Sonic 3 & K research (S&K also)

Discussion in 'Discussion and Q&A Archive' started by Hitaxas, Mar 12, 2009.

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  1. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    I originally made this topic on Retrohack (PsychoSk8r's forums), but I decided to copy/paste what I had here. enjoy. :)

    So you want to hack S3K, or port an object from said game?

    You've looked all over this site AND asked for help, only to find that nobody can help you?

    You wonder why you cannot be helped?

    Here is the answer: Sonic 3 and Knuckles is not as well documented as the other two games.

    I want to fix that. Who's with me?

    My S3K research is only possible because of Stealth's Sonic3k.asm file. So a big thanks to Stealth. :p (and Puto for his text format conversion. :) )

    1. you will need a copy of Stealth's S&K ASM file, which you can grab from Sonic Retro (guys, If you don't want me to link to Retro, tell me, I can find a host): DOWNLOAD

    Then, if you can figure out how, lock-on S3 with the ASM.

    Here are the instructions from the IDA version of the Stealth disassembly:

    In order to build a rom you will need include.exe, snasm86k.exe (OR ASM68k.exe) and you must also make a build.bat file using the following text:

    OR, if you use ASM68k.exe:

    2. don't be afraid to share and ask questions in this topic.

    The sole purpose of this topic is to research S3K and compare it's equates, RAM variables and routines to Sonic 2.

    What good is this?

    It will help provide people with answers to unknown questions, as well as help you, the hacker.

    How will it help?

    Not only will we be able to further understand S3K, but it will also aid in porting objects to the other Sonic games, Such as Sonic 1 and 2.

    To start this all off, I will post my findings. All of my findings have been compared to their Sonic 2 (xenowhirl ASM) equivalents.

    Sonic 2 on the left, S3K on the right:

    S2 to s3k equates:

    Sonic_acceleration: = 2 ; this seems to handle topspeed as well, i guess...

    Sonic_deceleration: = 4 ?

    render_flags: = 4 ?

    routine: = 5

    width_pixels: = 6 ;and 7 ?

    priority: = 8 ; $100 is 2 in s2 and $80 is 1

    art_tile: = $A

    mappings: = $C

    x_pos: = $10

    y_pos: = $14

    x_vel: = $18

    y_vel: = $1A

    inertia: = $1C

    y_radius: = $1E AND 6?

    x_radius: = $1F AND 7?

    anim: = $20

    next_anim: = $21

    mapping_frame: = $22

    anim_frame: = $23

    anim_frame_duration: = $24

    angle: = $26

    flip_angle: = $27

    collision_flags: = $28

    collision_property: = $29

    Status: = $2A

    status_secondary: = $2B

    air_left: = $2C

    flip_turned: = $2D

    obj_control: = $2E

    ;routine_secondary: = $2F

    flips_remaining: = $30

    flip_speed: = $31

    move_lock: = $32

    invulnerable_time: = $34

    invincibility_time: = $35

    speedshoes_time: = $36

    $38 = $38 ; custom in s2... I use it for shield art. S3K uses it to check for player modes: 1 for tails and 2 for Knuckles

    Sonic_Look_delay_counter: = $39

    next_tilt: = $3A

    tilt: = $3B

    stick_to_convex: = $3C

    shield_dplc: = $3C ; custom in s2... not sure if it will work in all hacks =/

    spindash_flag: = $3D

    spindash_counter: = $3E

    layer_plus: = $3F

    Jumping: = $40

    layer: = $46

    layer_plus: = $47

    next_object: = $4A

    RAM variables:

