Sonic Thrash

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by amphobius, Aug 18, 2009.

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  1. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom

    o hai guyz

    (this is handled by a macro, thanks to Selbi for helping me round this shit)


    Frozen Circuit, revealed!

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2010
  2. MegaGWolf

    MegaGWolf Unofficial Official Hack Showcaser Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Well hot damn! :)

    Imma get to play me some Hacks soon I hope! ;)

    A single picture doesn't give much as a revealing I guess but if you're like SEGA then I guess it is (lol 3 second Sonic 4 footage :))

    Looks cool though from what I can see :)
  3. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Methinks I'll be slightly generous.

    Have fun, small beta.

    This has all the public beta stuff activated i.e. Level Select code must be entered, Splash Screen etc, but hey, I want to give a small taste.

    It's in a very, and I mean very incomplete state. But that's what happens when you lose interest in making a radically new zone. ;) I should probably get back onto working with Frozen Circuit, I mean, I want to draw some slopes with that. Should be a piece of cake, really.

    And yes, I know CPZ1's starting position is fucked up. I have no idea how I keep doing that, seriously XD

    Level Select Cheat: 81, 85, 87, 8F
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2010
  4. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I guess I'll be the first to post about this then. I was looking forward to scowering the levels, but I couldn't access the levelselect. Are you sure the cheat is right? I tried it like 5 times. So I started playing as usual, ghz layouts were ok. I went to the next level(after cpz), and I was quite happy with the art I saw, only to be disapointed that it was incomplete 0_0. So I can't really say anything, because I can't get to the other levels.
  5. MrSpade

    MrSpade It's meant to be Mr_Spad3 but y'know... Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    The UK
    Actually, the level select code is slightly different to what daleksam said.

    01, 05, 07, 0F

    Anyway, I really love the music choices and the new level artwork.

    My only annoyance at the moment, Is that Sonic's Spin sprite seems to big for sonic.
  6. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Bear in mind what I said was quite literal, Hank nailed it right on the head. :blink:

    Also the jumping sprite is final--it's not being changed.
  7. MrSpade

    MrSpade It's meant to be Mr_Spad3 but y'know... Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    The UK
    Damm, that's a quick reply.

    Ahh well, I guess I'm gonna have to get used to it then.
  8. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I think the only one who likes that big spin sprite is daleksam :blink:
  9. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    Good to know I'm not the only one with that opinion. =P
  10. c1owd

    c1owd Previously 'CarrascoZX0' Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Ah well, too bad. I have to agree with the others. The spin dash and the jump sprites is "pretty" big. =P

    It's like a Sonic on steroids. =P

    Serious though, I mean everything what Animemaster is what I would say too. And this "little" beta is a bit to "little". With not enough things for people to say: "Motherfucker!!! This is going to be the coolest shit I've ever seen!!! I can't wait for the next release!!!" =P

    I mean all you really showed us is basically another one of those pallete and layout hacks. Because we only see a different colored EHZ with layout changes, new characters... and a level with pretty cool art. But you can't even play it. =/

    Next time, if you release another one of those "little" betas. Make sure you show a bit more. So we don't get a bad feeling about your hack.

    Also! Your music is pretty good! But, naturally mine is better. <3

    The same goes with Street Fighter! :blink:
  11. Irixion

    Irixion Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 11, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Where to start.... I haven't even gotten through the first act...and umm...Not meaning to sound rude or anything

    However, there are several major flaws. Knuckles cannot glide after he lands on an object from a glide and tries jumping off again. There are ...wayyy too many broken chunks, stray objects, (like near the beginning of EHZ1, what's with the 3 springs? You do know there's the invisible solid object for that? Not to mention that that in itself is a broken chunk), Improperly placed objects (such as the S pathways). And I don't think a pokemon battle theme fits for Robotnik haha. Some of the tracks are clearly 'converted' from MIDI to SMPS and don't sound very...MD..ish.

    Though this hack a lot of potential, I'd like to see where this goes. (I did just start from a checkpoint, hear a spring sound, and have it freeze on me in EHZ1)
  12. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    I said it's final. And there's no convincing me otherwise. :p

    I'm sorry--making a level entirely scratch is painfully slow. Sorry to see you want me to rush, though!

    Okay, let's see--EHZ is made from a chunk & object clearout, and bearing in mind that it took a good few hours making that, I'd like a little more positives. On the subject of art--look at what I've said above.

    I emphasised little. Sorry to see you want me to add over 9000 features--which actually isn't the point of the hack.

    Large and horrible ego is horrible.

    Next off, more negatives, woo!

    Play more plz

    As it stands, Knuckles is very buggy, and a lot of touchups need made. Secondly, with the "stray objects", I was using a temporary solution. To go with the invisible solid object--I couldn't find one in the list. And besides, how exactly does one know how large the area it takes is? Broken chunks--the original Sonic 2 had their fair share of them but even still, it's difficult finding a good chunk to place there. I also am using path swappers. I do know how to use them properly. :|

    To end, how can you say what fits and what doesn't, music wise? I've found several people who find that the battle theme fits, and despite many songs being broken because I've replaced a good few samples with Orchestra Hit stuff, I've fixed important songs.

