How to add a newer SEGA screen to Sonic 1

Discussion in 'Approved' started by OscillateNumInit, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    This is kinda simply. He had removed or added characters to his game name into the romheader of his hack.

    Title_Local:	dc.b 'Sonic The Hedgehog 1 Harder Levels - v1.0	   '; Domestic name
    If the name in the header was changed, it will need to add spaces to fit the header to the same header size as in Sonic 1. Because if the header is less or big in a byte than the original romheader, the red screen will come.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2009
  2. theocas

    theocas #! Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Sorry for the huge-ass bump, but I have a question that I don't think I should start a new topic for this. How do I add the SEGA chant to screen? I tried to add this:

    move.b #$E1,d0
    jsr PlaySound_Special; stop music

    move.b #$FF,d0

    jsr PlaySound_Special ; play "SEGA" sound

    to multiple parts of the code (above the jump, below it, in the SegaLogo sub, and startcyc) but all either leave the game at a black screen, or get to the screen without sound and then crash. I have ported the S3k Sound Driver, but I don't think that makes a difference. I'd appreciate any help, and sorry for the huge-ass bump but I thought this would be the best place to post this question because this is pinned and I didn't want to start a new topic.
  3. IWasAPerson

    IWasAPerson Part Of This Complete Breakfast Member

    Aug 18, 2008
    While this topic's still bumped, I might as well say something about it. I remember adding the code a long time ago and I had tried to add back in the "SEGA" pcm. It didn't really work that well since it played on an infinite loop when I did the same thing you did.

    I'm guessing that the code is messy and uncommented because its a straight rip from the 32x SDK. I checked the SDK, and it is word-for-word identical except the comments that aren't compatible with ASM68k are removed. That's also probably why there's so many unnecessary macros and equates.

    If I ever get around to it I'll probably go back in, clean up the code, comment it, and incbin the data since SOTI's link doesn't work anymore. It'll probably make the code more realistic to use in a hack even though I'll probably never use it.
  4. theocas

    theocas #! Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    That would be nice of you. What 32x SDK are we talking about? I'd like to take a look at it.
  5. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    You got this from the SEGA SDK:

    See, it looks similar:


    * Sega Logo Code *

    * and character I/O routines *


    include "SEGA.I"

    include "GLOBALS.H"

    section .text

    xdef SegaLogo

    dc.l 0


    move.l #10,d6

    bsr delay

    SetVdpRegister 1,$44 ; Turn on the display

    SetVdpRegister 16,1 ; Map Size 64x32

    lea.l LogoChars,A0 ; A0 = *LogoChars

    VramWrtAddr $20,VCTRL ; Set address at 32 - Char #1

    move.l #16*147,d0 ; d0 char counter


    move.w (a0)+,VDATA ; write logo chars

    dbra d0,ldchar

    lea.l LogoPalette,a0 ; a0 = *LogoPallette

    CramWrtAddr $0,VCTRL ; Set CRAM ADDRESS

    moveq.l #15,d0 ; set color counter


    move.w (a0)+,VDATA ; write logo pallette

    dbra d0,ldpal


    * Here's where we're going to write out the logo map - map A points

    * to C000.


    VramWrtAddr $C51C,D2 ; Set up D2 to be a address

    moveq.l #1,d1 ; overall char counter

    moveq.l #3,d3


    move.l d2,VCTRL ; Set address

    add.l #$00800000,D2 ; Calc new address for 64 wide map

    moveq.l #11,D0 ; Row counter


    move.w d1,VDATA ; write 1st row

    addq.w #1,d1 ; next char

    dbra d0,wrtrow1

    dbra d3,newrow

    lea.l LogoCycle,a0 ; a0 = *LogoCycle

    add.l #32,a0

    moveq #16,d1 ; ctr for num of cycles

    move.l #$3f,d6 ; delay

    jsr delay


    move.l a0,a1 ; ptr to start of cycle

    move.l #$c00e0000,$C00004.L ; cram_wrt_addr(e)

    moveq #8,d0 ; ctr for num of colors


    move.w (a1)+,VDATA ; cram_wrt_data

    dbra d0,cyc

    move.l #$08,d6 ; delay

    bsr delay

    subq #2,a0 ; next cycle

    dbra d1,stcycl

    move.l #$40,d6 ; delay

    bsr delay

    CramWrtAddr $0,VCTRL ; Set CRAM ADDRESS

    moveq.l #15,d0 ; set color counter


    move.w #0,VDATA ; write logo pallette

    dbra d0,.clpal

    VramWrtAddr $C000,VCTRL ; Set up D2 to be a address

    move.l #64*28,d0 ; set color counter


    move.w #0,VDATA ; write logo pallette

    dbra d0,.clmap

    rts ; Back again!


