Sonic the Hedgehog Hacking Contest 2017

Discussion in 'Discussion & Q&A' started by Ayla, Dec 16, 2016.

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  1. Unlimited Trees

    Unlimited Trees Banned for being a fucking cockwomble Exiled

    Apr 2, 2016
    A tree field in the middle of nowhere
    I'm pretty sure it was just a small mistake they forgot to fix. They made these images during the results show, and they may have misunderstood or something.

    What I find to be stupid is that they still haven't fixed it after a few days of the contest being over (they originally posted the results on Twitter, so why they didn't fix it for the video is beyond me). Oh well.

    Edit: Also why did it take you this long to notice that lol.
  2. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    I already explained that: "If you would ask, why I didn't check Tails Channel's results month ago, it's because I didn't watched Tails Channel, because of the lack of Matt's voice."
  3. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    To be fair any errors made were clarified in the video description.

    As for TailsChannel himself not appearing (or having any real involvement during the Contest Week), that was something a lot of people weren't happy about as he did zero promotion of the contest despite promoting other fan works (college and other stuff got in the way unfortunately...he did explain his circumstances to staff after the Contest Week ended) and if he gets any time, he will be doing a video on this year's Hacking Contest...but don't be disappointed if that doesn't happen.

    There were other people who were either invited or involved with the Contest Week Media Panel that didn't show up or fulfil their's something we'll be improving upon for 2017 as we have quite a lot of suggestions for people to bring on board. We need people fully involved with the Media Panel process.....even if 2016 was rather disappointing compared to previous years there's no excuse to half-ass roles and responsibilities.

    We want TailsChannel personally involved with the 2017 Contest and we'll be talking to him about stuff that he may want to get involved with. At least he did get the Sonic News Channel involved to cover the contest in his absense, they did a really good job.
    LordXernom, redhotsonic and FireRat like this.
  4. DanielHall

    DanielHall Well-Known Member Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    North Wales
    Hey. Just posting to let you all know that I am a part of the judging panel for the upcoming Hacking Contest. Hopefully we'll be seeing some amazing entries in the contest and the expo; Let's make this an anniversary to remember!
  5. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007

    As part of the 2016 Evaluation Form we asked people for suggestions for the following:
    • People that could be considered for the 2017 Media Panel.
    • Websites that could be approached for promoting the Hacking Contest.

    Rather than close off the suggestions from them, we're opening the suggestion box back up again. If you have anything you would like to recommend, please do so. If you have already suggested them in the 2016 Evaluation Form, we've already got them and are looking into them with announcements to follow over the next few months regarding who we are lining up this year's Media Panel with.

    If you didn't get a chance to fill out the Evaluation Form, this is your shot at suggesting things. If you filled out the form last year but have new suggestions, feel free to put them in this time. After all, we have overlooked many talented people in the past simply for not knowing about them! This is an event for the community by the community, and we really do mean that.

    We will take a look at all suggestions and those that are found suitable will be contacted however we cannot guarantee that all contacted people will be available to take part, so don't be disappointed if they don't make the final list. We can't force people to take part, if they have something else going on or they aren't responding to our invitation, then they won't be around this year.

    You may notice that we are asking whether or not your suggestions that you give are English-language users. We are asking this as we are trying to broaden our availability to as many people as possible by having Hacking Contest coverage in as many languages as possible, as not everyone speaks that one language. After all, there are hacking communities out there that use Russian and other languages that aren't in English. We should be welcoming them to the event rather than leaving them in the dark.

    You are welcome to let your suggestions be known that we are looking, but please don't harass them over and over with YouTube comments, tweets etc demanding they should be a part of the contest, otherwise they'll definitely be doing something else during that week! At the end of the day, we will get who we can get, and we will make a great event out of it!
  6. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    Well, if you'll need Italian translations of something, just let me know. It would be kinda neat to have the instructions written in 5 languages or so, like old videogame manuals, I'm sure you can get some people who speak Spanish, French, you mentioned Russian, maybe Japanese too. I'm not familiar with what the Media Panel does, but having a Japanese channel on NicoNico (along with the regular ones on Youtube, of course) would help you reach out Japanese people. Now, I know I didn't fill the form, but hey, I figured I could just drop this here.
  7. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    If you need someone to speak French, i'm here!
    I'm THE french guy of SSRG. :)
  8. EMK-20218

