I wanna try something slightly more ambitious now. Not sure how possible it is. Does anyone know how to go about editing art in ROMs without a disassembly? Specifically I want to edit Carbunkle/Has Bean in Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. Just the art tiles will do, though if there is a method to editing the mappings it would be profitable.
Well, what I used to do for this kind of thing was open up the ROM in either Tile Molester or SonMapED (or Flex, if you choose), locate the tiles, and edit them that way. It's certainly not the best method, as it doesn't account for the actual palette in game or mappings, but it gets the job done.
Which it is. Almost everything but Robotnik's cutscene sprite is compressed in some way when I loaded the ROM.
Unless someone knows exactly how Puyo Puyo art is compressed, then I don't think it's possible. I think someone started to figure out the format, but I'm not sure what happened to that (link). Last we heard about it was early 2011. That link is pretty useful about Puyo Puyo, though. They had written a decompressor for the sprites, but then you'd have to figure out how to recompress the art (I assume it wouldn't be difficult though).
From what I know, at least from Mean Bean Machine, the majority of the art is compressed in Nemesis. That can easily be extracted using NemSearch or something of the likes of it.
From what I know, at least from Mean Bean Machine, the majority of the art is compressed in Nemesis. That can easily be extracted using NemSearch or something of the likes of it.