    move.l #$fff,d7 ; Call with delay value in D6

    dt: nop

    dbra d7,dt

    dbra d6,delay




    *Character Set for the SEGA startup logo


    * Char #0

    dc.l $00000000,$00000111,$00011BBC,$001ABBBB

    dc.l $01AABBBB,$01AAABBB,$1AAAABB1,$19AAAA1B

    * Char #1

    dc.l $00000000,$11111111,$CCCDDDDE,$CCCCDDDD

    dc.l $CCCCDDDD,$BCCCCDDD,$11111111,$BBCCCCDD

    * Char #2

    dc.l $00000000,$11111100,$EEEFF100,$EEEEF101

    dc.l $EEEEF11A,$DEEEE11A,$111111AA,$DDEEE1AA

    * Char #3

    dc.l $00000000,$00111111,$11BBCCCC,$BBBBCCCC


    * Char #4

    dc.l $00000000,$11111111,$DDDDEEEE,$DDDDEEEE

    dc.l $CDDDDEEE,$CDDDDEEE,$11111111,$CCDDDDEE

    * Char #5

    dc.l $00000000,$11110000,$FFF10011,$FFF101BB

    dc.l $EFF11ABB,$EFF11ABB,$1111AAAB,$EEF1AAAB

    * Char #6

    dc.l $00000000,$11111111,$BCCCCDDD,$BCCCCDDD


    * Char #7

    dc.l $00000000,$11111111,$DEEEEFFF,$DEEEEFFF

    dc.l $DDEEEEFF,$DDEEEEFF,$11111111,$DDDEEEEF

    * Char #8

    dc.l $00000000,$11000000,$F1000000,$F1000000

    dc.l $F1000000,$F1000000,$11000000,$F1000001

    * Char #9

    dc.l $00000000,$00000111,$00011DDD,$001CCDDD


    * Char #10

    dc.l $00001111,$10000010,$E1100010,$DEE10010

    dc.l $DEEE1010,$DDEEE100,$DDEEE100,$DDDEEE10

    * Char #11

    dc.l $10100001,$00110011,$00101101,$00100001

    dc.l $00100001,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #12

    dc.l $19AAA1BB,$199AA1AB,$199AA1AB,$1999A1AA

    dc.l $1999A1AA,$199991AA,$199991AA,$1899991A

    * Char #13



    * Char #14

    dc.l $DDEEE19A,$DDDEE19A,$DDDEE199,$11111199

    dc.l $11111199,$CD111199,$CDD11199,$CCDD1199

    * Char #15


    dc.l $9AA1ABBB,$9AA1ABBB,$99A1AABB,$99A1AABB

    * Char #16

    dc.l $CCCDDDDE,$CCCDDDDE,$CCCCDDDD,$11111111


    * Char #17

    dc.l $EEE1AAAA,$EEE19AAA,$EEE19AAA,$111199AA

    dc.l $D11199AA,$D111999A,$D111999A,$D1119999

    * Char #18


    dc.l $1ABBB1CC,$1AABB1BC,$1AABB1BC,$1AAAB1BB

    * Char #19

    dc.l $DDDDEEEE,$CDDDEEEE,$CDDDDEEE,$11111111


    * Char #20

    dc.l $F1000001,$F1000001,$E100001A,$1100001A

    dc.l $E100001A,$E10001AA,$E10001AA,$E100019A

    * Char #21



    * Char #22

    dc.l $DDDEEE10,$1DDDEE10,$1DDDEEE1,$1DDDDEE1


    * Char #23

    dc.l $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    dc.l $00000000,$10000000,$10000000,$10000000