    I don't even know what to respond to this. Oerg's shut his trap about the fact that I use the same distortion sound yet I haven't seen anything good come from you. SOTI's improved a lot, as have I, but from Revamped all I heard was a lackluster import of the Sonic 06 theme and that one Sonic Battle song that wasn't that good either. And no, don't go into the whole "I haven't shown anything recently so you can't make desicions", back it up. :| Also, it's XM to SMPS. Get it right.

    Alas, I know about the EHZ1 freeze thing, it may be the fact that I've aligned Sonic's tiles to another area as they are getting glitched, however this can be remedied by playing as a single player and not Sonic & Tails.

    Well, that was certainly more negative than what I expected, but even then, I get something good out of it.
  13. Irixion

    Irixion Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 11, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Excuse me? You're comparing my incomplete and canned release to your public beta? Get this through your thick head: S2R was rushed. What I released was never MEANT to be a beta. It was canned it and I released what I had. So don't you go fucking bullshitting on how S2R 's music was below par--Most of the tracks in it for testing for your information.

    It does look too big, and it looks like shit because of that. Now if you want to keep it looking like shit, fine.

    This has broken tiles everywhere. That's not 'I can't find any'--That's 'I'm too lazy'. Send me a level layout snapshot and I'll circle every broken tile, count them, and then show you an existing replacement tile already in the map if you want.

    As for the solid object--CNZ uses like 60 of them, so again, you're being lazy.

    There's not a single proper playable level with any level of obvious bug testing in this.

    A little word of advice--before you release a beta, bug test it yourself. To me it looks like you just slopped EHZ together, said OK, and released it with no bug testing what-so-ever. I don't see why you would release something as broken as this. If something's broken and you want to show off what's not, then just release it separately.

    That is what I did for S2R just so you know. Most of it was removed. Because it didn't work. Half the levels in early art and design stages were removed from both released betas (well, it was never in one, but about 3 stages were never shown in either).

    Also, touch-ups? This is one of the worst 'public betas' of any S2 hack that I've ever played. It doesn't even look like you put any effort into fixing bugs.

    Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know getting MIDIs from vgmusic, plugging them into modplug or another converter, then adding voices was CONSIDERED a conversion. I created and converted the MIDIS. MYSELF. A quick outline for the tracks that were eventually going to replace them.

    So, fuck you.

    Edit: Typo
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2010
  14. Animemaster

    Animemaster Lets get to work! Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    Come on guys, you got to chill out and your going slightly off topic. *Runs from heated argument* Daleksam your hack is not terrible, far from it. I think its the case of what I did when I gave you my private beta of sonic revelations. It was a big mistake becasue it wasn't in a good enough position. Take your time, fix those bugs and just finish anything you need to so when we play it, it will be something worth playing. :lol:
  15. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2010
  16. MarkeyJester

    MarkeyJester ♡ ! Member

    Jun 27, 2009
    So, I downloaded the hack, and I played it. I went to the soundtest and played a few tracks, then I did what you suggested (level select code). Next I went to the level select and played each level one by one, then again with another character. Then afterwards I looked back on this thread and looked upon other's replies.

    While it's not nessesarily like me to get involved with arguments I think that you are being out of order Dalek (as too a degree irix too), but I think that irix has the hi-ground here if anything.

    You release a hack on the forums to get opinions, that's what forums are for, "Opinions and thoughts", yet when someone gives their honest opinions (and even a few who are being friendly), you seem to get argumentitive and stuborn about your choices which leaves posting the beta hack on the forums.. almost pointless. If you don't like the opinions and thoughts about your hack from other members, then it's safe to say that posting it (while incomplete) is not the best of ideas.

    Now I'm going to give MY opinion, and I'm going to be honest about it, I'm going to tell you what I do like about it, and what I don't like about it. I will then suggest some ways to improve on it (Ideas and hints), and what ever points you do not like, before replying, remember that "you" decided to post it incomplete with the full knowledge that my opinions may be hard for you to conceive.

    Right then, SEGA, more or less the same except the mappings for sonic seem fucked, I have however seen this happen on a few other hacks before (Why nobody bothers to fix this is beyond me) but I'll over look it as it's a common issue. The splash screens while nice to have and they look pretty decent, my only problem with splash screens is it's often annoying to have to go through all of then (even when pressing Start to skip) but meh, I've seen and played worse.

    The sountest music, what I hear is some music from the original sonic 2 (I know why), one or two tracks I recall hearing in Sonic Boom (By "saega" lead by iojnekns and snkenjoi), some tracks using voices from Sonic Boom tracks, and some tracks using the standard voices we usually hear in music ports of today. although some of the music it's self is new to me, the way they sound on the megadrive isn't, and I'll agree with irix when he says it's doesn't sound MD'ish, because it just doesn't. but they did generally sound ok for a hack so i'll give props to you there.

