Untitled Sonic 1 Hack

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by jubbalub, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    After seeing the reactions Untitled Sonic 1 Hack got at SHC2015 (spoiler: they weren't very good) I took it upon myself to improve the hack as best I can. Hopefully it's actually fun this time around.

    • New level layouts, palettes, music, and art
    • Double jump by pressing A in the air
    • Jumpdash by pressing B/C in the air
    • Spindash, of course
    • Removed speed cap
    • New monitors
    • A few other miscellaneous edits
    The smell of fresh grass fills the air as Sonic speeds by in this bright and cheery landscape. Bounce on springs but not on spikes - ouch!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A swirling vortex fills the sky in this alien area, filled with some sort of... liquid. Whatever it is, it hurts!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Once a bustling city full of life, this grim area has been haunted by the spirits of the dead. Spooky!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    These ancient ruins have long been protected by the lingering chaos energy. The bricks seem to give off a prismatic shimmer, and the magical water prevents you from drowning. Your double jump will be of great use here!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Robotnik's base of operations. After his defeat in Scrap Brain, he took it upon himself to make his new hideout as cruel and soul-crushing as possible.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    mid2smps = ValleyBell
    SonLVL = MainMemory
    Spindash = Lightning, Puto, Kram1024, shobiz, and Mercury
    Different songs per act = nineko
    New layouts and art = myself
    Music = ValleyBell, Crash, EgorTF, Cinossu, A-S-H, Tweaker, Eduardo Knuckles, and myself
    Display "Press Start Button" text = Quickman
    Hidden points fix = 1337Rooster
    Removed spike bug = FraGag
    Improved fade in/out routines = MarkeyJester
    Removed speed cap = Tweaker and Puto
    Rev01 BGFX = jman2050
    Eggman monitor = nineko
    25 and 50 ring monitors = myself
    MegaPCM = vladikcomper
    Dynamic palettes = PsychoSk8r
    Air roll = Natsumi
    Jumpdash code which I based the new moves off of = Selbi
    Robo Reactor tiles = DerZocker
    Egg Engine tiles = Xtuart
    Anti-repro cart screen = hitaxas and Bakayote
    A bunch of other people I'm probably forgetting


    I await your feedback.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2016
  2. ArcaniaCQ

    ArcaniaCQ Well-Known Member Member

    Jul 18, 2015
    Had a go with this hack and it's not bad but It has it's issues. In act 2 of GHZ I died twice because of a eggman monitor. placed in a bad spot. And for MZ Act 2 had a plaze where you could not get hurt by lava. Other then that this hack was enjoyable.
  3. Narcologer

    Narcologer Hell angel Member

    May 2, 2015
    Good work, jubbalub! Your hack has good level layouts and nice palettes. I especially want to highlight new abilities: Double jump and Stomp are rather rare for first hacks. I'll look forward to future releases.
  4. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    I also prepare a "Sonic 1 remastered".

    I started the hack the day before yesterday and I am reassured that my Green Hill is totally superior to yours.

    However, good work, fun to play 10 minutes.
  5. TheFieldWarrior

    TheFieldWarrior Warrior of the Fields Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    United Kingdom
    I gave this hack a shot so here are some pros and cons about the hack


    1-The music choices are pretty good especially On the Grasstown for act 1 of Tropic Tideland

    2-Level layouts have a nice flow and fit well with Sonic 1

    3-Custom chunks, I especially love TTZ's custom chunks

    4-The Palettes are gorgeous, my favourite is Dream Drain act 1

    5-Nice usage of one of Sonic's unused sprites for the stomp attack

    6-I like the auto-roll mechanic


    1-You can't perform a roll while going left which is annoying

    2-Bottomless pits in Zone 1, even in the boss fight, not as bad as other hacks but still I prefer if they weren't there

    3-I got stuck in between a wall and a spring in Dream Drain act 2, it's the area where the spring is placed on top of a glass pillar, you might want to add a second spring in between that space

    4-The Double jump doesn't work very well, it has a similar issue to Ashruo the Badger's double jump where you barley gain height.

