SuperSayian Zrise's Hacks

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by SuperSayian Zrise, Aug 13, 2021.

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  1. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Oh hey, look. Another hack I made! I was bored and I made this for fun.
    Sonic 1.23
    In Sonic 1.23 you play though modified levels and all zones only have there act 1's modified. (which is intended) Also, I recommend you use level select because the zone order was not modified.
    GREEN HILL ZONE: I know what you are saying. Why are they all caps? Its because that's the way it looks in game.
    ZONE 1:
    This has modifications like it trying to be harder and 1 Sonic CD like section.
    ZONE 2:
    Here you will face an easy way to get to the end. And don't you dare be brave enough to go at the beginning of marble with those 3 Ring monitors. I promise you will regret everything.
    ZONE 3:
    If you could not tell by the pink colors this is clearly supposed to be like a bonus level and oh man does the level show. Now, this was the last level to be finished and it really shows I was the most lazy-est with this one.
    ZONE 4:
    Welp, here we are. On the level that few like. Well, there isn't much here. Mostly just a Sonic CD like section at the beginning a 1-up monitor added in with a few ring monitors.
    STAR LIGHT: rip 1991-2021
    ZONE 5:
    r.i.p Those one gray things. (for act 1) This is supposed to be like a Stardust Speedway Zone 3 like level. Where you get to the goal. But, you are racing no one and this was my favorite one in development.
    eggman's base:
    SCRAP BRAIN: Added a giant ring at the end changed level design and stuff.
    ENDING: I changed the level layout a bit and also the palette. that's it.
    Now, the screenshot up there is for the ending. And one more thing is I didn't take screenshots of anything else.
    Rom name: s1built
    hack name: Sonic 1.23
    Plus I did not edit final zone

    Attached Files:

  2. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    Holy text size Batman!
    I've not tried it yet, but it might be wise to learn how to adjust the level order to cut out the acts you didn't change. It might flow better as a project if you do that, and you won't have to advise people to use the level select.
  3. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I do know just didn't wanna bother with hex
  4. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    C'mon, give it a shot! There are tutorials for this as well in case you get confused. It's weird at first, but once you understand how the ordering works, it's quite straightforward and logical. Also, there are disassemblies nowadays that don't even require hex editing to edit level order.
    ProjectFM and SuperSayian Zrise like this.
  5. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I use old Hivebrain 2005 (AS) disassembly so.... And its so wacky to. I tried pretty recently and put the 4th act of ghz first. Then that's it I think but when I go to ghz 2 it loops forever and doesn't appear in normal gameplay one more thing is that after I complete it. It loops again plus it seems like I did something wrong. One more thing (FOR REAL) ghz act 3 also didn't appear.
  6. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA

    Well, this exists:

    Although it isn't very complicated to do without the tool. Just takes some trial and error to get accustomed to how it's formatted. I would elaborate, but I'm on mobile, and I would just be repeating what someone else wrote here anyway.
  7. nineko

    nineko I am the Holy Cat Member

    Mar 24, 2008
  8. ExtremeBehavior

    ExtremeBehavior Indefinitely inactive Member

    Jul 8, 2021
    Well, another lazy-made mediocre Sonic 1 ROM hack I've played recently.

    And here's my commentary on your hack, so beware of the low-quality photos. Here:

    I checked it out and no second and third act were edited.

    Green Hill Zone act 1 seems to be okay, but there's only one problem.


    A spring on the rock. That's how to die if you didn't do anything to stop before you enter the tunnel (especially if you spinning).

    And the near end of the act is kept intact unchanged, not a big surprise. And also, the palette change on GHZ shown in your picture on your hack thread is only applies on the ending, not the actual zone.


    And also, next time you should check your English grammar. "marble" it should be CAPITALIZED.


    You also give a shortcut on MZ1 too? I also did it on my hack too!


    It's just not only the first act, but I also give a shortcut on the third act too! Also, I recommended you should check out my recent Sonic hack first! It should be refer to here


    But I don't give a yellow spring which means that shortcut was hard to reach without holding the jump button while broke the Shield monitor... Damnit!!


    "At the first act of Spring Yard Zone, Sonic falls from the sky and he saws two tunnels and two monitors as shown on this photo. And then he choose the right and jumps..."


    "And then he jumps into two red springs. Left tunnel have nothing happened." Then it's story-telling time's over. I'm one of the worst story-teller ever in this world.


    And there's the red spring. And if Sonic touches it and spins to broke an badnik...


    Then rolls into the tunnel of doom. It's another doom spring again.


    That place is really tricky for some Sonic players who's inexperienced without pushing the jump button and jumps into the right place of the bumper block. Or it'll almost kept bounce back into the spike ball and Sonic gets tortured until he dies (and lost a life).


    That place was tricky. If you reach that place without having enough higher speed, you couldn't reach the Signpost, no matter how you try. And also, you couldn't go back, and you'll need the red spring to reach it or else a Time Out will help you get out of your misery.

    This is also can be compared to Barrel of Doom in Sonic 3.

    And Labyrinth Zone is just palette changed with minor changes on the first act. It should be fit for the Final Zone act 3.

