Sonic: Nightmare World

Discussion in 'Showroom' started by SAGEMan20, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. SAGEMan20

    SAGEMan20 Newcomer Trialist

    Jan 22, 2021
    Sonic: Nightmare World is a hack that tries to recreate the unused concepts of Sonic the Hedgehog!

    NOTE: This is only the first release! You may find multiple bugs while playing!

    Known bugs:
    -Most graphics like explosions and animals in Labyrinth are broken (No known fix)
    Please tell me if you find any bugs!

    Speems - Some sprites
    SSRG - A few tutorials
    Sonic The dutch Hedgehog - Labyrinth tiles
    sanchiboy - Help with upcoming GHZ bg
    fnaf1763 - Upcoming GHZ Rock


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022
    Dark Shamil Khan and EddyTF like this.
  2. EddyTF

    EddyTF 단순 한 사람 Member

    Jan 9, 2022
    Ahh! How I love Beta 1990 style hacks. Your hack is not bad, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Try to bring it to the ideal
  3. SAGEMan20

    SAGEMan20 Newcomer Trialist

    Jan 22, 2021
    1.2 IS releasing soon, but note: this hack does not aim for accuracy. Expect lots of changes to come soon!
  4. SAGEMan20

    SAGEMan20 Newcomer Trialist

    Jan 22, 2021
    Man this thread really fell through the cracks...
  5. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 14, 2022
    Man, you want to leave project?
  6. SAGEMan20

    SAGEMan20 Newcomer Trialist

    Jan 22, 2021
    Uhh no
    Just saying since threads usually get a lot of comments
    Like I need new ideas for the hack
  7. Dark Shamil Khan

    Dark Shamil Khan TASer lol Member

    Nov 7, 2021
    Hello there SAGEMan20, I didn't had the time to play any hacks for the past few weeks, but now I have the time and yeah here's my short-long summary of this hack.
    The hack looks unpolished or unfinished. The hack has few pros but unfortunately more cons.
    The hack has nice palettes. I liked Star Land's Palette and Marble's Palette. I just liked them. The night palette in the Ending sequence was a nice touch. The level design of GHZ, LZ and SLZ was mid to okay at best. And yes I am adding that to the PROs section. I like Sonic's sprite as well although he looks like he's sad, because of his eyes.
    Oh my goodness the cons. Speaking of the level design[and object placement as well]. Marble's level design was a bit weak to just dead, how. The very first act of marble introduces to the 2 things, Yadrin and the Buzz Bomber. If you start off by just doing a jump, you'll be greeted by a Yadrin. And you have like half a second to react before getting hit. Secondly, some chunks don't even have collision; e.g some of the lava based chunks. They have like no collision at all. You might wanna check that in SonLVL or SonED2 by turning on collision in the view section.
    This mistake is done by many new hackers but you can fix this.
    Example 1.PNG
    The wrong wall shading object thing. There is a subtype that has the dark version as well. So yeah.

    A random object in marble 3.
    a random object here.PNG
    There are alot more in MZ like again this one.

    In LZ, the proto chunk somehow got the water cycle palette. If you know what I mean, it would cause a seizure because it looks like it.
    example 2.PNG

    Oh and the spike bug is the hack as well. WHY. I died idk how many times in MZ because of it. And don't anyone dare tell me, It'S nOT a BuG, It'S a FeATuRE joke in private lol.

    The hack is a meh. Although I would love to see some new updates and demos on it. The hack has potential. Anyhow a hint or idea I can say. Firstly, try making your own level design from scratch. Clear the old one and make a new one, you'll have a much better level design and you'll be creative on how you'd make your own level design. Secondly, fix these issues above. And yeah. Take care. I hope this finds you well. This post shouldn't make you let down all hopes but give you some hints on improving.
    Edit... I didn't saw the bugs section properly in the post. Sorry for that.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2022
  8. Nik Pi

    Nik Pi Well-Known Member Member

    Feb 14, 2022
    Oh.. it doesn't work that way)
    If you'll take a close look, you'll see, that a lot of threads get um.. not so much replies, as authors wants.. and it's normal. Maybe, you haven't managed to interest enough people.
    Sonic 1 Blastless, Hellfire saga, Sonic Oshima, Sonic 3c DELTA, Sonic 3K multilanguage, and Sonic 3K epilogue..
    All this hacks are interesting and not bad, but.. they doesn't get so much attention......
    You can try to show your work on Sonic Retro, maybe there your work will be more popular.
    Yup. I place my work among that hacks. What? I need a prrromotion!
    Rayon123 likes this.
  9. Rayon123

    Rayon123 Newcomer In Limbo

    Sep 26, 2021
    The hack is pretty good and has potential. I hope you do not abandon this project and someday the full version will be released. Good luck with development!
    Nik Pi likes this.