Sonic The Hedgehog 1995 Demo 2 (Now without stolen content)

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by DarkexMW, Jun 9, 2021.


Remove homing attack or make it optional?

Poll closed Jun 10, 2021.
  1. Remove

    6 vote(s)
  2. Make it optional.

    6 vote(s)
  1. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    Yes... DarkexSS here again (yes,i need change my name to DarkexSS), now i wanna present the second demo to this hack, now without stolen content, this version includes new level desing for some zones and better sprites (and new music for some levels)... dont be rude im new in the sonic hacking, i learned, not stolen content in my hack (a member of my team puts the stuff in the hack without tell me who are the sources.).
    Credits here
    Chron d and Dewar: Make SMPS (and Jubbalub for make the title screen and level select smps)
    edit: Some music made by:LordXernom and Mr Cat 19
    TheDarkParadox,Sonic pro1 and me for sprite edit
    TheDarkParadox and me (My level design is trash XD) for level design
    Me, dewar and paradox for put stuff like spindash,peelout,extended camera,megapcm for github and more
    The Sonic sprites are maked by Kris
    vgm2smps made by Ivan_Yo
    Special thanks for SSRG and Sonic Retro tutorials
    (This is a DEMO, the only levels ''Complete'' are emerald coast act 1 2 3, castle ruins act 1, casino escape act 1, starlight act 1 and galactic colony,in a new update i need put new art, dont worry this is a prototype, not the complete hack, if you want leave your suggestions, in a new update i wanna put a options menu for enable/disable Homing attack and extended camera, this dont have the quality of the complete hack.)
    1-in the start of the special stage a some corrupted graphics appears a few second and then disappears. Edit 29/9/2021:Well, i can reveal some details about final release.
    1-Homing attack gonna be removed (parcially)
    2-The final release is being launched in late 2022
    3-The ost gonna be better with the time, with remixed themes from sonic spinball and more.
    4-New hud based in Sonic Mania.
    5-Better level design
    Thats all, see you with the final release in 2022!
    You probably never see a Demo 3, I prefer launch a better final release than one more demo.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  2. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    I will play later, but if you say "I'm bad with level design", that sounds like "I haven't effort to learn". I think if you want to launch a demo, you must wait, and don't rush to launch another demo, the people want to see your progress, but if the hack still contains bugs, I suggest to fix then, and work deeply.
    Despite you learned about "don't use stolen content", that sound good and positive, so please, stay calm and the next time, think about your level design and that, you can send me a DM on Discord or here if you want help.
    Good luck in the future, my friend ☺.
  3. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    Upon playing this hack, I see a lot has improved. Let me start with the positives comparing to your first demo.

    • For one, you finally fixed your DACs and Sonic doesn't use PCMs when doing the peelout
    • The title screen isn't stolen and looks so much better
    • The music has been updated with a lot sounding great (I like $01, $06, $0C and $16)
    • And that means the spindash art is updated although I don't really mind not having the dust
    • The palettes, while not perfect, look decent in most areas
    • I do like the art on the signpost, looks cute whilst being limited due to palette limitations
    • Sonic's art looks a lot better and the CD walking style is a nice touch

    And now, here are the issues I've seen:

    First, I'll get the obvious out, the level design isn't that great. Firstly, you still stuck breakable walls and a loop next to each other in Emerald Coast Act 1. Then within the same zone, you get springed into a badnik which is a dick move, to be honest. Not to mention, there are two loops next to each other which looks awful, IMO. Act 2 starts you with a spike in front of you which can lead into instant deaths first try. And also, that level is a mess with the zone having cheap deaths such as a wrecking ball in the middle of nowhere and pits into deaths. Act 3 doesn't give you time to breathe as there is a motobug and a buzz bomber killing you from spawn point. Also, with the spike logs, there shouldn't be choppers there as it makes it hard to go through without getting hit. Not to mention, I can see Eggman monitors, which is another dick move as you can homing attack into them which was I said a while ago, is a useless addition to Sonic 1 alongside the peelout and possibly the spindash. Also:

    This is just awful level design, even for a first zone which is meant to be easy and a fun start to a zone. Not to mention a sheer abundance of cut chunks. Castle Ruins is also full of horrible object placement and dick moves, so I won't digress but all you need to know is it doesn't play well to a casual player. Casino Escape has so many death pits and unfair object placements and it forces you to use the homing attack, again, doesn't fit 2D games well. The only level I liked was Speed Light as there were not a lot of dick moves. For Galactic Colony, I can see another dick move, a spike pit before for final bosses causing cheap deaths.

    Regarding the music, sound ID $02 uses a song from Mr Cat 16 day challenge. Why didn't you credit MrCat or his composers for it? And also, you didn't credit LordXernom for $09 as I know this is his composition. Also, why is the extended camera there? It jerks with your eyes by shifting it backwards and makes the game annoying, especially with how speed obsessed this game is. And changing the direction of the bosses wrecking ball doesn't make it new, it makes it slightly harder comparing to stock Sonic 1.

    Overall, this still needs a lot of work, especially level design. There are some noteworthy tutorials I'll be happy to provide to make sure everything plays seamlessly. And also, take my advice, please don't rush out the next release if you don't want a lot of us repeating the same issues, take a lot of time and patience for the next release. Just because you quickly made another demo doesn't mean our heads will turn quickly; that's not how the world works. Right now, you've added the necessary bits to gameplay, now comes the meat (level design).
  4. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    Yes... ecz needs be remaked... next demo in... never
    With im bad with lvl design im ''joking'', my level design is better than the first demo in my yt channel (a trash),yes, the hack is still a 5/10, but im learning lvl design (a bit slow,i dont have too much time) and sprite edit, in the next time speedlight was complete with castle ruins (or no, the hack release date is December 2021, i only release one demo more and a few prototypes in discord for beta testing)
    About extended camera i think make a options menu to enable or disable that, if i cant make it i only make 2 roms with extended camera and without extended camera... the level design needs change in some zones except speedlight (My best lvl design, im make levels with a friend but i make without help that act)
    About the sound... i use that music selection why i cant convert big VGM's (65kb to up=no sound)... i think was the problem is the converter (VGM2SMPS).
    This demo was maked not for atention, more for remove stolen content and improve some stuff.
    And yes... i give credits now for mrcat19 and LordXernom

    Edit 19-09-2021:The Demo 3 never coming, no more demos, I only wanna make the final release for (i think) December 2022.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  5. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Please, fix your grammar, and about music I can help to you, level design is easy to build, I'm free in these days, DM is available if you want to talk with me. You need a big help generally. Vgm2smps is good, but you need learn make music with other tools, MID2SMPS, hex etc. Hence you must try to explore more with this, you not hesitate to ask help if you want tips. You need to remove those spikes with spring in GHZ, a demo must have a decent level design and a right objects positions.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
  6. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    Sorry for my grammar, im speak spanish and english but i have a errors in english, and yes, later i need try to fix level design (My friend paradox make lvl design in CEZ act 1 and Castle ruins)
    In a hours i send you a dm
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  7. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    Relax, I also speak Spanish too, you will get better with English language, I'll wait your DM, good luck and keep it up.
  8. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    The '' Start a Conversation '' option dont appears in your profile :/ i try with another profile and in his profile appears the '' Start a Conversation '' option
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
    Deactivated Account likes this.
  9. Deactivated Account

    Deactivated Account Well-Known Member Exiled

    Aug 26, 2016
    I sent a DM here, check your inbox option please.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021