    Ctrl_1_Held_Logical = $FFFFF602

    Ctrl_1_Press_Logical = $FFFFF603

    Ctrl_1_Held = $FFFFF604

    Ctrl_1_Press = $FFFFF605

    Sonic_Pos_Record_Index = $FFFFEE26

    Sonic_Pos_Record_Buf = $FFFFE500

    Sonic_Stat_Record_Buf = $FFFFE400

    $FFFFB01A = $FFFFB022

    $FFFFB001 = $FFFFB004

    $FFFFB018 = $FFFFB008

    $FFFFEE24 = $FFFFEE24


    $FFFFF602 = $FFFFF602

    PlaySound = Play_Sound_2

    Primary_Collision = $FFFFF7B4

    Secondary_Collision = $FFFFF7B8

    Collision_addr = $FFFFF796

    Chain_Bonus_counter = $FFFFF7D0

    Camera_Min_Y_pos = $FFFFEE18

    Camera_Min_X_pos = $FFFFEE14

    Camera_Max_X_pos = $FFFFEE16

    Debug_mode_flag = $FFFFFFDA

    Ctrl_1_Press = $FFFFF605

    Debug_placement_mode = $FFFFFE08

    Control_Locked = $FFFFF7CA

    Camera_Max_Y_pos_now = $FFFFEE1A


    Update_HUD_lives = $FFFFFE1C

    Update_HUD_rings = $FFFFFE1D

    Life_count = $FFFFFE12

    Time_Over_flag = $FFFFFE1A

    Update_HUD_timer = $FFFFFE1E

    Update_HUD_timer_2P = $FFFFFEC7

    Ring_count = $FFFFFE20

    Extra_life_flags = $FFFFFE1B

    Level_Inactive_flag = $FFFFFE02

    RandomNumber = Random_Number

    Emerald_count = $FFFFFFB1

    $FFFFFFB0 = $FFFFFFB0 ; used as Got_Emerald in s2, but in S3K, it is used to check the super emeralds

    MainCharacter = $FFFFB000

    Object_RAM = $FFFFB000

    Sidekick = $FFFFB04A

    Water_flag = $FFFFF730

    Super_Sonic_flag = $FFFFFE19

    Ring_spill_anim_counter = $FFFFFEB6

    Extra_life_flags = $FFFFFE1B

    Saved_layer = $FFFFFE3A

    Saved_art_tile = $FFFFFE38

    Saved_x_pos = $FFFFFE2E

    Saved_y_pos = $FFFFFE30

    $FFFFF7C7 = $FFFFF7C8

    $FFFFF768 = $FFFFF768

    $FFFFF76A = $FFFFF76A

    obj_control = $FFFFF7C6

    Super_Sonic_frame_count = $FFFFF670

    $FFFFCBC0 = $FFFFCBC0 ; used in S3K for hyper form after-images

    MoveX = $FFFFB018

    MoveY = $FFFFB01A

    MainCharacter+x_pos = $FFFFB010

    MainCharacter+y_pos = $FFFFB014

    Sidekick+x_pos = $FFFFB05A

    Sidekick+y_pos = $FFFFB05E


    PauseGame = Paused_Debug_Controls

    Sonic_LevelBound = Player_Check_Screen_Boundaries

    AnglePos = Call_Player_AnglePos

    CalcSine = GetSine

    CalcAngle = GetArcTan

    Sonic_DoLevelCollision = sub_11EEC

    ObjectMove = MoveSprite_TestGravity2 or MoveSprite2

    SingleObjLoad = Create_New_Sprite3

    AnimateSprite = Animate_Sprite

    DisplaySprite = Draw_Sprite

    sonic_jumpheight = sub_118BC

    Sonic_ChgJumpDir = sub_1164E

    Obj01_UpdateSpeedOnGround = loc_112FC

    Sonic_Lookup = loc_112B0

    Sonic_Duck = loc_11276

    Obj01_MdJump = Sonic_Spin_Freespace

    Obj01_MdRoll = Sonic_Spin_Path

    Sonic_Roll = Player_Spin

    Sonic_Jump = sub_117DA

    Player_OnFloor = loc_1C95A or Tails_DoLevelCollision when Tails

    Sonic_CheckGoSuper = loc_119D2

    Sonic_ResetOnFloor = Player_TouchFloor

    Not 100% sure on some notes, 4 seems to be both Sonic_deceleration AND render_flags, but that may just be me overlooking shit.

    click this link for information on this: link

    Enjoy, and help out if you can. :)

    EDIT: I am aware of the Sound issues, and the fact that building with SNASM68k screws with the character art.

