16:07] <~Selbi> lemme think

    [16:08] <~Selbi> well, how about you make the Sonic 1 Mirrored Edition I actually wanted to do some time ago, but gave up?

    [16:08] <@MarkeyJester> a what?

    [16:08] <~Selbi> mirrored

    [16:08] <~Selbi> like

    [16:08] <~Selbi> you go from right to left

    [16:08] <@MarkeyJester> I donno

    [16:08] <@MarkeyJester> return to origin already did that in a way

    [16:09] <~Selbi> but I mean 100% mirrored

    [16:09] <@MarkeyJester> the only thing it didn't do is have the words backwards and the music

    [16:09] <~Selbi> even the font and stuff

    [16:09] <~Selbi> and that too

    [16:09] <%DalekSam> but not the controls?

    [16:09] <~Selbi> well, that'd be the only exception :p

    [16:09] <@MarkeyJester> yeah but... eh, it's not one of those things that you can replay over and over and still enjoy

    [16:09] <@MarkeyJester> it's one of those, play once, "oooh! that's pretty" then put it down and move on

    [16:10] <~Selbi> wasn't Pana the same?

    [16:10] <@MarkeyJester> No, I need something...

    [16:10] <~Selbi> hmm

    [16:10] <@MarkeyJester> YouTube begs to disagree with you

    [16:10] <%DalekSam> right

    [16:10] <@MarkeyJester> left

    [16:10] <%DalekSam> let's think of something

    [16:10] <%DalekSam> super epik brainstorm tiem

    [16:11] <~Selbi> Sonic 1 from Robotnik's perspective

    [16:11] <~Selbi> not like simply replacing sonic

    [16:11] <~Selbi> but the levels and everything else as well

    [16:11] <@MarkeyJester> ahhh

    [16:11] <@MarkeyJester> I already know someone who's done this

    [16:11] <~Selbi> Malevolence?

    [16:11] <@MarkeyJester> I don't think it made it... oh so he DID!

    [16:11] <@MarkeyJester> oh yeah

    [16:11] <@MarkeyJester> but yeah

    [16:11] <~Selbi> that's what I meant

    [16:11] <~Selbi> not simply replacing Sonic

    [16:11] <~Selbi> I mean changing the entire game

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> that's actually an interesting idea

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> have like animals he has to catch

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> and put in the prison capsule

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> AHA

    [16:12] <~Selbi> yu

    [16:12] <~Selbi> p

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> that's it

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> there we go

    [16:12] <%DalekSam> Eggman the Dictator

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> a good idea is a good idea

    [16:12] <%DalekSam> except done right

    [16:12] <%DalekSam> actually Selbi

    [16:12] <@MarkeyJester> Eggmans Animal Hunt

    [16:12] <~Selbi> lol

    [16:12] <%DalekSam> you do know I was going to suggest the exact same thing

    [16:12] <%DalekSam> :v

    [16:13] <%DalekSam> so you know

    [16:13] <%DalekSam> you're a psychic bastard

    [16:13] <~Selbi> no, you lie, YOU LIEEEEEE

    [16:13] <@MarkeyJester> Dr.Reggotnikan

    [16:13] <%DalekSam> EGGU MANN

    [16:13] <@MarkeyJester> Mr Higgy

    [16:13] * MainMemory is now known as MainMemory|Away


    [16:13] <@MarkeyJester> ok so, where do we begin

    [16:14] <@MarkeyJester> I think... with a shower and a room clean

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> well, from the game's pers-

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> oh.

    [16:14] <@MarkeyJester> lol

    [16:14] <~Selbi> haha+

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> I was going to say you go through the game the same order Sonic does, to make sense

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> except you lose

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> all the time

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> and that's the aim

    [16:14] <@MarkeyJester> having Sonic as a boss

    [16:14] <%DalekSam> so the bosses have to be ridiculously hard to die to

    [16:14] <@MarkeyJester> hmmm

    [16:15] <@MarkeyJester> I'll need to draw some sprites first for robotnik

    [16:15] <@MarkeyJester> some smoother ones

    [16:15] <%DalekSam> I mean, Eggman never wins :v

    [16:15] <~Selbi> ^

    [16:15] <%DalekSam> with one exception in which he wins a magic carpet, but that's it

    [16:15] <@MarkeyJester> no, but he always gets away

    [16:15] * Colson (osx@bdnk-7431c37b.clt.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: Colson's Mac has died in a fire.)