    The gameplay, anyone will tell you that gameplay is the most important above all things, and they're right, it is the most important thing. your layouts and objects fit nicely in areas, but in some, they do not, and actually it seems in some areas we end up asking our selves questions, lemmy give an example:


    "what the hell? did you not see that as an issue? it looks odd and isn't fun to meet with either" ..Questions like that, and issues which seem obvious and are the simplest to fix, but otherwise it was ok.

    The art, anyone who knows me well enough will know that I expect the art to be at it's highest level, in my eyes there's NO excuse, don't take my opinions on art too much to heart, it's just the way I am, so anyways, NOT pleased about EHZ being the same, I'd like to see this changed, I don't give a shit how hard you think it is, I still expect a change, the other levels though, I noticed some designs where changed, but not only changed, they look actually very impressive and pleasing to the eye, so I'll say no more on the art.

    The characters, having played sonic, and tails they're moves seem more or less the same which is fine, no probs there, but knux seems to be buggy in a few areas (Obviously judging by your replied to irix you are aware of this, so I'll leave it out). design wise which fits into the art catagory and like I said before, I tend to be strict with this, I think the design for sonic was nice and fits (No issues of the like), but I personally don't like it, it looks odd and alien to me, the jumping/rolling sprites above all things are the most oddest rolling sprites I've seen to date, but regardless at least your sprites are unique, so ok, fair enough, continue as you plead.

    There's not much I can say as it's well.. like everyone else said, too incomplete to give much of a thought on, all I can say is, the hack is "OK", not terrible, but not great either, I think maybe you should look at everyone's opinions and take them into high consideration if you want the hack to be public friendly.

    And that's MY opinion about your hack, if you did not like my opinion, then as you well know, you shouldn't have posted it incomplete expected everyone to say nice things about it regardless.
  17. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Well, Markey, I find that EHZ is hard to work with however it was a learning experience for me. 128x128 chunks are difficult to adjust to after being used to Sonic 1 for so long, however given the decision made I'll change EHZ into something else. This isn't to say, however, that I haven't noticed the problems with the planes. Spikes are odd to use in this level as the grass is on the low plane and most objects are on the high plane. The spikes you see in the ground there are an example of this, and yes, I'm fully aware. The garbled wall is what I was doing an experiment for--mappings are made however it doesn't load what I'm wanting it to load. It is the unused breakable wall that SOTI told me about however I pretty much couldn't get my head around the art. Perhaps I'll get around to it soon.

    And now, the music. I guess you can blame roxahris for this--me and SOTI share the same voice pack and in that voice pack is one distortion instrument from Dangerous Seed. I like the sound of it however SOTI does as well and it's used far too often in our imports. This is probably the reason why you're saying they don't sound MD-ish. However, I'm usually lazy and don't edit the song afterwards, except for modulation. For me, they just sound different to what you're used to, and to take an example (Say, my M. Bison import, found at B8 iirc) uses voices ripped from SF2CE. However it sounds a little different as the tempo is slower and more out of tune when it gets to the bells.

    One thing I'm concerned about is the opinion of the roll sprite. I would change it, however, given the fact that I found the original roll sprites in the games too small, I opted for the larger sprites instead. That, and the fact that the sprite sheet I used didn't have a smaller roll sprite. This means I can't change it, not that I won't change it.

    Lastly I'll say that I wasn't expecting negative results from a few members, so I wasn't prepared to see the differing opinions. What Irixion said, however, was on a different level of lows and I had to counter it. When it's given constructively, as seen in your post, it gives more insight in what needs to be done rather than "Baww this sucks".

    Meh, guess I'll get to work on fixing up shit, then.
  18. Selbi

    Selbi The Euphonic Mess Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Northern Germany
    RotSprite would be a solution, as it doesn't just rotate sprites without anit-alaising, but also can resize them pretty well. I have no idea if they look ok afterwards though.
  19. Irixion

    Irixion Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 11, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    And I did give constructive critisism--until you lashed out saying that I can't say things because S2R was horrible. I'm like, no really? Difference there is, It wasn't a beta. Whatever I had I released. So quit bitching, and I'll stop too. plz k thx

    As for the sprite, you could also, you know, redraw it. If you can't redraw it, maybe ask someone who's good at that stuff?

    As Markey mentioned with the spike bits--how could you not see that? In one screenie there's a floating monitor. I'd rather have someone ask others how to fix these issues than release a broken beta like this. So to me that looked like you didn't bother testing it. Aside the issues, EHZ has some good areas, but with all these bugs, it's not really that enjoyable to play.


    Bottom line, some areas are good, because of the bugs it makes it not good. This has potential, but I personally find that it's not bug less enough to be a public beta. That's all I was saying.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2010
  20. amphobius

    amphobius spreader of the pink text Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Apologies, you know what it's like, teenagers don't exactly act normal, with hormones and shit.

    Anyway, I'll get to work with stuff after school, adressing planes etc.
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