Something's not right

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback Archive' started by Spanner, Nov 2, 2009.

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  1. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    There is something else which would be a good idea for Hacktube: The users need to make at least 1 post on the forums. Why? Even if we limit uploading hacks only to Members, there are still people who are "smart enough" to use Google for the test. With the post they can show that they are not dumb idiots.

    I don't think there is anyone who wouldn't like to be a moderator. =P *runs for his live*
  2. Shibunoa

    Shibunoa Newcomer Exiled

    Feb 26, 2009
    Do you know what is the problem of this site in my opinion?

    There is no competition and rivalry between sites as there used to be in the old times.

    As there is no competition, even if SSRG had something which stood out from the others, it wouldn't be much more alive than it is today.

    I know this opinion of mine won't be liked by many, but members who go exclusively only to one of the sides are needed, expecially those

    who are the best technically. Even if it's easy to go to both place, you either do that, or you don't care about this place much.

    It's easy to go to Retro, as it is the biggest Sonic hacking site which exists nowadays, but it is not said that you will like the environment there.

    As it is not said you will like it here. People need to side on their tastes and also, you can't really bitch about the fact that site's dying

    if most people, even in administration are shared. If the Confederate States share most of their ruling men with the United States,

    and the United States are the biggest 'n toughest guy around... well, you get the idea. The Confederate States are always going

    to be a mere shadow.

    If nobody stands out for that, then it will be only obvious that SSRG dwindles more and more and then eventually dies due to lack of interest.
  3. Reverie

    Reverie Good sir, I do read that as "Derp" Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    your local coffee shop ^^
    I know one group of people who wouldn't want to be a moderator: the administators =P *runs like the wind.*
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2009
  4. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    You blokes are just being silly.

    If there aren't any administrative staff online (if any), then how will our queries be heard? This dillemma suggests to me the staff lack motivation; it`s as if we`re in a playground with no one to look after us...

    The sooner changes are implied, the better.

    (Wow, I used words I rarely use XD)
  5. Reverie

    Reverie Good sir, I do read that as "Derp" Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    your local coffee shop ^^
    One (or more) of two things'll keep happen

    A.) Complete and utter chaos


    B.) Extreme boredom and inactivity

    unless the changes are made soon.
  6. Qjimbo

    Qjimbo Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    Alright guys your requests ARE being listened to. I'll work on implementing the list of ideas SOTI suggested asap. Also I'm appointing both Selbi and MarkeyJester as hacktube mods. I could really use your help and it is welcomed, so thank you.

    Lets pick up the pieces, it's not the first time we've recovered from inactivity! ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2009
  7. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007


    More staff?!?! Get cracking then.

  8. Reverie

    Reverie Good sir, I do read that as "Derp" Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    your local coffee shop ^^
    Nice, and good choices for hacktube mods.
  9. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    I hope that guys can do good jobs here. Because we love SSRG and we don't want to see our house sinking into inactivity.
  10. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Well, I'm at home between 2:30pm - midnight (Sometimes til crack of dorn), and because I'm stuck at a projected place where computers are available, I can check up HT between 10:30am til 1:45 pm (And the funny thing is, this company's computers are locked to alot of sites, even SonicRetro, but for some reason SSRG can be accessed), So i'll practically be around almost 24/7 to keep an eye on things at HT. Also I'll occasionally post a small 2 minute hack of somekind (Something small yet awesome to play) if nothing comes through for a while, Hopefully boosting a bit of activity.

    And thanks for taking note of SOTI's and our suggestions Q, I almost thought that there was no one operating or listening here =$
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2009
  11. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    While I have access to various parts of the site, and even FTP, I don't believe that I have the power to select an administration team on Hacktube, although I never go on it either. =P
  12. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    So I woke up this day, went to school, came back and saw that I'm a HT mod. Fuck yeah what!? To be serious, I don't really know how to react on this. On one side I'm, of course, happy, but on the other side, this is the first Time I ever was part of the administration team on a site, so I don't have much knowledge. I just hope I will not do anything wrong (though I can either mark hacks as beginner hacks or delete them, which is not very much =P).