    [16:16] <@MarkeyJester> heck, in Sonic 2, he's just as fast as Sonic

    [16:16] <@MarkeyJester> and yet he's a fat bastard

    [16:16] * roxahris (areyoustillth@bdnk-35fbf841.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 120 seconds.)

    [16:16] <@MarkeyJester> ok now, shower time

    [16:16] <%DalekSam> he's the fastest thing alive

    [16:16] <%DalekSam> as well as the fattest

    [16:16] <%DalekSam> :v

    [16:16] * MarkeyJester is now known as JesterAway

    Dr.Robotnik's Creature Capture!

    Race with the big blob, up and on your way to collecting those pesky animals, bounce from platform to platform, stop and grab a gasp of breath while wiping a sweat tear from your fat bald head, using your very skilled net, grab and nab them all! Lock them up in the capsule!

    You've never seen anything like it! (No really, you haven't... No-one's seen a fat man capturing animals with a net you know!)

    Have YOU got what it takes to be the real deal?

    Have YOU got what it takes to be the evil dictator?

    Have YOU got what it takes to be Dr.Robotnik?


    Also a video:


    Credits go to:

    • #SSRG for their ideas
    • E-122-Psi for the HUD lettering
    • Destructiox for the major layout changes and cleverly setout objects
    • Spanner for the original Cyber Track import
    • SonicVaan for the credits screen
    • ...and a few other random people for testing it out (I don't think I can list them all, sorry)


    The goal is to find and collect all of the animals in the level and put them in the capsule (one by one), and then find the finish flag before time runs out, for every animal you place into the capsule, you'll get a small bonus addon time.

    • To move Robotnik, use the D-Pad Left and Right to move Robotnik in that direction.
    • To jump, press and hold B or C.
    • To capture an animal, make sure the animal is in front of you, and then press A to swing your net to capture.
    • To place the animal into the capsule, stand on the capsule and press A, once the animal is inside the capsule, you can resume to find more.
    • If you run out of time while you still have an animal, you will lose the animal, and will be given a small restarting time bonus, the animal will not return to its original location until you are a far distance away from there.
    • If you run out of time, but you do not have an animal in your net, then it is Game Over.
    • If you are hurt while you have an animal in your net, you will lose that animal.

    Reduce your total time to the smallest amount possible, if you manage to reduce your time small enough, the locked slots will unlock, and goodies will be available.


    1. To find where the capsule is hiding, deliberately let the timer run out, the cut-scene will show you where it is hiding.
    2. If an animal is close enough to the capsule, you can stand on the capsule, and press A will not only capture the animal, but it will also place it into the capsule in one swing (two birds, one stone).
    3. The time you have to reduce your total time to in order to unlock the goodies, has to be lower than "03:57:23'48" (My best time so far).
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  2. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    This is great! Very well done hack and great concept for the game. Maybe if you could take more than one animal at one time the game would be more playable. But anyway, it's a great job!
  3. GalliumGrant

    GalliumGrant Void. Member

    May 11, 2010
    Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I'd play the Hack, but unfortunately it's 2:08 in the morning for me. ;_;

    I'll be sure to pick it up, though. :p

    *GalliumGrant high fives MarkeyJester*
  4. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    And here it is, fantastic mate as I said before to you previously. I accept your challnege to beat your score, oh its on now!.
  5. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    lol I found a small bug... in Labyrinth Zone, when you start, it says WELCOME TO... LABYRITHN
  6. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Hah, you know, I did actually see that before hand, and thought I was just seeing things (because I usually put the emulator in fast forward when testing stuff quickly).