    5-Pressing B in the air doesn't do anything, unless you have plans for a Super Sonic I would suggest making B allow you to perform one of the existing moves or maybe add a jump dash

    6-The stomp attack doesn't destroy the MZ breakable blocks which I find weird, it's obviously to do with the animation not being checked to be able to break those blocks

    Overall a decent start, one more thing, Sonic's spin dash animation isn't present, the dust and sound effects are there but not the animation, is this a personal design choice or have you not added the S2 spin dash tiles yet? In any case good luck with the production of this hack.
    Painto and ArcaniaCQ like this.
  6. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    Very constructive... if all you've got to say is 'I can do better, but nice try', then it isn't worth saying.

    Even if you're going the braggier route, you could at least explain what your hack's done that this hasn't.
  7. Ashuro

    Ashuro Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    Okay sorry :p

    My opinion is:
    Another Sonic 1 hack with custom pallet, Level layout, title card editing...
    With custom skill seen and reviewed...
    Good hacks like Megamix or Quick Winter Adventure to name a few, long time we did not have real new good hacks...

    I give a 5/10 to this hack.
  8. LordXernom

    LordXernom Well-Known Member Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    To create hack like Megamix - you need a lot of time and help from other persons. Don't be harsh Ashuro. It's still better than most S1 layout/palette/ music ports/basic ASM hacks for me, because it has unique palettes, good art edit in MZ... Overall, I like it.
    AbyssalLeopard likes this.
  9. Painto

    Painto Arthurus Paintus Erinaceus Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Lublin, Poland
    Like most of posting here, I think that's a good hack. It surely is better than most of hacks doing something like "let's change anything with no sense and release it". I recorded a video right after downloading the ROM and I will use it for reference for this post.
    • The palettes are good. They don't rape my eyes and overall don't disturb me while playing. The only small thing I noticed is the rings color in Dream Drain 1, noticeable more when looking at the Special Stage ring.
    • The layouts are pretty okay - you know where you should go, I didn't noticed any bigger dick moves, so it's okay. However, as you can see on the vid, I got stuck in DDZ2 between a spring and a wall. You should fix that. I also would personally remove the holes in TTZ boss arena.
    • The music is good. I don't have any problems with it, but I'm not a musical person, so maybe others may notice something wrong with them. For me, it's okay.
    • I liked the new moves and how you used unused sprite for stomp. However, as you can see on the vid, you can't break monitors nor blocks with it. It's a matter of adding a sprite check in collision codes iirc. If I may suggest something, you should make it faster, as it's too slow imo.
    • From smaller problems, for some reason the Eggman monitor gave me maximum score after breaking it (it's around 8:10 on the vid). I also noticed that the DDZ boss flashing is broken (he stays white instead of returning to black).
    Overall, the hack is good. I'm waiting for next releases. Good job.
  10. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    I had a lot of fun with this, but there are some jarring issues which ended getting me a game over before finishing the first zone.

    • Before the point with the spikes and rising platforms is a checkpoint and a nice place to run. I blindly died here twice because I ran headlong into this section. Something to stop the player, like a rock or ground badnik might help.
    • The boss area suffers from the same issue; checkpoint, nice run way, deathpit. A rock would be an easy quick fix for this, just put it in front of the boss area.
    I like the musical choices and palettes, and it for the most part had great layouts. Also, what's the song from the first act from, it sounds so familier but I can't remember where it is from.
    AbyssalLeopard likes this.
  11. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Could you highlight where in particular? I only recall placing one eggman monitor there...

    Yeah, I noticed that too but I left it there because I didn't think it was that important. I'll try to fix it

    I made the double jump purposely not too strong because I didn't want anyone to really rely on it too much, it's mostly there just to gain a little extra distance out of your jump.

    That's a design choice, I don't really like the spindash animation myself so I changed it.

    The stomp move is likely just going to be removed - it was mostly just for testing, and I left it in because why not. I'll probably replace it with something else.
    The score underflow happened because I set the Eggman monitor to take away points, which you didn't have so it underflowed.

    Thanks for the feedback, guys, I'll be working on an update hopefully fixing a few things.
  12. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    • Moved around some of the Eggman monitors
    • Eggman monitor should no longer underflow the score
    • Added some stoppers before pits to give the player a chance to react
    • Removed the Stomp in favor of a jump dash, as it was buggy and kind of useless
    • New sprites for crouching, spring bouncing, and jump dash
    Note: Haven't fixed Sonic rolling to the left yet, I'll look into it ASAP.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
  13. AbyssalLeopard

    AbyssalLeopard Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2015
    Splendid stuff. If it weren't for how monochromatic Marble Zone looks (just a nitpick so that you improve, don't get me wrong, it's just so that you improve from now on) this would be almost perfect. For a beginner, at least, this is impressive. Oh, and you should learn to convert music, since people here have the bad habit of using the same ports over and over. Think about new tracks and import them (make sure they have never been heard before if you want originality, which gains points for some people here)

    This mini-review is shorter since I have found very little things wrong aside what I have mentioned. Good job, keep working on it, you have potential. Another thing, it'd be cool if you learnt ASM so that you could create new features, or make new levels with art skills or something.