    * Char #24

    dc.l $019999A1,$0189999A,$0019999A,$00189999

    dc.l $00011199,$11111111,$18888999,$18888899

    * Char #25

    dc.l $1111111C,$AAABBBB1,$AAABBBBC,$AAAABBBB


    * Char #26

    dc.l $CCDD1189,$CCCDD189,$1CCDD188,$1CCCD188

    dc.l $1CCCD188,$1CCCC188,$1CCCC188,$1BCCC188

    * Char #27

    dc.l $99911111,$9991AAAB,$9991AAAA,$9991AAAA

    dc.l $89919AAA,$89919AA1,$889199AA,$889199AA

    * Char #28

    dc.l $11111111,$BBBCCCCD,$BBBBCCCC,$BBBBCCCC

    dc.l $ABBBBCCC,$11111111,$AABBBBCC,$AABBBBCC

    * Char #29

    dc.l $11119999,$D1118999,$D1118999,$D1118899

    dc.l $C1118899,$11118889,$CCD18889,$CCD18888

    * Char #30

    dc.l $1AAAB111,$1AAAA1BB,$1AAAA1BB,$19AAA1BB

    dc.l $19AAA1BB,$199AA111,$199AAAAB,$1999AAAA

    * Char #31

    dc.l $11111DDD,$BCCC1DDD,$BCCC1DDD,$BBCC1CDD


    * Char #32

    dc.l $E100199A,$E1001999,$D1001999,$D1018999

    dc.l $D1018999,$D1018899,$D1188899,$D1188889

    * Char #33


    dc.l $9A1AAB11,$91AAAA11,$91AAAABB,$919AAAAB

    * Char #34



    * Char #35

    dc.l $E1000000,$E1000000,$E1000000,$DE100000

    dc.l $DE100000,$DD100000,$DDE10000,$DDD10000

    * Char #36

    dc.l $17888899,$17788889,$11111111,$17778888

    dc.l $17778888,$17777888,$17777888,$11111111

    * Char #37

    dc.l $99AAAABB,$999AAAA1,$1111111B,$9999AAAA

    dc.l $9999AAAA,$89999AAA,$89999AAA,$11111111

    * Char #38

    dc.l $1BCCC178,$BBBCC178,$BBBCC177,$BBBB1017

    dc.l $BBBB1017,$ABB10001,$A1100000,$10000000

    * Char #39

    dc.l $8881999A,$8889199A,$88889111,$88889999

    dc.l $78888999,$78888999,$11888899,$00111111

    * Char #40

    dc.l $AAABBBBC,$AAABBBBC,$11111111,$AAAABBBB

    dc.l $9AAAABBB,$9AAAABBB,$99AAAABB,$11111111

    * Char #41

    dc.l $CCC17888,$CCC17888,$11111788,$CCC11788

    dc.l $BCC11778,$BCC10178,$BBC10011,$11110000

    * Char #42

    dc.l $1999AAAA,$81199AAA,$88911111,$889999AA

    dc.l $8889999A,$8889999A,$88889999,$11111111

    * Char #43


    dc.l $AAABBBBC,$AAABBBBC,$AAAABBBB,$11111111

    * Char #44

    dc.l $D1788889,$C1778888,$CC778888,$CC777881

    dc.l $CC777881,$CC777781,$CC777781,$11111111

    * Char #45

    dc.l $199AAAAB,$1999AAAA,$19991111,$89991AAA

    dc.l $89911AAA,$889119AA,$881119AA,$11111111

    * Char #46

    dc.l $BBBCC1CD,$BBBBC1CC,$111111CC,$ABBBBCCC

    dc.l $ABBBBCCC,$AABBBBCC,$AABBBBCC,$11111111

    * Char #47

    dc.l $DDD10000,$DDDD1000,$DDDD1000,$CDDD1000

    dc.l $CDDDD100,$CCDDD100,$CCDDD100,$11111100


    *Character Set from textfont.gen - In ASCII Order, starts at char #48, which

    * is a space (Add 16 to ascii to get text on the screen


    * Char #0

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #1

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00000000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #2

    DC.L $01101100,$01101100,$01101100,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #3

    DC.L $01101100,$01101100,$11111110,$01101100

    DC.L $11111110,$01101100,$01101100,$00000000

    * Char #4

    DC.L $00110000,$01111100,$11000000,$01111000

    DC.L $00001100,$11111000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #5

    DC.L $00000000,$11000110,$11001100,$00011000

    DC.L $00110000,$01100110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #6

    DC.L $00111000,$01101100,$00111000,$01110110

    DC.L $11011100,$11001100,$01110110,$00000000

    * Char #7

    DC.L $01100000,$01100000,$11000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #8

