Sonic 2: Power Up to the Very Limit

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by DashTurbo780, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. DashTurbo780

    DashTurbo780 Newcomer Trialist

    Dec 31, 2015
    Pittsburgh, PA
    View attachment 1033 [/ATTACH] very_limit_ancient_ruins.jpg very_limit_cover.png
    Version 1 Update
    -Now uses Sonic 2 MP3 Tool (you must use this if you want the custom music)
    -Changed Hyped Reactor to Distant Planet (I changed the background)
    -All zones are complete and playable
    -If you ever played as Super Sonic in Beta, you probably saw that i changed him to Hyper Sonic. I changed him to what I call Super Sonic 2 (get it? Its Super Saiyan 2 like in DBZ)
    -Changed Death Egg to Death Egg II.
    -Now there is one pit on when you chase Robotnick in Death Egg II Zone.

    Sonic 2: Power Up to the Very Limit is my second hack. In this hack, it is basically a boss rush, except the level layout is changed, and the boss health is changed from 8 to 12, the final boss being 27. The names of the zones have changed, the palette too. This is currently in its 1st version There are still glitches in it. You can actually access Super Sonic in this hack.

    THIS IS SUPPOST TO BE HARD! I made it for skilled Sonic players only.

    I tried to make this one more stable than my first hack, Sonic and Tails's physics are not changed.

    I hope you enjoy!



    Credits for music

    Ultimate Hill: Green Trill Zone by Holder/MLW and Cyranek.
    Distant Planet: Scrap Brain from Sonic 1.
    Boss: Song name? (a.k.a Darude-Sandstorm by Darude)
    Super Sonic: DBZ SSJ3 Theme by Bruce Falconer
    Final Boss: The Doomsday by Project Chaos
    Changed Ending theme to Continue theme (Its fun to tamper with music)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  2. HackGame

    HackGame The ROM Hacker Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    Green Hill Zone
    Okay, time for a review.
    Ultimate Hill Zone:
    -Palette brighter
    -No rings
    -Decent Layout Edit

    Hyped Reactor Zone:
    -3 rings
    -Palette don't match
    -Cheap Layout Edit
    -Random stars at foreground

    Ancient Ruins Zone:
    -10 rings
    -Palette don't match at the background

    Casino Road Zone:
    -6 rings
    -No palette change

    Death Egg Zone:
    -Cheap Layout Edit

    Total: 66/100
    Conclusion: It looks like you didn't do any asm to this hack. As you use the other programs to this hack.
  3. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    Give me screenshots or I trash this thread.
    HackGame likes this.
  4. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    "Give me Liberty or give me Death" ha. In all seriousness one thing to add, since you added more hits to the Eggrobo, you have more of a chance to experience that bug that sends you through it when you hit it. Also along with the pits that make no sense, this boss is almost unplayable.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
  5. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    I was able to defeat the boss reasonably, I did use savestates mind, but I started savestating after about 18+ hits, that thing must have had at least 28 or something, I mean, holy hell, no way was I risking going back to the beginning.

    It being a boss battle hack, I was kinda disappointed, there isn't much to it other than the first four level bosses and the final one, just with extra hits. The final one with the pits wasn't too bad, it was just the number of hits that really did it for me. It's still better than that Sonic 3 & Knuckles hack where all the floors were taken out of the boss areas.

    At any rate, it's not my cup of tea, short, dull, and more enraging than fun...
    MrIE likes this.
  6. Devon


    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    For me, there are 2 types of hard.

    1) Fair Hard: It's challenging in a way that it's fun and when I complete it, I feel accomplished. You WANT to go for this type of hard, people would want to play something like that.
    2) Ragequit Hard: It's hard in a way that it induces frustration and that it's not fun, and when completed, it just feels like a stress reliever. This is what this hack is, and like Markey said, it wasn't fun.

    Hard doesn't have to mean rage, nor shouldn't it. Having a hard game is fine, but making it hard in a way that it induces rage isn't the way to do it, in my opinion. I've played some hard games that were fun, and not cheap.