    Keep it up man!
    FireRat likes this.
  14. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    • Work has been started on CCZ. Only act 1 is finished, and even then it's a little difficult considering the stubborn rolling bug.
    • Added SSRG screen
    • Changed the Invincibility music
    • Changed TTZ background mappings
    • New underground sections in TTZ 2 and 3
    • New HUD art
    • A few palette changes
    • A few miscellaneous layout edits
    edit: fixed dl link
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  15. ProjectFM

    ProjectFM Optimistic and self-dependent Member

    Oct 4, 2014
    Orono, Maine
    My thoughts:
    • Some of the title screen art overlaps the art for the background. You could try moving some tiles in 8x8ghz1.bin to 8x8ghz2.bin. You could also try making the title screen use it's own tiles, blocks, and chunks although it's a little hard to do but it also allows you to use a different background than in GHZ if you want.
    • The jump dash is very spam-able which removes some of the challenge in the levels. The fact that Sonic is vulnerable helps a little.
    • The level design overall isn't bad.
    • Sonic's new skidding art is cool.
    • The music is good.
    • I like the clouds in Tropical Tideland (GHZ).
    • The underground sections of Tropical Tideland are a nice addition and make the hack stand out among others.
    • I the HUD is really nice. As some else already said, you should make the parts that flash disappear instead of turn red.
    • The mountaintops in the background of Tropical Tideland need to be have their palette adjusted to match the rest of the background.
    • Dream Drain (MZ) Act 1 and 2 both have an annoying pit at the beginning that I can't jump out of when I fall into it.
    • Dream Drain Act 2 has a dull palette and it isn't pleasant to look at. It needs a better variety of colors. The lava should be orange/red in every act.
    • The tile edits in Dream Drain are pretty good in the foreground but the underground background is sort of repetitive.
    • What's the music from Cursed Casino Act 1 from? It sounds like it was ported from another Genesis game.
    • Edit: Sonic seems to have trouble rolling in Cursed Casino. If I'm in a half-pipe and Sonic spindashes and then starts running, he won't be able to roll until he stops and starts again. Also, one of the ledges has bad collision which allows Sonic to walk into the floor. A block there must have been top solid instead of all or l/r/b solid
    • Edit 2: I recommend that you keep the rings' color consistant in every level.
    Overall, this is a great hack.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
    AbyssalLeopard likes this.
  16. redhotsonic

    redhotsonic Also known as RHS Member

    Aug 10, 2007
  17. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Not at all, feel free!
  18. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    • Fixed rolling bug
    • Minor adjustments to palettes in TTZ and DDZ
    • Rings now have a fixed palette
    • Finished act 2 of CCZ
    • Fixed collision issues in CCZ (hopefully)
    • Replaced Newtrons in TTZ with Batbrains
    • Added some bridges to DDZ
    • Added 1st special stage
  19. AbyssalLeopard

    AbyssalLeopard Well-Known Member Member

    Sep 30, 2015
    I have played Cursed Casino so far, and my only complaint, well, not complain, I'd say nitpick... Perhaps you would need to add multiple pathways. Both acts feel a bit too linear to me, and a switch that doesn't look (aesthetically) well placed in CCZ2, the one placed in a slope. It doesn't look good.

    Besides that, not bad. I liked how you added loops there, and the music in act 2 is gooooooooood~

    Keep it up.
  20. jubbalub

    jubbalub Mania fanboy Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    • Updated the topic with new screenshots
    • Finished CCZ act 3
    • Finished RRZ act 1
    • Tropic Tideland has been changed to Shining Shore and has been given a facelift, with new palettes and layout changes
    • A few small palette and layout edits
    • Reverted back to the SEGA chant because I can't decide on what to use for it
    Note: spindashing and rolling will cause some sort of noise to play afterward, couldn't fix it for this release
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