Project Name: Sonic 1 Remixed Build: Beta 1 Source: Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Genesis) Author(s):Rusty_TF2 (Me) Description: This is my first ROM hack so it is quite simple. I changed the color palette of sonic and the zones. I also remixed all of the level design to be different. Since this is only the beta it only changes the three acts in Green Hill Zone. In the future I will change every level and may even edit graphics or game play if I learn how to. So for the time being it's a very simple ROM hack that I will update in the future. Screenshots: Download:!RO4iTI6K!yDw4B80m_-jzRIuWRFt6HVRuLuh9z1A41ML4hBGYjwE
Keep something as basic as this to here. Also, palette hacks in 2019 aren't exactly taken seriously. Now as for a genuine critique - The object placement is poor, springs meant to be hidden in trees obviously stick out, that kind of stuff. Level design is extremely flat, with the first jump only being forced because of unnecessary spikes. It's also clear that some chunks weren't changed from the default game. Such as the loop section in Green Hill Zone Act 1. As well, the palette is just awful, the cyan grass blends with the water and sky. Not to mention said cyan is also used in Sonic for some unknown reason. The game is just hard to look at in general. Edit: Forgot to mention, the hack name is extremely generic, I'm sure there's already 5 to 10 hacks named "Sonic 1 Remixed"
So upon starting the ROM I had a feeling this hack was made in Esreal Sonic Editor 2, ESE 2 is extremely outdated by disassemblies and the many hacking programs that are made with them in mind, sure ESE 2 is easier to set up but it's also limited in what you can do, SonLvl has so many tools and options you can use to make designing levels as free flowing as Sonic gameplay is supposed to be. Not to mention a disassembly allows you to fix bugs and add new moves to Sonic. Anyway, onto the hack itself, the level design is very awkward, most of it is just small edits to all 3 acts of GHZ leaving certain parts from the original untouched, this looks very lazy; in future delete the entire layout so that you can make a level from the ground up. The palette is not very good, Sonic's cyan colour palette and the cyan colour of the grass are unappealing to look at when put together. You'll need to create a palette for both Sonic and the level that complement each other to please the eyes of players. Overall despite being a beta there's nothing great about this I'm sorry to say. If you decide to switch to a disassembly that would be great. If you need help just search the forums for things you're unsure about, ask questions in the "Basic Questions and Answers" thread or even do a google search.
Excuse me, but this is for publishing on Random hack/Mini project thread, being a beta rom, it should be considerated how a minihack, only GHZ for play and the colour of the palettes are very clear, learn how to make good palettes, learn how to make a good level desing, some objects out of place makes the game be with bad image, use SonLVL or SonED2 for editing your levels, might tell you that, here there are a lots of useful tools for work onto your hack, but this is not te case for publish a stable rom. The idea is good, but the fact here is not publish a simple rom hack with less playable levels. Think about the concepts from your hack, "not only will publish my hack with some stable things for that plays and all tell me if is good or bad", listen, accept the criticism, and this is a beginning. I hope you are aware when you next publish an update of your hack. P.S: The next time than you want to show your hack (Incomplete or beta), publish on that thread that I've mentionated up.
I don't understand what this hack doing in this post instead of "Random hack" thread. It's too simple and not good at all. Level design is broken and too much looking like original game in many places. Also palette looks really out of place and I don't like it, personally. "delet this"
Now now, no need for the rudeness at the end my good sir. I'm allowing this to stay as it's own thread (for the foreseeable future) as development is still being done on it, and its end goal is at least to edit the whole game. That can change at any time though, Rusty, so I'm hoping you'll be able to branch out beyond simple palette editing for this hack.
I actually did make this in Erasel Sonic Editor 2 ( I had no idea it was so obvious). I am thankful for all of the comments on my hack and I promise that next time I'll use disassemblies and more updated programs to make something really special. The problem is I also need to learn how to edit game play to make a really good rom hack.
Yeah, that's not exactly a good thing. Not necessarily, art edits can make an entirety of a ROM hack. It just needs to feel like a new experience. Editing game play or adding onto it is just a bonus. Regardless, there's probably some tutorial or pastebin that has what you would need. You just need to look in the right spots. For example, while looking around for some general decompressor optimizations, I ran across a port of the elemental shields for Sonic 1. Of course, you'll need the credit whoever made what you used.
split disassembly is the way forward my friend - it opens up the game to be modified in so many more ways... if you need help setting it up you need only ask us
I just want to say that, while this is your opinion, I think you could have worded this better. There's nothing actually wrong with using ESEII. Sure, it's outdated, and there are restrictions(such as only being able to edit existing objects in layouts, and not having much control over the tiles/blocks/chunks themselves). But, you can make some cool things with it. And, you can actually split a Sonic ROM with changes made in ESEII into a working disassembly (Hivebrain disassembly allows this, if I recall). Not that I would recommend using ESEII nowadays. I personally would recommend a disassembly and either SonED2 or SonLVL. But, saying it's not a good thing without reason doesn't sit well with me. Back to the hack itself: It's a start. But it has issues (many have mentioned them before), and as a result, could definitely do with some more work and effort put in. The palette changes aren't too good (shading looks a little incorrect in Green Hill due to the colours chosen), the layout (and object placement in particular) isn't too great with objects looking like they are manually placed, as opposed to snapped to a grid (most objects look better when placed like this, usually 8x8), and in general, things just feel a little rushed. You say you want to make a great hack, but in order to do that, you have to have more of a refined idea in your head of what you want to achieve first, I feel. Take your time, reflect on the original games and what they did/did not do right (a lot. I cannot stress this enough), and most importantly, enjoy making it. There's no point if it's not fun.
Rename it to Kaizo Sonic. SERIOUSLY, I DIED 2 TIMES FROM THE SAME THING, PLUS, THERE'S THOUSANDS OF SPIKES TOGETHER IN THE LITERAL FIRST ACT, WHICH EQUALS? I'M NOT TELLING YOU. Otherwise i (kinda) like it. My opinion in a nutshell. Also, i just learned about you a while ago today.