Calvin in Sonic 1 ( - and maybe more, later!)

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by Niko, May 16, 2015.

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  1. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    So, I've taken a few weeks to make sprites and a new extend in the animations. (Currently two: Falling Sonic CD style after a spring is used, and two frames to duck, Sonic 2 style.)

    I know it's not much, but what do you think?

    Is it good, bad, half-and-half?

    Videos I've uploaded (of this hack), newest to oldest:

    ​I mean, sure it's good enough?
    But, with my music hacking, too..

    Should I keep working on this to make one big hack..?

    Calvin in S1_002.png

    Calvin in S1_003.png

    Calvin in S1_004.png

    Calvin in S1_005.png

    Calvin in S1_006.png

    Calvin in S1_007.png

    Calvin in S1_008.png

    Calvin in S1_009.png

    AURORA☆FIELDS so uh yes Exiled

    Oct 7, 2011
    Well, the character seems like one with some potential to be good, but you got to work on it and make something unique to it, at this stage its just a Sonic rip-off at best. At least it looks quite nice, that is practically the main thing what separates it from cheap Sonic re-colors we see from time to time here.

    And I wish I could give more positive feedback, but there is nothing more good to comment on. So the bad things? The music is quite bad. It just sounds dull and hurts my ears. The new palette seems to not be very fitting with itself and its surroundings. I get it that you try to make something 'cool', but its not 'cool' if it wont compliment or work with rest of the game. The new moves don't seem to have any 'pattern', and seem more like random additions. Its not the amount of the moves, but the type of the moves what count. Tails has flying, and Sonic 3 compliments this move by routes and secrets that are easiest to reach with Tails, Knuckles glides and has sections that would be hard or impossible to do without it. These two moves give huge variation to gameplay when used, and when the game compliments it, it makes a fun addition that seems like whole other experience, even if the core gameplay doesn't change much. If you want to make a successful fancharacter, at least try to put some effort towards making it unique, by looks and by gameplay variation.

    Also it seems that your videos does not play well on the forums, idk if the forums are to blame, or Youtube's 3D feature, which shouldn't even be applies to videos like this, or whatever, but you may want to look into it.
  3. Joshwoakes

    Joshwoakes Active Sonic Hacker Member

    Jun 22, 2013
    UK, Birmingham, Moseley
    like what Green snake said the character has a potential to be a good. i think you should carry on working on this hack as you could make it more then just a normal sonic\main character palette change to make it stand out and make it so the levels and art suites the character. 

    anyway. good work so far. I'm looking forward for future updates 
  4. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    ​Well, I just used a MIDI to SMPS tool, I don't know if it's just the tool, or the sound set in the tool that's making it dull.
    But, thank you for the feedback, good and bad. 
    I really enjoy knowing what I should work on.
    Any recommendations on what to use for MIDI porting?
    SOME just didn't cut it very well for me.
    Well, only once, shown here: 

    ​I can agree with you, I like what he says. Thank you too for the compliments. 
    If anyone would like to "donate" sprites for the multi-character engine I plan to add, please do.

    And, please tell me,  both (or all, if more), what you think of this "Cemetery Zone" soundtrack from my first total conversion project.
    -I might release it, here's what it looked like:-
    (Nope, can't find the ROM on my laptop. Gonna have to wait until I get back to my XP on Tuesday.) 

    Of course, MIDI-wise, prior to actual imports, I made these Sega MegaDrive style remixes:

    If ​you like my "Sonic 2 - How it Should Be," I have already set it up for s2mp3 tool!

    This one is just piano of the Sonic 2 Race Menu theme:

    Please, I would love more feedback! 
  5. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014

    I'll look into that 3D garbage soon enough, I wish it would apply with the 3DS YouTube application.

    And, I added the Wall Jump for areas like SBZ's "Oh, I gotta wait for the platform to show up" thing, so I can make more of a Wall-jumping hack later if it goes well.
    Seems to have.

    The jump dash would be for large pits that would, on the other side, have elusive areas just for jump-dashers (or Knuckles, who I don't plan on having).

    And, PeelOut, yeah, that's probably random.
    Just as random as it was in Sonic Boom, the hack that had like a billion added moves.
    But, that was my inspiration for PeelOut.
    That's why I used the run animation, rather than adding more sprites.
    (Also, because I think the sprites I had were only 50% ready, and already looked funny to me..)
  6. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    I'm gonna give you some honest feedback, so don't be offended; it's constructive, and should be used to improve. Right now your hack, is just a purple Sonic with a jumpdash (and some other things that would be hard to find in a playthrough). The music is okay, but the character is yet another "Sonic is *insert color here*". Not that that can't work out (See Pana der Hejhog and Sonic 2 Recreation), it's not a route I'd recommend for a beginner. That type of fan character has gotten a bad rap, as a huge portion of people try it and fail. A really fun way to get around that would be to make a unique character entirely, using a different animal as a basis. This requires a lot of time and effort spriting, but time and effort is whats makes great things great.

    As for the music, it's okay. I do like the title screen theme. SBZ sounds like it has no music (it is really, really quiet, and dwarfed by the SFX). The Knuckles Chaotix theme for the first video is actually great to listen to, despite the slightly slowed down tempo; the only problem is that it doesn't fit GHZ at all. The ending theme is just a badly ported version of the original theme; trust me, your better off keeping the original. and finally, the Cemetary/Marble Zone remix needs a different instrument for its' louder main instrument; it's "wavy" feel screws up the whole song, but besides that, the theme has potential.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2015
  7. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    Alright, this test was a little sarcastic at the start (Sanic Teem, lol?)

    But, could someone help me with finding/producing chunks for CPZ in Sonic 1?

    I got it to work, other than collision and viewing the tiles properly!

    (I also plan on using the CPZ tiles on SLZ in a custom Zone.
       CBZ, no, I'm not giving away the name yet, other than that!)



  8. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    If you're not using the Sonic 128 disassembly, that's nearly impossible to do. The chunks in Sonic 2 (and S3K) are much smaller then the ones from S1, so you'd essentially have to make your own chunks and layout from scratch. MainMemorys LevelConvertor can help with that; just get the SonLVL updater, and check the box to download LevelConvertor. It will spit out a folder with all the necessary files; just rename to the appropriate names in the disassembly and put them where they belong. It will do it's best to work out the chunks, too, but again, I warn you that that doesn't work out very well.
  9. Niko

    Niko All's well that ends well, right? Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    ​Sonic 128 engine, from Sonic Retro?
    I was hoping I could port them into the normal engine, but nevermind then.
    I see what you mean about Cemetry Zone being all wavy!

    SBZ was just a test on a TFK song that didn't get through the converter very well. (The melody was wiped.)

    But, I'm glad you like the Chaotix Walkin' theme!
    I think I'll keep that one, then; thank you!

    EDIT: I did use SonLVL to get the chunks before, but that one only made the title card all yellow and crash before loading the level.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2015
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