    If anyone knows how to fix these problems, please post the information.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  2. shadowbeasts

    shadowbeasts I'm Legend Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    Good 'ol USA.
    I've been trying to do the same thing in a way so This Topic I created should help. It's got everything thats in Sonic 3 that can't be accessed normally but is in the game and can probably be accessed in S3 through ASM. So I help with your research.
  3. SonicVaan

    SonicVaan I'm a cyberpunk with a taste for guns Member

    Sep 12, 2008
    Germany, Cologne
    Ok so I built the disassembly. But if I play the game, there's no sound after SEGA screen and Sonic looks messed up in the game.
  4. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I have the Sound Problems as well. :p It's like "SEEEGAAAA...*chrash-sound*" and no sound. Sonic is not looking messed up for me, but a game without sound is useless.
  5. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Snasm or asm8k?

    Also, I am aware of the sound issue..although, unsure on how to fix it.
  6. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Well, I used ASM68k to build. I guess SNASM68k is shit to build this. But I don't know why thi is happening. Maybe the file is too large... I dunno.
  7. Alriightyman

    Alriightyman I'm back! Member

    Oct 3, 2007
    That's because you are reading it wrong. 4 (or $04) is render flags. What you are thinking of is something that is put into register (a4) at the begining of Obj_Sonic's code, this:

    move.w #$80,4(a4)

    If you scroll up to the beginning of Obj_Sonic, you will see this:

    lea ($FFFFF760).w,a4

    Now when you move an address into a register, like (a4), putting a number in front of it like 4 adds 4 to the current address. So that above line of code,

    move.w #$80,4(a4)

    is actually the same as writing
    		move.w	#$80,($FFFFF764).w

    Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm sick and can't think like normal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2009
  8. snkenjoi

    snkenjoi Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 6, 2008

    Stealth knows
  9. SonicVaan

    SonicVaan I'm a cyberpunk with a taste for guns Member

    Sep 12, 2008
    Germany, Cologne
    Okay I've made that, but now I've got a 1KB build. ;)
  10. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Snkenjoi, thanks for that link. ;)

    I'll have to try that out when I get home tomorrow. (I'm at my GF's, using a Wii for the internet.)
  11. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Yes, he really knows. I fixed it (replacing hundreds of $FF with a simple cnop ;)).

    Source Code aviable here (including ASM68k, corrupted SNASM68k, ROMPAD, INCLUDE and 2 custom build.bat files): LINK

    Complete Credits to Stealth (except for uploading the Source Code)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2009
  12. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007

    That guide was seriously unrequired you know.
  13. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I know, but it wouldn't make any differences, when I haven't added it. But actually you're right. Guide removed (download the File ;)).
  14. SonicVaan

    SonicVaan I'm a cyberpunk with a taste for guns Member

    Sep 12, 2008
    Germany, Cologne
    Okay, I made it. But now anything sounds crappy. My proof is on the attachment.S3K_SNAS.rar

    Attached Files:

  15. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I really don't know your problem. Maybe there is something wrong with your SNASM68K.EXE... As for the sprites, I had the same problem with Hitaxas build.bat. Use mine and everything should work. ;)
  16. Hitaxas

    Hitaxas Retro 80's themed Paladins Twich streamer Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    I'm not too sure what it is either, but using asm68k.exe works for me with no problems. Once I get home, I'll be uploading a small hack of S&K I put together.

    Thanks for the interest in this topic. ;)
  17. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Can anybody tell me what to do to get Sonic 3 & Knuckles? I don't get what in the begining stands and this doesn't help as well... hope someone can say it a bit proper. :)
  18. egdelous2

    egdelous2 Newcomer Member

    Nov 3, 2010
    Selbi, the link is down, can you upload the link again please?
  19. Hanoch

    Hanoch Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 3, 2008

    That's what Private Messages are for.
  20. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    I deleted it a long time ago. I made my own buildtools a few months ago, but I highly recommend snkenjoi's. they are a million times better (and for some reason don't glitch up the sound even with MusicPadding being normal).

    But Hanoch is right, a one and a half years bump doesn't really push yourself into the right light.
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