SuperSayian Zrise's Hacks

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by SuperSayian Zrise, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. Angel X

    Angel X Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    But SonLVL does not require you to use asm.
    What do you usually edit?
    SuperSayian Zrise likes this.
  2. TheInvisibleSun

    TheInvisibleSun Visible Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    Western New York, USA
    If you want to go old school, I've heard hex editing is a good time
  3. Angel X

    Angel X Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    For these things it could be fine.
    I have to admit that using the old ways has its own charm.

    In any case I suggest you try to work with the editor and the dissasembly I gave you, you might like it;)
    DarkexMW and SuperSayian Zrise like this.
  4. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I'm back with another project and its made with ReadySonic.
    Sonic The Hedgehog Project 50 is a little hack I'm working on and made it because why not?
    There are 3 levels finished and those are: Goldshine Hill Zone Act 1 & 2 plus Marble Zone Act 1

    Screenshot (175).png Screenshot (176).png Screenshot (177).png
    Anyways one more thing I'm gonna say before you download. GHZ act 1 layout and object placement is taken from another hack I'm working on and the object placement is modified a bit from the original source hack. One extra thing. The palette and everything else is original same for the other levels plus Sonic's palette.

    Attached Files:

    Angel X and TheIvanCut like this.
  5. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    Again, another bad palletes and poor designed hack... Why you release multiple poor hacks and not a (more developed) big one?
    Edit:I see a lot of cutted chunks
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
  6. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I am making more bigger ones like Sonic 1 World. (Which is renamed. But I'm not releasing the name until the full hack release.) And other big ones. But can you actually see I don't have a team. And why people think my palettes suck? They are not all bad which is the truth.

    Goldshine Hill Zone's palette is actually good or are people just haters and love hyper basic palettes that are the default. And you could just use another palette and make a Green Hill Zone good future palette. And how is it poor? There are hacks ten times worse than this and those will be considered better. I see some hate floating in you're post.
  7. DeltaW

    DeltaW The noob next door Member

    Aug 7, 2019
    Do you want to know why people say these sorts of things?

    Well, ever since you joined the community, you've been pushing your ego way too far by posting the same hacks with the same palette and level design structure. Since May, you've sent at least 20 hacks with the same criticism from a lot of us in the community. You've also outright ignored our advice and kept repeating the same cycle by sending ROM hacks and hearing the same reviews.

    But do you want to know how to gain positive traction with your hacks?

    Don't post anything here for at least a few months until you read guides and put a lot of effort in. Read back your message histories and see the advice we gave you as a community that you didn't take into account. I know it's hard for you since you like this site a lot but you need to understand, a lot of us don't fancy the hacks you've presented us. Think about how we feel and how you can redeem yourself.
  8. DarkexMW

    DarkexMW werhog Member

    Mar 26, 2021
    Metarex's Base
    Is better post 1 or 2 good hacks than 20 or 30 bad hacks, quality is better than quantity... Btw the pallete of ghz is "good" (why the grass is yellow) but the pallete of mz... Bad, so Mz is impossible because in one part with a spring you cant make a wall jump... So thats bad.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2021
    Angel X and SuperSayian Zrise like this.
  9. Angel X

    Angel X Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Personally I agree too, I also like the name:)

    But there are problems with this hack,
    in the first zone there are too many holes everywhere, so you could put a rock that stops Sonic so that the player can notice the obstacle.
    Speaking of mz ,there are two colors that prevail, blue and purple which are too light and mismatched.
    There is a part that looks like there is a huge hole, but can actually walk over it.
    You would have done better to put a platform to fill it.

    Finally, let's talk about the part of the wall.
    in this part you should get the Power Sneakers, so that Sonic can jump between the two walls.
    But if the player doesn't understand how to move forward, they get stuck there until time runs out.
    There could be two types of solutions:
    1-Create an alternative route;
    2-Put the walls closer together

    As others have told you, you should focus on creating a complete rom hack, with proper tools.
    To start you could get a cue from Sonic Hack - Sonic 2 Return to Westside Island:

    It doesn't add anything new, but it has an excellent level design and palletes.

    I think I've written too much:confused:
    But I think you have potential :D
  10. SuperSayian Zrise

    SuperSayian Zrise Well-Known Member Exiled

    May 10, 2021
    I thought one last hack before I quit won't hurt.
    its a proof of concept hack called Sonic - 2nd Dimension
    The goal is basically like an alternate dimension to Sonic 1
    And yes, the download contains the rom and a folder for sourcecode.

    Attached Files:

    Angel X likes this.