sadx technobabble dump

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by Dude, Jan 3, 2009.

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  1. Dude

    Dude Active Member Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    South Central MA
    stuff I didn't write:

    guide to the model format

    Stuff I did write:

    I'm going to start posting more of my incomplete findings... mostly for completeness sake.

    Earlier tonight I stumbled upon the loading cue, if you will, for special-use geometry in emerald coast. By special use, I mean sky boxes, death planes, water, etc. Anything where the code goes beyond simple "render this, read collision data". The problem with this is that I think its mostly program instructions and not variables, and even the tiniest alterations are crashing before I can even note their effect.

    I also found three references to the skybox - which corresponds to the amount of times it is used (once per segment), they reside at:

    keyed pointer value 17019504

    The loading function seems to process things in chunks (obviously), and interestingly enough it uses the byte 0x68 to determine where the end of one chunk is, and where the beginning of the next one is. However, it isn't consistent whatsoever, and editing things inside of the chunks isn't doing anything productive at all (even copy-pasting data from similar objects is causing the loader to crash) I think this is where geometry objects that are instanced (ie: more than one copy of exactly the same thing). Also, the examples I listed above are pretty simple, but still confusing the hell out of me. I know it works a little something like this:

    chunk marker
    pointer to seg struct
    unknown (seems to be one byte and two shorts?)
    chunk marker

    Now I realize I'm probably the only person who gives a damn about this game, but I'm at a block here with the loading routine. If someone else could take a look into it, I'd be very appreciative.

    Objects that don't fall under the special use category aren't listed here, but rather go under the collision structure (which is what I'm using for my level edits btw) How the game calculates collision (and also surface properties) is as follows:

    start with 3 coordinates for an origin. Use the 4th float as a radius, and make a detection sphere using this data. The game constantly checks to see if sonic is inside this sphere, and if he is, it'll run the following surface properties. You can set basically any object to from non-solid to solid by making the flags read 01001080

    Collision data
    Struct Collision Data 0x24
    Float X position; //
    Float y position; //
    Float z position; //
    Float Spheresize; //
    Float Unknown; //
    Float padding; //
    Dword Objectpointer; // points to OBJECT struct
    Dword Unknown; // 
    Short Unknown flags; // 01
    Short Surface Flags; // These can hurt sonic, support sonic, take traction, etc
    Unknown flags
    0 - no collision
    1 - default
    2 - weird alpha
    Surface flags (first byte)
    1x = can land on
    2x = push
    3x = push
    4x = Kill sonic
    5x = no alpha, no col
    6x = water
    7x = lighting
    8x = Stage Specific on/off (EC footprints)
    9x = normal surf
    x0 = normal
    x1 = hurt
    x2 = low traction
    x3 = hurt
    Surface Flags (second byte)
    1x = invisible (still solid)
    8x = visible
    Alpha blending
    x0 = normal
    x1 = blending mode 1
    x2 = blending mode 2

    Also, here's some tidbits on the player starts

    Spawnpoints - better known as 'player starts', these define where in a map to start the player. Spawn point entries are always 0x14 bytes long
    short x_rotation; // rotation values might not really be stored here, just a guess
    short y_rotation; // 
    short z_rotation; // 
    short segue; // seems to affect how the spawn point is interpreted. Editing this can cause the player to start at 0,0,0
    float x_position;
    float y_position;
    float z_position;

    And Sonic's 'attack' state. This address jumps around, so I'm not going to list it until I find a pointer address.
    00 - completely vulnerable, no jump ball.
    05 - attack mode, can't be hurt by enemies, but not invulnerable. Jump ball will show if this is active
    02 - light dash charged and holding, sonic will glow.

    Material Struct -  keep bugging me to update this, so I'll actually do it
    Byte Blue_Diffuse; // This is the amount of blue light to add to the diffuse (texture) channel
    Byte Green_Diffuse; // This is the amount of green light to add to the diffuse (texture) channel
    Byte Red_Diffuse; // This is the amount of red light to add to the diffuse (texture) channel
    Byte Alpha_Diffuse; // This is the transparency for the texture channel
    Byte Blue_Specular; // This is the gloss or specularity, blue channel
    Btye Green_Specular; // This is the specularity, red channel
    Byte Red_specular; // This is the specularity, green chanel
    Byte Alpha_specular; // This is the transparency for the specularity
    Float unknown; // seems to act like a float most of the time
    Byte TexID; // this is the pvr to load... not a gbix - I think the gbix is interpreted somewhere in the pvm caching function
    Byte SomethingImportant; // crashes when put to FF
    Byte unknown2[3]; //
    Byte unknown3; // seems to be Ax (x being a variable)
    Byte Spheremap; // first bit - U clamping, second bit - V clamping. Set to 21 to get normal uvs, set to 66 for screen mapping
    Byte EndOfStruct; // always 94

    edit: More structures added, fixed material struct it was horribly outdated, and STILL IS ARGH
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2009
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