I'm sure we all remember this Zone. It's that one zone! All joking aside, I was wondering if anyone would like to team with me for Zone and/or Act design. Music, artwork, or even just a layout; if you want to volunteer, just do! Don't worry if you're "good or bad," I like all inputs. I would like to make a community hack, with working titles: - "Sonic and the Space Gems" - "Hedgehog VS Hedgewolf" (?) - "Flame of Stars" - "Just some hack!" (Lol, JK) Even just a little contribution would be really helpful, if you wish to be in it. I will be taking note of who posts on here, I'm gonna edit the Credits at the end of the game to credit everyone who helps!
Um, the hack hasn't even been made and your already judging a book by it's cover? Anyway, I'd be willing to help with (very basic) music (because MIDI porting is fun).
I understand the situation that this is still a WIP, and can I always change my mind. But now, it just doesn't come over to me. Everyone has their own opinion. And if this getting some potential, than I have made a stupid mistake. But I have made the same mistake when it comes to having many ideas for a hack and then doing nothing. But now I realized that, if you have no problems with the limitations and learned the basics of hacking, you can pretty much do things to get better. And wow... I've completely changed my mind now. Because it's all about that! Sorry for the inconvenience... (Yes I did that transmission of changing my mind)
For those of you who haven't seen, I've got updates here, and I plan to update it again today. (It's been at least a week or two.) I hope to see you there!
I don't know how this got back out of the "trash, " (I thought I saw it in there..) but please trash this post. Two hack pages, (one for the original, that I think should be fused with my main one, Escapade,) is more than enough.