    So, what I'm saying is, hard shouldn't be about cheap design and frustration, but it should be about fun and difficult challenges, that aren't cheap. Please. try to make your hack so that the challenge isn't cheap, but that it's fun. It doesn't have to be easy to be fun.
    Pacca and ThomasThePencil like this.
  7. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil resident psycho Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    the united states. where else?
    listen, kid, sarcasm ain't funny.

    just because a game is hard doesn't mean you have to rage at it. yes, it's an echo of what ralakimus said, but i feel it bears repeating.
    to better explain what he means, take a gander at these:
    this is more minor than the other two. regardless, i feel this should be fixed by putting those rotating platforms back. give the CPZ boss an extra move or something that would make it hard and fun at the same time. it cost me a life to find out the flip platforms that usually save me if i'm going too fast weren't there in this hack.

    now then, onto the two that really irritated me in particular...
    what prompted these literal hellholes? i got sick of playing this and just stopped after i literally fell in the latter hole, which eggderp ran over with no issues. you mean to tell me that the fastest thing of all time, a blue hedgehog with the ability to spin into a ball and rev up to speeds of somewhere around mach 3, can't accomplish a simple running task whilst the fattest evil genius in the world can? gimme a break. doesn't help that both of these are practically right-out-of-the-gate early and can kill you multiple times if you aren't slow. kinda hard when you're playing a sonic game or sonic hack.
    there's a fine line between fair difficulty and unfair difficulty. this would be riding that line if it hadn't already crossed it. it's unfair and honestly if you would remove these freakin' pits it might be a bit better. learn some more asm, give the bosses some more moves and stuff. make things that people would actually like to see.

    overall, there's barely anything modified and while it has potential to be a something, currently it isn't much of a something. i'll give you a 3 outta 10, because a 3 seems generous enough.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  8. HackGame

    HackGame The ROM Hacker Member

    Jul 18, 2014
    Green Hill Zone
  9. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Oh dear god no. Not reporting! I'm sure everyone is VERY afraid that they'll get a spanking for voicing their opinion on your hack!

    Anyhow, look. If that is how you're going to respond to folks giving criticism on your hack, you should sit down and take a couple deep breaths. Realize that not everyone is going to like your hack, and that perhaps your hack has flaws and is not perfect.
  10. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    Listen kid, we don't take kindly to insults when people are trying to help you. Thomas gave an honest review, and you decided to insult him and everyone else (for some reason). We review and give pros and cons to help you improve, we are not being dicks we are being honest. Maybe you should give yourself a break and grow up before you post again, your not going to make it very far with that kind of attitude.
    Crimson Neo and Devon like this.
  11. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    Yelling... ...won't get you what you want.

    You have to be smart, to get what you want.

    You want people to stop being a dick to your hack?
    ThomasThePencil, JoenickROS and Devon like this.
  12. Devon


    Aug 26, 2013
    your mom
    Dude, we weren't being dicks to you (or your hack). We were giving it feedback so you can IMPROVE it. Your attitude suggests that the direction you're going is just fine, despite multiple people pointing out flaws.

    So, don't take criticism as hate, but rather advice.

    Also, report people for posting constructive criticism? Really?
    Jdpense and JoenickROS like this.
  13. LazloPsylus

    LazloPsylus The Railgun Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Academy City
    Ha. Haha. Hahahaha.

    You got a retrial, and this is how you're spending it? Bashing those that are quite clearly constructively criticizing your design choices and trying to explain to you that your hack isn't hard, but just dickish? This, my dear boy, is hysterical. Having the gall to batter Markey on his opinion was already quite a good laugh, but this? This takes the cake. Really, you've made my day.


    There, cake.

    In all seriousness, though, stop making excuses about why your hack is bad. Excuses just make you look lazy. People are trying to give you information that you can use to make a better hack, so it would be a very good idea not to actively alienate them. You want to get better at hacking? Listen to what the people are actually trying to tell you. They're not bashing your work, they're precisely telling you what's not working and that you may need to re-think your approach. Listening and understanding make for better hackers and better people in general. Not being a cock-hammering, raging megaclit. You'd be surprised how much a little kindness pays forward in this community.

    Also, cute namedrop, but Retro is more liable to leave you forever pending, and they would have smote you on the spot with an attitude like that. In addition, several Retro staff members browse this site. You think they want shit like this on their site? They have enough to deal with as it is without crap like this piled on top. Nice try, but people are quite capable of calling bullshit around here, and in far less kind ways. Recognize that the world isn't out to get you and that people are trying to tell you how to improve, and you'd be surprised how far you can go.

    As a last note, that reporting idea is pretty damn funny, so I guess I'll just try my hand at reviewing your hack...

    ...Done. You call this hard? Could take the piss and beat it without breaking a sweat. All I saw was a multitude of dick moves. You used a lazy man's way of "increasing difficulty", which is just shove bottomless pits everywhere on a whim. Breaking news: Difficulty is a hell of a lot more than just throwing bottomless pits in and calling it hard. The boss battles are still the same, there's just holes to avoid. Increasing the hits on the Egg Walker is an inconvenience, not an increase in difficulty. This isn't a hard hack. It's just a hack that pulls dick moves to piss people off. You want people to keep coming back and playing your hack? You don't piss them off in ways that make them feel like the game is screwing them. You want them to feel that they were beat by their own hand. Creative, carefully-designed challenge that tests the mastery of basic mechanics. Difficulty isn't a simple, fleeting concept. It's something that is just as complicated to get right as every other aspect. Very easy to get wrong, and incredibly hard to do right. Why is Kaizo Mario World so successful with being insanely hard but masochistically fun? Because the entire basis of its challenge is taking the base mechanics and pushing them to their limits, testing the player's true mastery of those concepts. Analyze. Learn. Apply. Repeat as needed. That's how you create something good.