    And for Star Light Zone, it's just palette edit again, but act 1 was lazily edited to be just having Sonic jump over spikes and springs, nothing else, just almost empty.

    (I didn't realize that you're making that act to be similar to Sonic CD's Stardust Speedway act 3)


    Again. And again. Another doom spring.


    It's the similar Spring of Doom from your GHZ1 again.

    And you also have put your entire hack disassembly folder onto the ZIP folder, thus giving me almost an (failed) opportunity to edit (but only just help you to fix it. Don't worry, if I succeed I'll credit your name) But it seems that you uses SonLVL... Next time you should avoid this mistake from happened, and your entire hack disassembly folder is only available for used for teamwork if you want to bring a friend around to help and give him/her the folder privately only.

    Sadly, I have to say you have put a lots of efforts than another earlier hack which the hack creator (Regal102) is similar to you but still lazy. (You should make friends with him) I hope you improve and got better next time.

    And also, since Razor & Zenon weren't playing your hack yet, so I've already made my gameplay video first before they did.

    And also, I'm gonna take indefinite hiatus for personal reasons, and that post should be my last post probably. Good bye, and also, have a good day.
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  9. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Those springs in SLZ, SYZ, and GHZ. Are not doom springs they're more based on timing. Like how in Green Hill you have to do something. In Spring Yard you have to jump. And Star Light Zone you have to just hold right while in mid-air or whatever. Also, I should have mentioned that its not really gonna be good or whatever. And one more thing is that I just share source code. I don't do teamwork. (I did once but on another website plus it was just transfer-ing the game to a VC wii wad.) I do plan to watch the video and play regal's hack. :)
  10. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    nineko and SuperSayian Zrise like this.
  11. ExtremeBehavior

    ExtremeBehavior Indefinitely inactive Member

    Jul 8, 2021
    So that being means...


    Only if just rolling and then this happened as shown on the GIF photo above? Darn.

    And also, if you want to share source code, then you can do that but please make sure that anyone can willing to help you to fix it on your README file on the hack folder.

    Just like another Sonic 1 hack.
    I saw the same (in which the hack creator can allow anyone to download the source code for them to edit it just have them to help out) happened in a page for a Sonic 1 hack on Sonic Retro.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  12. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Anyone can modify it or whatever. And what you said there just slightly confusing and I don't really get all that much of what you are trying to say.
  13. ExtremeBehavior

    ExtremeBehavior Indefinitely inactive Member

    Jul 8, 2021
    Well, I changed my mind and allow me to have you read this below again.

    But not before I honestly tell you one thing:

    If anyone can modify it, but why I couldn't? I've try SonLVL and it was also good, but after I completed my touches on your hack and build the ROM hack it is just the same ROM hack as yours, intact unedited.

    And that's about it. Oh, and anyways, read this below:

    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  14. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    it should work. That's quite strange. What did you edit anyway?
    Edit: Yes I have already read that below.
  15. giovanni.gen

    giovanni.gen It's still Joe-vanni, not Geo-vanni. Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Was it really necessary to quote my own words, which I posted in a completely different thread by the way, here? Please do not do that, that just confuses people. Plus I'm sure SuperSayian Zrise can definitely read those words in the thread they were posted in. Which they did, because they replied to my post before you could even post yours. Which should further prove the pointlessness of you quoting my post.
  16. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Heres a hack I made and it simply fixes the level order of my hack called Sonic The Hedgehog x10... (I'm working on other hacks to. This one is finished though.)
    Also, sorry because I added source code.
    EDIT: It was made for the birthday of my hack.

    Attached Files:

  17. DarkexNaru115

    DarkexNaru115 Active Member Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Kino Der Toten
    3 bad points
    1-Palletes are horrible for ghz, SOOO green.
    2-Some objects are badly positioned, why this rock is flying?
    and this monitor strung on the floor?
    3-Level design are bad, a lot of cutted chunks like this
    3 good points
    Well i dont have anything.
    Yes, is a rushed rebuild and recolor hack.
    Dont worry, for the next hack you can make something new and better.
  18. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    First of all, this hack is finished and I'm not working on it. After I released the first original version, I did not plan to ever work on updates to it. So I'm only making other editions of the hack. Which are not updates to the hack at all. And second, it was made in ESEII and I have better hacks coming up anyway plus a sequel to it.
    Its the first one apart of the series. So yeah there's a whole series and I'm working on the sequel named Sonic The Hedgehog x2.0. Which is also made in ESEII. I don't always use asm for hacking. Mostly because I never usually code. Yeah but that's only sometimes.
  19. Angel X

    Angel X Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Why do you use an old editor?
    There are better alternatives,I personally use SonLVL:
    I also noticed that you are using an old disassembly, I recommend that you check the most updated ones from here:
    I don't want you to take this post as an attack on you, but using new tools can help you to have fewer problems!!
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  20. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    Ok, sense you asked here are the stuff I edit usually:
    1. Level design
    2. Palettes
    3. Object placement
    Yes I know SonLVL doesn't require asm. But I meant the split files and sometimes you just wanna go old school.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
    Angel X likes this.
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