    Fixed, and the link is updated, thanks for reporting that =)
  7. Psycho RFG

    Psycho RFG Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Cool, thanks for the fixed version, downloading again :p
  8. SonicVaan

    SonicVaan I'm a cyberpunk with a taste for guns Member

    Sep 12, 2008
    Germany, Cologne
    Sorry I didn't have much time for testing, but I found 2 more bugs.

    In Scrap Brain Zone 2, somewhere at the upper-left part of the level there are 2 pizza-cutters. and at the left one (unsure if it's on the left one too) that moving thingy on the floor doesn't push you to the left.

    As for the second, it's in Scrap Brain Zone 3, you can fall through the floor there. I would provide a screenshot, but I don't have much time right now.
  9. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden Sonic CD's Sound Test Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    I've been playing this for quite a few hours now and it's fantastic. I've unlocked everything and am now trying to minimise that time to as low as possible. :p

    On a side note, I did manage to get permanently stuck outside of the level area on 2 separate places which required a reset;

    SYZ1; there's a bumper in a small tunnel to the right of the start. If you run into the bumper, sometimes you fall through the floor.

    SBZ2; there's a red floor that zips when stood on, top right of the level. It takes you into a wall and you can't get out unless you jump. You usually get ejected to the right, outside of the level.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  10. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009

    Grab me a screenshot, and I'll look into it.


    Fixed, redownload the ROM for the bug fixes.

    Jesus man, it hasn't been out a day yet. and you've already completed it? =$
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  11. Royameadow

    Royameadow Welcome to the modern existence. Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Lynn MA, North America
    Are you sure that there are 09 Animals in Scrap Brain Act 01?

    If so, then it must be glitched.

    There appear to be only 08 within the act.
  12. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    There was an issue with some of the animals going into the walls, SBZ1's walls seem to respond to them differently for some reason, to compensate, I've changed the animals to the ones that wait until you're near them before they jump, that way there's a mighty less chance of them actually getting stuck.
  13. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Downloaded it again since the beta version, and where did that title screen come from? lol

    And I'm glad you fixed all them MZ bugs; I wasn't able to recreate them again. And you changed it from "Oh right!" to "All right!"

    And like said before, it's a brand new unique idea, and I like it. My only problem is I start to get bored of it pretty quick. So I will play this every now and then, then I will get back to you with my final time.

    A suggestion (if it's even possible), is to make a quick program that can read the final time (or all the act's individual times) from the ROM, and then post it on an online database, so it can be compared to other people's times.

    Either way, very good work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  14. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    00:57:55'12 total

    Jesus god damned christ aaaaaargh- RAAAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEE!!!111

    These unlocks seem fancy and all, but in reality they are hell on earth!!
  15. RandomInnocentGuy

    RandomInnocentGuy Newcomer Exiled

    Mar 20, 2012
    Anywhere else than canada.
    How about having bonus levels where in separate boss acts, and you can play as the boss? I know it's tedious, but it's a good idea anyway.
  16. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009

    Sorry about this Markey, this happens apon starting the main menu after the Titlescreen using the emulator Kega Fusion. Its wierd, when I tested your beta it worked fine on fusion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  17. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Can't beat MZ3 - the sixth one isn't anywhere. (Genesis Plus GX for Wii)

    MZ2 is hell, by the way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2012
  18. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Now I'm not sure if I may spoiler, but I just couldn't resist (sorry Markey): The real hell awaits you at the very bottom.
  19. RandomInnocentGuy

    RandomInnocentGuy Newcomer Exiled

    Mar 20, 2012
    Anywhere else than canada.
    You call that hell? If they'd make a sequel, then I most likely would consider OOZ1 hell, that's for sure, since I hated the orginal Oil Oecan 1.

    However, that's only a guess, since they haven't made a sequel yet.
  20. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    Elgin. IL

    Was running real fast in the Spring Yard Act 1 tunnel. Guess it ran me into the floor.
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