    Report away.
  14. SuperEgg

    SuperEgg I'm a guy that knows that you know that I know Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Ok you little shit, I'm bout ready to learn ya some knowledge. So please, sit down, shut the fuck up, and grab a barrel of dicks, cause I'm bout to teach you some manners.



    HOLY SHIT SON!!!!!! YOUR HACK IS FUCKING DELICIOUS!!!! IT'S FUCKING PERFECT!!!! I DON'T CHANGE THAT Shiiiiittt.....Huh, I already did that schitck.

    Real talk, your hack isn't difficult. Once I decided to become a bit paranoid with your cheap parlor tricks and dickish shit, it was piss easy to not die. You're hack layouts are pretty fucking predictable to the point that I didn't die due to the pits in DEZ, which btw, is FUCKING HYSTERICAL that Eggman can now run on thin air. Good fucking job there, numb nuts. That's it. There's nothing to discuss about your hack. It's shit. You don't understand the basics of level design or what makes a game fun and challanging. "Challenge" and "hard" doesn't equate to, "let's be cheap as fuck. See that floor, the immediate second you touch it, it'll disappear." That shit isn't fun, nor is it hard, it is you being a cunt because you lack the mental capacity to know better.

    2. "I'm new here, be gentle." Oh please, you're a fucking cunt. You're the kind of guy who sucks so much fucking dick that you could make a whore blush. What, you think that you're new here that we'll be gentle? Where the fuck have you been, butt fucking sheep in the Scottish Highlands? Just because you're new, it doesn't excuse poor craftsmanship and shitty work and attitude. We're not expecting the fucking Sistine Chapel here, but please, a bit of pride in your work. This shit isn't acceptable to wipe the shit off my ass, like I'd rather use tree bark. At least I know it won't fucking cheap shot me and decide to randomly open up and thus messing up my hand. If you'd bothered to look at any of the threads on this God-forsaken website, you'd notice an ongoing theme, don't be an arrogant cunt, you'll be fine. Which leads me to point 3....

    3. You're a fucking cunt. People here have given you legitimate criticism, and you just nut all over it like it's a roadside whore. Sorry to say son, you ain't shit. You decided to go off and badmouth MarkeyJester of all people. He's the guy who could fuck your Mom while disassembling Sonic 3D Blast, and you decided it would be a great idea to question his intelligence? You're lucky he is a happy and contented Englishman, cause otherwise he'd rip you a new shit hole, but then again, that's why I'm here.

    You know, it's been a while since I've had the ability to just cut loose and have fun, thank you. Your cuntishness, disrespect of my friend's, and other's opinions, and your constant posting of bullshit just to wave your dick like your found the cure for small dick disease just makes me angry enough to tell you that you're a little bitch. Which then leads to point 4.

    4. You're also full of shit. Admin on Sonic Retro said you are pending member, which means you can't post jack shit. Which also means your whole "Sonic Retro doesn't say anything bad is also stupid." Oh, point 5.

    5. You're truly a little bitch. "Oh they don't say bad/negative things on Retro, thus it is better." Here's the issue, if all you want is praise, fuck off. You don't get better with right answers. Take people's opinions and see if they have a point. Don't be Cunty Kathy.

    6. Master Sonic players only. I fucked your Mom while playing through Sonic 1 and 2, using only one hand. I think most people can handle this, because your hack is shit and cheap. Once you figure out what is cheap, it gets piss easy.

    7. Almost forgot. DEZ boss is fucking stupid. 27 hits? Why? I literally closed the game because I ain't fucking with that. I closed outta your game because the boss inconvenient.

    I'm sorry, am I hurting your feelings? I thought we were having fun. After all, you yourself said that Rage = Hard and Hard = Fun, being a cunt must be fun, right? Jesus Christ, I can't fucking wait to see your face when you can't post because you got your shit revoked. Good fucking job.

    Also, fucking report me, you little punk ass bitch. I FUCKING DARE YOU.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  15. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    This shit right here just made you lost your retrial and now you'll be stuck in Limbo. You can blame only yourself for this.

    People, take note of this and see why we're cracking down on these new people that are coming into the site. If they want to treat this place like a messy playground, then they'll be shown the door as quickly as possible.
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