Flex 2

Discussion in 'Utilities' started by snkenjoi, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    Sorry for double posting. It seems save and then loading the data in Flex 2 for the sprite results in the sprite looking the same as it does in SonMapED. I tried reimporting the art from png, but the art imported incorrectly, and like before saving and loading further messed it up. It's definitely a problem with the tiles and not the mappings or DPLC's.

    Edit: The problem doesn't happen when using a Bitmap image.
    Edit 2: Is there a way to get rid of the window that comes up when you create mappings. It covers a large amount of the space, making editing very difficult.
    Edit 3: It would be useful if there was an option to clone mappings within a single sprite.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  2. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    This is because Flex 2 can read all the formats that SonMapEd can, but SonMapEd cannot read all the formats that Flex 2 can. Again, you cannot rely on SonMapEd to accurately render all forms of mapping and DPLCs.

    When you say 'messed it up', do you mean that you can't view it in SonMapEd? What do you mean by 'imported incorrectly'? Because yes, SonMapEd will read valid data incorrectly. Is the art corrupted? Are there tiles missing? Did saving and loading somehow change what the data was?

    I'm not sure why you're trying to use SonMapEd to confirm that the output is correct as it does not have accurate support for these formats. I feel like this is simply an issue with your workflow, but maybe I don't fully understand the problem you're having.

    This should not be / is not possible. Once you have loaded the file it is in the same format.

    I opened a github issue for this. Might make it in the next update.

    Type nm to dismiss the mapping window. In the next version I will make it auto dismiss. Have been wondering if I should change that and I guess now I know.
    ProjectFM likes this.
  3. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    Thanks for responding, but you misinterpretted. When I load a png through the "import spritesheet" feature, it looks fine on the importing screen, but in the mappings editor, the art is slightly messed up. Saving and then loading what I just saved further messes up the art. This doesn't happen when doing the same with a bmp. It's an issue with the art tiles and not the mappings or DPLC's.

    I can provide pictures if you need it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  4. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I did wonder if I misinterpreted you! Sorry about that.

    This doesn't sound like something that should happen at all. Can you provide me with the PNG and BMP files that exhibit this behaviour so I can attempt to reproduce it? Either via PM, github issue or #ssrg
    ProjectFM likes this.
  5. Kilo

    Kilo Foxy Fren Exiled

    Oct 9, 2017
    A warm and lovely place~
    Probably shouldn't be bumping a year old thread like this, but I have ran into an odd issue. Now it's kind of hard to explain, but I'll try my best.
    If you were to import a sprite, it should work fine, and it does. However, if you try importing another sprite with the same mapping, it'll just import the previous image.
    Say we want to import the sprites on the left, it will import the 1st one, but the 2nd will be a copy of the 1st. The only way to get around this, is by closing and opening Flex 2 again.
    Apologies if this wasn't clear enough.
  6. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    new version - 0.0.7


    Tabs can be maximized
    Sprite swapping keyboard shortcuts added - ctrl+] & ctrl+[
    Sort imported spritesheet into rows properly
    Compression now based on flamewing's mdcomp
        Uses WASM and is much faster
        Added ArtC42, LZKN1, Rocket and RLE compression formats
    Autodismiss new mapping screen
    Better error reporting & enabled devtools (F12)
    Updated many dependencies, added performance improvements and other small tweaks
    Some of the changes will have inadvertently fixed some existing bugs, so it's worth testing again. If it's still broken create an issue on github for it and I will get to it.

    This is mainly a quality of life release to clean a few things up before I resume development. This project has been dormant for a little while but I intend to resume working on it.

    Next feature on the roadmap is full custom mapping format support.
  7. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    I accidentally broke KosM compression, so here's a new version - 0.0.8


    Changed default palette from Sonic 2 to the SCH unified palette
    Fixed a bug that allows deleting mappings in drawing mode
    Fixed a bug where up/down scrolls when there are active mappings
    Fixed Kosinski-M compression
    Added KosinskiPlus compression
    Rebuilt colour picker
    More dependency upgrades
    Still working on custom mapping support, but had to put this out
    maple_t, Samey, DeltaW and 3 others like this.
  8. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008


    - New engine
        - Real custom mappings & DPLCs
        - Support for custom art formats (including compression)
        - Support for custom palette formats
        - Sonic 2 Special Stage added
        - Sonic 3&K Sonic/Supersonic partial support
    - New ASM parser/writer
        - Wider compatibility
        - Ability to provide a custom parser
    - Added File tab
        - Create new files
        - Save/Load individual assets
        - Art offset
        - Blank entries in palette line
        - Various UX improvements for file input
    - Rebuilt Project tab
        - Tree structure for projects
        - Reuse file menu
    - Mapping tab updates
        - New mapping autodismiss is configurable
        - Added 'close' to new mapping / raw editor
    - Sprites tab now autozooms depending on sprite size
    - Fixed a keycombination event bug
    - Fixed corrupted art when importing transparent PNGs
    - Performance improvements to remove lag
    - Created project files for s1disasm, s2disasm
    This release contains a breaking change: Project files from previous versions will work, but game format will have to be reselected as it cannot be migrated.

    More to come, but this is a good point to make a release at.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
  9. Spicy Bread SSR

    Spicy Bread SSR You can call me Mal if you like Member

    Feb 27, 2021
    Well, looks like I have a reason to try it
  10. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008
  11. Ronald Rose

    Ronald Rose Newcomer In Limbo

    Feb 7, 2016
    This program is pretty useful! It's even better than SonMapEd.
    EddyTF likes this.
  12. BenjaminTheRaccoon

    BenjaminTheRaccoon I'm a Raccoon! The Raccooniest Raccoon to Raccoon! Member

    Jun 20, 2020
    The Dumpster Outside the Maccas
    I have no idea if this idea is wise or not, but I'm wanting to try implementing saving for Sonic's Sonic 3 Mappings and DPLCs, because at the moment, the script just tells the program to send an error message saying to convert the mappings. The only problem is, I don't know Javascript...

    EDIT: I have abandoned this, and will wait for an update like a patient pickle.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2022
  13. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    And it is compatible with Hivebrain`s disassembly?:)