    EMK-20218 The Fuss Maker Exiled

    Aug 8, 2008
    Jardim Capelinha, São Paulo
    What about a translation to the portuguese from Brazil, huh?
  9. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Is Polish language translation possible? I know this language can be hard, but we have a lot of people from Polish Sonic Wikia that can visit that site and in best case can be part of it, so I think it would be good idea, because we would receive more people with major knowledge about Sonic and constructive criticism would be bigger and better.
  10. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    Well, Painto and Drx are Polish iirc, so yeah, if either of them is up for the task, I can't see why not.
    LordXernom likes this.
  11. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Wait, Drx is Polish?! So how he obtained prototypes? :O Back to topic, multi-language for SHC website is a great idea!
    FireRat likes this.
  12. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    Russian please. :3
  13. Burst

    Burst Always here, always watching. Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    Sol Dimension
    An German version would be nice. There are some germans like @SonicVaan , @Selbi and myself (maybe more).
  14. Spanner

    Spanner The Tool Member

    Aug 9, 2007
    People seem to be getting confused over the languages question. It was more to do with getting Sonic sites that aren't part of the SHC getting involved with the contest.

    But at the same time there seems to be demand for getting those languages on the SHC site itself. If that happens it'll probably be some automatic Google translation thing going on, but we'll see. If there's people out there who actually want to properly translate a whole load of pages, it could be done.
  15. pixelcat

    pixelcat The Holy Cat Jr. Member

    May 31, 2014
    I'm not a programmer or an HTML guy, but I think I can help with the russian translation, providing text for you guys to copy and paste. :)
  16. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    I think that having a few people appointed as "official translators" would also help during the events, to translate questions and comments from and to other languages in real time, or something like that. Sure you can rely on Google Translate for that, but it would look unprofessional.

    I've been totally uninterested in the hacking contest in the past few years because it was organised in a cold and closed way, but this time I really want to be optimistic about it. You say you want to involve the community, well, it looks like the community wants to be involved too, the ball is in your field, it's your move now.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
    FireRat, SaunicBoom, pixelcat and 4 others like this.
  17. Trinitronity

    Trinitronity Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 12, 2016
    I could help out with the german translations, if you guys don't mind.
  18. Ayla

    Ayla Sonic Hacking Contest Founder & Commentator Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Portland, OR
    I'm very excited to see such a strong, positive response to mirroring the contest in other languages!! At first, we were talking about simply having Russian involvement because of the large size of the Russian hacking scene. Having translations of the contest for other languages was a long term desire of mine, but I was concerned there wouldn't be the response required to do so.

    I was apparently wrong.

    The original SSRG had translations into two or three other languages. It's a feature that has been long missing from our community and its endeavours for a long time. It is my utmost desire to include everyone globally -- not just those who happen to speak or learn enough English to get by.

    Spanner and I will need to discuss things further to determine how we will organise multiple translations under the current staff structure. I appreciate everyone that has volunteered their services so far, and you are all under consideration. I would love for this anniversary to be the first globally-minded contest, and it is already going to be the first contest covered in Russian as well as English.

    Before we can work on this, however, we need to finish with our current project. What is that? I'm glad you asked!

    We're trying to fill out our media panel and website suggestions for next year! We've gotten very little response to this second form so far, and it has honestly created a delay in our ability to secure sponsors, youtubers, and other media that people would actually be interested in seeing. This is a different form than last time, and people that filled out our last survey are welcome to fill out this one as well!!
    pixelcat likes this.
  19. KingofHarts

    KingofHarts Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Thank you!!!!! I'm thrilled to hear that quality control and screening will ACTUALLY be happening this year. Count me among those who have been clamoring for this for quite literally years. I'm legit hyped for the contest this year. Moreso than I have been for a LOOOOOOOOONG time.
  20. Trinitronity

    Trinitronity Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 12, 2016
    So wait, how can we suggest multiple people? Because now, I kinda want to suggest not only cobanermani456, but additionally also someone else (though I have absolutely no idea how one could contact the second guy, since his youtube channel doesn't even have a discussion page for some reasons, though maybe it could be possible to contact him through SomecallmeJohnny, since they pretty much know each other very well and ever collaborated together a few times).
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