Hello, guys! I want to present you the new version of Sonic 2 Archives hack! Were add a lot of new stuff, like enemies, wood zone, music, and a bit more! We came by way of Kawari-No; making every act of zone diferent to make gameplay more interesting. I hope you will enjoy the thing we made) Credits of our team you can find in game, but here is extra: New Tails' art by me and Toxic Foxtrot. Original Wood zone theme by Hez and his' composer, Sean Evans. Converted to genesis by vertz. Thanks to KatKuriN for for inspiring me
Ok, everybody We need some help with level art and level design If you want to help us- dm me or write here
Well, some news! Team Conquest (some people from there is working on this hack) and Technical Team (Sonic 2 Extension) have been collaborated to work on this hack with ultimate power! Here is some W.I.P. screenshots that shows Cyber City, Hidden Palace, and new Winter zone based on concept arts!
Dude, I just have no words how cool this is! You and the teams are achieving a very awesome result. This art is just wow, and the code is a dump of the head! I wish you all the best in developing this masterpiece!
Good news, everyone! Spoiler: img We will be at SHC! You will see new content, new secrets, new cool stuff! I hope to see you all there. I hope you will like it
I was not expecting this after coming back to SSRG, but damn, this is amazing! You and your team are doing great on this!
Hi everybody! Today is.. Monday. And SHC 2023 starts!!! We are there with v0,8 and I really hope you'll enjoy it! https://shc.zone/entries/contest2023/801
Ok, pals This game does contains secret zones First two is Rock World (winter) and Genocide city. They are blocked, and you can access them with par codes using Third it's REAL HIDDEN PALACE You'll go there after collecting all 7 emeralds. After zone - you'll get super form
Well Tails got a lot of criticism during all this time, so I want to ask: Which Tails should be used? Early brown Tails, Early Tails, but adapted to orange colours, or the final release version of Tails? Triple post btw, lmao
Well... it was interesting experience We did not pursue the goal of getting any prize, but rather to declare ourselves to the world (funny enough that on shc server I was banned after this words), and there were pretty a lot of reviews. It was different, from "OMG best thing in my life" to "authors are morrons, hack is crap, fans of it are crap eaters". Pretty lolz. Also our composer left project recently. We had some creative differences with him, so, he is no longer with us. Also, it means that vacancy is currently open, so, if you'll want.. you know. Also it was a 31 year of S2 last week. Happy bday, I guess. Also we are reimagening some zones, I hope we'll have something to show you later in December, when it will be one year for project. (CNZ currently is in prototype source code, so hud and Tails is different)
Not sure if it's possible or not, but a cool feature to have would be the option to switch between the beta S2 sprites and the S1 sprites, as they were shown in some mockups. I don't doubt it's possible technically, but it may be outside the scope of the project.
This project definitely could use some work, but I think it's actually a really cool idea. I like the concept of an alternative Sonic 2 which draws and expands upon concepts that were present during the game's original development process. Nice work so far, I hope to see more of this in the future.