    But anyway, thanks Qjimbo for showing you are still alive. ;P

    Edit: Maybe there should be a feature for hacktube mods or the uploader of the hack to delete comments. Kinda annoying reading all of MKdarkon's "aawwh wtf,u fail!!11" comments.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2009
  13. iojnekns

    iojnekns OBAMA '012!!!!1!!!!!&#33 Member

    Mar 27, 2009


    Thats a very.... divisive approach. I can hardly say I'm surprised, given your very public stance on all matters Retro, but I hardly think dividing the population of an already niche practice is conducive to learning, or fun. They are house of Capulet, we are house of Montague? Is that how this works? Have you read the rest of that play? If SSRG had some "killer app," some feature as vital to the budding hacker as the Retro wiki, or some mark of prestige like the little green strips, it'd be feasible that the regulars would visit both sites. Thats 100% visiting both sites, rather than 50% exclusive to only one. I do like the idea of a friendly rivalry, an public facade of competition - amiable competition. I can see your point of view, but I can't help feel like its tinged with malice, and the underlying desire to build a group of like-minded anti-retro companions.


    @ the rest of you

    Firstly, congratulations to Selbi, I know you were hopeful to attain some kind of position like this, and you deserve it considering your unfaltering dedication towards SSRG sicne you showed up here. Also, well done to Markey, I'm relatively certain you will add this to the long list of things that you are maddeningly excellent at.

    Am I missing something here? Didn't hacktube effectively get a cease and desist from SoE? We don't have an emulator? Doesn't that mean there is nothing to moderate? I agree that if moderated to the degree that it is populated with excellent or noteworthy hacks (at the very least, no shit hacks), it could be one selling point, but we could really do with a pony with more than one trick. What about these video tutorials you've been planning on doing for ten million years, QJimdog? If you do only have the one trick, at least take it to its logical conclusion and pimp it out a bit. Off the top of my head - perhaps you could expanding member profiles to include hacktube history? 'Last played', tentatively things like high scores, 'most played', user hack reviews? Rebrand the thing as a Homebrew Arcade, set the thing up to encourage people beating each other's times and scores, reviewing hacks, comments sections, number of times played. Everyone seems to agree that the place needs improvement and plenty of people seem to have an opinion as to what the problem is. Why not offer up some ideas? I know that as a hacker, the one thing that is always going to make me check the site obsessively is people talking about, playing, comparing scores, of my creation, so if you based your ideas around that, you'd have me coming back repeatedly. What things make you people leap up and check a forum obsessively? Can you think of some way to encourage that behaviour?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2009
  14. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    Decisions should really have been discussed with all staff, but considering the lack of active staffers right now... I don't see the real point of hacktube mods because the majority of hacks just get put into the stupid "Beginner's Hacks" section and not outright deleted, still showing the mass fail of uploaders.

    Hacktube does not dominate the SSRG, it just attracts excited bees like the pollen it is. There isn't really anything else right now. The forums are quiet and I've seen this since the introduction of a simple test that the majority of new users pass. That shouldn't affect anything. Can't say much for the website, perhaps the history of the SSRG could be expanded? I mean, Ayla seemed to have interest and ideas for this place and it seems that they were ignored in favour of something that's half-working. ;)
  15. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Me and Sebli will be sure to make the correct decisions, I'm formulating right now a simple rom hack which shall be compared with the uploader's hack, if their hack is shittier than this one, then it shall be deleted.

    What was Ayla's idea anyway? Surely if it's any good, NOW would be the best time to put it into action
  16. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    @SOTI: Hacktube gets flooded with beginner hacks and I don't ever expect to see awesome hacks all night long. But, that does not mean there will not be any decent hacks at all. Also, you can't compare us with staff. We are a moderators of a single part on this site, while the staff maintains anything. And since SonicVaan is gone, you can't say that there are "new" members of the administration crew, but substitute people for him. So I don't see the point why you are complaining, to be serious.

    Also what Markey said, don't delay ANY ideas before it's too late.

    (Btw, my name is Selbi, not Sebli =P)
  17. Qjimbo

    Qjimbo Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    Just been busy with work basically. There is a lot of stuff I want to do, but yes content is the key, since any forum for a website is built on top of it's content. As for the times and scores thing, I have desperately wanted to do that for some time but simply haven't had the tech. It may be possible with the idea I'm planning now to fix hacktube, but we'll see.

    As for video tutorials, I do still plan to do that as well, with inspiration taken from your awesome "Custom Levels in Sonic 2" guide. I also wanted to touch more on pixel art and more "big picture" concepts. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    I guess I have just been hoping that someone would maybe come up with something new for the site without me but it hasn't happened. I mean I really do need that more than ever, because developing hacktube's new emulator system is going to keep me very busy and unable to do anything else.
  18. Yuzu


    Aug 10, 2007
    Nice to see that you're still working on the new emulator system. I guess we could have a couple of members who volunteer to write content for the website. However, it would have to be dedicated members so that we know that we're going to get something done.
  19. Commadoo

    Commadoo The Desert Guru Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Beaverton, Oregon, USA
    I would have gone with megaman.
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