    DC.L $00011000,$00110000,$01100000,$01100000

    DC.L $01100000,$00110000,$00011000,$00000000

    * Char #9

    DC.L $01100000,$00110000,$00011000,$00011000

    DC.L $00011000,$00110000,$01100000,$00000000

    * Char #10

    DC.L $00000000,$01100110,$00111100,$11111111

    DC.L $00111100,$01100110,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #11

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$11111100

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #12

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$01100000

    * Char #13

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$11111100

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #14

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #15

    DC.L $00000110,$00001100,$00011000,$00110000

    DC.L $01100000,$11000000,$10000000,$00000000

    * Char #16

    DC.L $01111100,$11000110,$11001110,$11011110

    DC.L $11110110,$11100110,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #17

    DC.L $00110000,$01110000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #18

    DC.L $11111000,$00001100,$00001100,$00111000

    DC.L $01100000,$11000000,$11111100,$00000000

    * Char #19

    DC.L $11111000,$00001100,$00001100,$00111000

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #20

    DC.L $00011100,$00111100,$01101100,$11001100

    DC.L $11111110,$00001100,$00001100,$00000000

    * Char #21

    DC.L $11111100,$11000000,$11111000,$00001100

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #22

    DC.L $00111100,$01100000,$11000000,$11111000

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #23

    DC.L $11111100,$00001100,$00011000,$00110000

    DC.L $01100000,$11000000,$11000000,$00000000

    * Char #24

    DC.L $01111000,$11001100,$11001100,$01111000

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #25

    DC.L $01111000,$11001100,$11001100,$01111100

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #26

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #27

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00110000,$00110000,$01100000

    * Char #28

    DC.L $00011000,$00110000,$01100000,$11000000

    DC.L $01100000,$00110000,$00011000,$00000000

    * Char #29

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11111100,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$11111100,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #30

    DC.L $01100000,$00110000,$00011000,$00001100

    DC.L $00011000,$00110000,$01100000,$00000000

    * Char #31

    DC.L $11111000,$00001100,$00001100,$00111000

    DC.L $00110000,$00000000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #32

    DC.L $01111100,$11000110,$11011110,$11011110

    DC.L $11011110,$11000000,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #33

    DC.L $00110000,$01111000,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11111100,$11001100,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #34

    DC.L $11111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11111000

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #35

    DC.L $01111100,$11000000,$11000000,$11000000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #36

    DC.L $11111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #37

    DC.L $11111100,$11000000,$11000000,$11111000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11111100,$00000000

    * Char #38

    DC.L $11111100,$11000000,$11000000,$11111000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11000000,$00000000

    * Char #39

    DC.L $01111100,$11000000,$11000000,$11000000

    DC.L $11011100,$11001100,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #40

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$11111100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #41

    DC.L $01111000,$00110000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #42

    DC.L $00011110,$00001100,$00001100,$00001100

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #43

    DC.L $11000110,$11001100,$11011000,$11110000

    DC.L $11011000,$11001100,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #44

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11000000,$11000000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11111100,$00000000

    * Char #45

    DC.L $11000110,$11101110,$11111110,$11010110

    DC.L $11000110,$11000110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #46

    DC.L $11000110,$11100110,$11110110,$11011110

    DC.L $11001110,$11000110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #47

    DC.L $01111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #48

    DC.L $11111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11111000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11000000,$00000000

    * Char #49

    DC.L $01111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11011000,$01101100,$00000000

    * Char #50

    DC.L $11111000,$11001100,$11001100,$11111000

    DC.L $11110000,$11011000,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #51

    DC.L $01111100,$11000000,$11000000,$01111000

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #52

    DC.L $11111100,$00110000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #53

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #54

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$01111000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #55

    DC.L $11000110,$11000110,$11000110,$11010110

    DC.L $11111110,$11101110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #56

    DC.L $11000110,$11000110,$01101100,$00111000

    DC.L $01101100,$11000110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #57

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$01111000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #58

    DC.L $11111110,$00001100,$00011000,$00110000

    DC.L $01100000,$11000000,$11111110,$00000000

    * Char #59

    DC.L $01111000,$01100000,$01100000,$01100000

    DC.L $01100000,$01100000,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #60

    DC.L $11000000,$01100000,$00110000,$00011000

    DC.L $00001100,$00000110,$00000010,$00000000

    * Char #61

    DC.L $01111000,$00011000,$00011000,$00011000

    DC.L $00011000,$00011000,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #62

