Help on respawning objects

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by redhotsonic, Dec 11, 2011.

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  1. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Do you mean in general? I just looked in my hack and no, he doesn't load the dust. I never noticed that, I will look into that tomorrow and will get back to you.

    EDIT: Just noticed MainMemory's post. I will have a look tomorrow, cheers, mate.

    EDIT2: Tried MM's idea and it didn't quite work with me but probably the way SMTP and I ported Knuckles in but it is in the right area. Here is how I go it to work:

    ; loc_1DE4A:

    movea.w parent(a0),a2 ; a2=character

    cmpi.b #$D,anim(a2) ; SonAni_Stop

    beq.s Obj08_SkidDust

    cmpi.w #$3,($FFFFFF72).w ;is it knux alone?

    beq.s knuxskidcheck

    cmpi.w #$4,($FFFFFF72).w ;is it knux&tails?

    bne.s +


    cmpi.b #$20,anim(a2) ; Knux sliding?

    beq.s Obj08_SkidDust


    move.b #2,routine(a0)

    move.b #0,objoff_32(a0)


    ; ===========================================================================

    ; loc_1DE64:


    subq.b #1,objoff_32(a0)

    bpl.w loc_1DEE0

    move.b #3,objoff_32(a0)

    bsr.w SingleObjLoad

    bne.w loc_1DEE0

    move.b 0(a0),0(a1) ; load obj08

    move.w x_pos(a2),x_pos(a1)

    move.w y_pos(a2),y_pos(a1)

    addi.w #$10,y_pos(a1)

    tst.b objoff_34(a0)

    beq.s +

    subi.w #4,y_pos(a1)


    cmpi.w #$3,($FFFFFF72).w ; is it knux alone?

    beq.s knuxskidcheck2

    cmpi.w #$4,($FFFFFF72).w ; is it knux&tails?

    bne.s +


    cmpi.b #$20,anim(a2) ; Knux sliding?

    bne.s +

    subi.w #$9,y_pos(a1)

    subi.w #$17,x_pos(a1)

    tst.w x_vel(a2)

    bge.s +

    add.w #$34,x_pos(a1)


    move.b #0,status(a1)

    move.b #3,anim(a1)

    ;etc, etc

    I had to do a different check as comparing his object ID didn't work for some reason, and I had to edit the position and tweak with it to get it right, but now, he does make dust when sliding from giding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2011
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