    DC.L $00010000,$00111000,$01101100,$11000110

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #63

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$11111111

    * Char #64

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00011000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #65

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11111000,$00001100

    DC.L $01111100,$11001100,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #66

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #67

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111100,$11000000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #68

    DC.L $00001100,$00001100,$01111100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #69

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11111100,$11000000,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #70

    DC.L $00111100,$01100000,$01100000,$11111000

    DC.L $01100000,$01100000,$01100000,$00000000

    * Char #71

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$01111100,$00001100,$11111000

    * Char #72

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #73

    DC.L $00110000,$00000000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #74

    DC.L $00011000,$00000000,$00011000,$00011000

    DC.L $00011000,$00011000,$00011000,$11110000

    * Char #75

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11001100,$11011000

    DC.L $11110000,$11011000,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #76

    DC.L $01110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00110000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #77

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11000110,$11111110

    DC.L $11010110,$11000110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #78

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11001100,$00000000

    * Char #79

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111000,$00000000

    * Char #80

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11111000,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$11111000,$11000000

    * Char #81

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111100,$00001100

    * Char #82

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11011100,$11100000

    DC.L $11000000,$11000000,$11000000,$00000000

    * Char #83

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$01111100,$11000000

    DC.L $01111000,$00001100,$11111000,$00000000

    * Char #84

    DC.L $01100000,$01100000,$11111100,$01100000

    DC.L $01100000,$01100000,$00111100,$00000000

    * Char #85

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$11001100,$01111100,$00000000

    * Char #86

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$01111000,$00110000,$00000000

    * Char #87

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11000110,$11000110

    DC.L $11010110,$11111110,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #88

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11000110,$01101100

    DC.L $00111000,$01101100,$11000110,$00000000

    * Char #89

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11001100,$11001100

    DC.L $11001100,$01111100,$00001100,$11111000

    * Char #90

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$11111100,$00011000

    DC.L $00110000,$01100000,$11111100,$00000000

    * Char #91

    DC.L $00011100,$00110000,$00110000,$11100000

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$00011100,$00000000

    * Char #92

    DC.L $00011000,$00011000,$00011000,$00000000

    DC.L $00011000,$00011000,$00011000,$00000000

    * Char #93

    DC.L $11100000,$00110000,$00110000,$00011100

    DC.L $00110000,$00110000,$11100000,$00000000

    * Char #94

    DC.L $01110110,$11011100,$00000000,$00000000

    DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

    * Char #95

    DC.L $00000000,$00010000,$00111000,$01101100

    DC.L $11000110,$11000110,$11111110,$00000000

    * Char #96

    dc.l $10000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $00000000

    * Char #97

    dc.l $00011000

    dc.l $00011000

    dc.l $00011000

    dc.l $11000011

    dc.l $11000011

    dc.l $00011000

    dc.l $00011000

    dc.l $00011000

    * Char #98

    dc.l $00000000

    dc.l $01100110

    dc.l $11111110

    dc.l $11111110

    dc.l $10011010

    dc.l $00000010

    dc.l $00000010

    dc.l $00000010

    * Char #99

    dc.l $11000000

    dc.l $11110000

    dc.l $11111100

    dc.l $01111000

    dc.l $01111100

    dc.l $00100110

    dc.l $00000011

    dc.l $00000000


    *Palette info.


    * Initial palette


    dc.w $000,$EEE,$EEE,$EEE,$EEE,$EEE,$EEE


    dc.w $EA0,$E80,$E60,$E40,$E20,$E00,$C00,$A00,$800

    dc.w $A00,$C00,$E00,$E20,$E40,$E60,$E80,$EA0,$E80

    dc.w $E60,$E40,$E20,$E00,$C00,$A00,$800

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2010
  6. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    Gosh!!! How many millions of unnecessary hex values are stored inside this ASM routine!? Man, these values MUST be converted into hex files. Otherwise this guide can be awful for the people that wants a clean and organized source code.
  7. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    It doesn't help when it's designed to look like C code, especially when the rest of the code in disassembled games (let alone the original nature of the assembly language) doesn't look like C code (and shouldn't in my opinion =P).
  8. Sonic master

    Sonic master Well-Known Member Member

    Mar 27, 2010
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